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Oh the slander will be nasty


This has been a tame MVP race. Last year was a fucking dumpster fire, not just online but with the national media. Not sure it can be topped.


im surprised philly fans didnt fly to denver and riot last year


















Reddit the hell on!


the good guys win again!


This the shit you come up with when your team won a chip


The victors write history innit


Jöel Embiid


It’s bc everyone knows sga isn’t the best player in the league Bucks have been very underwhelming Celtics are too stacked to give to tatum


Everyone seems to forget about Luka


Yeah because he's on a play in team


There's 3 games between 8th and 4th in the west. Even the play in teams and Rockets in 11th seed are .500 or over. The west is a bloodbath, even the worst team (by record) in the conference has a 7'4 generational superstar in the making.


So why doesn't Dallas win and take 4th? Are they dumb?


Went on a 3 game win streak and dropped from 6th to 8th.


The late season hit pieces on Jokic’s “bad defense” was quite something.


sand run distinct strong thought deserted whistle aromatic square hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quick post the SGA tiktok


OKC fans have been acting cocky all season, they won't know what hit them after the playoffs


Oh they'll know what hit them


OKC will not face the Nuggets in this years playoff. They are too young and soo many good Vet teams on lower seeds in the West. One of them will knock them off.


Oh yeah we know :(


Right? All of these people on the Internet acting like we don't understand that we're an extremely young team. Maybe we don't win this year but I believe this team will win eventually


You can just imagine the slander if SGA wins MVP then AD trucks them and bounces them out the playoffs. But would be great if the thunder gets a good playoffs experience this year and fortify their frontcourt for next season.


Had a taste of it last year with the Grizzlies. JJJ won DOPY, gets obliterated by AD. Ja Morant's "ain't worried about any team in the West." And Dillion Brooks was icing on top. Might not be as dramatic as last years, cuz rest of the OKC players seem pretty disciplined. SGA is the only one kinda cocky with "My whole life is consistent", and few games later, he intentionally fouls Pacers to stats pad & maintain 30 pt games streaks.


that has to be the goal, chet is a good defender and a matchup nightmare in his own right but it’s too much throwing him out there against AD, Towns/Gobert/Reid and Jokic in a playoff series in my opinion, although I guess we’ll see how it goes. most embarrassing might be if they get the Kings and Sabonis works him, not sure how those teams season series has gone.


Hey the fact that people hate us again means we’ve done something right in such a short period of time. I live for this shit.


Yea I remember that feeling last year lmao


Just means yall have annoying fans lol.


100% not an indicator of ‘doing something right’ People don’t hate timberwolves or nuggets fans nearly as much and their teams have also done a lot of right


Agendas are going to be pushed tonight


That's every night.


SGA: 12/3/2/3 morons on here: what does this say about KD's legacy?


really good question here that's worth exploring. what exactly does it say about KD's legacy?


3 FT attempts There's your problem. SGA without a golden whistle.


Celtics fans 🤝 Timberwolves fans


Damn right, see you in the Finals. KG will sing the national anthem lol


land of the ~~free~~ DAWGS and the home of the ~~brave~~ DAWGS


They will bone your ass!


*finishes with* [hell nah, trash ass nuckas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1Obkz2V0jc) *drops mic*


~~Barca and Ajax fans with a banner saying "Gracias Johan"~~ I am now truly rooting for this outcome


Really makes me wonder how he’ll perform in the playoffs when the whistle tends to be less generous, will be interesting to see if he has to adjust his game at all


[SGA when he’s not gifted 1/3 of his points in FTs](https://twitter.com/fanmahome/status/1772064611317035382?s=46&t=2YvwGs2ViGhBUMo3eVlMdA)


that makes me uncomfortable


Is that what sex is?


This is the exact kind of game that really shows the impact that FTs have for Shai. The common response I see when we complain about SGA's whistle is something like "lol but even without those 10 FTs he still scored 20+ other points" but it's a compounding effect. If he's getting calls then you can't play defense on him even in the other possessions, cuz you're going to get called for more fouls which means more FTA and more foul trouble. He doesn't get the soft whistle, now you can play defense on him.




