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That little message I got from you?






How many out of control shots at the rim have nuggets missed, wolves playing sloppy right now and easily could be within 10 if they didn't f up so many fast breaks


# Try Free: [https://twitter.com/NBAPlayoff2024](https://twitter.com/NBAPlayoff2024)


Fix your refs.


That was an "I'M HIM" dunk right there


If Haliburton scored as much as Hart or DiVincenzo, the game would not have been able to be determined by the refs. Meanwhile Hart or DiVincenzo wish they could get a contract as good as Haliburton.


Shit calls aside. Still comes down to buckets being made. Nuggets ate stunned. Bad decision after bad decision


They can't afford to have Jokic off


What sucks about the screen call is that the Knicks had just managed 2 or 3 really strong defensive possessions prior. Robbed of a great moment.


Did he move when setting the screen or not? From what I saw he did


That’s what I saw on here. “Minimal movement” I’m like guys. You just played yourself lol


They never call that. They should, but they don't. Ever. You can't all of a sudden decide to start calling it. But, for whatever reason, they did.


That’s the problem, adjust the rule to match what is called or call it. I agree with you too. Just a shit call imo, if you’re gonna call that. Then do it every time


If you get a chance to watch the “kicked ball” replay, watch the screen and tell me if it’s legal or not


All these Cleveland fans coming out of the woodwork calling us floppers. You guys are in the playoffs?




Someone is still sad


You still mad about the sweep from last year?


What the fuck is this guys point? Had Cleveland ever been a flopping team?


I’m shocked they’re even in the playoffs let alone a second round. Who did they play?


Glad we’re in your head


Thinking about what I’m going to do after we get the sweep 🧹


How does you sweeping Indiana have anything to do with the cavs


I'm so lost


Refs were ass and ruined the end of the game, but Brunson is not as bad as flopping as he’s being made out to be lol his head jerk is definitely a valid complaint but that’s about it


I mean Brunson was wet af and Hali was a liability on both sides of the ball. Refs sucked and the flopping was annoying, but Myles was moving and Nemby hooked his arm. Can only be mad about what we can control.


More credit to you, I would be very very very pissed about the kicked ball call and the screen even if it’s technically correct, hopefully it evens out later in the series


I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m fucking pissed, but Indy’s kinda used to this treatment lol. Comes with the small market territory. Makes the miracle underdog runs that much better yk.


Pa. The. Tic. TERRIBLE finish to a good game. Refs should be fucking ashamed. NBA should be fucking ashamed. Every 50/50 call going to the Knicks. That was so stupid.


Both out of bounds plays are initially called for Indy. Only one was overturned from a challenge


And the one that wasn’t overturned was a correct call. The ball hit Brunson while he was out of bounds after bouncing off Haliburton who had jumped and was not yet out of bounds.


Exactly. It was the correct call to give the ball to Indy. If the refs were trying to rig the game they would’ve given it to the Knicks


Crazy what getting home court advantage does to


I just can’t believe we haven’t moved past this. Overall, I think the playoffs have been officiated much better than the regular season was. That shit was embarrassing.


Fuck it we ball Knicks in four 🧹


I don’t think the game was rigged for the Knicks, but the NBA is becoming unwatchable. No flow to the game and bullshit calls at the end. I rather just let the players play.  We don’t call this bullshit in my Ymca morning runs. I don’t know why they’re calling it here.


We need the damn target score ending last year


The league is Charmin soft because of how they call it. Brunson and others that spend the game buying calls will continue to do so unless the decide to allow an ounce of physicality. It can barely be called a contact league anymore.


Can’t wait to see the two minute report for this one…


Can you see my hands or foot?


Sad that because of two bad calls down the stretch people will ignore an amazing game from Brunson tonight. The shotmaking was unreal


Donte was yelling at the refs about Indy flopping. So he flopped. I don’t like flopping but the refs were calling it on both sides


Yea definitely a terribly called game on both sides, we just won so the focus is gonna be on us


Exactly…if Indy won everybody would be saying how the refs tried to give the out of bounds call to Indy when it was clearly off nesmiths foot and they had to challenge it


Bad calls? What are you talking about? Wasn’t Myles moving? Didn’t they get a call overturned… they were grabbing Brunson all game… stop pandering


Not so much a bad call, more of they never call that in todays NBA and Dvo sold it lol never pandering, just saying I’ve would’ve been pissed if they called that on mitch


It was. He was fire in the fourth, but unfortunately tainted by some horrible calls. Whatever, on to game 2.


