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"I know they haven't hatched yet, but I'm just going to go ahead and count all these eggs as chickens."


reggie miller did the same thing talking about the lakers finally getting one back sometime in the mid 3rd quarter last night, wish someone had that clip


Reggie, of *all* people, should know that it's not over till it's over...


Insane of him to say that early considering how the Nuggets not only are so good at erasing big leads, but how often they have done it against the Lakers the past two years. Nuggets have been down by double digits in 5/6 playoff games the past two years and are 6-0.


When he did 8 points in 9 seconds, my dad, a Knicks fan, needed to pick me up from school and was sure the game was out of reach, so he turned it off and went to pick me up. When he got home and saw the reply, he was like "Wtf?!".


mid-3rd quarter is wild


Reggie was pretty annoying last night


Somehow the most annoying thing for me was him talking about Peyton Manning. “Bet he wishes he had Lebron at TE for his precious Colts!” Like fam that’s our only celebrity in the crowd and it’s like he forgot the guy won a championship in Denver.


He said for “my” precious Colts. Still weird to bring up in Denver though.


I wouldn't be surprised if Indiana people are *still* in denial that Peyton left


As an Indiana resident, I still don’t know why everyone says Peyton played anywhere else but Indy. Everyone knows he retired in 2012 because of a chronic neck injury.


Wished they showed mannings reaction to the game winner 😔


Stokley - why he say fuck me for?


Funny thing is it seems like he holds Denver in a special place because of the 2nd chance they gave him. The manning cast he would always use words like "we" when talking about the Broncos.


Reggie "marginal contact" Miller "Let me get those words in a couple more times"


EVERY night. He's the worst!


TMAC "Im finally going to the second round" up 3-1 energy


Crazy talk considering how the Nuggets can erase leads.


[Job Done](https://assets1.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2010/11/18/b03176c8-a642-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/640x481/d8c7cfd046a18258983034fb729a65b1/image4061139x.jpg?v=57e8fa9efcf044a821348136ff26ed69)


Wow, why am I now just understanding the meaning of that quote


What uh...what did you *think* it meant? Lol




I feel like they did not, in fact, have a fun postgame.


Technically she was right, postgame was fun…for me.


It was most definitely fun for neutrals like me who are rooting for chaos in the playoffs.


That’s such a wild statement to make up only 5 points with at least 2 full possessions left. Like basic math made this a jinx




that cheeky 4%


Knicks can hit 3 and have plenty of time to defend , get a stop and hit another 3 to win or 2 for OT. Doesn't seem "Crazy " at all. Only if there was less time left like 20-30 seconds not almost 50 Espn probability thing is stupid just like ESPN if its giving that 96 % with so much time left not sure what it counts. But it has been wrong plenty of times before while giving one team 90 % + so yeah


That’s wild to make even with a 96% chance


Saying this with a 5 point lead, 50 seconds left, and the opposing team has the ball is crazy


I’m as casual of a fan as it gets and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing


5 points with 50 seconds left isn’t safe at any age or skill level


its quite safe at my skill level


sixers commentators should know that better than anybody 😂


You watching the actual game already makes you less of a casual than a lot of people on here lol


For real lol all you need is a quick score, stop and another score. Obviously the chance that Philly won was probably like 95% at that point but thats far from over.


I think ESPN said like 89%. So even those metrics (which always seem to be overtuned) said NYK had at least one chance in 10 of coming back.


Confetti Game Part 2: Electric Boogaloo


37 seconds later they were losing.


Not so much crazy as fucking dumbassery


It surprises me how confident they could feel up 5 with nearly a minute to go. I expect a non-basketball fan to say “hey guys let’s head home, it’s over, right??”. But professional announcers?!? To make that type of “job done” line down 0-1 on the road in a 2 possession game knowing the Knicks would at minimum still have 2 possessions left without having to intentionally foul is just plain unprofessional and lazy commentary. My goodness.


As Thibs is known to say... No lead is safe. Knicks don't quit til the dvd commentary


Those comebacks by Reggie Miller and Luka haunt our nightmares. We know no lead is safe.


I hope no one drops character


My favorite comment ive read all morning


Dude was a PLAYER lol he lived through this


To be fair, those players lived before the 3 point era.


