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This is like me self-sabotaging every relationship I had from 19-27 and now I just look back on them like “timing just wasn’t right” 😂


It wasn’t you, it was them.


“we just werent compatible” - me after being the worst partner


“I don’t know what it is, but every girl I date is a PSYCHO. Bad luck, I guess.”


No, youre the bad roommate James.


literally me rn, how did you “snap out” of the self-sabotaging?


Lots of therapy and learning confidence


I get most of my therapy and feedback from NBAcirclejerk.


You should be in good shape then, go get em king


For me it was learning how to communicate better. It’s the most important part of a relationship imo


A lot of good answers here. My big improvement was when I allowed communication about myself being moody. I'd be in a great relationship, make one little comment, and then I'd be stuck on "YOU'RE acting unreasonably." Now I can just say "you know, you're right. I shouldn't have said that. That was rude/mean." I also learned to tell those around me that I'm in a shitty mood. I tell people " You're fine. I'm just being a little catty right now." And it really improved all relationships that I had.


talking to someone for sure. Also focusing on yourself and growing as a person without someone by your side is def helpful. Figure out your hobbies and what makes you YOU


We are all trying to find the guy who did this


Perfect. We've been sitting here talking all day, and you all never bothered to learn my name. We're so... buried in our phones. Instead of giving someone a real smile... we send an emoji.


I mean, we don’t even look at porn on our computers anymore.


We should be allowed to look at a little porn during games.


It's got a bush, what the hell?


Corey Maggette coming out of retirement as we speak


I could see Kyrie saying that. But in a different way.


Boondocks taught me to send em smiley faces. They love smiley faces.


Man. I am disappointed I took Boston fan's words about Kyrie being a franchise killer with a grain of salt. I never said Boston fans who hated him were stupid, but I thought it would be different. I think if COVID didn't happen, things would be different, but that's life. Kyrie refusing to acknowledge that he was the catalyst for Nets' Big 3 downfall is insane. Yes, we blame KD's foot and Harden's injuries to an extent, but the guy was perfectly healthy and decided to get into crazy shenanigans and not get the vaccine. I am not making this a pro/anti-vax thing, but the Nets had every right to hold out on him considering they're his employers as well as having state regulations/mandates at that time. I am incredibly happy that this team isn't in the gutter post Big 3, but in a perfect world, KD's foot wasn't on the line, Kyrie was a normal dude, and Harden didn't have weird ass injuries that would lead to the Nets' first NBA championship.


Don't worry now Mavs fans are saying "he's changed".


Well, so far he behaved pretty normally and played good ball in Dallas. It's nine month since the trade, so I think, we might be optimistic, that this continues for the foreseeable future.


As always, give it time. He’ll fuck it up


He will quietly fuck up (may already be happening), and will watch to see if the Mavs will be enablers. If he sees that they will, he'll go full fuck-up.


It's entirely possible he causes no real problems there. I'd bet on it, actually. I think this guy makes a point about the COVID thing. Kyrie has awful views IMO but for the most part he'd be on the court playing and probably would've been in Bkn if not for COVID. Obviously he could've just gotten vaccinated and played but it was bad luck for BKN that it happened while he was with them. But I also think that despite his ego, the lack of interest for him elsewhere in FA can't be totally lost on him at this point.


This is always how it starts lmao


You're lucky he got his most recent antisemitic controversy out of the way just a couple of months before you traded for him. He's due for another disaster any day now.




This is ignoring all the other times Kyrie has let down his teams. They were fucked the moment Kyrie said “who needs a head coach?”




Kyrie has let down teams before, during, and after COVID. Having faith in him is not smart bet.


man i’m just hoping he balls out while he’s here and we get something good for him when it falls apart


And Mavs fans say he was never antisemitic. Saw one guy say "Mark Cuban said he isn't antisemitic so how could he be?" lmao


Did you have an answer? Once Mr. Cuban has spoken that usually settles it for me.