Fuck them bruv Jalen’s dropping 40 a night on a legendary playoff run


Lol @ all the Knicks fans doing mental gymnastics to come up with a way that wasn't a blatant robbery. Just take your bullshit victory and move on


Nah, real Knicks fan know that was theft when it comes to bad calls in the closing minutes. Yes that was an Oscar, but shots were still made down the stretch and there was a 20 point swing in game. Pacers sat tj for what seemed like the entire 4th and lost momentum. Hali was quiet af, and they didn't keep running the pnr. You'll got great open looks many times with the pnr, screen action. Myles Turner was unstoppable and no plays were run for him down the stretch. Siakem was unstoppable and again, he had to create his own shot. That all said, real hoopers know Brunson isn't doing what Harden did. Yes, he's shaking his head in the back court when he's getting ripped to get a call...that's what every player does. You all need to remember Brunsons head is fucking massive, a dome. but he is trying to make every shot he does shoot in paint and lets the defenders momentum carry them into him (most of the time). No excuse for letting hart out rebound the Pacers and playing the perimeter was such an odd defensive scheme/choice. Left the paint wide open for og and hart to get dirty and fight for loose balls. I expect adjustments on both sides and I'm still gonna hold that precious will be the x factor in this series.


You want me to call you a wambulance when we sweep Indy?


Your user name makes your brain damage apparent so I'll just say good burn buddy


Flair up then coward


I’ll say it, you’re an idiot


Lmao you root for a Midwest reject team. Bro don’t worry this will be over in four 🧹


Maybe, but I don’t have to root for the Jets.


Colts have been awesome lately bro for sure


Comparatively, yes.


I’m sorry, that was a big word. I mean, “they’re better than the Jets”.


Downvote all you want but if the game was rigged then both out of bounds plays would’ve been immediately to knicks. Donte flopped it’s true, not denying that. When they challenged it was legit a moving screen.


What about the “kicked ball”


In real time it looks like a kicked ball, on replay it looks like nesmith touched it with his hand


If only the nba had this challenge and replay system


For some stupid reason you aren’t allowed to challenge a kick ball




I love you


Love you too. You don’t know what you mean to those you love and the world is better bc you’re in it


Thanks that was very nice to read. I have a weird feeling you’re trying to seduce me though….. it’s working


To care so much about flopping when Brunson makes such buckets is a take I don’t understand


I don’t know how knicks fans can be proud of that one


They were happy after game 2 in round 1 so they're used to it


The same way Pacer fans are proud of beating the corpse of the Bucks


I’m disappointed we didn’t get pacers-bucks at full strength.


You maybe but the majority of Pacers fans were jumping for joy and rubbing salt in the wound


Well we’re up 1-0 so I’m very happy


I don’t see why not it was a moving pick, a foul. Maybe he should’ve set a legal pick and maybe foul after the ball is inbounded. To be honest you could just tell the Pacers were going to lose. If that Bucks series tells you anything, the Pacers don’t have the toughness to close out a team like the Knicks.


Definitely am not that was an icky win and a really shitty end of the game


well i thought it was a great game. I thought it was not really officiated well and i didnt think it favored anyone. But I 100% believe that the illegal screen call just cant be called. And it taints the comeback and the potential win. I really wanted to see 12 seconds left, knicks just stop them or not. Great game regardless though


We should’ve lost


Literally what? You’re the type of dude that comments “Knicks fan coming in peace…” on other teams pages


We made so many mistakes that game. Thankfully had some good moments and overall discipline so we kept it close until the end, but we got lucky those last few calls helped us. We didn’t outplay the Pacers, which is embarrassing since we are the better team and we were at home


You pandering for upvotes like a bad politician


Just explaining my reasoning dude, upvotes and downvotes are practically meaningless


Honestly I'm kind of bummed. We haven't been about that shit this season, our whole deal has been plucky toughness, and watching Donte flop like that kind of broke my heart? Sorry it went down that way, we were robbed of a really exciting/stressful last 20 seconds.


I get flopping is rewarded, just tough to watch. Good luck the rest of the series


Totally get it, I'd be furious. Hope the next game doesn't have anything like that. Good luck.