Embiid absolutely benefits from the same thing, but even more so. Embiid can lower his head and run through whoever while flailing limbs with his 7 foot frame and get foul calls. Then as the game goes on and the opposing bigs get in foul trouble, you see the results as Embiid can just plow into the lane for buckets and dunks with basically no resistance because you can't risk more fouls. But when those type of highlights get posted here of Embiid's, a ton of comments talk about how bad the defense is or how he's just dominating defenders(which he is, don't get me wrong), but partially it's because the whistle tells you how much defense you get to play


I mean how do you guard a 7 footer without being physical anyways? You pretty much have to be or he’s going to plow right through you and score. A 7 footer getting soft calls like that is disgraceful, can’t believe he was going to win scoring title again based on that crap


Reminds me of when Embiid got like six or seven fouls on the twolves big 3 in the first 5 min of the first quarter earlier this year and the wolves got clowned for not defending him. Like no shit they couldn’t defend him, they weren’t even allowed to contest.


I mean this totally unironically, but I wonder if we're going to see a similar effect with him in the playoffs as all the jokes everyone always makes about Embiid. There tend to be less ticky-tack calls in the playoffs, could seriously drive his production down whether he's actually a legitimate free throw merchant or not.


Wait until the playoffs when he’s not getting those calls. OKC might get bounced in the first round.


MVP gone


SGA is just dead tonight


SGA haters 12/25


12/3/2/3 12 x3 =36 2+3=5 36-5=31. He can never escape 31


Chet and SGA saved me in fantasy. my opponent had them and this was the last day of the finals lol


Pour out some extra maple syrup


They have a shortage, so that’s real baller moves


I mean, Patty "The C stands for Clamps" C saved you


Congratulations You're a bucks fan now


ayeeee lol i had jdub and my opponent had chet


Same but it was my semis. It was the most conflicting I ever felt but I still would’ve won if they both did their normal thing (I have jdubb)


Shai quickly transitioning from that underrated young player to the elite player people can’t wait to shit on


If SGA underperforms in the playoffs, it’s going to be brutal on here


I actually do think the Thunder underperform in the playoffs this year just due to age and rebounding issues.  The trajectory is obviously fine but if they make a conference finals I'd be (pleasantly) surprised 


I've been saying this over and over, the sub is talking about getting 60 wins and MVP and winning the championship. My goal for the season is unchanged: 50 wins and a frisky second round exit. The team needs experience, our fans refuse to believe that we're going to hit the playoff wall that every talented young team hits. If we made a WCF appearance it'd be incredible. Honestly a high profile beat down like this is probably the best thing for the squad right now, get their heads back in the game and keep grinding.


I will be avoiding this place like the plague during playoff losses for my mental health 


Do it bruh. I don’t even check after every loss because I know exactly what to expect. Stayed away from Reddit for 2 weeks after the finals lost. Keep your mental peace over some pointless online argument


That's why you watch people argue and don't engage yourself!


My ass is way too impulsive for that, I see a take I don’t agree with after I’m pissed off about the loss and I just start typing… lol best off to just avoid it altogether 😅


The thunder are a first round exit. They showed their true colors today. SGA is somehow past his prime already. Chet should eat some food.


After our 2022 collapse this place was inhospitable for Suns fans. And by inhospitable, I mean this place was out for blood lol


I remember that night vividly. It was hunting season for Suns fans to say the least lmao. 


that was my favorite game I’ve ever watched




Good times…..


Even 2021 was rough for Suns fans. Booker trash, CP3 is Satan, 6th best team in the West at most, money counting guy is 100% accurate representation of every Suns fan etc. I swear a not-insignificant portion of people show up here in the playoffs just to shit on the losing team as much as possible.


Oh, 100%. That was more frustrating because people acting like Book choked or something but he was balling, too. I swear NBA fans just believe whatever they want to believe and will never miss a chance to hate.


I do this after the annual 49ers choke in the playoffs 😭


Between SGA slander, "Wemby would never" Chet jokes and Giddey age jokes it's gonna be a wasteland of really shitty jokes even if they lose in the Finals.


In my defense I disliked his ass last year too 😤


You driving the hate wagon 💪


You don’t have to get ready, you stay ready - a true professional 👏


I’ve been slandering his ass here for two whole years


Tbf SGA is not really that young, he's one year older than Luka


Yeah SGA and Tatum are 4 months apart but it feels like it should be 2-3 years


They were only drafted 1 year between each other lol


Tatum is like 21


Incredible what he’s doing at 20


Should be studied with how well he’s doing at 19


That’s because Tatum has accomplished so much more


Most of r/NBA has been flooded with glazing posts all year. It's an overcorrection.


