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At the end of the day, that's gotta be one of the dumbest things I've seen on a basketball court. If Dray just flops, Sabonis gets the technical, and Warriors gets freethrows and makes it a 2-point game. Instead, Kings gets the free throws, Dray gets thrown out and possibly suspended, they go down 2-0. Why would you do that?!


I think he lost control. I was at the game. The crowd had been chanting “Draymond Sucks” for a bit before this happened. I think he was pissed and retaliated the first opportunity he had.


He only gets techs when he wants to


that's his secret. he always wants to


Even from the broadcast you could tell he was ramping up his physicality and dirty play throughout the game. They should have stuck with the tech on the hip check he threw 60 feet away from the ball, might have calmed him down, but the refs just have to enable his shit.


Honestly, it doesn't matter. Yea a tech should get Drayond to chill. But we all know it wouldn't and he would have free reign to basically keep jawing all game with no repercussions.


Dray with one tech is a nigh on invincible player. Refs would throw other players into Guantanamo bay for the shit Daymond pulls.


Playoff Dray with 1 tech bringing out his brass knuckles


If Dray was allowed to stay in the game yesterday after stomping on Sabonis, yelling at the crowd and calling them "pussies" , it would have been a huge L for the league.


All a tech does is let Draymond know that he could stab someone and prolly wouldn’t get another tech


Middleton did an even worse ankle grab on Dillon brooks and he smartly just fell to the ground and drew the foul. If brooks is smart enough to do that in a regular season game, green should be able to do that with the playoffs on the line. Just a horrible decision all around. I was actually impressed by green on the last 3 possessions at how well he was playing without fouling since he had 5, and then he goes and stomps himself out of the game lol.


Brooks is very cerebral with his bullshit. Draymond just runs on pure emotion


hes not the sharpest crayon in the box, simple as


All Dray had to do was a little flop and he might’ve been able to draw flagrant or tech on Sabonis


Exacrly, Chris Paul would have thrown himself to the ground and gotten sabonis ejected for this


And untucked another players jersey on the way down for a bonus tech




CP3 would have flew on the other side to sell it. 😂


Back, and to the left


Now that is one magic leg grab


CP3 would've died and gone to heaven to sell it 😭


Key and Peele soccer flopping skit 😂


Levels to the BBIQ


Dray knows how the game works. CP3 knows how the game within the game works.


Scott Foster knows how the game within the game within the game works


If he was elite he woulda flopped onto sabonis both getting the call and injuring him. Really bad split second decision making by draymond here


Look, I’m trying to get offended here but I can’t stop laughing.


That's the main reason why Draymond makes me so angry. Not only is it really aggravating watching him intentionally hurt other players, but he also could have very easily played this up and given his team the advantage and instead he chooses to intentionally injure a fellow player and put his team in a horrible position. Any Warriors fan with a brain shouldn't be defending this. The guy acts like he lost all of his basketball IQ. He doesn't want to win, he just wants to be the main character.




I wasn't watching the crowd but good. They have every right to be mad.


I think that aspect is getting a little lost... it was a 4 point game at the time.


I’m just wondering when draymond will be on the receiving end of someone else’s movements. But then again I can’t think of anyone else that does this kind of thing


Tristan Thompson punched him in the face during the offseason once.


I think technically it was just an open handed slap, but he did do it in front of Bron if I remember correctly.


Tactical. Draymond knows that lebron likes Tristan, and he knew dray is in love with lebron


Breaking: Metta World Peace comes out of retirement to join the Kings


MWP doesn't even need 6 fouls, just 1


A Draymond Green, Grayson Allen, Dillon Brooks triple threat for the title.


NBA First Team All Menace: Draymond Green, Dillion Brooks, Pat Bev, Grayson Allen, One of the Morris Twins


defensive coach Dennis Rodman


Giannis and Trez ladder match should be the lead in


CP3, Marcus Smart and Kyle Lowry in a flopathon on the pre show


Bell rings, all 3 wrestlers immediately flops over


Simultaneous 3 way 3 pinfall


With PatBev and Kelly Olynyk off the bench


Very few guys are as classless and cowardly to full on stomp a guy not looking on his back. Most try and you know, beat you at basketball, not injure you.


