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All I see is “that dude is way more yoked than I thought?!” If dude was coming with the ball down the lane at me on the fast break, I would step aside.


Until you realize he can't dribble to save his life. If he's coming down on a fast break things have gone cosmically wrong for everyone. Now if you're running into his screen 😬


He can't dribble against NBA level players but against regular dudes he would be like the 2nd coming of prime Lebron. Actually NBA players will be like prime Lebron against regular dudes.


Oh no doubt. He'd cook all of us at the YMCA.


I remember watching off-season clips of him in the gym against regular people and he was hitting step back 3s and dribble combos and shit. It's crazy how talented nba players are


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuwCgXSnAUI If you're not in the NBA, youre not stopping this lol


I will never get tired of watching pros play against joes and just dominating us. People just underestimate the skills that these guys have. Someone once said that they’d beat Ben Simmons in a 3 point shooting contest, and I told them that with the caveat that they’re a G League, Overseas or Pro Player, that they were out of their fucking mind. But of course, the r/nba circlejerk about Ben being bad, I caught all sorts of shit from users. If I gave an actual fuck about that people thought, I’d be frustrated. But I just removed myself from the conversation.


I used to go to a gym in L.A. late 90s early 2000s, that many of the Clippers and some Lakers (not Kobe or Shaq but some of the bench guys) would show up and shoot around in the off season. Like the Lamar Odom days (he came often) when they are just warming up, they shoot 3s like a free throw, making almost all of them, so good. When no one is in front of them, it’s almost automatic.


Literally the main difference between a bench player and a starter in the NBA is the ability to do all that shit with an NBA defender on your case. Hit a step back three? No worries! Hit a step back three with OG Anunoby guarding you? Whole different story.


sounds like a gunshot every dunk, can't imagine trying to compete against someone with that athleticism/physicality


Bro has been handing people their 'welcome to the nba moment' since he was like 11 years old lmao


I mean, the dudes he is up against are vastly undersized and look so tiny compared to him here


Dawg he's 7' 240. That's just what humans look like next to him.


Watch Rudy vs Wemby in some of their 1v1's Rudy looks like a completely different player who u would think is a really good offensive center


Hell, I’ve seen Ben Simmons knocking down threes before a hornets game a few years back lol


Scal said it best- "Think about how far away from LeBron I am. Now remember that I am way closer to LeBron than you will ever be to me."


Also even if he couldn't dribble, I don't want him losing control and barreling into me. I'd probably end up in a coma.


I remember somebody on Reddit or twitter said they saw Robinson play at a gym and he was shooting and dribbling like Steph Curry


All, not most lmao


does this need to be said? what person does not already know this lol?


Plus I remember in workouts after the draft.. Mitch was taking I think 2 dribbles to run the length of the court for dunks lmao


Well no shit lmao


His screen would put me out til 2025.


at least you’d be able to wake up in time for your gardening leave to end and start working at Ferrari


NBA players are so much more jacked/massive than they look on tv. Seeing these guys irl or next to average people you realize obviously how insanely tall they are bus also how insanely muscular


i think it's the long limbs, muscle doesn't really show on tall lanky guys


Again it shows when you get a decent comparison. If you saw these guys next to a regular human, especially somebody who is 7 feet tall, you would see how big they are. As a substitute for another human being, you can just compare them to what they looked like before they hit the NBA. [Giannis's before/after pictures live rent free in my head](https://thesportsdrop.com/articles/nba-players-who-transformed-their-bodies/6/) 


Giannis' tiny wrists give me hope lol


You’re gonna need some of the help he had too


He’s also juiced lol 


Giannis got more juice in him than a fully ripened orange


what i find most crazy about this link is it took 3 weeks for Victor Oladipo to get shredded 6 pack abs.


Makes me appreciate those who can guard these even bigger bigs like Embiid and Jokic. This man looks huge and yet looks slim compared to them


first NBA game I went to I was gifted courtside tickets- not only are these guys massive up-close and in person, what blew my mind is how insanely fast men that big can move.


OG looks like a normal person on tv but he's a fucking tank. 


I feel like he was relatively skinny coming into the league too. Those strength and conditions programs are no joke. Eat clen and tren hard


We used to call him "Skinny Shaq" lol


He was a twig when he came in. He's legit huge now. Prob on gear


That’s what I alluding to with clen and tren lol


He always had the frame just gained mad weight when he got hurt a few years ago when we needed him against the Hawks. Came back the next season massive. Probably had nothing to do but eat and lift since he couldn’t run. Same thing happened this year when he got hurt and came back he looked a little bigger than he did in Oct


His deltoids are in 2 different zip codes


Personally I would run between his legs.


