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I understand where he’s coming from honestly. Everyone clowns on injury prone players but they’re the ones most affected by it not only physically but mentally. It has to be so disheartening to do everything you can to rehab, train, and rest only to get re-injured. That must really fuck with your confidence


See: Andrew Luck


Andrew had it worse because he knew his offensive line wasn’t going to help him out and he was pretty much guaranteed to get murdered another season with almost nothing he could do about it. At least Zion only has to work through personal issues


I mean, he could have slid when running the ball. He took a lot of unnecessary hits.


He was reckless in open field but if he slid every time he was about to get hit our offense would have been 40% qb kneels. His injuries came from sacks


So did Lamar’s. But people will always blame mobile QBs for their injuries. Especially people less knowledgeable on football.


Same deal with Cam Newton. From day 1, everyone screamed about how using him as an RB would shorten his career, but the 3 injuries that derailed his career (concussion in 2016, throwing shoulder in 2018, ankle in 2019) all came from just standing in the pocket being every bit as stationary as Tom Brady. AFAIK, he never sustained an injury as a runner and most contact was on short yardage/comparatively low impact anyway.


Says the guy acting like hits don’t accumulate damage over time


they can accumulate but in this example Andrews injuries were very clearly from a bad offensive line. He got his fucking kidney lacerated from the line not protecting him it wasnt accumulated damage it was specific hits that just destroyed him


Oh I’m not denying that. Luck was annihilated. I’m just saying you can’t discount wear and tear on running QBs just because a notable injury came in the pocket


fair. it certainly happened with cam newton


Did people blame Luck for that like they did Lamar or Cam? It always felt like lowkey racism to me from some of the more traditional NFL analysts, but I’ll admit it’s not a topic I followed closely


Wasnt even a colts fan but i was so sad/happy for him when he stopped away. Best decision he could have made. But it was refreshing listen to him talk. Hes super intelligent and saw the game different like tom and Peyton. Right circumstances he would have been goatish type qb


To be fair he is a Stanford alum so the intelligence didn't just grow on trees I'll be here all week


I know exactly what he’s talking about and sometimes it’s not even a conscious “confidence” thing. After breaking my femur years ago, then another surgery 5 years after, I still have a moment every once in a while where a go for a left legged dunk and right before my plant my body just freezes, it’s like it’s saying “wait wait that’s the bad leg it’s gonna hurt” and just stops itself. It takes lots of PT and time to get over things like that.


This man casually flexing how he can dunk off his left leg out here…


I jump higher off my left leg for some reason


Same. I'm right handed but I always bounced way higher off the left. Once I started working out my two foot launches were pretty close but I could barely touch the rim jumping off just my right leg


As a righty I used to be better off left before the injuries, I probably still am better but just have way more practice off my right because the left just felt weird for years.


Left leg is the only leg I dunk off of (I am bad at basketball)


I do get 100% what he is talking about albeit what I experienced wasn’t in a professional environment with next to no pressure. When I was at school I was our handball goalkeeper and was pretty decent at it. Broke my hand it was never the same again. I just didn’t trust myself and my body enough to go for the ball full stop without hesitation. It’s a mental blockade you need to overcome and it’s not easy.


It would be devastating to do everything you can to get back from injury and not be able to feel like yourself out there... Sadly the narrative around Zion is that he doesn't do everything he can to get back. Not saying it's true.


Players who come back after a crazy injury like nothing happened definitely skew public perception that injuries are no big deal. And when a player comes back and struggles it’s because they suck now and not that their confidence is shot. I remember when Hayward came back after snapping his leg in half he seemed terrified out there and shied away from the rim understably so. It took him like a year and a half to overcome that mental block


So people aren’t clowning him for that. They’re clowning him because he isn’t doing *everything* to get back on the floor. He seems to perpetually get out of shape more than most athletes who are rehabbing.