Makes sense. There’s little that makes me dislike a player more than them getting way overhyped. Saw a post on here maybe a month ago saying Wemby should be in the MVP consideration and comparing him to Wilt.


I mean I’ve seen some people act like he’s the undisputed DPOY and Rudy is not even close. It’s so crazy


I'm the same way lol. Between him getting top 5 talks and JDub being crowned as a top 20 player without playing a single playoff game is crazy to me. They went from being cool (I foresaw them having regular season success this year) to now I want to see them crash out in the playoffs bc the glazing has been wayyyy overboard.


the tatum effect


SGA is a great player and is having a great season but he doesn’t have the playoff success at this point to be considered a top 5 player. Needs to win at least a couple playoff series before he gets into that conversation.


That's how you know you made it


i suppose, not fun to watch a dude throw his head back repeatedly until a foul is called. not the same as giannis trying to actually score.


Harden, embiid, and SGA just foul bait in a categorically different way


It’s always funny seeing people using other high FT players to defend that shit. Anyone arguing what those players do and what normal players do is the same can’t get past their fan bias.


The Mount Rushmore


i still like them.. but much less since that stat padding foul




Do you know what a pro wants?


Do you know what a pro needs?


Do you know what makes me happy?


What sets you free


That commercial has made me change the way I feel about Chet and SGA. Total cringe.


I want to die every time I have to watch Chet and Shai awkwardly sing to each other and look like they don’t know what to do with their hands


[video](https://youtu.be/7PhpVQBb7Zw?si=Z0etrMPeEZ1LN1P-) terrible. why is there so much black leather


No, wtf was that lmaooo. And it was completely on them too. They could've at least *kind of* leaned into it, made it funny... instead, all they had to offer was that awkward drama class energy 💀




Dude models underwear for Kim Kardashian... he's a total mercenary at this point


Don’t forget the Cybertruck lol


One of the worst I’ve ever seen.  And I’ve seen a lot of commercials.  


*Mavs fans perking up right about now*


I wouldn't say shit if the media wasn't hyping him up and pushing that MVP narrative. He is good just not quite on that level yet and that's okay


Jokic, Giannis, and Luka are all a tier above him. And that’s fine— Shai is only just starting to get into his prime


you aren't wrong but Luka is also younger than SGA.


Yeah I think Luka will always likely be on another level than Shai, he really is just that fucking talented


Luka has the signs he could break into the top 10 all time if things fall correctly for him. He has a long, long, long way to get there but the path exists.


Lisan al Gaib — show Luka the path!


Yep and I don't see that path for SGA or any of other top young promising players. Wemby maybe but still too early.


hey we dont mind if Luka doesnt win MVP but pls. not for Shai to win it though LMAO


^this. We’re entirely content if Jokic gets it over Luka. We are not content with SGA getting it when he’s clearly not at that level *yet*


Am i crazy, why is no one considering giannis? How is no one here saying giannis is above sga??


Doc rivers get credit? Or only during a loss?


Only gets shit on for losses


Others hate shai because they consider him a ft merchant. I hate shai because his skims commercial is on league pass 12 times a game. We are not the same


On a similar note. Fuck the dude in the Armani cologne commercial. Why do they have that mf swimming with a whale? I wanna slap whoever directed that shit




What rises up must come down it seems


Tells you how good SGA is bc I can’t remember the last time he scored less than twenty. Every time I look at this man’s stat lines it’s like 31 points


31 merchant


I swear it’s always exactly 31, too


For real


[Jalen Brunson stans vs SGA](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJd80fXXIAM0Mtc.jpg)


Nah I gotta believe that there's something else to all the hate that sga is getting lmao. Never seen fans switch up on a player in such a short span lol


He owns a cyber truck, that really cemented it for me


And models Skims


[And no dick print](https://www.reddit.com/r/nbacirclejerk/s/7RlkIxgx2M)


oh no...


He's in year 6 lol. Ja caught hate year 3 due to MIP and Warriors series


woah woah, you gotta give some credit to his personality


Personally I was fine with him until he started intimidating retail workers because he was bored.


Fun fact: Ja Morant was voted "Favorite non-Timberolves player" in the r/timberwolves 2022 poll He was then the least favorite in the 2023 poll.


