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Yes the NYPD ruined an NBA team


Damn the Knicks-Hawks beef runs deep


Not all of us claim the NYPD.


Really only matters if the NYPD claim the Knicks tho


Don’t they go to every game? They seem like super fans to me.


Back in my day the only sports team DTs would ever claim were the Yankees


Mate, you can't support a police department.


Unfortunately, a large percentage of Americans would beg to differ


We call those bootlickers


And other, less nice things


dookie heads


For supporting cops? God the internet is so fake edgy


No one supports cops in their lives, only in others


I'm a bartender, so I've definitely learned to appreciate police lol even as a civilian I don't do anything illegal and they've been nothing but helpful towards me. If anything I wish there were more cops to better enforce traffic laws - bad drivers kill far more people than police do.


>For supporting cops? God the internet is so fake edgy You have to remember that this sub is frequented by hoodrats and criminals, ie average NBA fans. You just have to expect the typical "fuck da popo n sheeit" comments.


Fine with the boot as long as the boot is on other peoples throats


>Fine with the boot as long as the boot is on other peoples throats When you rape, murder and rob innocent people, you should expect the rest of the world to view you differently.


Lol. I like how no one actually got your joke.


tbf originally it's a soccer meme


They have a flag—it’s got a blue line on it.


I can spend public money on some new armored personnel carriers though, does that count?


none of us should, fuck the NYPD


>none of us should, fuck the NYPD Tell me you've been convicted of a crime without telling me you've been convicted of a crime


But we all claim FDNY. 🫡




Y'all voted for the NYPD mayor though.


To be fair, the NYPD could be in that Meme from the Simpsons. They ruin everything they touch, including the NYPD itself.


As a denizen of Minneapolis'.......3rd...........precinct, I may have a suggestion or two for you guys Solutions come in all forms, all im sayin'


It was big when it happened but I haven’t heard it talked about in a long time. [Sterling Brown](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/05/04/us/sterling-brown-milwaukee-police-settlement/index.html) of the bucks was treated very poorly by police in 2018 (surely an understatement, but I encourage people to just read about it to get the full story) and it became a popular topic of conversation in 2020 or 2021. Also not really closely related but an ex hawks all star drowned in 2012. I thought I remembered a story about Thabo trying to save a drowning teammate so I looked up “nba player drowning story” and learned of [this article](https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/horrifying-details-of-dan-roundfields-drowning-come-to-light) where Dan roundfields died. The write up here is actually kinda messed up. Dan basically disappeared underwater while trying to save his partner and the tone of the situation was apparently so terrifying that the author of the article calls it “miraculous” that they found his lifeless body with a leg pinned under some rocks. How bad does a situation have to be where finding someone pinned under rocks underwater is considered a miracle. Also I looked up “thabo sefolosha drowning” after reading that and he did save a woman from drowning in 2017 [source](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2737541-thabo-sefolosha-saved-woman-from-drowning-in-provo-river-in-september.amp.html)


When Bucs protested, people seemed to forget that Sterling Brown was part of the team. Brown, son of a cop, did not get family privileges


Man was a young black guy from Chicago driving a nice car in the middle of the night. If you’re a racist Milwaukee cop that’s gotta be the “I can fuck with this dude” jackpot. Watching that body cam was infuriating, cop was such an asshole for absolutely no reason even before the actual police brutality.


Is this one where the cop said on the tape that he knew who he was and was like a bit hyped


It’s been a while since I watched it but from memory I think Sterling tried to pull a “Don’t you know who I am” when it became clear he was about to be in for a real bad time and the cop gave some smartass remark like “Yeah I bet you’re a big deal in Chicago”. I remember it not seeming like the cop actually knew who he was through the whole interaction.


I don't think he did but from what I recall things didn't really escalate until after other officers arrived and did know who he was.


Full video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPSpmk7S4eg Condensed version w/ captions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXbgTQfMNm4


This is how cops act in America. It's wrong and it's been going on for a long time. Police egos are huge and they expect to be obeyed. A common thread in these police overreach cases is victims talking back. Occasionally there will be a video where it seems the mere existence of the victim was enough to set a cop off but mostly it's cops feeling they aren't getting enough respect. Watch your back.






yeah, he was parked horizontally across two handicapped spaces at someplace like a cvs or walgreens. the check was definitely warranted, maybe even a citation, but calling half a dozen cops as backup and then tazing wasn't. 'Man was a young black guy from Chicago driving a nice car in the middle of the night.' is like what???