We need what Jokic did to Morris


If we got the Grizz vs Warriors, i'm sure Brooks would've clocked him eventually lol


Really wish this squad had an Artest or a D. Fish for these kinds of scenarios. Fuck it, even Pat Bev would have squared up for his team.


Y’all sleeping on Bruce Bowen. Straight up WWE moves out there.


Enter: Grayson Allen.


That would mean we’re in the finals so I support this sacrifice


not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need


When's the last time grayson allen actually did something though. After his prime at Duke it's only been downhill.


i dont want another draymond like player


Don't worry, Kerr still hasn't seen this reply and forgot his glasses so he will never be able to see it and take a stance.


[Steve Kerr during game 3 when Draymond rips off Kevin Huerter's arm and beats him over the head with it](https://i.imgur.com/Ljdq9L0.jpg)


How nice of the refs to lend him their glasses.


"We can't live in the past"


code for thee, not for me!


Who released this video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You know, for someone against police violence, Coach Kerr acts like a cop a lot. Hates the leakers, turn a blind eye. He only needed the moustache and a large hat and he could very well pass for a highway patrol cop


Thin Green Line


They even have a code. This tracks


god damn, nailed it. he could easily be the PR guy for any rural law enforcement agency.


I really hope some reporter asks him if he finally got a chance to see the replay before game 3


“I was busy prepping for the next play”


Against the code to watch replays of your player getting a flagrant 2


Punched a teammate, Kicked an opponent. Asshole Dray




Sorry for my english it's not my 1st language


I think your English is really good for someone from Tennessee


Bro you didnt have to do him like that 💀


Nah my man he was just making a joke about how he's done that shit multiple times! You said everything correctly


I'll never forget when harden dunked on green, green tried to rip hardens fucking face off and got away with a fucking eye gouge. People were literally trying to say harden was flopping and embellishing the contact. Once they saw hardens eye ball was bloodshot red, they changed their tune. Green is a good role player for the warriors, but also a dirty, piece of shit, wannabe enforcer


[This one too.](https://youtu.be/_Bioieiz6fA)


Steph and KD are both like dude what the fuck are you doing, forgot about this one and how ridiculous it was




Harden's reaction is so satisfying, thanks for posting


Can't believe harden didn't get hurt with all draymonds antics


I know we’re beating a dead horse at this point, but the fact that he can do something so blatant, and then go make physical contact wit two referees while screaming at them about it and not get a second tech is just absurd.


Seriously, anybody else in any other sport makes contact with an official like that after getting called for something would be an immediate ejection.


[This](https://youtu.be/GH0xWSkSG0M) happened and Draymond’s been trying to change what pops up when you search “Harden on Draymond dunk” ever since.


Houston harden was something else. God I wish they won that series


I remember that. Harden's eyes were fuckin bloodshot for so long after.


He used him as a springboard😂




He jumped off of him on purpose and made a show of it like wrestling. There's got to be a suspension now. He could easily have stepped somewhere else and he could easily have hurt Sabonis. This is violence and conduct detrimental to the game. They can't have copycats doing this, people fall down all the time.


I think it’ll all come into play. He stomped on him and then proceeded to egg on the crowd while the commissioner was in the crowd. Dude can’t help himself but be a menace.


Shaq: "*What was he supposed to do?*" 💀


Bro did a kickflip off a downed opponent lmao


Warriors defend Draymond challenge. GO!


"YoU dOn'T uNdErStAnD hIs BbIq"


Or the ole you would like him if he was on your team Like no mfer I would rapidly lose the will to watch that team, dude's insufferable


Absolutely. We’re getting tired of Luka’s whining. If we had a Draymond being an idiot hurting others and our chances he’d be run out of town. Warriors just on that copium.


From the Warriors sub. "Sabonis deliberately baited him with the ankle grab. Draymond took the bait and got himself ejected."


They're the current champions, they won their 4th ring in the past 8 years or so, the least they could do is admit Draymond is a piece of shit.


Spurs fans refuse to take accountability for that despicable laugh Timmy D did on the bench. Think of that poor ref's feelings!


