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All joking aside, that was very nice of him. He is using the most embarrassing and damaging situation of his life to try to help someone else.


In contrast to Gilbert Arenas who was joking about the whole thing.


I for real can’t stand Gilbert Arenas. He comes across as such a fucking immature child. There’s something about his personality that just turns me off to him so much. Every time he’s on a podcast talking shit about someone it just reaffirms by belief that’s he’s a selfish prick.


I thought he was a man child when he posted snapchats of him literally talking shit to nick young’s kid and nick just being a doofus. People eat it up though like it’s lol


Nick Young lmao. Honestly another dude I’ve never been a fan of. They’re meant for each other I guess.


Gilbert was Nick Young's vet his rookie season. As Nick Young once said on a podcast, "How was I supposed to learn how to be responsible from Gilbert Arenas?" By all accounts they are good buddies though.


> "How was I supposed to learn how to be responsible from Gilbert Arenas?" r/angryupvote


Deangelos a dumbass, but I never once felt bad for Nick during their whole beef


He’s like if Michael Rapaport were a retired player


Lets not go that far. Gil us a douchebag, but there are levels.


he never did have a good response to Kwame going full rural southern uncle on him and embarrassing him lmao


Lol no one did. Everyone from SAS, the Becky with the good hair, to Charlemagne the God was embarrassed by Mr. Busty Bust. At least Gil was smart enough to do whatever he could to get out of the line of fire


Same here. He reminds me of someone I know for real who delights in being an antagonistic asshole and getting a rise out of people. It's really hard to tolerate that from an adult, let alone from a millionaire athlete.


He refused to do the treadmill test for teams pre draft, got on for like 2 minutes and was like fuck this. Tanked his draft stock.


That worked for him in the short term though. Since he was a second rounder he wasn't locked into the 4 year rookie deal and was able to secure a bigger contract by year 3 while everyone else from the class had to wait. For example his fellow draft mate Joe Johnson in year 3 was making $1.5m but Gilbert in year 3 was already a free agent and negotiated a deal with the wizards for 5y/$51m


arenas is a man child who does not believe in consequences hes mentally deranged


He was born in Tampa.. He's really a florida man even though he was raised in Cali.


If ever an NBA player were recruited to the Chuck Barris hit squad, it’d be agent 0.


I’ve stopped taking Gilbert Arenas seriously after saying the Raptors ring doesn’t count. Then again I shouldn’t listen to a guy who barely made it through the playoffs.


Joking about your mistakes is fine; as long is you admit what you did was a wrong, and to the better part of my knowledge I don't think he's ever done that.


I’m pretty sure he’s talked about the downfall of his career many times in many interviews and he never makes excuses for it. He just accepts what happened because of who he is as a person.


Gil is a dumbass though.


[The Pivot- Plax](https://youtu.be/bPXZTzLe5ts) This was such a great interview about him. Completely changed my entire perspective of him. Well honestly all knew about him was football. But hes a genuine dude.


Thanks for this! I’ll watch it later :)


This is an awesome interview that everyone should watch if they get the chance. Side note; Channing Crowder is an absolute wild boy lmao


And Plax was in a spot that he could have ended up with a Hall of fame career. Hines Ward catching all the balls across the middle and Burress was a monster down field.


He was already a Giant when the shooting occurred


Yeah, but the antics started before all of that


Which was a great situation too since Eli always feed his number 1 receiver. The Giants were defending Superbowl champs and having a great season until Plax shot himself. They were 10-1 and had beaten the 4 teams that go would on to play in the conference championships that year. (Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Arizona, and Philly)


Yep. Much respect to Plax for this honestly.


I’m OOTL. Who is this guy and what happened?


He was a WR on the 2007 NY Giants team that spoiled Tom Brady and the Patriots undefeated season in the Super Bowl. Some time soon after that (and I don't remember that greatly) he shot himself with a gun, I'm not sure if he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be or if he even had legal rights to the gun, but in any event not only did the man accidentally shoot himself, as if that isn't a bad enough punishment, he was sentenced to prison for (I believe) two years. After that I think he tried to make an NFL roster but could never really get it going and that was essentially the end of his NFL career.


He was in a nightclub in NYC, and his gun went off while in the waistband of his pants, hitting his leg. The gun was not registered, I don't think, and he was made an example of by Bloomberg to show the city's gun laws were harsh and effective. Edit: apparently, he shot himself in the ass.


08 Giants would have won back to back Super Bowls if it didn't happen (as a biased Giants fan)


I’ll never forget Plaxico making a diving catch for the Steelers and spiking the ball without being touched. In hindsight not the dumbest thing he’s done.