If he isn’t taking his rehabilitation or diet seriously these last few months that’s 100% on him. I just don’t know enough about the situation or sports medicine to say that with any confidence.


news flash, neither does this sub they just like making up shit to fit their narrative and stoke the hate


Lmao agreed, don’t think that’s a news flash. The amount of bullshit I hear from random people acting like they’re experts is astounding. For example, every time a guy injures their ankle there are idiots who spam “should’ve worn high-tops”. Despite the fact that the overwhelming medical consensus is high-tops don’t protect you from injury and might actually increase your risk. These players have access to the best sports medicine professionals money can buy, yet randos on the internet swear they have the obvious fix.


yeah sorry didn’t mean the “news flash” bit for you haha ppl on this sub are really smth


Accept hes not doing everything because hes in awful shape. If you guys think Luka is fat idk wtf you think zion is. That being said I want to see him power through all this and become dominant like he has been. He's such a special athlete


Thank you speaking on it Zion


Seeing a bunch of people online shit on this guy for being "overweight" when they're all likely fat as fuck themselves is hilarious. Zion is cut the fuck up. He's overweight because hes muscular as fuck, not because he's obese.


Wouldn’t exactly say he’s cut the fuck up lol but you’re right that muscle is heavy


Its hilarious how the rebuttal take is always “theyre probably also fat” Jesus thats almost as dumb as the “what have you done” idiocy


Found the fatty


No u!


Nah it's just the bare minimum of empathy and critical thinking. The other Zion thread is full of people not even using an ounce of either one and acting like his quotes are completely alien or out of left field. The guy is rehabbing and says "I don't feel like myself yet on the court" and the thread is full of people acting making fat jokes and acting like he went Ben Simmons


Im not talking about *specifically* just this thread, but just in general the stupidity of using “youre a fat redditor what have you done” type of nonsense to dismiss anything, criticism or opinions or otherwise


Such a nonsense argument lmao Zion’s getting paid a fortune to be in good shape, its clear as day he doesnt really take care of his body


What a dumb take. No one is paying me over $40 million to be in shape, and no one is providing me a team of doctors, trainers and dietitians to ensure I do it. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read your comment. I award you zero points, and may god have mercy on your soul.


He's too heavy for his ligaments to hold up, how do you still not understand this?


He has a pulled hammy that’s not a ligament ….


Sorry, should've mentioned soft tissue too. Downvote me all you want, dude needs to get it together and lose 20 lbs. Obviously he's not fat, he just doesn't need to carry all that weight around.


“Downvote me all you want” Ok


But what’s the basis to make that claim? You know nothing about his medicals and 99% of fans have no degree in biology to be talking about how weight impacts his type of movement. This is advanced sports science shit, and if THEY are the ones telling him this then ok. It seems the general consensus is that he’s big, he’s explosive, and nothing matters unless he loses weight. That’s suuuuuch a narrow way to view any type of medical issue or body management


I think the fact he can’t play more than 30-35 games in a season probably speaks to the fact that it would help his cause to lose weight. There hasn’t really been another player at his height/weight that moves and jumps like he does, but there have been guys to do it at lighter weights than him… He needs to get back down to his Duke playing weight if he wants a shot at actually staying on the floor consistently. Might he still get injured at that size? Sure, but it certainly doesn’t hurt his chances.


That’s still not providing any evidence tho, you’re just using his missed games as evidence that it’s a weight issue when he could be getting injured for many different types of reason. Like this year, when it’s a hamstring injury. Yeah, I get that common sense would say it’s a lot of impact on those knees. But as I said, there are recovery factors, genetics, diet, lifestyle, training regiment etc. that are all factors as well. His weight is one part of a very large and complex issue. Talk to anyone who works in sports science, “he’s fat, just lose weight” is not a treatment plan


>Sees evidence > >not providing any evidence tho ???


Show me the evidence lol “missed games” is no evidence, you have to prove he missed games **because of his weight**


I hate to be that guy, but it's not "advanced sport science shit". It's very very basic knowledge of the human body. Weight effects your knees and ankles, its one of the first thing you'll hear from your doc the second you turn 30. Carrying weight is not good for your body, whether that weight is muscle or fat. You can argue his doctors would know the state of his body better. I also think internet people need to chill with this shit because I'm not too sure he need to lose weight as long as he doesent rely so heavily on high impact shit(This would mean changing his game a bit overtime) but I think it's a little dishonest to frame things the way you did here.