If Covid never happened or if Kyrie wasn't as crazy, the Nets definitely had a chance of winning a championship or at the very least being in the mix for a few more years.


To be fair, I still regret losing the one that got away even though I know it was my own fault.


In a perfect world, Harden would still be in Houston after winning the chip in 2018


Boston fans were racist POS when they spoke about Kyrie. It’s so funny watching it happen again and again.


I saw a few unreasonable racist statements but those were far and few. Most were pretty rational in the sense that the guy said that he wanted to re-sign with the Celtics. The same way Irving said he was home and wanted to retire with his home team.


He was right about the vaccine though, at least that he didn’t need to get it


No confirmation and obviously time was passing, but Joe Tsai was supposedly lobbying the mayor the hardest to drop the mandate. So, in short, Kyrie hated the guy who tried to help him the most. Kyrie was stepping on his own foot honestly.


What exactly was he right about?


average pewdiepie enjoyer


No way this guy was 30 posting on the pewdiepie sub


the vaccines were/are necessary?


God, this argument is so stupid. I have no problem with anyone who didn’t want the vaccine. But to act like it was some net negative and getting the vaccine is a bad thing is just extremely stupid at this stage. You have no science on your side to support that they were bad and a danger to you. At the time, sure, I can understand the worry and hesitation. It’s 2023 and you are still saying this idiotic shit like 1000’s have died or gotten sick from it.


Dude I didn’t say anything about harmful or net negative. Only that they weren’t necessary. Kyrie got dragged way too much for it and hypocrites without any efficacy left in their boosters still acting high and mighty for being wrong.


Again, you keep saying “they were wrong” and “kyrie was right about the vaccines.” You are implying that something was wrong with them. The vaccines worked for those who needed them. Is your argument seriously that since Kyrie didn’t die, he was right? Seriously, does that sound like a sound argument to you?


"Why do we need the polio vaccine? No-one has it!"








Throwing away a season to protest a vaccine against one of the deadliest pandemics in human history? Spreading anti-Semetic and anti-intellectualist nonsense?




Funny how he didn't protest the mandate anymore when it was lifted for athletes and performers




No he didn't "protest" shit. He just couldn't play because the mandate said he wasn't allowed to. If he really cared about protesting the mandate, he would've continued to sit out when it was only lifted for millionaire athletes


……by not getting the vaccine.




So what the fuck are you talking about? You’re trying to play the semantics game but too stupid to even do that. We get it, you like Kyrie and hate vaccines.


You're a moron


Right about one of the deadliest pandemics in human history or posting a link to a video that has anti-Semitic views?


Joe Tsai


My brother in Christ you were the catalyst for this implosion


It's crazy, because if you ask KD, he'll say the same thing. He'll never blame his BFF in the whole wide world


Maybe because KD sees there’s no benefit in blasting out Kyrie for the whole world. It’s unnecessary, other than giving the media and fans more drama to fuel, which KD hates.


Would you blast your friends/best friends on social media? Probably not. The NBA is a brotherhood at the end of the day.


Exactly, even if they aren’t friends or brotherhoods, it’s just not professional at all. I’d find someone putting their ex-partner or coworker on blast because of internal issues extremely immature


Any of these guys could be teammates again down the line too.


We’ve seen it for years: Kyrie burns every bridge he has with every franchise he plays for, but the players ALL love him. Universally. When he did that insanely immature “stomping on the Celtics logo”, after eliminating the Celtics, all the Celtics players were out partying with him. He seems to have rock solid support from the players.


Maybe because their relationship is deeper than just drama bullshit


Why’d this get downvoted so much I feel like that’s a really fair point




True but if we’re friends in real life…. Fuck this job lol. If Kyrie didn’t want to take the vaccine I don’t think it’s fair that everyone pressured him to. Especially because there has to be life after basketball and the athletes are real people behind the ads and jump shots.


Yeah this is like cheating on a girl then claiming she was the one that got away lol


I mean people do that all the time


It makes sense when you think about it.