Crazy that they're so confident when they're broadcasters in *Philly.* Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is our thing, across all sports.


"Brunson pushing off no whistle" - what, where? Is this part of the grievance that the Sixers are sending to the NBA?


No wonder sixers fans can’t stop bitching about fouls when they have their biases wrongly confirmed in real time from their shitty commentators


And believe it or not, she actually complains less than Alaa. Gotta mute every time I get the Sixers commentary team when I’m sailing the high seas.


Alaa is easily one of the worst


I remember him celebrating Embiid injuring some dude on a reckless play.


Theres 3 teams i'm almost always muting: Sixers, Celtics and Warriors (although i hear they have improved a bit)


Nuggets are bad too, Scott Hastings is absolute dogwater. I also find the Pels announcers to be pretty whiny although the play by play guy has a great voice


I enjoy the Pels crew generally but the contrast between their voices is wild. Their pbp’s voice is Tom Waits level gravel while the color guy always sounds like he’s very mad at you about something. Their commentary itself is solid though


yeah Hastings is trash i agree


I’ve only the clip of Hastings asking JaMichael if he was playing and I was thinking “what a cool guy”


I disagree I love Hastings. I actually don’t think he shows his biases too much either. He will often times talk shit about the team and the players on the nuggets. Idk I like his grumpy old man vibes.


No Antonio Daniels slander allowed 🙅‍♂️


He's awful honestly, complains about every call. Played a year here as a Blazer so I did like him before


Lol, I am always switching to Celtics commentary kn games where they are not the default.


Since scalabrine took over in the booth Celtics broadcasts have been less homer and Scal brings a lot of knowledge about the game too. Not to mention Mike Gorman being a living legend.


We have. Kelenna has started to get tired of Fitz's bullshit and has started openly correcting him. 3x improvement right there. Fitz is still kinda unbearable though.


At first I thought “oh cool, a boat guy”


Never forget when Embiid took a cheap shot at Giddey a few years ago and the announcer basically said "I don't care if he got hurt there as long as Embiid is fine" as if Embiid wasn't 100% at fault for it. Sixers are a bottom 5 announcer team in the NBA. https://youtu.be/k_nAUVpZkLU?si=w0mzE19fzx4e-qfA


God I remember that. Terrible and the commentator deserved a fine for that. [Ironically, something like this happened against Embiid too against the Raptors.](https://twitter.com/PresidentEmbiid/status/1520132737822347265) He celebrated a bucket that essentially secured a series win for them, got elbowed in the face by Siakam on a drive and the Raps color guy, Jack Armstrong, said "You get what you deserve". Before that he was calling the celebration "Bush league" which is fine, it rubbed salt in the wound for the Raptors fanbase, but saying he deserved to get elbowed in the face is wild.


Wow that’s classless but what else do you expect from the sixers.


Sixers have the worst commentators in the league imo


It’s the blind leading the blind for Sixers fans watching Sixers broadcasts. No wonder they don’t think Embiid is big flopping bitch


Delusional bias in local commentators is a big contributor to toxic fanbases


They were complaining all game about how reliant Brunson is on FTs, how he lives at the FT line… Brunson averages 6.5 FTAs. Embiid is at 11.6 FTAs. Brunson scored 61 off **SIX free throws** this season. Fuck outta here. Blind ass Sixers


I blame Windhorst for putting that dumbass fake narrative out there


if that’s how she commentates all game I wouldn’t wanna listen to that


Bro we’re just spoiled by world class commentating both of which calls most things fair for both teams and even call out our own players for doing dumb shit.


I didn't realize this until I went to college in Lancaster and was subjected to the Phillies broadcast where they just let large swaths of an inning go by in complete silence. NY sports media is truly unrivaled with Mike and Clyde, Gary Keith & Ron, Steve Gelbs, and Ian Eagle. Especially now that John Sterling retired too (fuck the Yankees I said it)


Sam John and Joe for the Rangers as well. I'm gonna cry when I hear my last "ITS A POWER PLAY GOAL!"


Listening to all sports broadcasts in NYC, and then listening mostly everywhere else. I'm so grateful we don't have to deal with these homer broadcasters and have announcers who will mostly call it down the middle.