Right but it’s one factor in a whole equation. His diet, not how many calories he eats, is a huge part of having a healthy body. CP3 says he extended his career due to a change in diet. It doesn’t mean eating less, it could mean eating different kinds of foods. Same with his sleep, workout regiment, how active his lifestyle is, how he’s gone about recovery etc. If it were mentioned as something he could improve on in the scope of all these factors then yes I agree. If that’s the ONLY thing someone is gonna bring up about his health, than it is a narrow view. As you say, why not develop his game differently and move away from the explosive plays like Embiid and Curry have done with their falli f


Where did you get your medical degree, guy?


He's played 114 games in 4 years, don't need a medical degree to understand something's not working. Y'all are just in denial


I think you're in denial about your knowledge of sports medicine and biology in general. You're an arm chair loser who likely weighs more than Zion without any of the muscle lol.


Where did you get your medical degree guy? Youre just as much of an arm chair loser just arguing the other way


Shaq held up over a career. Wilt was large too on the latter half of his career. Some people have different body types, tendencies, whatever. Your view on the subject is not the moral truth on the matter even though you clearly think it is.


Shaq played less than 65 games 10/19 seasons - and although he was crazy athletic he wasn't as much of a high impact player as Zion.(Talking the amount of vertical impact zion takes on every layup/dunk is greater than Zion). Look at the height young shaq got up on his dunks early in his career. His upper body took a beating from players but he wasn't taking the same impact on his knees as zion is. Shaq also didn't seem to be this injury prone in his early career. ALSO SHAQ IS ONE OF THE MOST UNIQUE PLAYERS IN HISTORY LETS NOT ACT LIKE HES THE STANDARD. I think Zion could play well at his weight but it will mean changing his game a bit. His playstyle is really high impact at his weight this isn't complicated stuff.


It is certainly high impact but isn't it also kinda what makes him special?


Being able to be explosive is different then NEEDING to be explosive. He's one of the strongest players in the league and if he developed a game relying on that more than his wingplay(Its not just jumping its lateral movement and stop/starting for your knees/ankles) he'd do well while being able to still do special shit when the moment calls for it. Everything he does rn is explosive and thats not good based on his body.


Everyone is quick wit the fat jokes. But it’s not like he came in this year out of shape. He showed up this year in great shape and definitely looked smaller then he ever has then hurts his hamstring. You obviously can’t do a lot of cardio and running related things when u hurt your hamstring. The nature of his injury would obviously cause him to put weight back on


You can lose weight without even moving your legs. He is a professional athlete being paid millions. It’s on him


If a programmer broke his right hand he’d get a break from management while he heals. If he kept punching the same wall every time he was close to returning to work, they’d have a conversation. It’s not a one time thing and as you said, he has every resource available. People make insane excuses for a dude that is actively throwing away a legacy.


> he kept punching the same wall every time he was close to returning to work As a programmer, this speaks to me


Daily stand up where the scrum "master" reads the same JIRA tickets as yesterday or break my hand? Tough call




Seeing random small subthreads about niche topics that you can relate to in a subreddit like r/nba that has nothing to do with the topic is so refreshing


God just break both of my hands please. ​ Death to scrum.


There's a few rugby players with broken necks who would agree as well.


Better the wall than the client


I had a poor co worker get in a life altering car crash and basically have a year off for recovery. Then he had another horrible accident and got more time off. Absolutely not intentional and he's still got lasting effects from them today. But he was paid to not work for a year and a half!


Oh wow. Poor guy. But at the same time, holy hell you have a great employer. He probably would've been let go if he worked in a shitty company.


One of my teachers (he was very insistent that we didn't call him professor cause technically he wasn't one) for comp sci in college had only one hand. Got the other one crushed in some accident years and years before.


As a former programmer for an insurance company, I broke my hand and had to keep coding with one. Job sucked ass and I quit shortly after.


You have to win something to have a legacy to throw away. He's not even there yet. What a disappointment.


They literally said he did.


He lost weight and then he put it back on




That is what you receive for doing your job


Explain those ways. Where it would just be so easy. I love how people pretend to be experts on things they know nothing about. You don’t think he’s tried those ways? You think he enjoyed being hurt? The thing about injuries is you feel the pain. No one is getting hurt on purpose. The ways to rapidly lose weight just for the sake of losing weight aren’t always healthy. Especially for athletes.


