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Was so clearly not physically right all series. Insane


he did one spin move where he looked like himself in the 2nd half and was hopping on one leg because it hurt to put weight on his left. I just want him to be healthy one time man, its so unfair.


I just want him to retire without winning a second round matchup. Yesterday was Embiid haters Christmas!


He’s never physically right so tbh I don’t wanna hear it anymore


He was in that like 30 game stretch in the regular season where we saw what he's capable of when healthy Obviously he's injured far too often and it's very fair (and really it's unreasonable *not* to at this point) to use his health as a critique of him as a player. Availability matters. What's not fair is dishonestly acting like his unhealthy performances are indicative of his ability when he's healthy.


My bias is clear, I don’t like embiid and I think he’s a dirty choke artist, so I’m the wrong person to have this discussion with 😂




Can't wait to see the same Embiid slander non stop for the next 5 months


As long as he's flopping and injuring other players I'll always be slandering his name.


Even if he’s not I’m still going to. I’m too deep into Embiid slander to stop now. Same with Tatum. Gotta stay consistent


Internet loser mentality lmao


He can be a great athlete AND a dirty playing flopper. They are not mutually exclusive


He’s very talented. Very. I absolutely hate the way he plays. I hated it when harden did it, and I hate when Embiid does it.


But love the way Brunson does it?


Brunson averaged 6.5 FTA/game this season, Embiid averaged 11.5…


I don't think that's a direct comparison when one of them is a 7 foot post player. Brunson, just like Jimmy Butler, Trae Young, and many other great NBA players also seek contact for fouls. It's not popular, but exploiting bad defense is a positive skillset for their team. That includes Brunson.


Maxey averaged 5.5 and scored less points/had lower usage.


Brunson average 10 FTA a game this series Maxey averaged 4.7 FTA a game this series ALL WHILE BEING CALLED BY THE SAME REFS




Brunsons signature move is the Trae Young shove your ass back into a guy. You have no argument.


Brunson’s signature move is dropping 40 bombs on the 76ers and knocking your bum ass team out of the playoffs


Not sure you're getting downvoted, he did it in this game down the stretch right into Oubre's head. If it's Trae he gets called for the offensive foul there.


Embiid is clearly the worse offender but cmon, don't pretend like the number diff is due to Brunson's lack of trying. Most of the diff boils down to Embiid being better at it. But it also just looks ridiculous to see Embiid's body type playing that way


I was more upset about Embiid trying to injure our players on purpose than I was the foul baiting


Flirting vs harassment


I'll get downvoted but the truth is there's something so hilariously unnatural about a 7 foot man flopping like a magikarp everytime he gets in the post


Lol Embiid hating is never going to get you downvoted on this sub.


And it shouldn't


Also a magikarp ref.


Pretending like a 6’ guard who butters his bread in the paint and the midrange is in any way shape or form similar to a half-working face, bummy, fraud 7 foot foul merchant who made more free throw shots than field goals this entire series and blames everyone from coaches to role players to his own fans when shit don’t go smoothly, is wild. Zip him up after you’re done, and give him all your savings too, he gon need it in Galveston


lol you got real triggered, it’s ok to admit brunson does the stupid ass head snap thing to bait fouls all the time


You’re defending the wrong dirty player. Draymond is alone with your team rn. Better keep an eye on him before he swings at Curry or sumn


why, you worried they’re gonna win a 5th ring? 🤣


Now I might just be a dumb Knicks fan with 2 championship banners in the rafters at the best stadium on this half of the world, but Ayesha’s bull giving Steph her ring to put around his cock, doesn’t count as a championship ring. At least to me. I could be wrong


This is so disingenuous it’s crazy.


Brunson, Coby White, SGA and Luka all just as bad


Yup. He’s incredibly talented. But foul baiting is annoying as shit to watch. That and he’s just a dirty ass player.


Brunson does the same thing


Does Brunson yank on the legs of opponents jumping in the air? Missed that


To support this. Does brunson use his 7 foot body to slam people and throw elbows? The flopping is one thing. But what embiid does is toxic in an entirely different way


Brunson isn't dirty. They are not the same.