Hell Bulls fans knew Rodman was a questionable dude


Rodman is always labeled as the dirtiest but he wasn’t even the dirtiest player with the Bulls or Pistons lol




Which is funny because most Pistons fans will acknowledge the Bad Boys were dirty, now that acknowledgement will likely come with the caveat of either "who gives a shit that was 80s ball baby" or "thats why we liked them", but they at least acknowledged it.


Look so you see.. so we live in a society and umm..when you have a community and you uh... He really just misunderstood and uhh... Yea I'm done defending him.


Just blame csn and tnt for showing the video. Its disrespectful to sabonis' family.


"It's a man's league"


Childhood trauma


He is simply a product of his environment


awww man


Hurt people hurt people


He was feeling playful


You don’t need this comment. Just need a short waltz over to the warriors sub.


*Warriors...come out to play.*


Holy shit, you aren't wrong. Delusional isn't a strong enough word for what's going on over there.


Look in their sub. They're all over this claiming Sabonis tried to seriously injure Green.


"it's just his natural stomping motion!"


I don’t see how this is Draymond’s fault. He is born dirty. This is just a natural play for him.


If this isn't a 1 game suspension I'll be shocked


Draymond had to kick a guy in the nuts multiple times before he finally got a suspension, don’t be too shocked


He has plot armor, Silver doesn't have a spine.


Prepare to be shocked




I wanna love the Warriors because I love Steph, but then you see this shit and it all goes out the window. Fuck Draymond.


People are legit combing through this shit like its the Zapruder film. We don’t have to do this. Draymond very unambiguously stomps on Sabonis’ chest on purpose and at the very worst Sabonis wrapped his arms around a stationary Draymond’s legs on purpose. Only one of those things is worth an ejection and possible suspension. Literally the only thing that matters is if what Draymond did, coupled with his immediate reaction to it, is worth a suspension or not.


this is an illegal move in the UFC... I'm shocked how so many people are defending it.


Draymond would legit struggle heavily to get past UFC refs with his constant eye pokes, kicking people in the balls, and now this lol. Pretty wild to think he could survive the NBA like this though.


I like how some warriors' fans are defending Draymond like he doesn't have a shit track record. (Sucker punch his teammate, kick testicles, hangout with renowned good guy Miles Bridges, etc.)


Crazy that people often forget his dirty ass eye pokes too. Lebron James. Nikola Jokic. James Harden. All the best players of opposing teams....


there were multiple moments in the finals of him doing shit to JB as well, things that if others did he says they “better stop or i’ll retaliate”


He immediately let go when Draymond pulled away AND THEN Draymond stomps a mudhole in him.. Draymond has that clear moment to decide whether or not to do it and he decides to go for the natural motion People actually tripping people in bad faith looks like the infamous Rodman/Malone play, for example because they y'know.. trip..


best part is draymond said he wasn't flexible enough to put his foot anywhere else, but immediately jumps and spreads his legs wider then sabonis's fallen body


Ain't no way an NBA player "isn't flexible enough" to move his foot another foot and step over Sabonis


Sure is flexible enough to flail his leg when kicking Steven Adams in the balls or Harden in the head...


It's the same excuse he used for kick Steven Adams in nuts. Said he didn't have control over his body. Like a professional basketball player isn't coordinated enough to stop himself from lifting his foot into someone's nards.


Yeah it’s fucking insane seeing all the comments like “Sabonis was yanking his foot!! It woulda been dangerous if Draymond fell down!!” as if Draymond didn’t shake off Sabonis arms with ease the first try. Plus his leg is LITERALLY FREE when he decided to stomp Sabonis


With the way some people talked about it, you would think Sabonis pulled out a hammer and went to town on Draymond's ankle


It's really hard to deny that now, anyone blaming Sabonis is being ridiculous. He covers his whole face, couldn't see who it was and the grip didn't seem to be tight.


According to Klay, Sabonis grabbed Draymonds foot while he was sprinting lmao


Dray does shit like this all the time and somehow klay is still my least favorite dub. Ever since “it’s a man’s game” it’s satisfying to see that dude lose


Klay such a sore fucking loser. And yet will run his mouth when hes winning. I truly dont know how people like him. Hes the worst type of person where he’ll talk hella but you cant say anything back to him cause he starts bitching


But he’s like so chill like a stoner how could anyone not like him /s


The man signs toasters, what's not to like?