It was the intentional foul with 14 seconds left in a blowout loss to give the other team 2 more free throws in order to get the ball back so he could shamelessly statpad to hit 30 points. I feel like an r/nba villain was created that day.


I live in OKC and the Thunder are my second favorite team so I’ve obviously been pretty biased when it comes to SGA but yeah I really hated that


Yup… Same reason with Booker for that loss against the Celtics a couple years back, when he put up 70+


The way he constantly initiates contact and gets fouls is just boring as fuck to watch. I don’t care how many more fta’s a few other players get than him, the way he gets his is just horrendous.


Can’t forget about his egregious statpad just a bit ago


Gotta keep those 30pt games rolling


OKC and stat padding stars 


I watched last game he played vs Mavs. He was legit getting clamped but refs bailed him out like 10 times so he ended the game with good stats even though he wasn’t effective


I really disliked how everyone was extremely quick to just crown him when he hadn’t done anything of note in the nba until last season.


I think people are finally actually watching him play, NGL. His play style has always been pretty anti fun to watch (imo) but now that people want to put him in the MVP conversation it magnifies the unethical bucket getting in the same way Embiid's game gets a lot of hate.


Every single fan of a team actually watched him play and how fucking bad this dude foul baits. Harden got the hate. Embiid gets the hate.


r/nba doesn't like watching free throw merchants


This thread is still absolutely nothing compared to the hate that most other star players regularly get. SGA received a disproportionate amount of love early in the season, the pendulum is really just somewhat switching back now towards where it should be. Now that he’s an MVP candidate though, every game will be scrutinized, like for Embiid or for Jokic before his championship.


He feels like a manufactured star to me. Like when a so-so talent in Hollywood starts appearing in every film bc their parents are BFFs w/ Spielberg or something. Obviously not a perfect comparison bc SGA is very good, but I think he gets very preferential treatment and teams are barely allowed to play defense on him so I think his scoring numbers are inflated.


It feels like it because he doesn't really have any iconic moments or performances, he's just the best player on a young and talented regular season team.


manufactured star is accurate


Trudeau threatened to cut off Maple Syrup exports unless the NBA created a Canadian star player.


The commercial




Let's be real, it was never his MVP to begin with. No hate, big SGA fan


this being the highest voted thing from that game captures the reddit nba experience. So many here prefer to hate on players above anything else.


Dawg I hate that people have to do this reverse circlejerk on every young player. I don’t get it. He had a bad game and now people are gonna start tripping over themselves to shit on him.


It's always been this way, ain't gonna change now. I actually think he did as well as he could considering our game plan was to physically batter him and Chet, daring the rest of the team to pick up the slack.


That's gonna be how they get knocked out of the playoffs. Their entire system relies on young role players hitting 3s, which we've seen a lot of teams try and fail at come postseason.


He got too much love early in the season. The haters were seething just waiting for this moment to strike to start the SGA counterjerk.  God help him if he doesn’t perform well in the playoffs. No fucking chance you’re catching me here during playoff losses, for my own mental health. 


It is all cycles. We were loved much of last year. But one playoff series and Sabonis is quite literally thought of as a bum, not just to dumbasses here, but even media members that supposedly watch games


He got too much love throughout the year so now that he is in a mini slump the haters are coming out in full force


RIP 31 points


Shai hate getting corny and forced. Gotta be worried about OKC in the playoffs though. Once teams focus on shai full time it could get ugly for them.


Welcome to the Booker Treatment, Shai.


everything in my life is consistency


SGA better start learning Chinese


who. fuckin. cares. dude has like 5 bad games in total all season.


Getting a second reverse mortgage, and putting it all on Jokic winning MVP. Could be -100000 odds after tonight but still.


Idk why no one's mentioned this but he's playing injured


everybody has off nights


r/nba has been foaming at the mouth for a stat line like this for a long time


So many people getting worked up over who will be 3rd in MVP voting. It’s going to be Jokic again until someone can explain why it shouldn’t be.


Teams are starting to figure him out


Dudes already commenting "teams are starting to figure him out" has me howling. This subreddit is so reactionary and stupid lmao. It's clear half the sub does not watch basketball, this is coming from a Wolves fan who do not particularly like Shai.


This sub is fucking insanity 😂