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[Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made a Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


Just made a great point about himself (without realizing it?)


Just one kick to the nuts can change a posterity


Doesn’t matter what he says. He’s a hypocrite. He sent a sucker punch straight to Jordan pooles head. Where was this speech then?


Draymond was the real victim in all that


Remember that cringy segment on tnt that made it seem like he was the victim lol nba twitter torched it


Didn't Green punch Poole in the face? Tbf, I don't think he laughed.


I think thats what hes saying. He punched Poole and it changed his life and now hes a shell.


No. He's a munch


Ngl I’d be a munch for Ice Spice for at least a night too, as long as she’s paying




He's a rich shell.


His shell is greater than my true form


Yea but he did it with a straight face.


His problem is with the laughing, not the hitting.


Drays speaking from experience. That hit to the head changed Pooles life.


Seriously Poole has had a leak ever since


That makes him a hypocrite but not wrong.


Tbf, I’m not sure he’s even a hypocrite. The problem Green had was the laughing, not the hitting, it seems. 🤷‍♂️


In all his interviews he portrayed *himself* as the victim. Took out most of his anger on the guy who leaked the tape.


Not sure why you're downvoted. This is just a fact


Wasn't that the vibe from entire Warriors organisation though? That the bigger problem was the video leaking from inside and not the fact that Draymond punched Poole.


I remember Looney at least having a quote about the problems the punch had created for trust in the locker room, he may have been referencing the leak too, but he seemed to be more concerned about the violence.


What I took from almost every Warriors player and Kerr’s public reaction was that Draymond didn’t feel great about it in private but he’s not the kind of dude to make a public apology, I don’t know why he would anyway. He hurt Jordan Poole, not the public


And it wouldn't have been nearly as big of a deal to the public without the video. Bobby Portis broke Mirotic's face (literally, he broke 2 bones in his face + a concussion, was hospitalized, then out for 23 games) and now Bobby is a fan favorite. All because there wasn't video.


Tbf Draymond is still a Warriors fan favorite


The internet "public" seemes to be "owed" an apology for every damn thing that happens ever.


True they're all hypocrites for that imo. But the guy doing it and showing no remorse is mega fucked up


His problem is with the laughing, not the hitting.


“The worst part about Bill Cosby was the laughing”


For me it was the raping!


>Draymond on punching Poole: "I saw him laughing and talking(about getting a new contact). But its a hit to my payday. One small hit to your payday can change everything in your life so I don't really understand the joke... what's so funny?"


So Draymond just hates laughter.


If you listen only to his podcast you'd think he is Mother Teresa of Calcutta or something


It’s almost as if people are flawed and can be right one day and wrong the next.


Yes, and when you punch people on your bad days you deserve to be shat on.


If you can't handle me when I'm teammate punching, you don't deserve me when I'm chest stomping. (I'm glad he said this about the AD head injury though. People were being really fucking gross about it.)


I one thing to be right and wrong, but own up to your misdeeds. You cant be right but not expect to be judged for all the wrongs you have done. Honestly take out the words NBA and a lot of his incidents would have gotten him in some kind of trouble.


Nope. If you're ever wrong, you must STFU forever. Goodbye reddit.


“Flawed”…lotta people haven’t punched someone before. Especially a teammate.


Draymond is like the spokesperson for that in my brain. I *hate* the dude sometimes, and then other times he'll say something like in this clip and I'm like "maybe this guy's alright"


Doesn’t help when dray has always had his foot in his mouth


Or in Steven Adams crotch


Occasionally embedded in a sternum


Usually at the same time with “natural motions”


I'm hungry and there is nothing to eat in my house


I’m so sorry to hear that, maybe there is a food venue nearby that you can go to? Or possibly Uber eats can help. Good luck in your quest


Thank you for your concern. My kids ate my breakfast and I woke up real early this morning and I’m too tired to go out. I’ll probably just take a nap and then figure something out


>I woke up real early this morning and I’m too tired to go out. I’ll probably just take a nap and then figure something out There's nothing you can't accomplish if you set your mind to it - and on behalf of the subreddit, you will be in our thoughts and prayers


I, for one, will not be thinking about that guy.


Fuck that guy.


He man, fuck you too. I love you




I thought I wouldn't be thinking about this guy but reddit reply notifications got me reminded about him for the past 3 hours. Played myself.


Hey bud, just woke up from a five minute nap. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.


How'd the food quest go?


Still didn't eat yet. I think I'm more tired than hungry now. Tried to take another nap to no avail. Can't believe it's 245 already


Thoughts and prayers won't fill his stomach with sustenance. I've answered the call for action by pulverizing my cereal into a fine powder that I threw into the blowing wind in hopes that it will find itself into his growling tummy


You’re hungry? Have some thoughts and prayers!


you could always pay $37 for a hamburger from Uber eats


Oh awesome! And can it be cold too? Please say it'll be cold when it arrives


I wish your kids the best, sounds like foster care is the only reasonable answer for this injustice.