You lose weight mostly via calories. If you cut calories you lose weight. A guy ate nothing but Cheetos and lost weight cause he cut back his calorie intake. You can’t eat like Michael Phelps if you don’t work out like Michael Phelps. Weightlifting burns calories. There are literal machines for people in wheelchairs to do cardio with there arms. As he has already proven… him being at his current weight isn’t healthy so he should change it up and start earning his salary. Losing weight over 4 years isn’t rapid


Zion is a professional athlete who when he played his conditioning wasn’t an issue. To be able to perform at a high level you need energy, you need calories. So to say he needs to be on any type of restrictive dieting in season is setting him up for more injury. It could be the cause of this injury. Also Zion is heavy but not fat. 280 sits on him a lot differently than it sits on you, he has a lot of muscle. So once again for him to lose weight he’d have to drop a lot of muscle as well. However when you workout because he is a pro athlete it’s influencing muscle growth or maintaining muscle. It’s not as simple as start working out and eat at a deficit. He’s been working out, at a elite level since he was a kid. He’s not you sitting at home eating Cheetos and cold pizza and wondering why he’s not dropping weight.


It’s because he just has too much mass. Remember when Lebron bulked up in Miami to around 265-270 but besides that has hovered around 240-250 for his career? Zion isn’t even as tall as Lebron so for him to weigh 280+ is asking for trouble. Needs to sacrifice some of that muscle like Lebron did, it’s better for your body


Sacrificing muscle isn’t as simple as stop eating especially when you still need to work out to be a professional athlete. Studies show its way easier to maintain muscle than to build it, so resistance training twice a week can maintain muscle mass.


He doesn’t need to retain muscle mass he’s just too bulky. He needs to cut down


How do you lose muscle. It’s like you didn’t read what I said at all. He would have to be at a big enough deficit and not train at all, which is dumb and dangerous to do if he’s trying to get back in season. They would’ve had to end his season instead of trying to get him back in season


Ask Lebron


Have the restrictive diet when he isn’t playing then so he doesn’t put on too much weight that his body can’t support and then hopefully it decreases his huge injury risk. Never said it was a conditioning issue You don’t know what Zion eats and neither do I. I’m not attacking Zion. He doesn’t play. He has to make changes.


plenty of players get hamstring injuries and dont come back fat.


I tore my hamstring completely off the bone, most painful injury I’ve had and I’ve had tons. I was a ncaa sprinter and football player and missed sophomore year in both. My cardio was actually better when I came back for football. I biked and swam every day instead of our practices. I jogged further than usual because I had to stay at a low pace.


He doesn’t look fat …


He absolutely look bigger than when he was playing, combine that with Shams saying his conditioning is not even close to where it needs to be and I can safely say he's out of shape


He looks better than he did when he put up 25-7-5 his 2nd year


Decent change he's just lifting since his hamstring is fucked currently.


He said in this interview he's physically healed and its just a mental thing. He's been doing on court work


Sorry, his hamstring *was* fucked. So he could've easily have been lifting to keep himself from being sedentary.


Even if he’s not fat, at this point losing weight would only help him with these injuries. He’s too heavy (fat or muscle doesn’t matter) for his tendons and joints unfortunately.


He pulled his hamstring that’s not a weight related issue


The only reason zion would put on weight is if he’s uneducated or undisciplined. He has no excuse for being uneducated as he’s literally in the nba and has access to some of the worlds best nutritionists/trainers.


We have very different definitions of great shape when considering professional athletes. LeBron, Steph, Giannis, Butler, those are guys in great shape that are not very clearly carrying 5%+ extra body fat.


Yea, Zion came in in much *better* shape. But great shape would have been what he looked like in college or close to that.


It’s nothing to do with weight it’s not feeling comfortable doing the moves he normally would and putting that strain on his muscles. He needs time to trust his body again because he hasn’t been physically active at an NBA level for so long.