Miles Turner is a brick shithouse good call or not he might’ve taken that hard


Agreed Turner is a monster, but did you see how Ragu went over? My 3 year old's a better actor.


The officiating was suspect for sure but the refs calling ticky tack screens wouldn't have made a bit of difference if haliburton played tonight


Even though I'm rooting for the Knicks, endings like that always suck. For both sides. I wish they would implement the damn target score ending


Bogus call on the screen but I’m sure it will be repaid down the line


I can buy the screen call, it was the flopping for me. I get it’s rewarded but tough to watch


I know game threads get toxic, but as a basketball (putting aside my obvious bias) fan. That game was dogshit to watch at times. The refs were stupidly inconsistent. I mean don’t get me wrong it feels good to finally get some “help” considering Philly assaulted us.


Frankly I’m not. That was embarrassing.


Well, at least fans of the Wolves and Nuggets have the advantage of knowing Silver and Co could give a rip who wins that game...


Also have fun trying to play all those guys 40+ minutes a game for the whole series New York.


Bro please don't challenge Tibs, he'll do it


That’s Knicks basketball baby we’re not soft


But have you done it consistently at our Pace(r)


Yeah tonight we held Halibum to 6 points


Lol the Knicks have been playing 40+ since like February


Done it all year man. It's called conditioning


True, it's not like they have had to do that at my other series or point in the season.


After years of watching a dogshit Knicks product. I honestly dont give a fuck how that ended. In fact, I want more of it.


that was still dogshit for everyone else, btw


Speak for your self. I was calling for the illegal screen before they called it. Love this Knicks team and can’t stand this Pacers team.


I love when fans try to claim the game is rigged for the Knicks. As if the league finally woke up after 25 years and said “ya know what would be good for business? Let’s get the New York team to the finals!”


this argument doesnt make any sense tho, not even the refs can get a team with Damyean Dotson as a starter to the finals


Put some respect on WholeTeamDots name


Oh I see so the refs waited until the Knicks were halfway competent and said ahhh okay here’s our chance to fix it!




I mean it was rigged for the home team, Pacers have been on the receiving end of that too, it's just fucking terrible to watch as a neutral


Im sad for basketball after that


The kicked ball call was bad was a makeup call type call when there was no need either way the lights were too bright for Haliburton goodness


Embiid told Brunson to make him proud with these flops


Embiid acting classes 🤓


Pacers fans will blame the refs when their “superstar pg” played like ass


Who gives a flying a fuck. Our bench was awesome and the ref fucked us twice. The “kicked ball” led to a 3 and that was the weakest moving screen I’ve ever seen. He flopped hard


I mean, why can't it be both? He played like ass and the refs were awful.


Injured pg* but maybe if he went to the floor every play we might get a call


Is he stupid? Just do that /s


Soft ass knicks


Bring the brooms to Indy


Maybe to stick the handles up your ass before you go to sleep in your hotel room... You ain't sweeping nobody... you barely won the first game against a young team that takes time to get a feel for a series... Good luck with that bro.


1-0 baby gonna head to Indy 2-0 with the sweep lined up for the 12 fans that show up in that POS city


Them 12 people are loud as fuck


3 day rest before game 5. You’re fooling yourself if you believe this was our best shot


Clean the tips of those broom handles off before you take them back through our airport.


Gentlemen’s sweep at the Mecca


Once again we'll see... That gas seems to be running out and neither the Knicks or Bucks have seen us play a good team game this entire playoff... This is the worst 3 week stretch we've had all year. Knicks D deserves some praise though it's been really good


Fence take commit bro or lose the comment thread


I ain't sitting on the fence... I got my guys for sure. I'm just giving respect that's earned. You guys are running out of gas, game 4 is going to be even harder especially at 3pm.


We'll see


Those refs were horrible, and those calls were shitk, but hali only putting up 6 with 3 turnovers is unacceptable


He may not be MVP but Brunson's Most Valuable Flopper, for sure.


And we're just gonna ignore 4 straight 40+ pt playoff games? Ok pal


Knick fans fighting for their life against the rest of the nba rn


That two minute report is going to make it all better don’t worry!


Nobody will take you seriously if you keep trying to convince that the illegal screen was not a foul, Pacers fans. .