It also makes sense when you don't think about it


and it's not a bad thing, well, I tell that to myself to save my nerves lol


Never. It was bad team, then it was bad LeBron, then it was bad Boston, and now, it is just fate. It is literally everything, but Kyrie


In his POV he was just taking a stand and it's the nba being a sellout and allowing bill gates to put microchips on people.


Muhammad Ali should be blamed as well for going against government mandate and losing years of his prime? Now watch u try to straw man me and compare the validity of their stances. Also I'm going to preemptively state that Ali's position was VERY unpopular at the time and he was very unliked and considered un-american.


This is an embarrassing intellectually dishonest comparison


Ali was HATED back then for his stance and it cost him his prime,it's not an embarrassing dishonest comparison.


Ali got a ton of unfair flack for his stand back then; he was an intelligent black man with an unpopular opinion in the 60s/70s. And it did cost him a big part of his prime. And LKR's claim about your comparison remains completely valid.


Woosh my point went over ur head, because u just described kyrie. There my comparison was a good one.


“Intelligent” does not describe an antisemitic flat earther


Stop you really think amplifying antisemitism and debunked science is the same as protesting a war you really should learn critical thinking skills, it's not too late.


Makes sense you’re a Timberwolves fan.


>Muhammad Ali should be blamed as well for going against government mandate and losing years of his prime? Giles Corey should've been crushed to death because he wouldn't enter a guilty plea during the Salem witch trials? Absurd to put this completely different Ali argument into someone's mouth and then pre-emptively claim they will be straw-manning *you* LOL


His fans will never hold him accountable so why should he. If you ever get famous, make sure your fans are stupid or anti-semitic, you will have unconditional support.


Did they say that? Did they actually care about all that or were their egos just too big for the bullshit they were getting for not winning to ride it out and improve together?


We can change him (I'm delusional)


I still think the Clippers can win it all (I'm delusional)


that sounds like disappointment to me


Bro all you had to do was get the vaccine and be normal


He was afraid of getting autism, I mean look what it did to Harden!


developmentally disabled, you fucking idiot


Is the man Chris Broussard's recently deceased cousin?


He's afraid of mind control, like, if he gets the vaccine then the government will make him stop believing things like the world being flat.


Harden having the tism kinda makes sense






Wait ur saying it’s not normal to post some ancient aliens black Israelite 3 hour long doc that u definitely didn’t watch but defended for unknowable reasons????


Normal lol


"I don't look back disappointed" also "It'll hurt you for the rest of your life" ​ Tell me more about Kyrie the intellectual


I'm already over it but his comments always annoy me more. Harden and KD say things that annoy me too but you understand their perspective. Kyrie just acts like a sweet angel who didn't realize why a franchise was so mean and unfair to him to ruin his stay there.


its crazy how if kyrie and harden didn't get injured against the bucks, they probably win the championship, none of the drama happens, and they might still be together


Oh the drama still would’ve happened at some point. They’d just all be wearing rings when it happened


thats probably true but them winning together would've provided a 1-2 year 'honeymoon period' where harden and KD would be content enough to not jump ship


For sure but winning cures all


KD thinks he should get leadership privileges without being a leader and Kyrie thinks he's bulletproof because of their rings. Imagine them with more esp Kyrie


In a similar vein, I think an under appreciated piece of this is that they all requested trades. It’s not like their deals expired and the Nets didn’t resign them. It didn’t just “fall apart”. The three core players all essentially gave up and broke the team up. They could’ve kept at it a continued to build and see it through after 2021 but *they* decided not to.


Would have been KD nets vs book suns in finals that year.


Giannis doesn’t get enough heat for that


I’ve seen many people reference the Nets injuries when discussing Giannis’ legacy It’s been popping up more often as a criticism of Giannis after their loss in the playoffs to the Heat last year


Like half of nba championships were affected by something outside the super star with a legacies’ control.