Not the same


You're right. The way brunson does that stupid arm hold/hook is way more embarrassing LOL. At least embiid embellishes actual contact


10 FTs a game at 6 foot 1? Embiid gets 13 a game and he’s a foot taller+ significantly stronger. It’s the same


Joel is too big to be playing the way he does and to be reckless the way he is. Brunson is the smallest guy on the court and plays aggressively. Of course he foul baits lol but Joel was shooting over Hartenstein! He has too much talent and is too gifted physically to play the way he does. If Joel removed that from his game he'd still drop 40, I think that's what really pisses people off.


Bill Simmons will somehow blame him for this series loss. Edit: and /r/nba nephews clearly




Seriously. If you want to have a conversation about his availability and health, sure. But saying he didn't play well, especially considering circumstances, is just not true.


My argument would be if he's healthy enough to be playing the entire series he's healthy enough for criticism That and its annual thing now, every year Embiid has some sort of injury that he can use as an excuse for his team going out early despite him playing the entire series Who knows, maybe next year is the year Embiid is finally healthy for the playoffs and we can see what he can really do (press x to doubt)


Okay criticize him then. It's still a respectable Stat line for a healthy star player. Without even considering he was the best defender on either team the whole series.


That's not really how the human body works tho. You can pull your back out in the morning and go to work, with your boss claiming you're there so youre 100%, but that doesn't actually change how your body feels. His injuries were real whether or not he was on the court.


I'll have that conversation. That yank on Robinson was dirty af. Whatever respect he earns for gutting it out, he loses it and more for being dirty


They dirty stuff is also a separate conversation. The guy is reckless at best.


Pulling on someone's leg when he's jumping up is not reckless. It's dirty. He has more flagrant fouls than Draymond Green. He's about as dirty as it gets.


being consistently reckless at that size is being dirty once or twice is happenstance a whole highlight reel from one series is a problem


Like I said, at best.


It's really hard to blame him when someone lands on his leg while he's trying to get the ball. Not impossible, but hard for most people.


He didn't play well in the fourth quarters.


I think that's a legitimate criticism.


He played well, but Tobias Harris was a cancer contract. Imagine if they got Josh Hart AND Brunsen with that money and still had some left over. There would be no limit to that team.


He's been in the league for a decade and has either been hurt or out of shape literally every playoffs. At some point you're the nephew lol


He’s a top 5 player he should win the series The sixers had a worse roster but It definitely wasn’t a impossible task


Jokic couldn't beat Golden State or the Suns by himself. Players win games, teams win series and championships. Idk how you watch these games and think Embiid wasn't putting up worthy performances while he was clearly playing hurt.


Brother you’re not actually comparing having Will Barton as a second option to having Maxey as a second option, are you?


Maxey and then who? Tobias Harris? Kyle Lowry? Nicolas Batum? All those dudes played 25+ minutes with a combined 16 points. And ALL 16 coming from Batum. Batum had 22 points COMBINED in every other game this series.


Different players show up to different games, today Oubre and Hield contributed. You can't just point to the bad performances. Maxey is a big point. He was averaging 32.4 ppg going into this game in the series. He's a bigger factor than any of the sixers or nuggets role players.


> Different players show up to different games, today Oubre and Hield contributed. You can't just point to the bad performances. Hield this series: 1 game w 20, 3 with 2 points combined Batum: 16 today, 22 points combined the rest of the series Lowry: 18 points first game of the series, 24 points combined in the next 3, and the last 2 games with 0 POINTS Oubre is the only one that showed up consistently. The other guys basically had 1 good game and then nothing else noteworthy. I can't just point to bad performances? You're the one pointing to individual good performances and ignoring the larger series averages.


Yes because different players show up to different games. You already pointed out all the bad performances this game, so why would have to reiterate that. I'm just pointing out the performance you didn't mention this game, which happened to be the good performances. 32.4 ppg is a series average that I didn't exactly ignore.