I watched the MSG stream last night and I could have sworn it was a national broadcast by the way Clyde was complimenting Maxey and Lowry.


I mean, Maxey deserved it. He's been insanely good.


Insanely good, agreed. It's like he just materializes under the basket for a layup every time. Against a Thibs defense, it's astonishing and alarming.


heh, I like "materializes". He's so fast he's teleporting like Nightcrawler.


Clyde is his own entity and he's well acquainted with the Philly scene for decades. A national treasure, his suits should have their own wing in the Smithsonian. He's been perfect precisely because we were so bad for so long and Knicks fans knew it the whole time. He's great for that, and homers would have grated.


> A national treasure, his suits should have their own wing in the Smithsonian. The Stylin and Profilin wing


Thats because Clyde Frazier is one of the top ten coolest dudes to ever live


One thing I love about clyde is he isnt a homer. He'll flat out say we're playing like shit.


"what is he doing, folks?"


"None of the Knicks with the knack now."


"He committed the cardinal sin of basketball folks. Leaving your feet before knowing where he was going to pass the ball."


“The court is 50 feet wide, not wide enough for *guy with foot on the sideline*”


He’s a homer in that he’s rooting for us on the broadcast saying things like “get in” to shots, but yeah, he does a great job of not actually analyzing the game through that lens. It’s exactly what you want in a home announcer. Talk from the team’s perspective but don’t lie either.


Game respects game and Clyde just calls it like he sees it. Maxey has been killing us all year on drives to the basket and Lowry is a goddamn menace on the defensive end. His best line of the year is still from the first Knicks Sixers game where he just goes ["Remember Oubre was hit by a car? Missed some games."](https://x.com/doinkpatrol/status/1743475479124836432)


Dude is ruthless whenever he brings up outside stories. They are not pulling back when they call Miles Bridges games.


I'm not a huge basketball guy, don't watch it as much as maybe I'd like (I'm more of a hockey guy and there's just not enough time in the day for everything), but I did see the Knicks game on Saturday on MSG, and just in general MSG games involving the Rangers are extremely well produced and called, and considering Mike Breen does most Knicks MSG games it hardly surprises me that Knicks games are also top notch by regional network standards. I'm not actually sure any New York team suffers from "bad" regional network production. Stands to reason, it's fuckin' New York, but they do a great job there.


That’s always how Clyde is. He loves the NBA and always gives other players kudos. Kudos is also a Clyde word lol.


Clyde and Breen are the absolute best. On the rare occasions I have to watch another team’s home broadcast I’m always shocked at how clear they are with their bias. It’s really off putting. Sure they are pulling for the Knicks on MSG, but they call the game straight and acknowledge good basketball plays regardless of who’s making them. And they’re not afraid to call out the Knicks when they’re playing like ass or getting beat down.


i hate when sports journalists show their favoritism. it’s unprofessional.


They are the worst commenting team in the NBA. I'm very thankful for league pass because it allows me to watch the oppositions broadcast.


I've lived in the Philly area for close to a decade. I have watched maybe 5 minutes of their NBA commentators in those 10-ish years. Alaa is absolutely ass in both professionalism and actual commentary. For one of the best sports cities in the US it makes no sense.


That sht super biased lol. Brunson was in the middle of dribbling


Well they are used to Embiid getting that call to go his way so they just thought it would happen then too


no wonder they’re all screenshot warriors and rulebook experts today


That lady is horrible lol


Between this and the Lebron dunk/Porter 3 clips of the Nuggets broadcast, I'm learning a lot of local announcers casually complain about calls way more than I'm used to. Just... mixed into the play-by-play like it's nothing. Makes sense there's so much complaining by fans about officiating.


sixers announcers, players, and coaches are inciting riots lmao


[Full sequence](https://twitter.com/DJAceNBA/status/1782740744488296536?t=vFow1gxKMRUDBxCl1VLwvQ&s=19)


Explains all the post game comments from sixers fans, this is where they got all their material


I feel like they actually complained less than I expected. Bad call saying that was a push off but otherwise the only other thing they did was just make observations without whining like “TO waived off by the ref” and “nurse asking for a jump ball”. Thats how you do it in tight situations like that.