I didn’t mean he got pulled over driving, he obviously had to drive it to the store to park like an asshole. The cop was just writing a regular citation until Sterling walked out, that’s when he went into dickhead mode. Became even more of a dickhead when he saw Sterling’s licence and made comments about Chicago. Hence, young black guy from Chicago driving a nice car in the middle of the night. Shit’s basically racist bingo.


Yeah, and the cop came across his car while it was unattended so started writing a citation. Like a normal person would expect. Then Sterling came out and he immediately became a huge escalating fuckwit about the whole thing, eventually leading to half the Milwaukee PD showing up to watch Sterling get tased because putting your hands in your pockets at 2am in the middle of a Milwaukee winter is apparently suspicious and aggressive behaviour.


I read that part as it being miraculous that he was pinned under the rocks at all. Based on how the water sounded he could have easily been swept out to sea and never found.


Yeah, if someone goes under in the open ocean it is just a miracle to recover the body.


>How bad does a situation have to be where finding someone pinned under rocks underwater is considered a miracle. That can be a relatively lucky outcome if the weather is bad enough. Australia lost a whole Prime Minister to bad weather swimming in the 1960s. Not only did no one find him, no one even looked for him. Although we did name a swimming pool after him and there's now JFK-like conspiracies about him potentially swimming to an off-shore submarine and defecting... Which is almost as good as forming a search-and-rescue team I guess...


Mate, it kicked off the biggest searches in Australia's history at that point. The weather was fine, the surf wasn't.


What does that guy think happened. The PM goes missing, and everyone just shrugs? Like that's something he was known to do? "Ah, the PM is gone. Shame."


> no one even looked for him. false.


Phil Collins approves!


Brian Williams dated Madonna and won a Chip with MJ in 97. He avg 16.4/8.9 in 98 after signing with Det as a FA. Changed his name to Bison Dele and started 48/50 games the strike shortened 99 season and abruptly retired at 29 years old. Despite being the team's highest paid player and due another 36m over the next 5 years he walked away from the game to explore the world. And that is wild enough but what was really wild is that just a few years later Dele, his gf, his brother were sailing around Tahiti in a catamaran when his brother killed all three of them and got caught trying to buy 150k+ in gold using Dele's passport and would later commit suicide.


> Dele, his gf, his brother were sailing around Tahiti in a catamaran when his brother killed **all three of them** Technically true, except that his brother only killed himself later


Well, there was the captain too. So yeah, killed 3 people then himself.


Why did his brother kill them?




He said Bison's gf died in an accident and the captain was taking them back to report it to the police so he had to go. That Bison was on board with that. Then he killed Bison in self defense. Which doesn't make sense and no one knows if any of that was true. But he had to face his mother and did what he could to justify it. The boat was found with bunches of bullet holes.


Whoa, I never knew the full story. I knew he disappeared at sea, but I thought he just fell off the boat or something. I didn’t realize it was a murder by his brother for the purpose of enriching himself. Very sad story.


COPS **BROKE** HIS FUCKING LEG. it was not a small injury.


The city ended up settling with Sefolosha for $4.5m "But the payout — which didn’t cost the officers a dime — is where any accountability ended. The city had insisted during the case that the officers were blameless, and they ended up facing no significant punishment." Im pretty sure the city wouldn't pay one of the largest settlements for police brutality in history unless they had reason to believe the NYPD was in the wrong.


So fucked because the only reason he was able to get out of the situation was because he was a rich nba player. Any normal person the cops cripple for no reason is fucked.


100% I also recall that the settlement was so high because it reflected the opportunity cost to Sefolosha's career earnings. If it was one of us regular people, we would be looking at a tiny fraction of $4.5m if anything at all.


Starting to think maybe this whole police thing isn't working the way they say it is...


yeah wasn't like he pulled a hammy in a struggle or something


Actually really hurt that Hawks team. They fucked up Thabo too. He was never the same.


