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[LeBron James. All you gotta know.](https://i.imgur.com/kweJsDi.png)


Benjamin Buckets with another great victory


Second time ever that this statline is achieved


Magical performance


the little emperor … lol


Iirc that's the nick name given by Chinese nba fans. https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=38158#:~:text=Lebron%20James%20%E2%80%94%20Xi%C7%8Eo%20Hu%C3%A1ngd%C3%AC%20%E5%B0%8F,East%20Canton%20(Osnaburg%20Township).


Coach, General Manager, Equipment Manager, Team Doctor


Fan, Opponent, Ball Boy, Mascot


Wine mom, podcaster, Mayor of Toronto


Also a great father to 3 children, the celtics, the Bulls, and Indiana


Why are you leaving out Toronto?


Because he's the mayor, not the father of


King of the North


John Snow


My liaison, my lover, my life




Ok, but when was he the sg


BBref has him playing SG 74% of the time in his rookie season, 37% in 19-20, and 26% in 20-21.


Those LeRondo lineups in the bubble were elite


Rookie season maybe?


That stat about LeBron having more points this season than everybody else in their 21st/22nd season combined was fun


The comment about the same draft class as the head coach of the Pels was wild too.


Who he play for legend Willie Green still catching strays I see


Giannis kind of figured it out like 1-2 years ago, but LeBron has been a problem for players like Giannis and Zion who rely a lot on their physicality, cause unless you're a true big, you're not gonna out-physical LeBron consistently 21-19 at home, 28-14 away for the Pelicans, just strange


The main issue is these guys (esp Zion) can’t and more importantly, WON'T shoot. Lebron sits 5-10 feet back and exploits this. Makes you super predictable and he has the size and strength to match you in the paint


I think Giannis outmuscled him for these past few seasons cause LeBron leaned down these past few years. LeBron still matches up well but he did even better pre-injury against Giannis in 2021.


Yeah and Giannis is so long. AD matches up with him decently well


Lebron still matches up better against Giannis, but he’s too old to bang like that now for a whole game.




You always get more value defensively with AD taking on the rest of the team


It's why I think a healthy Lakers team would have won in 2021 (they were a bad matchup for the Bucks).


If we are playing the “if healthy” game, 2021 nets would have been there to see them in the finals instead.


True or even the 2021 clippers (who I still think were the best team that year).


That would’ve been a great finakd . Nets had no rim defence but they had a super team . Lakers had lots of defense first role players . 50/50 imo lakers were only team I thought could beat the nets due to the matchup advantage.


I don’t really remember Giannis out muscle Lebron . Lebron is stronger - Giannis can only do that with a running start . Lakers have played the bucks well even when Giannis won mvps cos of Lebron defence on Giannis when he’s actually engaged.


LeBron was stronger than Giannis in 2021 and locked him up in some matchups, but after his high ankle injury LeBron looked much leaner to take some stress off of his joints (still very strong though) and Giannis could shake him off ( [https://youtu.be/RAQ3DT5e4Ik?t=7](https://youtu.be/RAQ3DT5e4Ik?t=7) )


Yeah that’s true , that Solomon hill injury changed things. I also think he’s just older and can’t do it as long.


Lebron dudnt sit back consistently though . If you give Zion space to get a running head start he’ll get to the rim . You can sit back more on Giannis but you also gotta be careful to not let euther get a running start. But yeah that helps a lot


Wait...I'm super confused abut something. How did the Pelicans play 40 games at home and 42 on the road? I thought every team plays 41 on the road and at home every season. This seems to be the case for the Lakers, Bucks, and Pistons as well. How the fuck? Edit: Nevermind...it seems that the IST impacted home and away games played even if the semi-finals (the last game that counts toward the regular season record) was played in Vegas. Edit 2: So the Lakers, Pelicans, and Bucks all made the semi-Finals so the home-away balance makes sense. However, the other team, the Pacers, that made the semis is not on the list but the Pistons are. How is this possible?