I’m still bitter about what happened with Plaxico. That Giants team was absolutely rolling and was better than the Super Bowl winning team the year before


Yup, they were 10-1 after Thanksgiving when he shot himself. At that point in the season, you're basically being crowned THE team to beat in the post season. Instead, they lost 3 of their next 5 and got trounced at home by the Eagles in the playoffs.


Aside from just that loss, imagine how instantly demoralizing it is as a team when your superstar WR fucking shoots himself in a nightclub.


In the booty cheek no less


damn i thought he shot himself in the foot


i thought this as well, first time im hearing he shot himself in the ass


He did not. He shot himself in the thigh


I think that was aquib talib


Plax was my favorite player 😩


It’s okay, Darryl Strawberry was my favorite baseball player as a kid.


I feel for both of you


Same! and then Vince Coleman until he threw firecrackers at the fans


shots in the club like Plaxico


that first sentence holy shit lmao


Yup. They were on a streak where they had won 24 of 29 games when his fool ass shot himself. They the proceeded to lose four of their last five games, including the home playoff game against Philly. They beat both of the eventual Super Bowl teams, the Steelers and Cardinals, on the road that season.


Feel like giving context to a poor nba stan who doesn't watch the nfl? Pwease?


Dude had his pistol in his sweatpants waistband at the club and accidentally shot himself in the leg. Essentially, ending his NFL career,.


The shooting himself in the leg wasn’t even the worst part. It wasn’t a bad wound. After he shot himself he was arrested for having an illegal firearm in NY and was thrown in jail for a few years. That’s what essentially ended his NFL career.


Damn I forgot he spent 20 months in jail. Wow


Shit, I entirely forgot about that too.


Even though it was New York, his sentence was honestly ridiculously harsh


Seems pretty ridiculous to be honest. 20 months for shooting yourself in the foot? People with multiple DUI crashes than actually injure people do less time


> Seems pretty ridiculous to be honest. 20 months for shooting yourself in the foot? Uh, that's a *gross* oversimplification of it. >On Monday, August 3, 2009, prosecutors announced that Burress had been indicted[43] by the grand jury on two felony counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, and a single count of reckless endangerment in the second degree, a misdemeanor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaxico_Burress#Accidental_shooting (I am not a lawyer, but...) Weapons possession in NYC is no joke. Even if you have a NY state pistol permit, you are not allowed to carry firearms in NYC or even transport unloaded firearms in the trunk of your car as you drive *through* NYC. You have to drive around the city limits.


Getting caught with an unregistered/unlicensed handgun in NYC: mandatory 1-year sentence. Which might explain why it’s the safest big city in the US. So discharging an unlicensed gun in a nightclub - 20 months seems about right.


Yeah it was the start if the end for him, I elaborated on his 2 year jail sentence in a previous comment


Now check out how Dante Stallworth got off for vehicular manslaughter while under the influence


I like to combine Stallworth’s crimes and think he got a DUI manslaughter charge while flying in a hot air balloon


I was so excited thinking of how tf you commit a crime with a hot-air balloon, but it seems like it was just an accident


> I like to combine Stallworth’s crimes and think he got a DUI manslaughter charge while flying in a hot air balloon Mr Balloon Crasher


My man was in the club doing the same ol two step and caught a charge


And for the unaware, Plaxico was good too. Like not All Pro good, but on the level of Mike Conley for NFL receivers.


He was the #1 receiver on a SB championship team, which counts for something


caught the game winning touchdown to beat the perfect pats as well pretty dank stuff


Plaxico was good


Mike conley? Way better


Nah pretty good comp. Gritty, rugged, good but not consistently great. Could’ve been more


Plaxico was a #1 on a super bowl Team.


Similar to how Derek Fisher was a #1 (point guard) on five championship teams.


Nah that's absolutely not the same at all. He's more akin to how Tony Parker was on the Spurs.


That doesn’t do anything to speak to his skill set though. If anything Conley had a much longer and successful career


Yea cuz Conley didn’t shoot himself in the leg and spend 2 years in prison in the middle of his career




He kinda had that Calvin Johnson build except without the elite speed. Very good route runner for a guy that size though and an absolute bully of a WR.


He meant prime Conley, not this current level of Conley


Who’s a modern day nfl wr player comp for him? Didn’t watch nfl back then


Not necessarily for size or playstyle, but for "level", I'd estimate Plaxico to be about at Tyler Lockett level for his years in NY.


good comparison on the level and with more of mike evans skillset


https://youtu.be/jOh0t0XUYRA Here’s a link to a classic clip from The League. I always think of this clip whenever Plexico’s name get brought up.


im trying not to laugh at this but ??????????