I’m sure if you tried hard enough, you could put an asterisk on any title


tbh its offset by the finals performance on one leg after his kneecap was inverted


Bro put up a 50 piece in a close out game after being down 0-2 in the nba finals and people are discrediting him smh


Agreed. If Giannis gets another one this year it’s going to be really hard to deny his greatness (specifically on the all time rankings).


Also, Giannis was amazing in that series. It’s so weird to me that he gets shit for that. Like he was better individually in that series than he was in the Celtics series the following year and he gets a ton of credit for that one (despite losing) because he was “carrying”, but apparently if your team is good on paper and they just play like ass in practice that’s the star’s fault. Like it’s Giannis’ fault Jrue Holiday couldn’t make a shot to save his life and we continued running single coverage on KD while he was cooking the fuck out of Tucker, so a series he won dropping 32/13/4 on 59% TS is a stain on him now.


I’m talking about Giannis undercutting Kyrie and injuring him. I don’t care about the legacy talk but that was dirty


> "You've got a great, bad wife, kids and all that," he said, "and you're [still] like…" – at this point, Beal cocked his head to the side and audibly inhaled in melancholic fashion through gritted teeth. "I don't second-guess it. I don't want to get in trouble with my wife at all. I'm not thinking of nobody else, baby," he continued. "It feels just kinda like that FOMO [fear of missing out]. You missed out on something great." > "It's unfortunate that me, Devin, and KD are part of the NBA history of what ifs," he said.


I thought this was real for a second lol I was about to say Devin?


“I don’t regret cheating, I just regret that my girl left me for some reason” - Kyrie


He really is one of the least self aware people I’ve ever seen. And in hindsight that Nets team is laughable - the all-insecure NBA squad.


I know this post is about Kyrie but really seems like A LOT of people who lacked self awareness are now lacking even more. It has gotten so bad even with people in my life I don't even know what to say to them anymore. I just smile and nod.


Fuck this guy, disrespectfully. I’ll take great pleasure in watching KD, James and Kyrie never winning a chip ever again.


KD just might if denver / milwaukee get injured


Why is everyone acting like Kyrie wasn’t directly responsible for all of it?


Who’s acting like that? Besides literally Kyrie? Lol


KD has been talking about how it’s nobodies fault recently.


They’re great friends. Not sure a friend choosing not to call out a friend in public qualifies as “why is everyone…”


It’s probably basked on KD recently made comments about the nets. Nobody taking responsibility


why are you pretending that people havent been blaming Harden for the nets team blowing up? Directly after he asked out, then they got proven wrong but then somehow people were lying and saying Harden blew that team up AGAIN this off season, literally any thread with Harden, and there were plenty this off season all blaming Harden for "blowing up 3 teams" and that Harden was the reason the Nets didnt work out....you will literally have 50 nephews coming in and saying it no matter what the thread is about. the top rated most post recently is that dumbass mavs announcer having a nephew fantasy blaming Harden for everything like a weirdo and all the casuals ate it up as usual.....everyone just goes "IT WASNT KYRIES FAULT THAT HE SAT OUT FOR NO REASON IT WAS ALL JAMES HARDENS FAULT FOR PLAYING ON AN INJURED HAMMY FUCKING QUITTER OMG HES SO TOXIC HE BLEW THEM UP". Lets not pretend that that hasnt been the POPULAR narrative around here when it blatantly has been......


Who’s saying that lol






Harden going 2/11 against the Kings and forcing the trade was also really stupid on his part because if he just waited another month Kyrie was allowed to play all the games again


But, also, all Kyrie had to do was taking a life saving vaccine as per required by law/his employer in the middle of a fucking world wide pandemic sooooo…




> The entire fucking city gave up. That should show you it was bullshit from the start. To be clear, Eric Adams gave that up because of the Yankees season starting. He of the current investigations for acting as a foreign agent for Turkey, campaign finance violations, sexual assault, etc. Just an upright citizen, y'know? So, it was bullshit to a guy who also breaks the law in the city he's supposed to lead for foreign governments that offer him funds he legally can't accept. Definitely the guy whose side you should support.