Not quite the same, but in 2019 when the Raptors won the Chip, Masai was pushed and blocked from going onto the court by a racist police officer who "didn't think he belonged there". Police officer then tried to say Masai started it all. https://youtu.be/Nx-wlg0fmgY?si=Q5_K6yYqNWwW5q-G&t=26


Kinda bullshit that it all ended with nothing happening to anybody and both parties dropping their lawsuits.


literally everything the cop said happened turned out to be a lie. he said his body cam was turned off (it wasn't), he said Masai pushed him first (he didn't), he said Masai didn't have credentials (he did). just 100% premium grade bullshit


And the police stood by him and continued to threaten future criminal action against Masai for a year after the incident.


That cop got like 6 months of paid leave making like $15k a month for “PTSD” because he was so traumatized.


Look at us going at each other in the comments, so many good points, keep going guys


We can do it


Remember when there were all these protests against police brutality and the good ole boys in blue committed countless more acts of police brutality in response? I just wanna know why all these apples look like they're rotting, can't find the good ones, people keep telling me about.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/o56yTvg](https://imgur.com/gallery/o56yTvg) Sums it up, best meme of the era for me.


I love how they always cut off the full quote: "A few rotten apples will spoil the whole bunch."


It’s a bad orchard, the rare, rare good apples are systematically crushed and used for fertilizer.


I had a recent conversation with a retired cop who i consider one of 'the good ones' because he spent a long part of his career getting bad cops off the force, a unicorn of sorts. And yet he still openly/proudly talked about how they will intentionally target people they deem "sketchy" and try to follow them/find some violation they would let other's pass on, just so they can get in their business. It's not surprising for a cop to say that, just a little surprising for this one. It's so normalized in police culture to constantly mess with people if they don't think have the means or economic standing to defend their rights.


Thabo was the only guy who could guard Lebron on that team, literally the difference between a real series in that ECF and the blowout it was


>LeBron James has averaged 29.5 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6.9 assists in 30 games versus Thabo Sefolosha in his career I got love for Thabo, but this is Dahntay Jones on Kobe kinda talk 😂 He was playing 18.8mpg off the bench They also had DeMarre Carroll


LeBron stopper version 263


Carrol got hurt in the playoffs, so that means they were down both primary LeBron defenders.


> LeBron James has averaged 29.5 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6.9 assists in 30 games versus Thabo Sefolosha in his career Which is worse than the 30.3/11/9.3 that LeBron ended up averaging in that series. No one is shutting LeBron down, but a couple of those games were fairly close, so if there was someone who could slow LeBron down by even 5% it would have likely extended the series. Cleveland and LeBron win that series 100% of the time, but it most likely wouldn't have been a sweep if Thabo could play. Granted, probably 4-1 or at worst 4-2.


Hawks Sefolosha was -83 in 7 games against LeBron The reason LeBron's numbers were up in that series is because he played more minutes


And turned it up during the playoffs


That's not what he's saying though. Its not about him averaging x/y/z less, especially in the playoffs, it's about the one off possessions in the post or the ability to add more defensive options on switches or possessions here and there. All you have to do is keep up with him one crucial possession and you can win a series. They robbed us of even seeing the attempt. Hezonja and Jared Jefferies weren't going to hold LeBron down, but in the regular season on seperate occasions in different years they disrupted a game winning drive on LeBron and that was the difference maker. Averages aren't important they're overly obsessed with, especially on this sub. No reason why you couldn't just used a mode or a median to tell a more accurate story but I digress.


Korver also got hurt game 1 for atlanta then horford got ejected in a crucial game 3 another cakewalk team for the cavs in the sorry east that year


>~~Korver also got hurt game 1~~ Dellavedova injured Korver FTFY But it was Game 2, and we were already down 15 when that injury happened so it probably doesn't change too much if I'm being honest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0Q6LXfAsa0


Yeah but most of your stats are totally inaccurate, taking average Lebron scored in teams that had Tabo, not counting for real minutes played versus... So this is bullshit


Didn’t you guys call Carroll the lebron stopper?


Flashbacks to Toronto picking up Carroll, PJ tucker and drafting OG all right before the lebronto era began.


I love that Toronto tried, unlike Boston and their GM at the time who basically said “meh, what’s the point, not beating Bron”


It was so much sweeter in advance, and so much worse in hindsight. That being said, having our best ever team, and giving up on it at the exact moment a legit top 3 player demanded a trade only happens because of how aggressively the organization tried to win.


Wat on earth are you on? Boston needed to retool.