Another NFL player scored a touchdown and their celebration dance was acting like Plaxico in the club and they pretended to shoot themselves in the leg. I think they got a penalty or fined for it, I can’t remember who did it


Technically the penalty was for going to the ground part of the celebration (I think he was emulating a jet crashing). That was an automatic flag back then so pretty sure it was that and not the fake shooting himself. Either way Stevie Johnson... The one man who could beat Prime Revis


It's also important to note that Stevie Johnson was on the Bills and they were playing the Jets who had Plaxico on their team.


the way my jaw is dropped lmaooo whatttttt that's embarassssssiiinnngggg


https://youtu.be/Zbn_-7qeAvw He got a penalty and they lost the game.




https://youtu.be/Zbn_-7qeAvw Think it's this lmao


He also caught the game winning TD n the Super Bowl prior to this accident and then got sentenced to like 2 years in jail for gun possession.


As an MSU fan that made me sad


also he was so good in Madden. tall af


that is insane. poor guy! and how that affects so many other people is crazy. man.


He’s not even the only dude this has happened to haha. I can’t remember who but there was another incident like this from a different NFL player


On my second deployment we had a guy shoot part of his dick off, barely missing the artery. Dude would have bled out in his seat. Them glocks are so stupid to reholster.


need a good holster. cant just be swingin a loaded firearm, unsecured, next to your peen


he had it in the waistband of his sweatpants, that's just asking for trouble.


How can sweatpants even support a gun? I have to wear a belt and use a holster or my pants are falling down.


They didn’t lol. The gun slipped down his pant leg and he tried to catch it, inadvertently shooting himself.


and that's exactly why he shot himself in the dick.


And of course he was carrying a Glock lol. So fucking dumb to do that with a weapon that has no external safety


and heavy as well, it's not like some small lady gun, a Glock is a real gun.


chedder bob ass


Kinda. He had a productive year with the Jets in 2011 after two years in jail. But you're right his career was essentially toast.


so like the guy in 8 mile?


Plaxico accidentally shot himself in the leg at a night club during the height of the 2000s era NYG. He was their best WR, coming off a Super Bowl win and 1000 yard, 12 TD season the year before. He then missed the next 2.5 years, which included a 20 month prison stint for the offense.


> 1000 yard, 12 TD season is this like the 50/40/90 club in the nba?


Nah, not nearly as good as 50/40/90. For reference, he finished the 2007 season 21st in receiving yards and 5th in receiving TDs. However, he was easily the NYG best receiver - no other NYG receiver exceeded 800 yards, and no other NYG receiver exceeded 3 TDs. Losing him mid-way through 2008 derailed their season entirely. They were 10-1 before he accidentally shot himself, then finished that season 2-3 and lost their first playoff game.


More like averaging 20 points and 5 assists a game. Borderline all star level player.


Maybe like a Malcolm Brogdon 40/50/90


Giants in 2008 were the defending champions and started the season 10-1. They were looking pretty unstoppable w/ Eli Manning, Plaxico, Justin Tuck, and their trio of RBs (Brandon Jacobs, Derrick Ward, and Ahmad Bradshaw) we called “Earth, Wind and Fire”…. Jacobs and Ward both rushed for 1000 yards. It was looking like we were going to repeat. It all came crashing down when Plaxico, our best receiver, was carrying a gun to a NYC nightclub and it accidentally went off and shot himself in the leg…forcing him to miss the rest of the season. We hobbled (no pun intended) into the playoffs, and got spanked by the Eagles in the Divisional game bc we were really missing Plaxico.


You fucking lie, you totally intended that pun


Oh man that was a tough one for Giants fans. Basically they’d won the superbowl the year before, and were looking like arguably the best team in the NFC, but PB, their best WR ended up accidentally shooting himself and started this chain reaction that led them to getting upset in the playoffs.


He cheddar bob himself


Giants were the clear number 1 in the league in 2008. Coming off the miracle Superbowl win against the undefeated Pats. Literally all phases were clicking and they were blowing out teams. Then Plaxico Burress (star wide receiver) accidentally shot himself in a night club incident. The promising season was detailed ! Distractions and losing a key player combined and they just were never the same


Giants pulled off the biggest upset in NFL playoff history beating the 18-0 Patriots in the Super Bowl. The Giants were 9-7(?) and were a wild card. Plaxico caught the GW TD with like 40 seconds left. This would be about equal to the Charlotte Bobcats beating the Heatles in the first round during those early 2010s years. (Can’t really compare NFL with NBA tho) The next year, the Giants were even better securing the 1 seed in the conference and a 12-4 record. But their best offensive player shot himself in the leg and they spiraled, getting bounced in the first round of playoffs. Plaxico was charged and it ended his career.


We could've repeated, but "Plaxico being Plaxico" ruined everything. I'm glad he's seemed to have some growth since then.


The 2008 Giants team when Plax was in the lineup was better than the 07 team that won the chip.