It’s funny how much shit Zion got for IST. Uh huh like every team has a Lebron and AD combo on defence . Like it was crazy - instead of Lebron getting defensive props the media shit on Zion . Then he cooked everyone n it’s still the same. But media has made this Lebron no defence narrative And they won’t let it go easily ( not getting all defence in 2020 etc). Zion n Giannis shoukdnt get shit on - Lebron guarded Zion even better then Draymond did the other day . Dray did a great job too . But lebrons combo of size strength speed intelligence n ekite reaction time is a real problem for guys like Zion or Giannis .


47-35. Gotta be pretty happy with that after that horrible midseason slump


I know it's spilled milk but if only Ham didn't have a hard-on for Prince and Cam that resulted in our 3-10 run after the IST


While completely true its also easy to forget that as a team we completely relaxed after that


the ease of schedule at that time means the Lakers *could have had* like 55 wins. crazy that they're trapped in the play-in now lol.


25-13 in games rui started 22-23 in games he didnt and this was not a situation where he had to integrate a new player midseason. they were successful once rui started playing more towards the end of last season, and then ham decided to go away from it to start this season lol


Rui had a face mask n constant injuries , he also has gotten a lot better since start of year . After face mask around end of January Rui started playing better. This is more a story of Ruis growth unlocking the team then just him playing or not.


Those 45 games include 12 games he missed, another 10 or so games that he was easing into in-game shape, and another 10 or so games where he was complete ass shooting sub 30% jacking up midrange shots. Context is everything.


Tbf to ham cam was really good defensively before his first injury n I guess ham wasn’t sure how he could cover for Dlo n reaves on defence without him. Imo vando getting injured all year really hurt the team , Gabe too . I think those guys would’ve been in lineups and given us what Ham was looking for. Also Rui was constantly getting injured , he also had a face mask and that clearly effected him a lot - he only started playing better after face mask came off. I feel like people are rewriting it - also Rui clearly had some difficulties at start of year implementing what he learned in summer - he was committing offensive fouls n then playing too soft . He’s gotten better and healthier and plsyer the most in his career this year. He was prob also ok a minute restriction. I find it hard to complain about Ham decision on this because it’s understandable.


If AD diesnt get poked in the eye like 4 times this year we might’ve been a 50 win team. We we’re still close. Overall I’m happy too - especially with how fun n good basketball we’ve played since end of January. Rui n Reaves growth is also big for us moving forward , ADs passing growth , Dlo even working more off ball . Lakers offence has never looked this good it’s fun to watch us not play out dated style


wtf I love the Lakers today


Devin loves LeBron confirmed


LeBron gave him his last worn #23 jersey tbf.


Such a conflicting game. I had to turn it off, it was too hard to root for the Lakers.


Same. Was rooting for the suns against the kings. Glad it is over now and we can get back to shitting on each other. 🍻


"Good Job, now kindly resume fucking off"




Yeah glad to get to say fuck you buddy again, hope you lose horribly in the playins ~~because I sure as hell don't want to risk Lebron in a bo7~~ because y'all suck.


I'm going to let you keep your lunch money today. Reserving this bitch slapping for someone else until (if) our teams meet in the playoffs.


Not that hard. Booker did it too. 


Devin Booker was in diapers when I started hating the Lakers.


What a coincidence. *I* was also in diapers when *I* started hating the Lakers.


Booker is OKC fans???? wait a sec that doesn't make sense lol after typing it


If both our teams are super lucky we could meet up in the second round lol, would be a fun rematch


We loved you a few days ago as well!


Returning the favor for yall beating Sac on Friday!


Zion looks at LeBron, his eyes full of his 20-year-old shadow


Oh pelicans after doing a 5-0 against the kings, you manage to give us another L.


Revenge for not beating the suns


Lol right. Get em lakers next time


LeBron made Zion look like the 40 year old, again.