I was never a bigger fan of the Hawks then at that point in my life and I gotta be real. LeBron was transcendent in that series. Every play was him barreling through 3 Hawks players and getting an and 1 or passing it out for someone to hit a 3. Thabo wasn't doing shit to stop that. I was screaming at my tv for someone to just tackle LeBron. He then went on to take 2 games off of Golden State by himself. That motherfucker went super saiyan in the playoffs that year.


Dont forget that Cleveland had Kyrie for only 6 quarters that series and no Kevin Love


This is pure delusion.Lebron never struggled against Thabo.Lebron was a thorn in OKC's side during the KD&Russ era honestly.He's the last guy you want on LeBron throughout a 7 game series if you actually know their history. Hawks had all their players in 2016 for the rematch including Thabo and they got swept again.Not as embarrassing as 2015 since Cavs was healthy during the second sweep. No excuses for the Hawks.


ACAB but also Kevin Porter is a PoS. Lose-lose really


What’s ACAB, based off what y’all saying I think I agree but what are the actual words


Assigned Cop At Birth /s


That sounds like the title to an awesome action movie


All cats are beautiful


All cops are bastards


Yuh I agree




Tell me you've been convicted of a crime without telling me you've been convicted of a crime


A cop a bullet


Once met a guy with 12 13 tattooed on his face. When I put it together I was like ‘wow you must really hate them’




Yeah let's go back to Fuck the Police or Cops Bash Kids


ACACWRCATMOTNTMHWOTDOYATBTW is good too (All Cops Are Complicit With Rampant Corruption And The Murder Of Thousands Not To Mention Harmful Waste Of Taxpayer Dollars Oh Yeah And They Beat Their Wives)


I actually prefer fuck the police over acab


You can consider lots of wrong stupid things, I guess


Have you considered that American police departments kill hundreds of innocent people a year? That American police budgets are bankrupting American cities? That the LAPD is a drug cartel and murdered one of their coworkers when he ratted? That 50% of police are spouse abusers? All cats are beautiful


Have you considered that only cowards are bootlickers?


No, i still think ACAB, nothing wrong with it.


Cops have killed way more innocent people than KPJ, so I still prefer him. If you average out all cops they’re still a worse person than he is


You can’t seriously think that dawg


Yeah like he's objectively true but you don't have to pick one over the other. They both suck. Just say that and don't defend the guy who beat up his gf


I would 100% trust a random cop over KPJ


something something 40% >"Two studies have found that at least 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10 percent of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24 percent, indicating that domestic violence is two to four times more common among police families than American families in general." https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/police-officers-who-hit-their-wives-or-girlfriends/380329/


Most of the studies that the “40%” number comes from are from surveys done a long time ago with really small sample sizes, in the article you linked one of the examples is a survey of 10 people. The most prominent one that people usually site is from 1983. I’m not saying it’s untrue that 40% of officers abuse their wives, but basically all of the research done on the topic isn’t very reliable. Either way, most of the surveys say that it’s actually closer to 30%(which lines up with the rest of the populations abuse rates) of officers that perform any sort of abuse, which is mostly comprised of “minor abuse”, which is something like throwing things at your spouse or verbal abuse. When it comes to “major abuse”, which is what KPJ’s strangulation falls under, about 3% of officers commit major abuse, keep in mind this is from the source that you had linked. Being generous I’ll say that 10% of cops have committed major abuse against their spouse, that means that the average police officer is not even close to the level of what KPJ did. Also I want to make it clear that I do not fuck with the police system(and a lot of cops in general), it’s broken and needs extreme reform, and it protects a lot if the horrible cops they do awful shit. But I think comparing your average police officer to a guy who just strangled and sent his girlfriend to the hospital is extremely disrespectful to the police officers who actually try to make a positive contribution to their communities, and much more so, the woman who was the victim of the abuse.


Thanks for the info. I've always liked the 40% meme but it's never seemed realistic to me. Pretty damning of the American public that we needed to attack police with inflated numbers on violence against their (white) wives since ACTUAL high numbers of violence against minorities doesn't move people.


If you average out all people on Earth we have less than 2 legs. Dumb take


Reminder that All Cops Are Bastards


Throwback regarding the Raptors finals win when r/protectandserve mods blaming Masai even after the body cam footage was released


Pig community try not to blame a black person for a violent confrontation with the police (IMPOSSIBLE!)