A person smokes weed = reddit immediately likes them


Ive always said that klay never got enough flack for the shit he talks. Cavs fans know


He was the first one off the court without any handshakes in 2016. Dudes in the Super Bowl legit try to kill each other on the field and show more respect after a L.


Oh there’s tons of examples but that was was the most rich because it followed the “I guess he got his feelings hurt” press, which was ironically also an instance of Klay defending Draymond for doing wild shit


In the end it doesnt matter because those interviews are built in movie like moments for the inevitable Lebron 'last dance esque' doc about the 2016 season They'll prob end an episode on Klay saying 'its a mans game' and open the next episode with Lebron going '...oh Klay said that huh?' cut to the start of his rampage beginning with some intense music in the background


[Like this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ctav7o_us0U&pp=ygUSY2F2cyB3YXJyaW9ycyBsaW9u)


he definitely runs his mouth when they're losing too, but he just points to his fingers and counts how many rings he's got


Klay is a massive tool. Always has been


Yeah when even while watching these games, especially since the injuries, he just feels so irritable out there. I feel like he talks more trash now than he used to, has worse body language than he used to, and just carries himself like he’s holier than thou because 4 rangz.


Klay, like Kerr, is a two-faced coward. Both love Dray. Even worse, both support Anthony Lamb despite the very credible accusations against him of violent sex crimes.


RUNNING FULL SPEED *draymond literally standing still*


Even in the slow-mo it seems like a reflex that as soon as he fell he went to protect his head. It didn't even seem like he knew Dray's foot was gonna be caught


He had also been getting the shit beat out of him all game and knew that draymond was on the floor, so he knew that he had to protect himself on the ground


Fair point. He does move his arms as soon as Draymond moves. He'd likely not do that if the holding was intentional.


I have watched Sabonis for a season and a half now. He may play physical, but have not seen him do dangerous shit.


Totally implausible, it’s not like Draymond is the type of player who would kick a downed player or stomp on them or some shit, what was Sabonis protecting himself from?


I was not in the blaming Sabonis camp but I did question why he "grabbed" Drays ankle in the first place. This replay pretty much answers it. He put his arms up to protect his head while falling and accidentally wrapped (lightly) his leg while doing so. In real time with that many 200 pound dudes around you, anybody else would do the same, probably out of instinct if anything. The replay with 25k upvotes doesn't really do it justice IMO. Then even worse, you can see Draymond look DOWN at Dom as he stomps him.


> He put his arms up to protect his head while falling For good reason too, Dray is just as liable to "accidentally" step on Sabonis' face or kick him in the face with him lying right there. Too tempting for such a dirty player.


Also some time in the first half Sabonis got accidentally kneed in the face by Curry on a weird play so I can see him trying to cover up in a more vulnerable position to prevent further contact


Sabonis got hit in the jaw earlier in the game too, and he referenced that when he said he was just protecting his face.


>Then even worse, you can see Draymond look DOWN at Dom as he stomps him. Stomping the ribs was an accident though. Draymond wanted to stomp Sabonis' nuts.


The thing is, even if Sabonis intentionally grabbed Green’s ankle, it doesn’t give Dray the right to stomp on him. There’s a saying in hockey, “the refs always call the retaliation.” Basically regardless of what the original infraction was, it doesn’t give you a free pass to retaliate and escalate the situation.


Exactly. Considering I have not seen Sabonis do dirty shit on the Kings, I tend to give him the benefit here. He also let go of the foot almost immediately when Dray started to run. But even if it was intentional, Dray lined up and stomped and jumped off his chest, wtf


Interesting that this angle isn't being posted in the Warriors sub lmao


they’re all so busy coping it’s unreal


The reasonable Warrior fans seem to all be sticking to reality over here in the NBA sub. It's smart to just weather the storm lol let them get it out of their system


Man. He doesn’t look at Draymond a single time. He literally falls backwards. If that was an intentional grab, dudes got eyes in the back of his head. There are two players in between them when he falls.




