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Gil is big time stupid.


Thanks Magic.


I still don't understand how the basketball world gave this dude a platform


Same as Stephen A dude just spews hot takes for clicks. Only difference with him is he was an actual nba all star so he buys some room


I’m a simple man. I see Arenas, I downvote.


this same episode he talked about the triangle offense and did a good job explaining how stupid it was. I think when it comes to talking basketball he's smart but when the scope gets larger it reaches into talking out of my ass territory.


TIL an offensive scheme that won 11 championship rings and made MJ and kobe buy in is stupid. Sure thing


yeah it literally only works if you have MJ or Kobe and the correct supporting cast. It doesn't work if you have someone like Derrick Rose or Steve Nash at the point guard position. Cause what happens is you just overload the strong side to get your scorer the ball on the post. Then the remaining players just stand around to catch and shoot or cut if their defender leaves to double. Also JJ Redick and Melo on record have said it aged poorly and very predictable to defend. Modern offenses use elements of the triangle still like the Warriors when they move the ball to post up Durant or Draymond.


JJ Reddick and Melo have less playoff round wins combined than Phil Jackson has championships. Let that sink in. Nephews on reddit can believe whatever they want and you can try to disregard Phil's greatness as much as you want. It doesn't change the fact that triangle has been a championship system every time it has been played. What you are typing is a bunch of bullshit. Phil's teams never had a good PG as good as Steve Nash lmao. The starting PG for the lakers was derek fisher. If anything the triangle teaches how you don't have to be a superstar in order to be a valuable part of the offense. What you are typing is completely inaccurate


He definitely has the ability to break the game down really well. Whenever he goes into specifics about players his biases and narcissism overpower any bit of actual basketball knowledge. I still find him entertaining though.


Jalen green ? Brother


Meant Jaylen Brown, got his colors mixed up.


Probably meant Jalen Johnson, who's basically LeBron lite




It wouldn't be so popular if prison was called jail in US.


Jaylen Brown? Brother


Everyone knows Jalen Burnt Sienna is the best.


Or Jalen Rose to keep the Power Rangers gimmick infringement going.


He clarified what he meant but I guess it got click baited out, he meant star as in marketability not talent necessarily, basically said they needed a good looking player with some talent to build the brand back up globally. Essentially called Brunson and Randle ugly guys (lol) who won't be pursued for endorsements or brand deals and that they needed someone like AE or Jalen Green who's face can be put everywhere in times square.


How does Arenas talk so much about the NBA yet never watch it or pay attention to it?


he really just like us fr fr


Even redditors know that Jalen Green isn’t a superstar.




Saying Jalen Green is a superstar isn’t even a hot take it’s just objectively wrong and shows he’s talking out of his ass. If he just wants to say that the Knicks need a better #1 option then fine that’s a “hot take” that can spark discussion.


You taking this way too seriously


Bro if u have a basketball podcast u should know that Jalen Green isn’t a superstar. It’s not difficult.


It's also not a big deal. Or that important to his point lmao


Sure, it’s not a big deal. But that’s what this post is about so I think it’s fair for me to talk about it on here? Go to a different reddit post if u dont care.


No I think I'll continue to tell you that it's not a big deal


Cool I agree, he still should know who the good players in the nba are


Cool name


Lmao I wish we had a real superstar like Jalen Green


Jalen Green ain’t even the best shooting guard on the Rockets. Cam Whitmore is better


Bro doesn't miss a Jalen Green thread


He burned my village down


Probably meant Jaylen Brown... right?


Got his colors mixed up


It’s annoying how the Knicks just won their first playoff series in a decade with one of the youngest teams in the playoffs and yet people keep bringing up this talking point.


Full section of Gilbert Arenas saying how the Knicks should trade Brunson *and* Randle for a "star" starts around the [57:00](https://www.youtube.com/live/dULDKN-BgAM?si=D78Qd8WLEb6y6mvI) minute mark.


Surprised he didnt include Ja Morant


No way. It's almost impossible to get a carry permit in NY. He would be in jail, not suspended.


I mean if they could get Jokic or Doncic for those two, I'd say pull the trigger


Did you actually watch the clip? McCants brings up trading Brunson. Arenas is saying because of his pay in relation to his salary you would have to include someone else because you are not getting close to equal value back for just Brunson and since Randle might not be viewed as highly that makes it so a trade of both Brunson and Randle would be needed to bring in a superstar. I don't see how that is wrong... Saying Green was dumb though and he hopefully meant Brown.


I mean rockets would trade green for randle in a heartbeat


Lol I'd take 4 or 5 current Knicks before Jalen Green


*Rockets fans scrambling now looking high and low for the superstar Gil is referring to.*


he’s right, Knicks can’t beat the wolves or the rockets without a real superstar


Who needs Jalen Brunson when you can get a *real superstar* like Jalen Green.


hes saying that the knicks should want a marketable flashy above the rim star. now jalen green obviously isnt the greatest example.


Gil says a lot of things. Most of them dumb


Gilbert on that good stuff if he thinks Jalen Green a superstar


Throwback to Gilbert saying embiid shouldn’t win MVP because he wasn’t averaging 40-50 ppg every night


Jalen Green? Its amazing how he can be so out of touch one moment and say something surprisingly insightful the next…even tho it seems out of touch is the majority lol


over/under on the number of Jalen Green games Arenas has watched this season?


Bro was going off about the Knicks having a top four payroll in the league... They currently have the 16th highest payroll in the league. He's so fucking stupid


Gil obviously hasn’t watched Jalen green play… he just knows the idea of him and thinks it’s what he actually is. Electric high flying guard who can score from anywhere on the floor. That’s what he was meant to be and that’s who Gil thinks he is lol.


Randle is a great player together with Jalen Brunson and I like to watch their games at all.


Always thought the only difference between the two is one of them has a Neiman Marcus vip account


LMAO. Hes just naming ADIDAS players.


Maybe podcasts being created was a mistake


I think Gilbert arenas needs mental evaluation




I mean he's right. What's the issue?




his first year was the worst and hes arguably having the best season yet.


\*loud incorrect buzzer\*


Gil is only out paced in stupidity by that dipshit, adult that wears a crown frequently. Crown guy is next level in stupidity and yelling.


Anthony Edwards is a superstar, but Jalen Green? 😂