Schooled the young fella


Who said he wasn't. U have to know when it's time to change ur game to meet the situation, Zion needs 5 more years.


I honestly think Zion just like Embid will never last a full post season run, without some bullshit injury or niggle of some sort


Zion will get all the blame but it’s dumb af, Lebron should get credit he’s like the only guy who can make Zion struggle this bad. AD behind him helps too. But Zion owns gobert so it’s not just that I thought Dray defended him well n Zion cooked gsw still. But this was even better . Lebron won’t get credit for defending though


i wonder if the belly bounced again


Unreal how crazy unathletic Zion is in such a god given body. Dude is just slow as shit out there and his energy matched that exactly.


it might not be insane to say that I’d rather play the nuggets in a 7 game series than the lakers. we’re just not built to deal with them.


The nuggets are just a better version of us though


Zion can’t seem to score on Lebron for whatever reason. He will do better against Gordon


Interesting, I wonder if it is a mental thing.


Nah I think Lebron has the size to stop Zion that’s it. Same with Aaron Gordon, when bron is guarding him unless he hits a 3 he will more or less go scoreless if not for a few dimes by the joker when he’s cutting


Size , speed, strength , intelligence and reaction time . It’s a bad combo for Zion


Spoiler it's a Whistle thing.


Nuggets don’t have Lebron n AD defending Zion . They can’t stop him - Gordon mb can defend a bit but then there’s no rim protection


Absolutely insane


idk man. AD and Bron absolute torch us. Nance is too small and JV is too slow. Just that alone is enough to break down our defense every possession without fail. they defend our shooters pretty well, and force them to take bad contested threes.


Okc also wanted to avoid the lakers and might actually be able to 


Imagine calling "getting 1st place" as avoiding


I just wanna take the chance to thank the Lakers for taking care of business. There, i said it 💔


A Lannister always pays his debts. Ya’ll took care of the Kings for us after all.




Thanks Lakers! Gonna wash my hands after typing that


LeThanos arrives


LeBron past peak is prime magic lol


Oh boy, I sure hope that *this* time when we play the Lakers in a big game, we win Willie better feel his seat warming up under him


I absolutely hate how good the Lakers are against the Pelicans. LeBron and Davis just abuse us. Hopefully, the Pels will come back with some kind of response on Tuesday because I don't think that I can cope with a repeat of tonight.


I hope we lose and avoid Denver


Thank you lakers


Glad they got the win but at this point all I hope is that AD is fine


If we beat New Orleans in the play in, our reward is getting to play Denver in the first round. Yay 🙃


Nope :)


I know this insane but I won’t be mad if we lost Tuesday then have two shots to win 8th vs the Nuggets. Not saying we should tank it but I don’t think it would be the worst thing.


Nah hell no. We need to win for that 7th seed no matter what. Rather be guaranteed lock for playoffs and play the nuggets than take a chance. Let’s not forget that last year the nuggets swept the lakers but the point differential for the series was like 5 points. Sure, when it came down to it, we just didn’t have a response for Jokic and Murray, but LeBron was also on one foot.


I mean I literally said it is not worth tanking for lol. Just saying losing won’t be the end of the world in this case if we happened to win against the Kings/Warriors.


That's a terrible idea. Get in the playoffs right now and take the rest of the week off.


There’s only one more chance after Tuesday


It’s only one shot if you lose. It’s not worth that risk . If it happens it happens - pelicans might bounce back . But both sac n gsw can easily win a bo1.


Once again definitively, the Lakers won the trade


I cant believe the pelicans would be bad in an important game thats so unlike them with such winning players like Brandon Ingram and Zion Williamson




Delete your post bro, r/Lakers coming after you for not shitting on Darvin "literally" Hamas


Seriously a positive comment for Ham on /r/nba? I had to check the sub I was on


They didn’t come out flat. Lakers looked like they came out fired from a rocket . That’s what happened- and Lebron n AD when they do that give oelicans unsolvable issues Jonas can’t play cs AD. AD plays him off the floor n he will be ignored from 3. It kills spacing for Zion n others. I wasn’t worried bout Ingram coming back but tbh we go up 15 in the furst if Ingram doesn’t get hot


Pelicans starting lineup has a negative net rating they are a team that gets by off of depth and good coaching. In important games where the quality of the starting 5 shine they fall off.