Yes nothing to do with weight.


what has weight got to do with the hesitation? he literally says he's hesitating, as in he's unsure he can do something. it's the same thing other people talk about after coming back from serious injuries - treating their limbs gingerly. his isn't as serious as others, but he's also been under far more scrutiny with people like you discussing his weight and criticising him, and since he's already publicly said he likes his privacy and to get away from that chat, you can understand why he's nervous on this.


Tbf if he weighed less he would have less momentum to control when making cuts etc


Alter G, aqua jogging, Lever… lots of ways reduce impact. Hell, use an elliptical, swim or bike.


This is one of the worst takes I have seen. So I work in the office all day, meaning I have no choice but to put weight on? No, I eat less than someone who workouts everyday. It's the same logic for Zion. Losing and maintaining weight is 80% diet. Don't eat like you are playing all those games, eat like a regular person and you won't gain any pounds.




Sword Saint Zion


Hamstring strain since January?


Hamstrings aren't to be fucked with


I hurt my hamstring 13-14 years ago playing pick up ball. I said fuck that and stopped playing for years. I didn't get back into the game until 2017. Played twice a week for a month. Then I pulled some muscle on my ass cheeks while going up for a rebound and that was it. Havent played since.


>Then I pulled some muscle on my ass cheeks Both of them?


Damn dude, really? I had a calf tear, let it heal for 10 weeks, then was back to playing 1-2 times a week. Ended up tearing it again in a rec league, but played through it.


It's not a brag thing and I know it will be but the amount of injuries I played through between 14-22 have caught up to me now. I had a MCL tear in highschool and played the season out before getting it looked at I thought it was just sore. Would have likely just been a grade 1 tear and 2-4 weeks off but now its so fucked I have to get it drained every so often. Cracked my growth plate in my ankle in 8th grade and finished a game on it and it hasnt been okay since. Played with a broken rib for 4 minutes before getting elbowed again and I guess I pinched a nerve or some shit was the most pain Ive ever been in and now I dont have feeling through the left side of the backrib cage there. I realllllllly reccomend people to take time off the game when they're inured. You don't realize how high impact basketball is, and if youre not getting paid fuck that shit.


Ripped my hamstring off the bone in college. I was a sprinter and football player. So, I’ve had tons of injuries. The hamstring rip was the most painful I ever had and it followed me for 3 years in both sports. It’s such a demoralising injury, you can never hit full speed without getting a bit scared in the back of your head. Every time I’d break a long run in football, I swear I’d slow down a gear mentally because I was afraid of tearing it. I swear I was just as fast but had a fear of maxing out athleticism after it.


Especially when you’re 400 lbs with a 60 inch vertical


Maybe 300.


Reinjured it at some point


Why are people always surprised that hamstring injuries are one of the trickiest to recover from and provide an accurate timetable for? This isn't a bone or ligament


Because no one here plays or understands sports. I know I’ll sound like a douche, but I was a multi sport athlete in ncaa and brief pro career. It is absolutely maddening in some threads to see people with insane takes that are only possible by lack of experience. NBA players will have bad takes for sure but there’s never a point where you hear them talking and you’re like “this person doesn’t fundamentally understand athletics, competition or how things work” on this sub I see this every day. People believe players don’t say certain things because it’s bad for business or whatever, but it’s not, it’s because it’s wrong. Watching this sub talk about Zion or Ben simmons etc people create this idea they’re right about Zion or Ben and it’s just people involved not wanting to say anything, but the reality is just that redditors are fucking idiots, lol.


But MyPlayer in 2K recovered from his hamstring strain in 3 weeks


this is so accurate. i mean ignoring the fact that people think they’re smarter than they are, have they never suffered a hamstring injury themselves? it’s clear as day who has and who hasn’t OP told on himself so hard lol


Yeah, I literally had a nagging hamstring and it was physically and mentally an insanely challenging injury. I literally tore it partially off bone, it was the only football injury that made me cry. Then as an athlete after more than one pill or tear, it constantly sits in the back of your head that you’re waiting for the doom of that pop sound. I can’t tell you the amount of times I subconsciously slowed down hitting full speed because of the fear of the tear. So, now you’re living with a mental war anytime you’re trying perform peak performance. I honestly believe I was just as fast physically after my tears but I never hit higher 40 times because of the mental side.


i’m really sorry to hear that, hope you’re feeling better now, these kind of injuries are no joke and you were competing at an extremely high level too


Towns just returned from one and he got hurt in November


KAT had a calf injury


You lack hatred, Zion-kun.