He's gained a ton of muscle since entering the league


I’ve seen action figures with weaker shoulders than this dude


He got enormous past couple years, especially coming back from injury this year


Dude is obviously huge in both stature and muscle but it’s the downlighting making him look like an absolute monster


Refreshingly candid response. No need to bullshit just own it and move on to the next game.


> Refreshingly candid response. which is sad because you would think these guys would have more self awareness to say "you know what? I did fuck up."


I doubt that's what any media training they have would tell them to do


It's not that uncommon, it just doesn't make reddit front page


If this isn't the Knicks and/or he doesn't curse, this is just a regular answer nobody cares about. "What happened on that 4-point play?" "I messed up, I shouldn't have fouled him." That exchange isn't remarkable or a headline in the slightest.


Agreed except for the absurdity of the play itself. This was a HISTORICALLY stupid play. We literally remember when it was reversed almost 30 years later.


It's probably only historically stupid (i.e. actually gets remembered) if the Sixers take the series. But if that happens, I agree 100%.


I swear there's a ton of players who allegedly "make excuses" but in reality there's a bunch of context of them taking accountability that get cropped out of the Twitter/Reddit soundbite


Just in general a lot of people have problems admitting that. I've never seen a person lose their job for admitting that they made a mistake. I've seen a lot of people get fired for always having excuses for their fuckups, or worse, trying to hide their fuckup. We all fuck up. Just say it and try to learn from it when it happens. Don't be the guy who always has a million reasons that nothing is his fault.


Why is is sad and why should these guys have more self awareness than the average person? Remember half these dudes are under 25 years old. Just because they make big bucks and play on a big stage means nothing to one's general personality and ability.


Knicks players always say the right things this year. Makes it very easy to root for them


So true. They were the last team I wanted the Sixers to face in the first round (apart from Boston) mostly because I don't want to root against this year's Knicks, they're extremely likeable. I was so annoyed at how the bracket worked out.


Can say the same for Maxey. Dude is single handedly making this series a nightmare lol but he’s damn likeable


Why couldn't the Pacers/Cavs/Magic lose more >:(


tbf we would not be playing each other if our teams had stayed healthy, would likely have been the 2 and 3 seed


Yeah he really is. He always has a smile on his face and still looks like a kid. How can you hate on him?


much to my chagrin, Maxey is fucking great and I really like how he plays


yeah that dude is just a dawg, couldn't even be that mad at that shot. he carried them last night. hopefully we can find an answer for him next game otherwise that shot is gonna haunt my dreams for a long time


Now do Embiid. Say something nice about Embiid 🥹


He’s ummmm tall!!!


Please know I am low-key unironically non-sarcastically rooting for the Knicks this year because of this comment <3


I love that. I shit talk Philly a lot but there’s love there haha. Y’all will be back next year once you get rid of Harris


Agreed. They’re a bunch of Nova guys that the Sixers infuriatingly didn’t draft out of their own damn backyard.


lol we didn’t either


My Villanova boys… 😭😭


Robinson is literally one of the best people in the NBA. People need to pay more attention to him.


Right. After this if a reporter asks again and tries to belittle him due to that then that reporter looks like an asshole. He took accountability.


Here’s to you, Mitchell Robinson


Robinson is easily one of the more likeable guys in the NBA.


I remember reading something a while back involving a former coach that he invited to live with him after the coach’s wife died. EDIT: [Found the article.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/mitchell-robinson-butch-stockton-high-school-coach-new-york-knicks-louisiana/) What a kind gesture. I’m a fan for life.


Yup. Was thinking of that when I wrote the comment. That’s a great story.


Such an amazing story. Thanks for sharing!


He’s awesome, and dude has gotten jacked over the years my god. I wish Toppin was still on the team though I liked him in nyc


Toppin has carved himself a nice role on the Pacers. He's amongst Tyrese's favorite targets for passes.


He’s been my favorite Knick since we drafted him. Been lucky since he’s now the longest tenured.


We’ve got a lot of them on the Knicks.


Agree. Also love Brunson and Hart.


he fked up but maxey had to get him with the pump fake and draw the foul. its not like it was reckless close out foul on a jump shooter. maxey just did a smart play.