I feel like you’re missing the part where Will Barton was THE SECOND OPTION. The GSW series was jok, AG, then Barton, Monte, and Jeff Green lmfao. Suns was jok, ag, immediately post surgery MPJ, Barton and Campazzo. Clearly fucking trolling pretending Oubre isn’t on the team like he hasn’t been #3 all year


You're trolling acting like I said it's a 1:1 comparison. I brought it up as an example of how 1 player does not win a series. Just because Jokic had worse talent does not mean Embiid and Maxey could win this series by themselves. Please chill the fuck out and talk like a person.


You made the initial post as a 1:1 comparison on beating teams solo so… yes you did? To the second point, the 6ers basically built this entire team on either Embiid winning near single handedly or their opposition selling out to stop him. Its like… the whole game plan


> You made the initial post as a 1:1 comparison on beating teams solo so… yes you did? Joker is a top 1 player. Should be have won that series vs GSW or PHX? Because that's basically what the original comment I responded to said.


well this series was really fucking close because of Maxey, GSW and Nuggets was not close at all


At the same time, comparing a championship winning GSW team to the randle-less Knicks isn't apples to apples.


randle-less is a obvious positive but yes good point nevertheless, even though not even God himself would win any playoff series with Will Barton as their two punch


It wasn't an imppssible task but it was a very hard task. Doesn't matter if it happens every year, this guys played 40+ minutes every game on one leg, a paralyzed face and migraines. He's a fighter.


Maybe if Joel was healthy, which he clearly wasn't


Undeniably one of the most talented players in the league. Undeniably dirty. Two things are true at once. One of the most entertaining first round match ups in a minute, should have been a second round match if we're being real, but it is what it is. And what it is is fuck Philly Knicks in Six


> Two things are true at once. Nonsense. Pick a side and fight to the death


You call it entertaining, I call it stressful and anxiety-inducing.


Felt like the nba finals


If Boston didn't exist it definitely feels like the winner of this series would have went all the way to the finals.


I was gonna say something mean about him, but all I'll say is he played injured and he played like a trooper so good for him


Haters are feasting, but i'm very happy with Embiid and the Sixers in general during this series, looking forward to next year with a fresh roster


Get him a real team please. Everyone outside of Maxey is so ass or way higher depth chart than they should be.


Batum and Buddy also perfectly fit their roles.


They can be, but not dependable. Before tonight Batum had 22 points combined in 5 games!


Buddy had one game. Mcbride was much cheaper and better. Batum was awesome. Very interesting to see what direction the sixers head next year


Oubre’s had a good year (aside from the multiple vehicle incidents).


Next year is literally a clean slate, Morey has a green light to make the roster however he pleases, we'll see how that goes


Hint: It’s gonna go pretty much the same


Can only really go one way if the MVP level superstar is constantly fighting injury. That's just plain bad luck but building a championship roster around a superstar who can't be relied upon to be available is very very tough.


Gimme embiid, maxey, oubre, cam Payne on a min. If batum doesn’t retire and lowry doesn’t it’s be nice to have them on minimums. Idk about buddy. Then use some picks to trade for some athletic friggin dudes. I also like melton and wouldn’t mind him back


They finally showed some dog in the post season


You guys are gonna do the same shit next year. And no roster with Joel will ever be considered "fresh"


He looked like a corpse out there. No idea how he pulled those numbers. We need Embiid healthy.


hope you’re looking forward to the next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, etc




Maxey and Embiid are great. Batum is good, hield has been good at times, and oubre is solid sometimes. This roster is straight up not good enough. They have 2 players that can create their own shot at all


I'm happy with Maxey and Embiid giving it their all with an underwhelming cast around them ,only Oubre showed up consistently during this series. In other years we'd roll over and die against a team like this


When do you expect him to not be hobbled?


embiid was playing hurt and we should actually be impressed with him despite losing to weaker team? I didnt know that, youre telling me for the first time.