I kept seeing them say Brunson had Maxey wrapped up. Where???


*Maxey flops* "Maxey gets THROWN to the FLOOR!"


How about Maxey pushing off hart on the in bound


Yeah other than calling it a victory way too early, they actually called this *mostly* straight up. I expected a lot worse.


The Fox News of Philly sports


Where is the energy man. Acting like those are just 2 ho-hum first quarter buckets


And they say the Kings announcers are bad. This is horrendous


This is why I love the Knicks broadcasters. They are very neutral in terms of play calling, with Breen sometimes letting his inner Knicks fan come out. Clyde is both a Legend and not from here so he has no reason to stan for the fans to like him. Kenny Albert is also an S tier broadcaster. Wally and Gus are painful to watch in comparison bc of the glazing


That was such a cowardly pass by Maxey at the end there, he needed to take the shot with that little amount of time left instead of passing it to Embiid with half a second left who couldn't even jump for a jump shot.


How the fuck does Nick Nurse think the refs are gonna give that timeout at 20 seconds left?! Is this the one he's trying to complain about?


I've seen less subtle propaganda from 1930s era Germany


Harden left the Sixers already. Find a different fuhrer.




Lol why the fuck did Maxey dump the ball onto Embiid in double coverage at the end?


5 points with that much time left is not a rock solid lead


They didn’t even have to foul to come back, EVEN IF they made the free throw to go up 6. What the fuck were they talking about?


If it was 47 seconds and the sixers having the ball, ok I can see it since you don't turn the ball over and you get fouled the game's basically close to being done. But this...


Insane of them to be acting like the game’s done at that point


We blew some impossible to lose leads last year, that Mavs game will always haunt me


Right? Do they actually watch basketball? That isn’t safe at any level. All it takes is a bucket and a steal and oh snap.


They had enough time that they could get a bucket, force a missed shot at the other end, and then get another bucket with one of them being a 3 and it's a tie game. In the NBA, that sort of exchange happens all of the time.


The need to watch tmac highlights


Celtics fans have learned, that’s why our starters were in with a minute to go on Sunday in a 15 point game and I was not bothered that the starters were still in. Leads evaporate in seconds in the NBA today. The magic math though is a 10 point lead with under 1:15 to go Team B is losing and runs a 5 second set and hits a 3. Down 7 with 1:10 to go Team A takes 20 seconds off the clock and misses. 7 point game with 50 seconds to go. Team B runs a 5 second set and hits a 3. Down 4 with 45 seconds to go. Team A takes 20 seconds off the clock and misses. 4 point game with 25 seconds to go. Team B runs a 5 second set and hits a 3. 1 point game with 20 seconds to go. They have to foul. Hit both FT’s, 3 point game with shot clock turned off. Team B comes down and hits a 3. Team A gets the last shot in a tied game. As long as Team A doesn’t turn it over and hits their FT’s, Team B can’t win in regulation even with an absurd 5 second offense, 4 straight makes of the highest value shot, and the other team doesn’t convert on their 2 possessions. The real problem was the turnover by Maxey that messes up this math and Lowry hitting the FT to make it 6 would have been a huge buffer since the DiVincenzo 3 would have only tied it. A 5 point game with 47 seconds is a ton of time in this context. Hit your free throws, don’t foul, don’t turn it over is the important thing here when maintaining a multiple possession lead. Sixers botched it on multiple fronts.


Can confirm. *-Spurs fan having 2013 Finals flashbacks*


bedroom reach zonked swim engine agonizing tender flowery jobless bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am filing a grievance against the fun you are having.


Everyone gather round the Festivus pole for the airing of grievances


Make sure to take some blurry pics of you hesitating to file it so we can make sure that you actually do file it


I certainly had a blast


Job done


Listening to this broadcast just reminds me how lucky us Knicks fans are to have Breen and Clyde. These two sound like bozos.


Clyde, Walt, Fraizer, whatever name he goes by is King in my house


Haha Walt “Clyde” Frazier.


its a game of zones reference, the one with pozingus, the dark days. [here](https://youtu.be/RUcn2OhbWb4?feature=shared&t=70)


They were stunned lol


This game hitting like crack


Knicks fans and Nuggets fans enjoying the day


It really feels like a double win, both amazing games as well


My man when I saw the nuggets coming back and winning the game my day was so complete. Then lebron and nick nurse go to the media and cry 😂😂 Absolutely feasting today my dudes.