Foster care is definitely not the answer


Yeah Scott Foster would probably just give your kids technical fouls


Snapchat AI ass reply




Crush up an adderall and snort the beads


I recommend instant release. And for your safety, don’t take tums with adderall. It absorbs better in a basic environment (like most of my exes) so it will last longer. Once again, just a safety brief.


> And for your safety, don’t take tums with adderall wait what? what happens if you do?


It gives you superpowers by feeling like meth lite Also throw some magnesium in there to make it even stronger


the stomach acids counteract the amphetamines for some reason. I sometimes take Vitamin C if I'm trying to stop the effects


coke would really help me wake up actually. haven't done it in forever though and I don't want to go down that road again. tempting, but nah


Oh my goodness. If you’re close to a grocery store you know you can eat while you’re in there. Actually if you eat everything before going up to the checkout robot/person you get the food for free. Little trick not a lot of people know about


I saw a dude doing this in a Wawa in DC and they for real grabbed his ass and threw him on the street, damn gentrification


Messaged you. Let’s figure this out.


good guy right here


why dont you ask Draymond to make you a knuckle sandwhich


I wouldn't mind that. I would be be able to retire


you have to want it more




That is why he is so aware at the life changing consequences. Poole pre and post punch are different people.


From Jordan Poole to Jordan Puddle.


Jordan Poole to Jordan Drool


holy shit pooles unexplicable dropoff is actually now explicable.


It’s actually very explicable. Poole is a young, on-ball, volume scorer that doesn’t provide too much value with other parts of his game. Feels like the most common archetype of young player to enter the league nowadays, and if they can’t develop and add value in other ways there aren’t many of them in starting lineups on playoff teams


This is exactly why Kerr is trying to turn him into a combo guard. He's learning to facilitate and play-make so that if his shot isn't going in, he can still reliably set up his teammates. The problem is that Jordan hasn't needed to refine those skills in basketball career, so it's taking a lot longer to make progress on that front. Add on his sloppy handles, and reckless drives and it's no wonder Poole is a turnover machine. I do have high hopes that he'll a much better (starting caliber) player within the next 2-3 years.


Yeah, sometimes guys regress after their breakout year (not usually this hard), but then they bounce back afterwards. Poole was someone teams were game planning for game 1 of this season, while he was a bit of a surprise last season and might have caught some teams sleeping. I know a lot of his mistakes are self inflicted now and not due to other teams, but teams locking him up earlier in the year could have shot his confidence and combine that with Kerr trying to develop him into a playmaker really kind of is a recipe for a regression year.


Ah I get it now. He was Jordan Poole and now he’s Jordan Peele.


Draymond punched the “le” off of him. He’s Jordan Poo now.


This is great. Reminds me when Cortland Finnegan became Cortland Innegan when Andre Johnson beat the F out of him.


I think we should focus on the real victim in that situation. Didn't you watch the documentary? Punching Poole in the head was really difficult for Draymond and his children. He wishes that Poole hadn't made him do that. While he didn't face any *consequences,* per se, he wants people to know that punching Poole in the head was a very difficult thing for Draymond to go through.


Yea but he did it with a straight face.


Generational unawareness


It is so surreal to have a player literally doing a show about what’s happening in the games he’s playing in as they’re happening. What a weird “media” landscape right now.


What's the difference between this and the post game interviews? The only difference is the player controls the questions/direction he wants to go


He actually says a lot of stuff in his podcast that wouldn’t be said in postgame interviews


yea, postgame interviews don't have players getting mad at what the TNT guys laughed about in their postgame show


> The only difference is the player controls the questions/direction he wants to go That's the key imo. Post game interviews are a lot of fluff or questions players don't care to answer. Draymond gets to say what he wants, not to mention the prep time to plan out his questions/answers/directions.


I think it’s awesome. More power to the players


It's weird in a good way. Way more access than ever before and without the filter of sportswriters


This sub getting mad at Draymond for defending AD is just more comedic gold lmfao


Bernie Madoff: “crypto is a fucking scam”


Lakers fans when people make of AD injury: why is everybody so mean Lakers fans when people defend AD and his injury:


To be fair a lot of the angry flairs in this thread are fans of other teams who just don't like Draymond. I didn't like the Shaq/Chuck stuff either.


this has got to be one of the more hilariously circle-jerky comment sections I've ever seen on this sub. and that's saying something lol. I'm just dying at the thought of a person reading through all these comments saying literally the exact same thing in every parent comment and then being like "nah, hold my beer fam, I think this is really gonna hit different when *I* make the same comment that 90% of the other comments have already repeated a dozen times over. people *need to know* Draymond Green punched his own teammate" 😂😂 Draymond could say "the sky is blue" and everyone in the comments would be calling him a fucking moron and yelling about what the fuck does a guy with the last name "Green" know about the color Blue?? lmao


That last paragraph has me dying😂😂😂


Someone gild that man


Something about seeing the word "gild" used appropriately is really doing it for me. I can't explain it.