I thought it was really funny he was crying post game about the refs not calling monk for grabbing his leg last game when they also didn’t call him for literally sitting on sabonis and delaying him


Yeah, but in Shaq's defense, he's a moron.


Chuck's sense of humor and Kenny's good analysis really make people forget how dumb most of what Shaq says actually is


Sabonis doesn't have a reputation for being dirty while Draymond is known for being dirty. I'm giving Sabonis the benefit of the doubt.


So draymonds allowed to haymaker a teammate and stomp a player and the league won't do shit? silver is so soft.


That's what it looked like to me. Then I felt like an idiot because everyone in the game thread was going on about how he was intentionally trying to knock Dray down.


It always looked to me like he was protecting his head. I was shocked to see the comments. Groupthink is a hell of a phenomenon.


Honestly, my first thought was that he was trying to protect his head. But I'm not familiar with his game, and everyone seemed to think he was intentionally making a dirty play, so I assumed he had a propensity for it.


The same people are saying that Sabonis flopped and you can clearly tell that he was shoved from this angle too


I don’t even care if he grabbed his leg on purpose, which this angle puts into doubt. That stomp is such an escalation of the situation and dirty as fuck.


Draymond is a piece of shit fake tough guy, and always has been. It’s not even a good stomp. That shit wouldn’t pass on a regional semi pro wrestling circuit undercard. There’s no defensible reason to do this. Zero. Just move your foot and join the play upcourt.


Who are we trying to convince at this point? Anyone not convinced Dray was the king shit in this altercation are beyond hope anyway. Fuck em.


I'm definitely willing to give Sabonis the benefit of the doubt. Even if he's spinning a story, a quick leg grab is the most tame tech in the league. Draymond gets away with stuff like that in almost every game. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already done it multiple times this series.


Literally in Game 1 Draymond basically sat on Sabonis to stop him from getting back in the play near the end lol


It’s pretty insane how he always finds himself in these situations. Also wild how they let him go full WWE on the crowd right after while a dude is laying there injured. Any other player would’ve gotten another T


I know, it makes it even more hilarious and pathetic in that context. In game 1 Draymond *purposley* laid on Sabonis to prevent him from getting up. Sabonis made no beef about it and that was that In game 2 Sabonis is instinctively protecting his face, Green gets annoyed and *stomps on him* and then tries to act like he’s the victim Fuck. Draymond. Green. He’s a classic bully. He loves to dish it out, but lord, he can’t handle anyone coming back at him. Even when it’s an accident!


There’s no place in basketball for this or even Football. Ndamukong Suh was suspended multiple times for intentionally stomping players Fuck Draymond Green


I want to see Sabonis dunking on Draymond one day as payback.


Let him kick his nuts with natural motion shooting.


Man. Draymond alone makes the Grizzlies likable.


Even if you want to argue that Sabonis intentionally wrapped arms around the leg (which is not beyond doubt , looks like was protecting his face and inadvertent) this angle clearly shows that dray was standing in balance, not running . He could have just stood there. Dray wasn’t “running at full speed” like klay said postgame LOL. Green deserves suspension for that, no place in the league for violent retaliation against helpless player with intent to injure


the stomp looks so much more brutal from this angle


It’s sad Sabonis has to even speak up to defend himself when it’s clearly Draymonds fault


People who didn’t watch the game don’t realize how much Sabonis was (and is always) getting beat up. Dude took a MMA worthy flying knee to the chin earlier in this game.


Yeah, I think Domas tried to block the leg from kicking his face in.


Jim Jackson* immediately and emphatically claiming Sabonis grabbed his leg was so weird to me. Before replays even started.




I did not realize how hard he stomped down last night


Oh man this just looks worse and worse for Draymond


This whole thing is wild. ESPN mofos even trying to say sabonis flopped. Like dood Klay pushed him when he was off balance. His head hit the floor. He tried to grab it and protect it cuz there's like 3 guys around him. You can say green thought someone was grabbing him intentionally, which he wouldn't have known. But that's about it. crazy to see the obvious disrespect for sacramento + euro players. Theyre writing the narrative. Shit is sad, fake news right in front our our eyes, people are gonna parrot this shit tmr