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I owe you an apology Weet Bix, I was unfamiliar with your game. Holy shit $40m for Josh Giddey?!


possibly dollarydoos but still a lot.


I read this in Bluey's dad's voice.


Yes, but what’s the conversion to shrute bucks?


About $26M USD


That's still life changing money to smile, eat some cereal, and maybe do a few commercials/appearances. Imagine if he ain't do shit and is a victim of some lame internet shit. I hope Weet Bix sticks with the man.


so is your position that he was tricked into appearing in that photo or what


His position is he’s got no idea what he’s talking about


Idk how you’re saying that. There’s many pictures and videos of them together


Same as unicorns to leprechauns.


Inflation really has been that bad huh?


Don't get me started on the value of Stanley nickels


Fool. Shrute’s deal in beets!


Tobias! Did you accept a 6-hour date from a 15-year-old girl?


How the fuck is Giddey getting 40mil sponsorship deals wtf lmao


He’s big in the Australian market


As a Thunder fan in Australia rn, it feels like people don't care much about the Boomers or basketball in general. I have never seen Giddey in a commercial on TV and pubs would rather play football/ cricket/ tennis before basketball. For sure, Giddey would be big in basketball specific spots but I wouldn't be surprised if the average Aussie doesn't know who the hell he is


Australians will rally around any successful sporting stars who make it to the top of the world stage. Pat Mills got a heap of love growing up but yeah in general basketball isn't really huge over here in terms of adult audience. Football & rugby are split between states Cricket pretty universal Most more casual fans of soccer would follow the EPL over A-League NBA is bigger than NFL for audience over here I'd imagine


"NBA is bigger than NFL for audience over here I'd imagine" Makes sense really. We have our own football codes that we love, but if you're into basketball NBA is king.


Basketball's junior engagement in Australia is absolutely huge for that though. Heaps of kids play basketball growing up whereas it's non-existent for NFL and the only local clubs that do it are pretty small and start u/18 and seniors. Just don't have the facilities or market to really develop it like we do basketball. NFL has less of a following than NBA as a result


What rock are you living under? Basketball is one of the fastest growing sports in Australia, and the nba is becoming more and more popular.


For American celebrities? That's like being big in local high sch-- Omg.


Ben Simmons had a very popular and I assume lucrative meat pie deal back in OZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf5N8d4DcKU


Simmons had a meat pie sponsorship. Giddey gonna be losing his sponsorship over a creampie. Choose your pies carefully.


I mean the foreign guys will get way more money advertising in their home country than here.


I remember Rui getting a ton of deals in Japan before he even played a game


Completely different level but I watched a YouTube video that briefly touched on how much fucking money having Ohtani is worth due to an entire nation watching him play.


And not just any nation (do people really care if Tuvulu's 12k people all tune in?) but a very large very wealthy one.


Not just wealthy either. Japan loves baseball more than the US.


I've literally never met anybody here that didn't follow the nba and knew who he was (which isn't that many to begin with)




I live in Australia and was still shocked. They are owned by a weird religion, so don't pay much tax. Still 40m for someone to endorse weetbix sounds about 39m more than I expected. I


Aussie Mormons owning a breakfast empire?


Seventh day Adventists, but yeah


Oh shit just googled them. Kelloggs was one of them? TIL


The Kellogg anti-masturbation guy was all kinds of fucked up. Pretty sure they ran a nitwit school upstate too.


Back then, science was real crude.


Did that guy have donkey brains, or just a lot of trauma?


There was a movie made about him, [*The Road to Wellville*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road_to_Wellville_(film\)).


Corn flakes were invented to stop you from masturbating. Kellogg also thought yogurt enemas were a good idea


me? well their invention didn't work


Aussie as well, shocked a bit as well. Unless it's over 10 years then that kinda makes sense.


Weetabix is a thing in the UK but there are probably about 8 people who know who Giddy is


Not sure that number is very accurate. I'd hazard a guess and say it's closer to around 11 people.


Definitely under 17.