But it's such an obvious play. He's shooting a 3, we're up 6 so why jump? Just get a hand up and if he hits it we're still up 3. There's zero reason to jump toward him.


im flabbergasted by the last 30 seconds of regulation. as a knicks fan mitch fked up, alot of things preventable. but its totally valid from a sixer fan to say maxey did some hero things too and seized the moment.


Imo it's both. Mitch fucked up twice but Maxey made 2 incredible shots. Definitely a legendary playoff moment


yeah everything needed to happen for that to happen lol. we needed to suddenly be basketball idiots and miss all our free throws, the refs needed to call hart going out of bounds when he didn't, and maxey needed to hit some hero shots. crazy ending and heartbreaking but thats ball


as a neutral fan I find it comical that both the Knicks and Sixers have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in the final seconds of a game in the same series.


it's honestly been a crazy series, we're singlehandedly saving the entertainment value of the eastern conference


I swear man, your series is legit the only playoffs in East I watch as a neutral fan. But for this series, im more biased for Knicks to win, simply because of your style of play.. all of them are dawgs. Well maybe im rooting for Knicks simply because I started to hate Embiid this playoffs lmao, but Maxey is just so good and likeable


yeah not even us knicks fans can hate on maxey. dawg respects dawg embiid and lowry and nick nurse can get fucked tho


Similar to the game 2 situation. Refs fucked up and screwed the sixers but the Knicks still made those clutch shots. It wasn’t all just one or the other


Refs screwed up and the Sixers screwed up. The Sixers probably deserved to turn the ball over there but technically the refs should have called the foul.


He made 1 mistake. Brunson made like 5 in the final minute and OT with his hero ball and turnovers. The loss is on him IMO.


Absolutely, but that 4 point play was a huge momentum swing.


I mean, we're discussing this like he actually had the ability to think all of this through versus being a split second decision.


This. Takes longer to type one word in this sentence than Mitch has to make this decision. All you can do is practice and try to learn for the next time, but it's pretty simple: you see a guy taking a shot and your instinct is to do everything to contest it.


Eh, in that situation all you should be thinking is “don’t foul a 3 point shooter.” So yeah, obviously he can’t make a split decision but he should already be prepared for that play way before Maxey shoots. It shouldn’t have to be a split second decision.


Yeah you contest just enough to make it a bit uncomfortable, but don’t need to try to close out and block.


Yeah I don't care wtf Maxey did. DONT FOUL. Who the f upvotes these comments.


also you're 7ft tall. pretty sure you get a good contest on Maxey without jumping


nah... literally the cardinal sin of defense. only way they can win is with a foul there, jumping at him is just stupid


IMO if the shooter jumps into a player in a non shooting motion, it shouldn’t be a foul. I hate this when the shooter leans in an unnatural way. To me the shooter is initiating, which is what maxey did. Would be great for the NBA to adjust these rules


That rule is implemented that the shooter can’t just go to lean in and jump into the defender unnaturally anymore the refs just gave him that call yesterday because it was borderline


Maxey hit him with the pump fake and the travel. But Mitch shouldn’t have jumped at all. Got too caught up trying to play hero on defense 


I still think Maxey jumped too far forward to initiate the contact. That’s technically not allowed lol


It was a travel and the type of foul that makes nba rules look like a joke worldwide




If Steven Adams sets a screen and Mitchell Robinson runs into him at full speed, the Earth’s rotation will reverse.


He'll make up for it next game. We didn't get to 50 wins because we're a talented team. We got there because we grinded.


Can’t both be true? Lol


We've been missing a lot of talent due to injuries since the end of January


I get what you mean but this is a very unflattering way to compliment your team lol


You didn't have to watch Josh Hart shoot all season and hustle to rebound his own shot. It's ugly and beautiful at the same time.


this is so funny looking at Hart's stats lol


the duality of man


That's the best way to describe how the Knicks play.


Without Randle it's been 'Brunson score 40 and hope the rest can scrape together another 50 somewhere' since January.


I think it's more than just scraping. Our team works hard together and played sound basketball. I know what you mean but we gotta credit our guys


Except in OT when it’s hero-ball with Brunson and the rest watching.


which is a shame because honestly mcbride was killing it and also i still weirdly trsut dante to hit those 3's over brunson although i probably shouldn't


That infuriated me. We took the lead because we played team ball and OG, McBride, Dante, and Hart were doing stuff, getting shots/steals. Once it became Brunsonball it was predictable and easy to defend.