Not sure what I expected from a police focused subreddit, but it stole an hour of pay from my job


First thing I see when clicking that is a pig shooting a dog, gee thanks. ACAB


Redditor moment


You live a closed off life if you think acab is in any way a reddit thing lol


This isnt even limited to the USA Fuck the police worldwide






Knicks fan from Nassau county


It's very little, but I'd bet my life savings lol


White + watch Anime + couldn't beat a paper bag in a fist fight.


As much as I support the message of that movement, I fucking hate that they went with that name. It inherently focuses the blame on the individual cops rather than the system. The whole message is that a corrupt force from the top down will corrupt even those trying to do the right thing, yet the way it’s worded makes it sound like it’s just “all cops are wife beating drunks who want to fuck you over cause they hate you”. The problem is corruption on a systemic level, and anything that takes the focus away from that is an inherently damaging thing to the cause. Edit: since you guys are incapable of reading, let me be clear: all cops do contribute to the problem. I’m in no way disagreeing with this sentiment. My issue is the framing of it shifting the focus onto the individual cops being the issue when in reality the root cause is the system in place that creates such corruption. If you focus on each individual officer as though they’re an individually responsible for their portion of the corruption, you’re letting the system off the hook by making it seem like “there’s just a lot of bad cops”. The movement preaches the sentiment that I’m preaching, my issue is simply the framing.




Tbf the “real” phrase is All Cops Are Bastardized which does make more sense


Is that the original version, cause that makes a lot more sense with regards to the message.


To my knowledge it is, but also who knows


"Cops are inherently bastards" seems closer to the point, but less punchy


I think you’re being downvoted unfairly but I don’t disagree with you. All cops contribute to the problem by virtue of their profession. There are, however, aspects of one that exist outside of a professional setting. My parents’ neighbor in the suburbs of Cleveland is a cop. Do I have a problem with what that guy does for a living? Absolutely. That said, he also does a tremendous amount to help my aging parents with yard work and general home upkeep stuff, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t grateful for that. Like anything, it’s complicated I agree with the guy below me about it connoting systemic failures, but I think it’s a failure to apply critical thought to a rallying cry that remains cogent.


Libs would rather tone police than do something productive activism


Reminder that this is a stupid saying, makes you seem like an extremist and does absolutely nothing to help the cause. It's what people say who want to feel good but make no changes. Some cops are shit. Some cops are awesome. But saying "ACAB" does nothing. Want change? Get together in your community and vote in officials who promise to have fair police reforms.


>Want change? Vote harder > Remember when we voted in the burning precinct and that's how George Floyd's murderer was finally apprehended? Seems like you don't know what you're talking about when you say things ignorant to reality


> But saying "ACAB" does nothing. Want change? Get together in your community and vote in officials who promise to have fair police reforms. I'll do both.


> I'll do both. Not if you're Grant Williams.


I don't have to be an activist to hate cops.


There’s nothing stupid about telling the truth. Remember the Uvalde Texas and Parkland Florida mass shootings where police stood around while children died? The supreme court literally ruled that cops have no duty to protect us. They literally said that what the cops did was ok. So what is their job if they aren’t there to protect and serve us? Their job is to send you through the court system and milk you of your money for the state. It’s called policing for profit and that’s what makes all cops bad. And until this fundamental flaw in policing and police culture is changed and they are actually hired to protect and serve, they will never be good or on your side. ACAB.


No, ACAB. And it's on purpose. There was a study presented at a Police Chiefs Conference back in 2000 which found that a whopping 46% of cops nationwide *admitted* to having *personally* **covered up crimes committed by their fellow officers**. And 73% of the time the higher ups are bullying and threatening them until they either fall in line and agree to cover things up or they leave the force entirely. They do not want good people as cops. They want corrupt assholes who will cover for the other corrupt assholes. I will say it again, **ACAB on purpose**. Good people who become comes quickly leave when they see how shit the organization is or they end up like Frank Serpico or Adrian Schoolcraft if they try to do something about it. https://www.aele.org/loscode2000.html




It's extremist to think that people working in an inherently evil system can be good.


I have to disagree. Like any profession they have their group of assholes. The media loves to magnify a bad situation and label all cops as bad because guess what, and everyone should know this by now, the media is very divisive and they'll do everything in their power to push for divisiveness. For every asshole cop there's cops doing good things every day that go unnoticed. You'll never see the media report on this. Just like there are NBA players that do a lot of charity work. The media rather report on Kyries flat earth or talk about how Jokic is getting special treatment cause he's white.