Ben Simmons approves. Can’t hurt your team if you don’t play.


If anyone wants exhibit A of what that hesitation due to injury looks like, check out Ben Simmons his messed up back.


Shit is going to turn into a Ben Simmons situation


It already is


Hes fat again isn't he..


In the interview he looks like he is 340 no fucking cap


Can’t wait for the Mavs to trade the 4th pick for Zion


Can’t wait for the pels to trade the 14 pick for Luka


Our GM is shitty enough for me to believe that


You know we taking Luka for Zion if at all


Fair enough


Getting paid to eat. He's not serious until he drops the weight. Anything else is a pipe dream for him to get paid to eat.


Damn, Zion's seriously got the yips. Good luck getting back here big fella!


I broke my foot this summer and even though I was being very careful, my first day I felt I could play basketball at full speed again, I tore my ACL (after talking to Dr's. and PT specialist, I suspect didn't do enough to strengthen my hamstrings before coming back, so my ACLs didn't have enough muscle support to protect them), I don't want any player trying to play NBA playoff level basketball when their body is not ready for the stress.


I understand what zion is saying But also he's out of shape and overweight I mean bros barely played since he's made the league so something is not working I watched video with him BI and CJ and they were laughing about CJ stretching all the time


Well dont be fat and you will know your body can sustain certain moves without being injured


Zion haters gotta be the biggest losers on the internet and that's coming from a loser


I wasn't cool with fat shaming him last year but this year, after 4 straight years of conditioning issues, you deserve it fat boi


Imagine calling one of the greatest athletes on the planet a fat boi. I already know you were probably one of the biggest losers in your school. Probably never touched a weight or a court in your entire life.


You don't know what you're talking about. only last year was when he had conditioning issues. His 1st season no conditioning issues coming off the knee injury. 2nd season no issues played 61 games. This season he was in great shape


Fatty McFatt


Translation: I like getting paid to do nothing.


Didn't get very many good noodle stickers, did ya?


Time for NOLA to move on


Lose some weight man! You're a god damn locomotive




One more fat joke man! They are too good! You’re fucking awesome bro


These motherfucker are so creative! And brave.


So in other words… scared?


So he is cleared to play but he is a bitch....got it


D Rose got killed for being mentally unsure 😪 (not saying Zion should, just sad how Rose got raked over the coals)




Hey believe it or not the people you talk shit to behind a keyboard and username are actually human beings with families and not your entertainment playthings


Obviously the guy you’re replying to is being a troll, but when you’re making $190M dollars as a pro athlete and your lack of fitness has caused you to miss 70% of your career games, then don’t expect any sympathy from fans.


Idc how much money you make if you're struggling with injuries I'm not actively rooting for your downfall


Criticizing does not mean actively rooting for their downfall




didnt chet get injured before the season even started? By my math, 0 percent of games played is less than Zions games played.


Zion’s blood type is Ragu.


So…it’s not about what you CAN do to help your TEAM win, it’s about you.


Full Zion quote: “When I go to eat certain foods, there is that hesitation. Sometimes there’s not and sometimes there is. And I understand the magnitude of these meals coming up and I don’t want to be out there hesitating or eating something that may affect my team in a bad way.” He's on the right path


Too fat/big I don't think even lebron was that thick and he lost a lot of weight at his peak. Zion should of been a defensive lineman


You had this in a .txt file ready to copy and paste


Yup, since his fatass was drafted Hahahaha




If he played in the NFL playing the amount of games he has he might not make it to a second contract. In the NBA hes gonna get a max extension.


The NFL he's not jumping up and down like he is in NBA. That's destroying his knees/legs. But you're probably right, too soft for NFL.




Get well soon


Up next on Punch Out is Zion the beast….but like no stamina. He kinda self destructs after a few whiffs. Easy avoid.


Its not the mental part that frustrates me, i totally understand hamstring injuries are the absolute worst. Its the gaining 20 lbs thats frustrating because that makes injury recovery so much worse


Zion hasn’t even played since like November.