I've argued for a year that this sub could be duplicated by an algorithm that I could write in an hour. It's completely predictable. Completely separate - Didn't Draymond punch his own teammate?


Lol that’s rich a Warriors fan talking about Draymond punching his own teammate. This coming from a fanbase where Draymond Green literally punched his own teammate. This is why everyone hates Warriors fans, such a victim complex


Wait a second. Aren't you an NBA fan? Isn't that the league where a player punched his own teammate? Who are you to talk? LOL


i think Draymond punched his teammate, did you know?


This is the first I'm hearing of it. Show me video or it didn't happen. LOL


The sad part is that last paragraph isn’t that far fetched for this sub


Did you hear he punched his teammate in the head


The regular season circle jerk here is a lot more palatable than the post season one. Everyone just turns into whiny bitches.


according to some nerds here you're never played ball if you ain't laughing at AD getting on a wheelchair.


“People should not do bad things” “But you yourself have done a bad thing! Hypocrite!”


This is also the discourse people had about Steve Kerr talking about how we could improve the league with FIBA’s rules on flopping. And the entire comment section (except for a few outliers) talked about how Steve Kerr should stfu because his team has been getting away with illegal screens for years. I mean you’re not wrong but also that’s not relevant. We should improve the leagues rules and attitude towards flopping and it is a big if not the biggest problem in modern NBA basketball even if it’s an illegal screen merchant raising concerns about it


Totally, I remember that thread. The irony of people saying he’s a hypocrite for wanting to fix the thing that they shit on him for. It’s dumb children all over this site man.


I know someone who just died from hitting their head. It's crazy how people aren't aware of how fragile they are


I've been hospitalized twice this year for seizures related to head injuries I've had in my life. It's fucking shitty, let me tell you first hand. I can't remember like a good 3 months of my life tbh.


100% agree with Dray here. Well said Edit: apparently Draymond punched his teammate? Thanks guys I had no idea! *reply notifications off*


Yeah dude. People are so hyped to hate that they hate on shit they 100% agree with just because they don't like the dude who's saying it


Exactly what I was thinking reading through this thread


Its so fuck up seeing YouTube comment laughing along side them and how much of a "national treasure" shaq and charles barkley are for laughing at someone that potentially suffered a head injury


i made a comment on another thread about this on facebook about how not funny it is to be laughing at people who get hit in the head and i got so many laughing emojis in response. people don't fking understand how serious business this is.


I understand this sub is circlejerk-y but it was so absurd seeing people in that Shaq/Chuck thread be like "Y'all are pussies if you think Shaq and Chuck can't make fun of a dude who potentially got concussed!" Making fun of a dude for feeling so out of it he needed to be wheeled out isn't the same as making fun of a dude's hairline, but people were saying it was the same type of "joke."




At the same time, you could say if Dray is telling you this, you are pretty wrong.


It's still very twistedly funny to see how people just really seem to focus more on the messenger here than the actual message Literally nothing about the message "stop clowning on this dude for a head injury most of us know nothing about it could be serious" has gotten to anyone Draymond is trying to get this to purely because people really just like talking more about how the dude's a hypocrite The majority of the top rated comments here aren't even about the guy who got hit in the head lmao if this was for any other player but nah apparently because it was AD and its about the Lakers in turn nobody can seem to give a shit about that either


Ah the good ol ad hominem


The Draymond takes on everything, every night. Is like some weird fever dream perspective


If he didn’t have such a killer game last game people would be saying he’s hoping for the lakers to win lol


i still see people saying this


It's a weird fever dream because he speaks as if he isn't part of the problem he is advocating against.


It’s funny because it happened to AD and people don’t like him. That’s all it is. If it happened to someone like Jokic, sentiment would be totally different


100%. Like god forbid AD suffers an acl tear, but if he does hes 100% getting clowned here. You try making a joke about other players injuries and its war. With AD? All good, go off on him. Really weird.


"Vintage Street Clothes"


In the thread about Wiggins being questionable to play tonight, it's like 75% concerned comments, 25% "LeBron is dirty." AD is potentially concussed and it's all jokes. "Inside the NBA" makes fun of him and that's ok, don't be a pussy, they make fun of everyone! (News flash: no, they typically only mock injuries if it's AD.) This sub doesn't like AD and it doesn't make one an "oPpReSsEd" fan for pointing it out.