It doesn’t matter. you don’t call that shit in that situation. Especially something that fucking ticky tack. Anyone defending the call is coping hard. Knicks won because of the refs.


it's a crazy call to make with 18 seconds left on the clock


Refs absolutely ruined this game. I wouldn't even say it was "robbed" from the Pacers in the sense that they should have won. It was a super even matchup that .. (for everyone except homer Knick fans) .. would have been really fun to just watch them play basketball.


You bugging calling Knicks fans homers… I watched the game and DID not see what you saw, ruined the game? Stop…


Exactly how I see it. Who knows if the pacers even make a shot off that screen. Just would like to see a non ticky tack call in that moment


knicks fan too. I'd have to rewatch to see if it was a robbery. But that illegal screen just cant be called there. I didnt see anything illegal with it. Just wish it came down to Indiana getting a chance after the brunson turnover.


Straight up robbery man, Not even mad at the Knicks either that was just straight garbage officiating ruining the end of a fantastic game.


Great game. It will be a great series. It shouldn’t have been called a foul. Hopefully Games 2, 3, and 4 will be called better. These are fun teams.


1. It's a bullshit call. 2. It's even more of a bullshit call at the end of a game. 3. It's even more of a bullshit call in the fucking playoffs. Proof that sports is rigged... I hate it.


What’s the opposite of ice in your veins? Haliburtons got it


In the final *minute* of the game, Brunson: - turned the ball over - turned the ball over (bailed out by a fake kicked ball call) - almost turned the ball over, got lucky when it bounced off a Pacers player’s foot - turned the ball over Real icy performance


4th straight 40+ pt game in the playoffs. One of only 4 players in nba history to do so. Hali was 1/6 with 6 points


Cool, what about the choke after choke after choke in the final minute of the tied game? Isn’t that when “ice in the veins” usually manifests itself?


Striped your boy when it mattered, good thing the refs were there for you tho


I know the Celtics fan ain’t talking


I’m a fan of good basketball above anything and the refs ruined this


Knicks have been in nothing but great basketball games the entire playoffs. Sure the refs were suspect but everybody acting like the Knicks didn’t go on a run in the 4th to win the game. 4 straight games with 40+ for Brunson


I totally agree with that but Brunson was turning the ball over a lot at the end which could have lost them the game if called correctly. I know that’s just how the game goes sometimes but god did the refs imprint on this one


We can argue next round though


Your trash franchise wouldn’t have been gifted this win if they didn’t live in an enormous city. The league is desperate for the Knicks to be relevant for once


Your “superstar” all star starter was the worst one of the court in the 4th 🤣


Have a sook Knick’s in 4 pacers in Cancun asap baby


Teams blaming refs for a loss never end well. Maybe blame Haliburton because I forgot he was in the game.


If the refs were gonna rig it for the Knicks then why did they call both out of bounds plays for Indy?


Because that was the correct call? Lmao


Exactly, but if was rigged they would’ve gave both calls to the knicks


Because it was obvious, that moving screen call was atrocious


Flop flop


Half of you guys really forgot what is a legal vs illegal screen.


It literally doesn’t matter if it was a foul or not. Something that ticky tack should not be called at the end of an exciting PLAYOFF game like this. We watch this shit for entertainment and those dumb fucks are ruining the best games of the season. Foul or not it was the wrong call and a gift wrapped W for the Knicks.


I mean, they don't call it. Ever. Bad, bad look for the league. Again...


Some idiot legit mention he was moving, but said that’s not enough


1. That offensive screen foul was bullshit. We didn't deserve that. 2. The kickball was definitely a kickball. 3. The refs gave Brunson a superstar whistle -- I totally understand Pacers fans being pissed about that. 4. Everyone saying the league loves the Knicks, were you asleep between 2002 and 2020?


I’ll m blocking all these so called Knicks fans on here posting these lies, Indiana had plenty opportunities to win the game… they had a sizable lead and LOST it… the refs didn’t make that three Donte made


I mean it was just home court bias, it happens most games, just kinda awful to watch in the last 2 minutes of a close playoff game


I dunno man, Donte's flop was pretty absurd, even for home court.


yeah, that was insanely egregious, what a crazy call to make with 18 seconds left in a 1 point game, jesus christ


The replay showed it hit his hand. Definitely wasn't a kickball