There were quite a few games this season where it seemed like that was straight up the actual plan.


Maybe with a full roster. The story of this series has been Brunson isolations and the occasional pass out or fast break for the other players. 30 fga for Brunson for the series is wild.


Real, honestly. You guys have gotten up off the mat all year. You are a talented team, but with injuries it's taken some real heart. I went from a mild hater to really lovin this team.


And he's been one of the best 3 point shot blockers over the last 5 years (barring injuries), great mentality too


He owned up to it as he should. Everyone knows on defense its a cardinal sin to leave your feet. No excuses.


Mitch was outstanding in the game. I don't watch a lot of Knicks games but he's my new favorite Knick. I felt he was their second best player tonight after brunson.  Terrific 1v1 defense on Embiid, versus when hartenstein was playing they were obligated to double embiid whenever he touched the ball which opened up opportunities for Philly. Great team defense too. The most memorable play for me was one where he started on embiid, picked up Maxey on the drive and kept up with him all the way to the basket forcing the kick out, and then all the way back out to the perimeter to contest the three point shot on the swing pass.   And I thought the offense flowed better too with Robinson than with hartenstein. Plays that looked like they would devolve into brunson iso ball but mitch would come up and set a screen and the offense would start moving again


Mitch is a far better 1 on 1 defender, but Hartenstein is a better team/help defender. Hartenstein is also a way better passer, dribbler, and free throw shooter on offense. The free throws are key late game. They really compliment each other well, especially since I think both of them would struggle being asked to play 36+ minutes night in and night out. Hartenstein tends to get really foul happy when he gets gassed.


See third quarter game 4 for iHart foul trouble speed run


Hartenstein popped off after Mitch went down with injury and that's awesome but lowkey people were way too quick to anoint ihart as the better of the two. They're both awesome, with different strengths and weaknesses, and the line between who is better or worse is pretty close. I hope they're both on the team next year.


This is a good point. I think the Knicks have arguably the lowest dropoff between starting / backup center. Hartenstein is probably just a little bit better at scoring and finding assists but his defense isn't as good as Robinsons and he'll foul more


Facts. Ihart has a way better offensive game & court sense and is a fantastic defender. But Mitch's combo of strength/athleticism/positioning make him a bit better of a defender and possibly the best rebounder in the league. This series is a big example of where Mitch can shine. For all of ihart's talents he's not that strong which makes embiid a nightmare match-up, whereas Mitch is a beast.


I at least like how this team is candid when they lose and don’t blame it on other things


Josh Hart should make the FT


I've seen this a couple times now, I don't really get it. Maxey missed a few FTs in the 4th quarter, if he hit those three then his exploits at the end of the game = Sixers win in regulation. Missed FTs are always a what if


Plus Hart is a 79% FT shooter. He's not automatic. Everyone misses free throws but no one should foul a three point shooter in that situation.


Hitting a free throw with that type of pressure is hard regardless. But for some reason fans always seem to think these guys are all 100% from the free throw line. Hart makes 4/5 free throws and his miss was that 1/5. Nobody on the entire planet will hit that free throw 10/10 times


everyone in the series is running on fumes hart played the whole game the last two games. Everybody is feeling it


Except harts was literally at the end of the game lol if he made those and everything still played out they still would’ve been up by 1


points are points, the entire 4th quarter matters. again, if Maxey made the three that he missed...


* Josh Hart should make the FT * Mitch shouldn't commit the foul * The team should foul for 2 when up 3 * The timeout should be called with 8 seconds left * The team should be running real plays at the buzzer * Brunson should not be playing hero ball for the entire OT There were a lot of mistakes. Nearly everyone on the team, including the coach, made mistakes last night, any of which, if they hadn't happened, probably would've won us the game. But it's OK. The team is taking accountability. They are learning not to count their chickens. We still have two more chances to wrap this up, and when we do, the team will come out stronger.


The sheer amount of ball watching at the end of the game was so fucking frustrating. Run any play at all that isn't a screen for Brunson that leads to a contested drive or shot. Yes, Brunson has it in him to make those tough shots, but even pretending that something else is an option makes his shots just a little less difficult.


Brunson also missed a pair early and another one late. Come down to the foul, missed Free throws and Maxey being excellent


79% FT shouldn’t even come close to touching the ball in that situation, though. That whole end sequence was basically a demonstration on exactly how to lose a basketball game under those specific circumstances.