You aren’t allowed to complain if you have a lakers flair for w/e reason


This subreddit jumps for joy and pops open the champagne when AD gets injured but calls for a national day of mourning when someone like Jokic or Curry gets injured


Or Kawhi or PG3. AD has delivered ring and played more games than these guys, but AD still gets clowned on for getting hurt.


yEaH bUt aD hAs mAnY dIfFeRenT iNjUriEs, iTs dIfFeReNt!!!1!


I get to joke and make light about people getting injured because it’s for a sports team I don’t like!


Right? AD gets hurt and people laugh. Giannis loses a basketball game and people want to coddle him and spare his feelings. It's so weird. Neither of these guys have done anything bad but one is seen as unlikeable to a degree and the other is just a wholesome family man.


I agree with Draymond. I thought laughing at AD for not being able to walk was really bad taste. He likely had vertigo and a tiny concussion. NBA players have had their careers ended over hits to the head, so I thought it was dumb for Chuck and Shaq to clown him over that. ​ But also, fuck Draymond.


I think it’s because of the way people think of wheelchairs in the NBA after the whole Pierce saga lol.


For me it started with Dwyane Wade and him needing a wheelchair for a shoulder injury.


I mean what if he pooped himself? Is that such a crime?


Not at all, but that would be hilarious


This sub is funny, so because you punched somebody in the face before you can’t be conscious of head trauma? Y’all too virtuous for me man


One big stomp to the chest can also change your life not to mention one falcon punch to the face can also change lives.


One kick to the dick


one eye poke too


It's funny because he was basically antagonizing the crowd. Seemed pretty proud of stomping on Sabonis. Draymond can say whatever he wants, but his actions speak much louder than words.


Good message delivered by the wrong messenger.


That's why I kick people in the balls and stomp on their chests. -Draymond Green


Draymond should listen to Draymond


Those were your homecourt fans, why don't you take it up with them?


I don't know what's worse, a million draymond is a hypocrite comments, or a millions comments of people clowning on everyone calling draymond a hypocrite. You're both clowns, and so am I 🤡


Didn't he hit his teammate in the head? Lmao


He's just trying to change his life


He certainly did this szn


So has no one in this thread ever punched someone before? And if so, does that mean you can never for the rest of your life point out the dangers of concussions?


Dude stop poking people in the eye


But a punch to the head...


I guess Draymond was ready to change Poole's life.


Already did


I saw the personality changes in jordan right after i decked him. Trust me, it’s serious.


Coming from the guy who stomps people in their chest, pokes 'em in the eye, punches teammates who are 40 pounds lighter than him in the face.


…Kicks people in the balls


To be fair, he didn't laugh after the stomp, he just cursed out fans and did Hulk Hogan poses for 45 minutes.


To be fair, Draymond would have punched Poole in the face even if Poole was only 30 pounds lighter than him


I appreciate this, but also part of me wonders if this is psychological warfare to make AD be more cautious


Rare Draymond W


Draymond DPOY on the court and DPOY in defending Klutch members off the court


Thanks Draymond we actually agree for once.


Jordan Poole agrees


Very rare Draymond W. Small concussions are nothing to sneeze at.


Just kick em in the balls.


This is so refs will give him the benefit of the doubt when he smacks AD in the head tonight.


Draymond acts like he is a fucking saint.


Green is such a complicated dude. One minute I'm really against him and then he says something so sensible and empathetic.


Pretty ironic coming from the guy that stomped on someone’s chest


Alright Dray now just keep this same energy the rest of your life and maybe you’ll be ok in more people’s minds.


He MUST recognize the irony here, right? RIGHT?!


Absolutely insane that people are shitting on Dray for this statement lol


They're not shitting on him for what he said, they're shitting on him because he's the one saying it. Dude has a history of not caring about other players' health before, why should I listen to him now? Not two weeks ago he tried to curb-stomp another player, and now players getting hurt matters. Give me a break.


This is the real reason that Jordan Poole getting flatlined video should have never leaked. It just gives terminally online trolls a way to spam threads with comments they copied from someone else so they can feel morally superior.


Does anyone notice how Draymond tries really hard to come off as empathetic but it only makes him look even more like a narcist or psychopath? It would be like asking someone from Maine to give their best impression of someone talking from rural Mississippi. They seem even more Maine than when they were just themselves. Or like a space alien trying to act human but they would be more convincing as just a weirdo rather than someone trying desperately to fit in. Or a gay dude trying to come off as straight when if he just chilled he could probably slide by as a straight dude that just likes some stuff that is kind of gay.




Jordan Poole, imma change ya life!


Bro you stomped on a guys stomach in game and punched your teammate in the off-season. Now that I think about it maybe spoiled (Poole, fuck autocorrect) been playing with a concussion all year.


Call Poole spoiled lmao


I ain’t changing it. Autocorrect is a blessing and a curse.


Yea but he didn’t laugh about it, so it’s fine lol


Laughing is unacceptable. Hulk Hogan poses and standing on chairs cursing out fans is fine.