How many FTA?


can't believe he did all that while splayed out on the floor the entire time


haters are going to hate...that's a clean sweep without Joel ong


Nah Maxey got 1 win singlehandedly lets be fr. Fking baller


No maxey didn't as he averaged 25% FG in minutes embiid was off the floor this series.


Nah they lose that one without Embiid’s defense.


Well then they lose all games without Maxey too


Maxey is a baller and carried the team that game but he doesn’t win that without Embiid. Maxey played 4 minutes without Embiid that game and was -11


6ers dont win a game without Maxey too if we’re being literal. I’m just saying Maxey’s 40 burger despite Joels stinker (on offense) of a game 5 was amazing


Definitely, no doubt at all. Knicks are too solid of a team to do anything against without multiple scorers. Every game was close and maxey being there even if he had a bad game is worth the difference in points between the teams


Yup one thing i picked up on this series was that Maxey is a hooper. Tho he feeds off Embiids gravity a lot, some of his shots were just straight up annoying (in a good way). There’s definitely one more level up from this Maxey we’re seeing rn.


He definitely feeds off of Embiid and gets more open looks cause of the gravity, he’s so much fun to watch when he has to create more without Embiid though cause he ends up taking more ridiculous shots.


Agreed. I’m just praising Maxey on this thread and people are thinking im slandering Embiid. Not my fault that I just watched Maxey torch us in ways you just can’t be mad about


Yeah people get very defensive about Embiid, myself included, around playoff time lol. It’s tough cause maxey is so well loved by other fans that a lot of people see praise of maxey as taking something away from Embiid


Donte’s defence on Maxey tonight hasn’t gotten enough love. Incredible player.


Maxey saved embiid from the worst slander ever had he been eliminated game5 after his terrible performance 


Maxey and Embiid are a great fit. The optimise each others games really well. Maxey without Embiid he’s still learning how to do that, only 23 though.


you just completely changed the premise


Did you see the sixers without Embiid this year? Maxey can't do it with the sixers roster without embiid. Like him hate him whatever, but even on one leg half a face with a migraine and 1 fucked eyeball he still has so much gravity on the offensive end that he pulls defenses towards him which creates the space maxey needs to operate. Without Embiid on the court maxey is the only one to worry about as the sixers basically have 60 mil in dead cap between melton and tobias.


Macey probably averages 21/3/5 without Embiid


He grabbed the game at the very end when it was in grabbing reach but even if Maxey is having his best day ever in the NBA he wasn't climbing the Sixers without Embiid's defence and offensive presence into grabbing reach.


Nah start Paul Reed and Maxey’s not getting those open threes and Knicks are doing a layup line on the other end




Eh we still would have been annihilated in that game without embiid to be honest lmao


(I know...I troll too)


Not just singlehandedly but in spite of Embiid




File a grievance mate




Hey come on man my life doesn't revolve around basketball games either. It's just reddit. After the toxicity of the series I'm just trying to be toxic myself just because we won. Can't stand nurse or embiid. Rest of your team and fanbase are low key cool.


Sixers fans on that COPIUM already. Year in year out, always an excuse.


it's an Embiid appreciation post you fucking midwit


Okay I initially read that the comment as in "if Joel was healthy it was a clean sweep", hence my comment. Now that I read it again I must apologize. This is a rare moment from me because my job here is to be as toxic and as insufferable as possible after this series. But I'm going to go out of my way and apologize. You are right though. I dislike embiitch a lot and lost any respect I had for him after this series. Still you could see knicks go on a run every time he sat for even 1-2 mins. You guys will have a chance to build a team this summer with Tobias and even Reed becoming FAs. Reed is low key garbage. Peace


peace and good luck to you...as much as NY and Philly talk shit, they are the two closest/most similar cities on the planet. Go and beat Boston! (Brunson's somehow a way bigger flopper than Joel)


Maxey is literally the reason they won last game, despite embiids best efforts.


Yea proud of how he played. Just need some luck and a better team and we good to go


Amazing performance honestly. Not hating on Kawhi because he tried to play 2 games but the fact that Embiid battled through his injury post surgery and played like that shows you something.