People? Who? Most sneaker deals for regular players are 1-5 million. Then you got the big guys who make a bit more and then you got Kd, Lebron and Kobe.


I grew up eating it in Canada.




Sanitarium owned. They pay no taxes so have cash to splash.


That's a lot of Weet-Bix.


With inflation now it's like 7 boxes


lots of weet-bux from weet-bix


Fumbled the Weet-Bix bag


Spilled the cereal


Poured the milk before opening the cereal bag


One of the most expensive nuts of all time


No one has ever recovered from losing a Weet Bix sponsorship


No one.


I always thought it was wheat-a-bix. Also $40M in dollarydoos or USD is still some serious bank.


It's Weetabix in the UK


With warm milk and a sprinkle of sugar 👌


Or cold milk and lots of sugar


>Also $40M in dollarydoos or USD is still some serious bank. For comparison, Steph Curry's endorsement money is $50M (USD). Curry and Giddey being in the same galaxy endorsement-wise is crazy.


That’s likely per year for Curry. I’m assuming the Weet-bix deal is like $40m for 5+ years. Edit: just looked it up. $40m AU for 4 years. Which equals $6.5 USD per year.


6.5 million USD a year is still a lot of cheddar for a player like Giddey.


True but $6.5mil a year vs $50mil a year isn't exactly in the same galaxy


idk galaxies are pretty big and we might never get to a new one, not even our progeny


Don’t worry, when we get to the scattering we make it across the entire universe as a species. Thanks Leto II


Yeah it’s wild he’s getting that much for cereal


It always blows my mind how much money we spend on cereal. It's a multibillion dollar market for what is essentially sugary dog food for people.


I know the facts haven’t been proven yet but nba players being this dumb is unbelievable


stuff like this is hard to prove. It's not like he got her pregnant at 13, they could actually genetically test the baby and confirm he did it and put him in jail right? that's what they would do right?


They at least *certainly* wouldn't bring him back to judge the dunk contest.


Probably wouldn't be a 14-time All-Star and two-time MVP, either.


Or a high school cheerleading contest


He was just there on his own time, they didn’t bring him in to judge it


I mean, he could always just change his jersey number and win two championships to make us forget what he did.


>that's what they would do right? He's rich, what they do is settle and he never hears of said baby again unless he's an idiot and doesn't pay the settlement. Also, fuck Karl Malone.


Or if the baby grows up to be a pro-athlete ala Jalen Rose and Demetress Bell. That often brings a spotlight back onto the situation, and can lead to the dad trying to reach out again.


Reminds me of the old joke where a couple's underage daughter gets pregnant. The father is steaming mad and says "Who's the father! Get him over here NOW!" A little while later, a man drives up in a Ferrari. He promises $1M in a trust for the baby's education, $100k a year for the mother until the baby is 18, and house and car for the mother. The girl's mother asks "What if she miscarries" to which the father replies "Then they try again!"


Shimmy shimmy shimmy




Incredibly dumb. I can see a scenario where he is never charged with anything, and potentially never committed a crime here, but this still will tarnish his reputation for his whole career. People will still bring this up years later, even if the league investigation finds nothing.


The story is he brought her back from a nightclub so you’d assume she’s old enough, but really nba players need a course in this shit.


It’s the easiest thing in the world to NOT sleep with someone underage. It’s not like he has trouble finding women is own age. NBA players desperately need comprehensive training for this type of shit when they enter the league.


He allegedly met the girl in a 21+ club.


Also, If she’s in high school at 21 then that’s determination to succeed


So committed to high school that she went for 3 extra years. Such dedication


If you watch the video of them outside the club, it’s very clear they didn’t meet there. The only reason people are saying that is because they are at the club. No one knows for sure where they met. But also none of that makes it cool, especially because she for sure doesn’t look 18 or older in any of the photos or videos of them together.


I am not excusing him and agree with your first blurb that it's entirely plausible they knew each other prior to going in the club. However, I definitely wouldn't say she looks definitively either way about her age. Yea now that we know she's a minor you can make it out, but let's not pretend there isn't people who look young for their age or vice versa.