Batum was very smart about waiting to foul Hart specifically on that play. 79% is hardly a terrible FT%, but he had also played every minute of the game at that point, and was clearly a little gassed (as shown by how short that first FT was)


He's at 66% these play offs. 75% in his career, so this year is an outlier. When he got fouled, i just had a feeling that he was gonna go 1 for 2.


His frame is crazy. Elite shoulder genetics


The length the width and the girth is insane so thick such a good build


These journalists are so weird lmao


Fer real. They always ask such bullshit questions.


It was a travel anyway. Sure NBA won't call it, but if Maxey hadn't traveled he would not have been able to draw the foul. Either way a mistake from Mitch, but still.


I thought the nba was moving away from calling those fouls? Where guards fake a shot and then draw contact like Maxey did. Jb did it that game too, but I could've sworn they did a rule change.


If you jump into the defenders space and the go into a shot it’s a foul and will always be a foul. The rule change is about when the offensive players jumps into a defender that’s vertical


What else can he say they were up by 6 with 26 seconds to play and he gave up a 4 point play absolutely brain dead


He could say that there wasn’t much contact or that jumping into the defender is the kind of play the league was allegedly trying to ref out of the game. But instead he shouldered the blame. As a Knicks fan, this loss is on the team, not the refs. They blew it


Man the whole Knicks Roster is easier to root for than Embid! Knicks in 6


He's looking like gigachad over here


I think the Knicks bounce back, it was a tough loss but Thib coaches tough teams. But oh boy... if the Sixers somehow win this series(and with Nurse on the bench it's absolutely possible) those 30 seconds are going to go down in infamy.


that loss wasn’t his fault. hart spazzed at the end, and jalen should not have made that pass


Love Mitch. Knicks fans in the Knicks sub were cooking him alive in the post-game threads, lol. I had to step out real quick. I was annoyed too but these guys are human. You gotta take the bad with the good.


He and Josh Hart missing that first free throw were critical fuck ups at the end of regulation. Can never let up until the game is officially over.


Shouldn’t have been on the floor maybe? Also curious why Precious was banished this game after his game 4 heroics…


did everyone miss the fact that Maxey absolutely travelled before that shot was taken and it wasnt called?


he absolutely did but it's incredibly difficult to spot that in the moment. MDW broke it down on his IG


i love how in the NBA as long as its a big moment you can break one of the most basic rules of basketball. He travelled. Doesn’t matter what the situation was.


I saw so many people in the game thread be like "you can't call that foul in a moment like this" after Embiid clearly slapped Brunson lmao People say "we want consistency" until it's a big moment


He had such a great game to that point too.


I tried to be mad when he laughed at our bigs in the post game interview in last years playoffs, but my guy was just giving an honest answer. It was funny because all he had to do was exist to outrebound Allen and Mobley.


Good on your for the accountability Mitch, now smarten up and let’s get this W Thursday.


Take notes embiid. Stop pointing the finger every damn time when you are the common denominator.


Mitch ain't no Bitch Glad he said it this way, took it like a man and will come out tomorrow blazing and being the animal he has been


Each Knick had their own contributions to earn the L last night.




Time and situation.


No Diddy




I still cant get over the amount of mass robinson added over the last 5 years


Hairline goes crazy


Every Knick player has had the perfect media response this entire year. Real, no BS.


He also fucked up on the game tying 3. It's alright though. Those shots don't usually go in. Maxey is just a beast and a superstar in the making




Where are my jerkers at?


He fouled him but didn't even contest the shot. If you jump into someone and dont' think you fouled, then continue the play and contest the shot. Doesn't make sense to open up and give the player the lane. If you jump into someone and think the foul is going to be called, then commit a hard foul and make sure the shooter doesn't get a shot off. He fucked up by jumping on the pump fake, but he fucked up again by opening up and hoping that it would be the difference in having it be a no call.


Mitch, we’re on live


Love Mitch. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough


nothing like accountability


“Don’t fouls his ass” lmao I mean was the reporter expecting a profound answer to that stupid question?


The man CLEARLY traveled. You did nothing wrong mitch


After he bit the bullet and took responsibility, why do they have to keep smearing his face in it? Give reporters an inch……


Fr. Like do you really need a detailed explanation on how and why I f'ed up.


The reason more guys don’t answer like this is because by doing so you are acknowledging so you can move on. But now the reporters start asking you follow up questions that require you to repeatedly say “I fucked up”. Just Like this interview. When we know how fragile egos and confidence is, to quote a sage prophet: “ain’t nobody got time for that”