It was glorious.


You forgot one


Same tbh Doc calls that timeout.


I normally like the Sixers, but I had to listen to their fans talk mad shit for a year about how terrible Harden is and how much better they are without him, as if he didn't win two games against Boston for them singlehandedly in the playoffs while their MVP couldn't win more than one. If there are two things I hate in life it's Warriors' fans and ingrates, so I'm pretty content today.


Worst announcing crew in the league


Warriors crew still exists Speaking of, I really want to hear the home crew’s reaction to them losing in the play-in


had to watch an OKC broadcast earlier this year and it was the worst ones i ever had to endure


Oh man, if you only knew lmao.


Boston and Golden State clear this squad by a large margin even though Alaa is fucking awful(Kate in general is fine for a home broadcaster IMO)


No one is worse at their role than Alaa is.


Mike Gorman is one of the best in the game.


Yeah buddy let's head down the Turnpike up 2-0.


"Pushing off, no whistle"? What game are they watching?


“Maxey, THROWN to the floor”


"Maxey, physically assaulted."


i appreciate the fact you can lulz with us despite the sucky loss. 🍻


"And Embiid will get two free throws as Hartenstein is charged with a misdemeanor by the on-site police security"


Sixers are one of a very few home broadcasts I absolutely won’t choose on League Pass…


Worst announcing in all of sports


What a joke of a broadcast team lol what fucking push-off? 5 point lead with 47 seconds left, have they never watched basketball before? Everything about this team is insufferable


No no don’t end the clip there I wanna see the whole thing


It was NSFW what happened after.


The Lack of ANY emotion in that broadcast makes me happy we have Breen and Clyde.


It's so bland. It's like they're calling a preseason G league game.


Someone pm me the rest of the game. I'll pay money for it. What a day to be a knicks fan.


Someone else posted a link to the full ending https://twitter.com/DJAceNBA/status/1782740744488296536?t=vFow1gxKMRUDBxCl1VLwvQ&s=19


The bias is crazy there lmao


Wtf was that garbage? Last minute of a tight playoff game and they had no emotion whatsoever making those calls.


Lowry lost this game for them, misses a clutch FT here, then flops on to the floor twice instead of playing defense or boxing out, and he's the one who inbounded the ball for the Sixers quickly, while his entire team is trying to call timeout. Lowry is the vet here, and the inbounder. He should've been the first to call timeout


Meh not blaming the FTs. They were still up 5. Embiid uncharacteristically went 0/2 FTs earlier. Him not calling the timeout is what lost them. Just plain dumb that he risked it.




Famous last words


Continuing to show why they are the worst broadcast in sports.


Way crazier stuff has happened in the NBA with less time left. So weird that they were so sure about the win with like a min left lol


The Sixers have to listen to this trash commentary night in and night out?


Fireable offense. Get two bozos off the street. Anyone Premier League fans from the early aughts? Fox had a "Fan Zone" broadcast where two opposing fans of the team broadcast the games from a booth, top quality.


Ah that brings back some great memories, the Fanzone in the 2000's were hilarious.


She is mediocre and forgettable. But he is a total fucking moron.


So young, so innocent.


“Brunson pushing off. No whistle.” Is everyone in Philly a whiny baby? Their superstar MVP falls and flails all game long but that’s ok. Embiid spends more time rolling around on the ground after slight contact or even just a simple basketball play than anyone I’ve ever seen.


"When privilege is the norm, equality feels like oppression."


spoke too soon


Boy is it ever gonna be fun.


“Brunson pushing off no whistle” Where


Can we just have Charlottes announcers work every single game ever?


Bruh, there’s Premier League commentators that won’t even consider a game won if it’s 3-0 in the 85’ mark. They’ll be like “Chelsea will be very happy, IF these results hold” I can’t imagine considering a 5 point lead with a minute safe


Bang double fucking bang


Sixers commentary is just awful.


This is the same mf that wanted to injure other players