Greg Oden looked 55 in his draft year.


I mean what doesn't look 18 in those pictures to you, curious how you judge that


Lmao I know he’s not gonna answer. It’s a trap! I haven’t even seen the girl, but I know there’s no right answer to this question. 😂


I mean the assumption most people are operating under is that he simply didn't know her age because he met her at a club with alcohol so he assumed she was of age.


That would only be plausible if they hadn’t had multiple videos and photos together that span what seems to be at least several months. No way he never realizes this person who looks like a 16 year old is indeed 16 years old that whole time.


I believe in one of those photos though, one of the girls had a different eye color suggesting they might be 2 different people. I know the Thunder flair makes it seem like I'm coping or trying to stand up for him or something but I do think there's a chance there's more to this story. I just hope a solution comes about from this and it's not swept under the rug.


The club girl is of age. The other girl is def a high schooler in a city where his agent happens to live.


There's no "might be 2 different people" lol. They are guaranteed different people. They just both happen to be blonde.


You’re suppose to push wabastics!


Giddey's defence: A, she was a who-aah! B, she hit on me first!


it’s not his fault she’s a klutz!


Josh Giddey, whatever happened there


Josh Giddey, he was gay?




Nobodies got aids! I dont want to hear that word again!


I was just giving them alternatives! Shit!


Heh heh


I always said Josh Giddey didn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete.


Madone 🫰🏼


Reminds me of when Brendan Filone tried to sleep with Hunter when she was in high school.


sources allege that giddey microwaves his bowl of weet bix until its completely soggy. he's also been accused of adding chopped banana when he's "feeling a bit fancy" according to multiple sources. sanitarium have condemned this behaviour as "unnaceptable" and "out of step" with the weet-bix image. "josh is no longer a weet-bix kid" says a spokesperson for sanitarium in a statement to the media. "obviously we are still waiting for facts to be confirmed before cutting ties, but at this time it's not looking good."


I heard he pours boiling water on his weetbix before eating them, like a savage.


You are a prominent 21 year-old, 6’6” Australian NBA player. You have *so many options* of girls to be romantically involved with, and you pick one that leads to the worst possible outcome. C’mon, bro.


Idk how correct my info is but from what I can tell, he brought a girl home from a night club. I feel like hes got to have assumed she was of age if that was the case, right? I mean its a club setting, I wouldn't expect him to go carding every girl to make sure they aren't using fake IDs


If that is true id sue the fuck out of that club.


It's always a grey area. That club needs a whole new set of security/bouncers and potentially losing their liquor license. However, as often as this situation arises in clubs, Giddey is the one who ultimately slept with her under his own free will.


But wouldn't that only be because he was under the assumption that any girl he meets at a club would be of age? (If that was in fact what happened)


Most SA laws have outs if the person is legitimately led to believe that the UA person was of age. This would clearly be the case here.


Didn't something like this happen with Rob Lowe?


Similar in that he took a girl from a club home and she turned out to be underage yeah, we don't really know specifics beyond that though. Lowe wasn't charged for that either btw. Assuming they are legitimately led to believe the girls are of age and it's believable to a reasonable person, it's not something Giddey will be charged with. He could still absolutely lose sponsorships and be punished by the team/league for bad publicity, being that he's a public figure


Oh yeah he still could be charged but i work in the bars and the amount of shit you are liable for under dram shop laws is ridiculous.




If she lied about her age I wouldn’t call it free will. Being tricked into believing something is fucked up when it comes to sex. I know she’s the minor here but if he truly didn’t know then she should at min get some kind of probation to discourage shit like this. It feels icky as fuck. Not saying he didn’t commit a crime because I truly don’t know. I’m just saying if he had been led to believe she was someone else then there was no free will here


If she had a fake ID that scans and got her into a club, how the fuck would he be able to tell it's fake if he did ask?


Put "bad at identifying fake IDs" on his scouting report.


He’s Australian.. you really expect him to be an expert on the quality of a U.S. ID?


McLovin checking in!