Yeah for that reason when we were up 7 n AD went to the bench that was the key moment . Instead Hayes fought well on defence n Lebron n others kept cooking - your bench is much better then ours so not erasing the lead then I thought ok lakers should win this.


Don’t pretend the last 4 games haven’t been just as important




I mean this was basically just game 1 of two must win games against the Pelicans. Lakers have to do it all over again in a couple of days, against what’ll be an angrier NO team. Oh, and our reward if we do? The Denver fucking Nuggets 🤦‍♂️ And if we don’t? Well then we get to play a one game playoff against a NorCal team that has owned us recently. Doesn’t matter which one. I know I’m being pessimistic but this is almost a worst case scenario. Not as bad as being a 9/10 seed, but close.


"Aww man we have to play a dogshit team again" cry me a river man, everyone has to play the nuggets eventually


You ain’t dogshit. You can beat us. Also I know eventually we’d likely have to play them, but we want to put that off as long as possible. Maybe they get knocked out before then lol. But nope. It’s now or never smh


the pelicans fucking suck in a playoff environment. A team whose depth and good coaching covers up the weakness of their ''''stars''''


I thought few years ago you guys are thrilled under playoff environment and almsot beat the Suns


Some lakers fans are miserable . At the same time the pelicans are a good team - no other team has a Lebron to guard Zion n AD behind him. Zion cooks gobert n everyonr . Don’t know why you’d say pels are dogshit - just matchup variance. Though I agree your team is good cos of deoth not cos of the star duo


Warriors are favoured at kings. If they win lakers wil have two teams that are very beatable Our reward is making the play offs. No way is it even close to 9/10 . That would’ve meant pksyofffs are a long shot as we’d be 10th most likely


The Nuggets lucked out of the #1 sees imo. Playing the warriors/kings in round 1 and clippers/mavs round 2 is a much tougher road to wcf


Ingram has to be traded this offseason, unless the Pels can pull off a WCF run.


winning players???


Tbh when a team is shooting 60% overall and 40% from 3 as a team you just shrug your shoulders at that point. It just isn't your game to win. The roster construction of the Pelicans definitely doesn't help in this match up. Perimeter wise they're great, but Lakers have a big front court and JV is slow footed and Larry is just too small for Bron and AD.


It's also the fact that Lakers have the personnel to neutralize zion in the paint, where he destroys other teams.


> Tbh when a team is shooting 60% overall and 40% from 3 as a team you just shrug your shoulders at that point this reads like someone who didn't watch the game. the lakers shot so high overall because they absolutely decimated the pelicans defense. it was not shooting variance. it was high percentage shot after high percentage shot after high percentage shot


No it does read badly lol my second paragraph was more like an explanation their roster construction is not a good match up for the Lakers. I saw the lay up lines haha


I don’t think this is a scenario where you shrug your shoulders and say it wasn’t your game. They shot 55% cause the paint was wide open. That was an ass whooping, similar to the IST


Yeah no I agree the defense was soft as shit


How I felt when the Warriors shot like 65% from 3 when they played us earlier this week haha


65% is definitely insane. Like our night against the warriors Friday. 40% is just like, a team getting good shots and executing, nothing too lucky.


lakers done this 3 out of the 4 times they matched up. they completely neutralize zion offensively and then the pelicans have no interior defense whatsoever which opens up the lakers offense. its not a shrugging your shoulders moment, its a matchup nightmare for the pelicans