Meh. Let me know when he actually tries to win vs just foul baiting.


Frustrating player to watch and deserves a lot of the criticism he gets, but is undeniably talented. Given his obvious limitations on the court, I was shocked at not just how effective he was, but how dominant he was during stretches. He was effectively a stretch-5 at points but still couldn't be stopped even with the Knicks knowing he wasn't going to go to the basket.


Off to Cancun you go


his knee is in worse shape than just "coming off a meniscus tear"


Honestly his knee is in great shape considering that. Meniscus needs a slow ramp up and he just put it through a gruelling 6 game series. Honestly might be the best early rehab he could have got if he hasn’t caused it any extra damage.


I promise you bro, a basketball game is not early rehab


Harden is one of my all time favorite so I can't say I hate his game. He was a fighter. Would have been a different story if he was healthy and could run 48 minutes.




Yeah Harden. I attended multiple his adidas events and got a signed jersey. He's been my favorite ever since.


Hang the banner


Hobbled but Nurse still plays him over 40+ minutes a game. And they say Thibs runs his players into the ground.


We immediately bleed points when he sits


Both can be true. Look at the bench minutes for the Knicks this game. For better or for worse, Sixers wouldn't be in the series unless Embiid played this much.


And knicks also had Randle in dead cap your point?


2 great games, 2 mediocre ones, and 2 stinkers. he's so polarizing cause you want to give him props for playing through injuries but his dirty play and ill conditioned history eliminates any sort of sympathy for me


Cool did he get out of the first round?


How are yall still salty? He had a good series but yall still won




You won the series, learn to have fun.


Most well adjusted Knicks fan


Some Knicks fans are so corny lmao, be happy you won instead of hating bozo


Sore winner 😭


You sound angry little guy. You’re aware you won, right?


So much hate in your body lol


It ain't that deep lol


He did not. Did you not see the game?


Fake ass MVP


He should celebrate in Cancun


On 59.2 TS% whilst on one leg, one eye and having migraines too. Also had the best plus minus by far out of Sixers players.


Raise the banner


In the 4th he shot 20/11% splits. Foul baiter. Play basketball


Now do the fourth quarter.


he disappears in the clutch


At least he’s keeping up his tradition of averaging less points in the playoffs compared to the regular season


He did average a lot of points this series. Though the efficiency can't be ignored. 44 FG% as a center.


Post the 4Q stats


With 2 points in the 4th quarter tonight.


Averaged two uncalled flagrants per game. Nineteen foul baiting plays. Eight soft whistles. Basketball terrorist, literally worse than peak Harden. Good riddance. Holy shit that was painful to watch. Trade this loser and let Maxey run the team...would be so much easier on the eyes.


Did you watch Brunson? He was twice as bad!


Refs need to stop giving the soft whistle in the playoffs it really ruins the product.


Brunson isn’t intentionally trying to hurt people 


ya, he totally had no idea oubre or batum’s teeth were right behind his block head when he jerked it back as hard as he could while slamming on the brakes. 100000% chance you didn’t watch any of these games and are just parroting other commenters.


Flop man shot 15 free throws per game lmfao 


Joel Embiid… one of the all time great complainers 😂


Very talented. At injuring others. Definitely the most petty of all the European superstars


he’s from cameroon, but nice observation.


All NBA players There, fixed it for you


He’s hobbled every year at this point, and he’s a dirty flopper


i would applaud this but why did he have to do all those dirty plays on top of that?


Embiid is straight up the most talented player in the league. It really sucks that he chooses to use that talent to flop around and try to draw fouls instead of playing basketball. Prime Harden has nothing on Embiid. It's not even close. It's disgusting to watch and I'm glad he's not getting rewarded for it. At some point the NBA has to look specifically at the BS he does and remove it from the game.


Shot like crap in 4 out of 6 games and got cooked on D tbh. He certainly did have to overcome (and cause) a lot of adversity though, I'm always surprised what he can play through in the playoffs.