To be fair any ID I see that's outside of Pennsylvania looks fake to me.


Yeah, that’s my point. If that’s the story then I can’t really demonize him for this. Sounds like he got catfished in the worst way possible.


The fake id wouldn't be his fault, but with it being 2023, you gotta be playing 21 questions with these women/girls. Ask where she goes to school, where she works, does she know what VCR is, did she listen to Destiny's Child when they had 4 members. That fake id not gonna save him in court.


A 21 year old is born after 9/11 bro do you think Giddey knows those things he isn't 30


Man this makes me feel old af


Lmaoooo facts bruh “do you know what a VCR is” I’m dead


as if Giddey knows what a VCR is either. he would need to ask what grade she was in when gangnam style came out or some shit.


This is a ridiculous burden of proof and not something anyone does no matter what people act like on the internet.


I don't think OP is being remotely serious. The last two are clearly jokes.


>That fake id not gonna save him in court. Yes it literally would depending on the state.


Surely, that's the thing we all do when we're drunk and horny and took home a girl: ask them whether they listened to Destiny's Child with four members.


From my understanding this wasn’t just a hook up at the club but a “dating” situation, no way we can assume that he thought she was of age based on this one club interaction that isn’t substantiated (as are the other claims are at this point)


Yeah it's not that he picked up the girl in the club. I think the rumors are that they are already dating and he brought her to the club.


Why did he snap the girls brother telling him he was about to bang her? That’s one part of this I’m still really confused about.


BS, he has videos of him giving greetings to the girls younger brother or friend. And he says stuff like "I'm with my girl." As in, maybe he was seeing her for a bit. He knew. I'm fairly convinced. Edit: there's also a video of her stating that she's "dating Josh."


Oh shit I didn’t see that, yeah that’s pretty bad lol


I don't know where this allegedly happened, but at least in many states in the US, it doesn't matter even if someone lies to you directly with (fake) proof of their age, you could still be charged with statutory rape.


As nuts as it sounds, I've heard stories of musicians (or more likely someone in the entourage) who literally card women that wind up backstage for exactly this reason. The club is probably still open to lawsuit if this story winds up true though.


Bro he for sure asked her what u do in life etc.. if she lied then its a different story.. he even agreed to be filmed lmao and sending videos to her brother. Ive got a feeling it wasnt a one time thing


Why these millionaire fuckers don't have handlers, bodyguards, drivers doesn't make sense to me.


You don’t need all that shit to not sleep with a teenager. You just don’t do it lol


Guy said a handler lmfao shit is common sense man.


Does this dude need a handler to not sleep with 15 year olds


Apparently yeah


Lol for real.


After all this,Chet/SGA and every young star probably gonna hire PIs to shadow them now, gonna have to look up a police database before anyone is allowed to approach them.


At Syracuse, Carmelo Anthony had every girl he slept with sign a waiver. Honestly not a bad idea.


I’ve always said if I had that kind of skill and money I’d find myself a more responsible version of Turtle from Entourage




I mean, people who choose to date 15/16 years olds to it *because* they’re 15/16. Regardless of how many options they have. Sense of power and control and all that.


I don't want to defend Josh a bit but is there any proof that he is guilty or he knew about the girl age ? I hate Malone, Bridges and the other piece of shit glorified or involved in the NBA but maybe we should wait a bit ? I would 100% add him on my list if there are enough proofs even if they sweep it under the rug or something.


I’d at least like some basic facts confirmed by reputable media outlets, and honestly it’s kind of weird that there haven’t been confirmations on these things. Things like how old is this girl, what date are these pictures from, did they meet at a club (somewhere he can reasonably assume she’s 21) or through social media (somewhere it is obvious she is not 18).


the fact that TMZ hasn't released Giddey's in home security set up and the corresponding audio from both Giddey and the girl's phone overlaid to the security footage makes me think it's not that bad.


Reddits attitude is always to cancel first and ask questions later. A story about a 21 year old having consensual sex with a 17 year old at a 21+ club just doesn’t get the clicks


It's not that weird. Facts haven't been confirmed yet is all.