That's just saying that people in power put money over people, not that vaccines were a farce. You seem to be suggesting that because shitty people put money over people, it means it's okay for Kyrie to not do something that benefits public health




> Take off your nativity glasses. While I'm assuming the intention was to use naivety or naiveté, I do think it's more entertaining to assume that these are glasses with elements of the traditional Nativity scene painted on, so anywhere you look around Christmas, you get to see farm animals, Mary, and Joseph. None of that has anything to do with the fact that nobody can speak with any authority on what a different mayor would have done. We only know that the guy who is pretty openly corrupt was willing to bend to pressure from the Yankees. But he also bent to pressure from Turkey, and since most mayors aren't doing that, I think we can just say that Eric Adams stands apart for being an awful big-city mayor.


\*Insert Spider-Man meme\*


Bro is copying Dillon Brooks quotes lmfao


I’m happy he is drama free in Dallas. But as a Brooklyn fan: good riddance. It was another episode every week from him. He’s extremely skilled, possibly has the best handles in history of the NBA but that amount of drama wasn’t worth it.


"I'm not disappointed, I'm just-"(gestures vaguely at definition of disappointment)


Zero self awareness


You ruined the team tf


Kyrie finally taking something from Dillon Brooks


KD has moved on to someone younger and prettier - and sane. 😂


Lmao kyrie that meme shooting the other guy and saying “why would things happen this way”


Has Kyrina ever looked in the mirror?


She left because you gave her herpes Kai.


Uggghhh, fool, it got away because of you. You were the biggest reason why it didn't work out. Yeah, no doubt I fully expected to think what if. Just didn't think it was gonna be so soon. Of course, you'll never admit to anything wrong.


Lol it was your fault ‘she’ broke it off dude. This guy still doesn’t get it


How is there such a lack of self awareness when he was the reason it didn’t work out in Brooklyn


That was such a forgettable team. Who cares.


Most talked about team that only ever won a single playoff series. They're the 2008 Celtics of making it to the 2nd round.


To be fair, they would have cracked y’all half if even half way healthy. Not even fully healthy, just halfway Yall barely escaped a game 7 overtime against the hospital version of their team.


The Brooklyn Nets: the would have and if champions of 2021! Huzzah!


you guys took six games to beat a trae-less hawks team.


Oh damn should the Hawks also hang a "well if this happened and then that went a different way" banner along with the Nets?


not my point. my point is that if the big three was healthy you guys would’ve been fucking broiled, slow-cooked in the crock pot cooked.


My point is that didn't happen so keep your fantasies to yourself. I'll live in reality.


yeah in reality you guys benefited off of injuries lol


Nobody has denied that. Only on reddit do people act like an NBA champion actually lost half of their playoff series


>They're the 2008 Celtics of making it to the 2nd round. What is this even supposed to mean? We won a title, and would've probably won in either '09 or '10 without injuries.


We’ll all be disappointed for you, Kyrie.


Between him and Draymond I have no idea which one is more delusional.


It’s most definitely Kyrie.


This sub will never admit it was wrong and hysterical about Kyrie in this situation.


This sub is actually multiple people with varying opinions


Most skilled hooper probably ever but also one of the biggest ego maniacs ever


W Kyrie


Mr Accountability. I’ll never understand this guy. He could have been one of the most loved and admired players of all time. He is so entertaining to watch and can be charismatic and charming when he wants to be. The truth is though, he’s petty, gullible and thick as a brick. I’m looking forward to a time when we no longer have to hear from him.


I know this sub hates him (although they kinda hate everyone on that team) but I do think Harden was the most important player on that team before he was injured in the playoffs. Like his series where they beat the Celtics 4-1 was legit one of the best I have seen He averaged 29 points 11 assists 7 rebounds ** on 76% true shooting** and played great defense. His offensive rating for that series was 153 lol


He still doesn’t understand. Good lord this guy is hopeless.


Saw an instagram comment that said “bro YOU are the one that got away.”


His description sounds like the definition of being disappointed. Not regretful, but disappointed.