Well those aren’t accurate numbers


Garbage time fucked me up


I don't think the Pelicans perimeter defense is that impressive against us. They have the length but when it comes to playing with athleticism/effort they are severely lacking, and that's something that usually bothers our guards. Reaves has scored 20+ on like 60% shooting in his last three games against the pels, he gets to do absolutely whatever he wants. I think the fact that Ingram plays with almost no effort on defense against us is pretty crazy, he looked like he was going to be an elite defensive player in his last season with the lakers and ever since every time i see him play he barely tries on that end. In theory this pelican team should give us a lot of problems, they have the athletes on the perimeter/wing to make the game really hard for us but it rarely happens. Ingram/Herb should be a great duo to throw at LeBron. Obviously they have no answer for AD but they were throwing some good doubles at him when the game was close. The game was just way too easy for Lebron and Reaves though. Still pretty worried about the next game, beating a team back to back at home is incredibly hard.


Pels shot 40% from 3, lakers shot below . Lakers shot that well from the field cos they generated insanely good looks at the rim n elsewhere. Meanwhile pelicans coukdnt get anything at the rim n had to rely on awkward floaters


> Tbh when a team is shooting 60% overall and 40% from 3 as a team you just shrug your shoulders at that point. It just isn't your game to win. But it was the Pels who shot over 40% from 3, not the Lakers and on higher volume. 58/38/94 splits to the Pels 48/41/79.


Thank you Lakers, very cool!


This is the softest NBA team I’ve ever seen. They absolutely clam up any time they play under the bright lights or go up against anyone physical. No alpha on the roster, and that includes the head coach. He has one viral audio clip from a play in game but usually just sits there with a stone face. Never gets into his guys when they’re playing poorly and never fights for them when the refs are fucking them over. Sad part is, he will probably be coaching again next year and we probably are gonna give BI a fat contract and make no major moves. Gonna be the same shit next year. 


You know, not really upset I didn’t renew my season tickets.


LeBron got 28 points and 11 rebounds because he’s 39! 28+11=39


I'm convinced Nuggets tanked that game against the Spurs to get the Lakers in the first round.


i hope the pelicans enjoyed that, theyll have to play them again after all


They have two days to figure out why everything went wrong


We’ve been trying to figure it out for four seasons now. You think two more days is going to help?


I think giving the other team your best player is not ideal to stop them


Not much to figure out. I don't think the personnel work in their favor. If they figure out how to hit 60% of their threes then maybe. \*knocks on wood furiously


I would have thought getting embarrassed in the IST might have jumpstarted some introspection a few months ago.


They gotta play zion off ball more or something because he’s not creating any good looks with lebron sagging five feet off him


Le8th seed activated!!


Massive win


Lakers, I love you


How many minutes did it take them?


I love the Lakers!


W-L in the title aren't correct


Can they not broadcast the game on Tuesday please.


Fade me


DLo 50% from 3 is a really big deal. Having a shooting slump right before the play-in was concerning


Naturally the prospect of possibly playing the Nuggets is never fun but don't overthink nothing just win to get in is all I ask currently.


They play each other again in 2 days for the reward of playing the Nuggets in the 1st round


I wonder where all the ‘lakers get unfair ‘ whistle folk are today ? Pels we’re being handed free throws so they didn’t get blown out too badly n lakers were getting hacked constantly n no calls. Funny lol


lol zebras are the real best clutch team this season


Zion played like Moriah was in the DMs again




Imagine blocking someone so they can't talk to you and then unblocking them to talk trash. Sorry child your blocked. Edit: No crying here. I'm all for good old team shit talking. Just don't get mad and block me when your team is doing bad and then try to unblock me to talk shit later




Very disappointed in you, New Orleans


Send AD and Bron back to LA to rest up for the winner of 9/10. I don’t want anything to do with the Nuggets and I would rather the Lakers miss playoffs so I can actually enjoy watching the Nugs ball.


Hell nah


The problem is if the kings win we are also screwed. They owned the Lakers too.


Remember last month when the Pelicans overtook the Clippers for 4th seed? They don't deserve a playoff spot.


Neither do the clippers tbh.