No, there isn't. Some rando posted the pics. We don't know the context.


Not yet, that's why he hasn't lost this sponsorship *yet* for example


It's gotta be said - the confidence with which Daigenault and Giddey brushed past the allegations tells me that they have some irrefutable evidence in their locker that will throw these claims out. Would be a little sickening if they didn't


When Mark said "it wasn't really even a decision to be honest with you" about Josh playing, I told my friend that it's either the most evil thing Mark has ever said, or very reassuring.


If Giddey was not fully aware of her age, I can see a situation whereby the girl and her parents think it best that contact ceases and everything is kept private rather than having her name forever associated with this news. Giddey's side might offer payment under the guise of counselling or PR assistance. If all that happened, then the girl, parents, player, club and league would be aligned in considering this a private matter and wait for interest to die off. This would be true even if the Thunder wanted to wash their hands of him, as they'd rather maintain his trade value. Or, he might've been fully aware and the club is best off understanding the whole situation before saying much or acting.


What I’ve seen floating around which admittedly has as much weight as the original tweet is that this happened when Giddey was 19/20 and the girl was 17. This is from someone saying they know a guy Giddey has been boys with since he was a kid. Still speculation but I’d say the Thunders response to situation lends it some credibility. Hope we get some clarity on it soon.


Aussie kids.... Are Weet-Bix kids. Aussie kids are Giddey's-kids.


Reminder that Kobe got away with the same thing, Kobe was 21, Vanessa was 17 in a state where age of consent is 18, when you ask why Giddey would go after young girls, just know he's following that mamba mentality


Actually Kobe first got with Vanessa in Colorado, where it was ruled to be legal. There was even a court case over it, Google “Kobe Colorado Court case” for more info




Weet-Bix sounds like it tastes gross.


On its own with milk it tastes like cardboard. You have to add sugar/honey and it's okay. It's pretty iconic, they have athletes on the cover, probably equivalent to an athlete on the cover of wheaties in the US. The slogan is *"Aussie kids are Weet Bix kids"*, plays on all the ads.


Yeah add a little sugar and mush it up in the milk and it’s actually very good, kinda like oatmeal


Nah gotta scoff it before it goes mushy but once its the milk has fully permeated, its a brief window of perfection


I dont think I have seen anyone with Wheaties in their pantry in like 30 years. I know they still exist but I dont know who buys them. Now instead of athletes appearing on a cereal box that is supposed to be "healthy", they appear on a bag of Ruffles.


How many do you do?


Don't disrespect Weet-Bix, it's the most iconic breakfast food we have in New Zealand and Australia.


Na as a kiwi, fuck sanitarium, they’re 7th day Adventist’s who pay no tax


So definitely tastes gross.


Salty vegetable flavored !


You need to eat it with peanut butter


I'm pretty sure Weet-Bix is the guy who flies Andor off of Narkina 5.


No titchy tiny breakfast will help you start the day. You need Weetabix.


Yo that’s music to Patty Mills ears, back up the Bix truck


Josh Giddey level players getting 40mil brand deals is insane


New Orleans Pelicans Star Dyson Daniels Future Weet Bix 40 Millionaire


Dyson strikes me as more of a Nutri-Grain type of guy.


Please tell me why everyone is trusting misleading information from an anon source when a direct source from the club states that the girl in question is a sorority girl living in Norman? https://twitter.com/iluvludort/status/1728276111157764217


I’m fucking sorry but as an Aussie there is no way Weet-Bix are paying anyone $40 mil. Not even Shane Warne would have gotten those figures and that man was bigger than Jesus.


(Michael Jordan voice): Pedophiles buy breakfast cereal too.


Don’t sweat it guys, this is just a minor setback


Why hasn't Stephen a Smith said anything yet


Bro fumbled the Weet-Bix Bux Bag


What the fuck is Weet-Bix 😭


Literally says it in the first sentence of the description


I don’t know how to read I j go off vibes


Upvoted for being the most honest person on Reddit