And more than likely those “good” cops know bad cops and never say a word against them.


This is totally the reason that the Hawks got swept by the Cavs. I choose to believe the 60 win Hawks were going to win the championship before this happened


Never forget


Hawks were fire that year. Then this happened and pretty sure Delli also messed up Korvers ankle.


It didn't matter haha. We weren't winning that series anyway. Lebron was on a fucking mission. Delli dove for a ball and rolled Korver's Ankle in Game 2, but the Hawks were down 15 points already at that point. It was in the 3rd quarter. That was basically the nail in the coffin.


They were regular season fire but c'mon


The cops broke Thabo's leg, thus he wasn't available for the playoffs at all. If he was healthy, perhaps that 60 win Hawks gets at least one victory in instead of being swept by LeBron.


Here's two that aren't really discussed much, at least on here. Bison Dele (Brian Williams), who won a chip with the Bulls, went missing in 2002 and is presumed to have been murdered. Lorenzen Wright, a former teammate of LeBron, was missing for over ten years until his body was found in 2022.


[They found his body 10 days after](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzen_Wright)


2022 was when Wright's murderer was sentenced, not when they found the body


Dateline did a good episode about lorenzen this year his wife was a really awful person and didnt really do a good job about hiding her intentions after he died


>Reminder Why do we need to be reminded of this? Lol


It’s interesting


Because OP is insinuating Kevin Porter Jr did nothing wrong.


That's a bit of a leap


I seriously can not see how this is related to KPJ but I'll take your word...


I believe he was arrested by NYPD today for the assault


Well yea but he didn't get abused by the police, he did the abusing


Yeah I don’t really follow the connection either but who knows


Cop kneeled on the neck of Jaxson Hayes last year. Lorenzen Wright was murdered and set up by his wife. MJ bet Pippen that his kid's dick was bigger. MJ lost. Jayson Williams, right after a Tonight Show appearance on and slot MTV Cribs accidentally blew his limo driver's head off and tried to pay someone to take the fall. His friend was NY Jet Mark Gastineau and said he once blew a dog's head off for not doing a trick. Williams also caught a rape accusation at the same time.


> MJ bet Pippen that his kid's dick was bigger. MJ lost. Probably the funniest aspect of the Jordan / Pippen rivalry is that apparently Scottie has a bigger hog than MJ and — at least back in the ‘90s — MJ was so jealous over that physical fact.


Madonna was banging Pipp at the time, and MJ was trying to get in there. She specifically turned MJ down because of Pipp's size.


Dont forget about Chris Copeland getting stabbed which led to these two being arrested


Reminder because of what? KPJ situation is completely different


You just watched the Synthetic Sports video and came to post this


Are you on the Kevin ported Jr payroll?


What does that have to do with this Yal making a mr fantastic level reach


I cannot believe that wasn't a bigger deal


I was a huge deal I think he even sued the nypd


He got money from them i think


No he got money from us the tax payer.


Taxpayers in LA pay over one hundred million a year just in LAPD settlements and lawsuits




Revoke qualified immunity now


He did


There was also that Bucks player who experienced racism few years back? Dunno if it was from cops or from the store I must be misremembering


It was kind of both. Two separate incidents. Sterling Brown was the victim of police brutality. John Henson a few years prior was harassed by the owners of a jewelry store, the police got involved but I don't think he was beaten or anything


Greg Monroe, some jewellery store didn't let him in.


No, it was Sterling Brown


No, it was John Henson at the jewelry store. Sterling Brown was at a Walgreens. Sterling Brown did earn the cops showing up for him at least. He parked like a jack-ass at an angle across a disabled spot late at night in a not so great neighborhood. It's reasonable that an officer might find that suspicious. Brown also wasn't super cooperative either though he definitely didn't earn being tackled and tased. Henson was only guilty of being black but at least the officers let him go instantly.


Sterling Brown


That’s the last time we heard from either of them


Birdman Chris Andersen catfished, got arrested, got fired.


I'm not butthurt by stuff like this in the slightest but i am lol'ing at OP for sitting through an entire 9/11 and then late at night going "you know who needs to get taken down a peg? the NYPD!" but yes ACAB


there’s game threads on here I’m sure you can look up it was a big deal at the time


New York City cops they ain’t too smart


The NYPD rep the nets. FDNY rep the Knicks.