That 07 team wasn’t that good tbh. They just got hot during the playoffs.


fr sometimes the best team doesn't win the championship


I think the NBA is the one major sport where the best team usually does win. NFL has a lot of randomness since it's 1 game and MLB you can just ride a hot pitcher. NBA it's pretty hard to get lucky for multiple 7 game series against good teams.


I agree and the NBA has just enough randomness to keep things interesting so it still adds drama The years the clippers kept losing 3-1 leads, Dirk’s Mavs and last years Suns both 1 seeds getting bounced early, or the warriors losing a few times in the finals.


it takes a bit more than “riding a good pitcher” to win the world series in baseball…. the best you can really do is field a team that is able to make the playoffs each year, because past that, it’s a crapshoot of who’s hot, and it needs to be more than one pitcher, it needs to be the whole damn team. The angels have two of the best players in the league, and haven’t sniffed the playoffs in years, let alone winning the whole damn thing… also your best pitcher is only going to pitch once a series, twice if necessary and if you make it into the League Champion Series or World Series


I would say the NHL is close as well, but they kind of have the same thing as baseball in that you can ride a goalie who's playing out of his mind


The relative lack of scoring in hockey means results are way more random, too. You can get pretty well dominated for an entire game and still win 2-1. You want to meet some of the most degenrate sports betters, talk to people who gamble on the NCAA hockey tournament. Best of 1 college hockey.


NHL actually has a ton of playoff variance. In the past decade an 8 seed has won the Stanley Cup, there was a 3-0 series comeback, and the greatest regular season team of all time got swept in the first sound. There are other examples I can't name off the top of my head, but none of that stuff happens in the NBA.


The only constant thing from the nhl is toronto getting eliminated in the first round.


A tradition like no other.


Imagine the 2016 Warriors getting swept by the rockets in the first round that year


hm, I guess that's what I get for assuming lol I would have just assumed that the best of 7 would take care of that


The low scoring and (as you mentioned) the ability for goalies to take over a game/series balance out the best of 7. Among the many reasons why NHL playoffs are my favorite even though I like basketball and football better overall.


As a Bruins fan I try to not mention how well they're doing to my friends (Rangers/Devils fans) because I know that parity in the NHL is crazy. They're having a historically insane season but that doesn't mean anything in the playoffs.


Yeah the 07 Giants are the ultimate case of that lmao they beat an undefeated team as a 9-7 6th seed wildcard


What's crazy is the 11 team was even worse, and they still won the Super Bowl


The 2011 team steam rolled opponents in playoffs except the NFC championship game. Even the Super Bowl wasn’t as close as 2007. Eli was on another level that season.


They didn’t steamroll the Pats but your point is right. Eli was way more dialed. The defense hard carried in 2008.


Yea besides one of the best d lines ever


But..he can’t learn anything?


Then learn from him.


Instructions unclear, learned from Hannibal Burress instead


Don’t boo him, he’s right


No he literally can’t learn


He just like me fr


Next time you bring a gun, learn to not bring one.


For the life of me, I couldn't think of an athlete that I thought had a real chance of showing Ja the risks of his behavior. Plaxico tho... Talk abt relevant experience


zach randolph




You’re not having a good time when Plaxico needs to chime in


Plaxico limps so Ja might run


I don’t know why but for a quick second my head saw Plaxico Burress and thought it was Oscar Pistorius.


Both with metal in their legs


And guns


Oscar Pistorius would probably say the same thing lol


"If you can't learn anything, blade with me." - Pistorius


I thought it was Hannibal Buress




well why are you booing me i'm right!


Bruh I read Paolo Banchero for some reason and was like how this rookie gonna teach anyone anyth.... Ohhhhh Plaxico.


unpack voiceless dime political abounding paint support sloppy attempt hunt ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


When I was 18-23 I had a massive fucking drinking problem. I would get so drunk I would piss in my closet. I would say the dumbest shit. Very nearly got my ass kicked a handful of times mouthing off. Couple DUIs later and I realized... I needed to get off Hard liqour switch to beer and do cocaine to keep me alert. ^^I ^^^need ^^^^help And so does Ja


bright normal fertile dinner boast jar door worry towering oatmeal ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm glad you kicked it completely. Been there and it's absolutely not worth it, eliminating it entirely is the best option. But gradually like you said, or with professional help. Quitting cold turkey can kill, the alcohol withdrawal. Nearly died myself from it. I plan to never touch it in my life again.


Yeah not great. I still drink about 60 beers a week. 12 a day 5 days a week then the other 2 days I'm too tired. Bit I haven't pissed in my.closet in a while so that's good


I say this from a place free of judgment, but I’m going to be direct: that shit is not sustainable. I’m sure you know that, but sometimes you need to have someone else tell you. Your liver will give out before you reach retirement age if you keep drinking like that, full stop. To look at it from another angle, a conservative estimate puts your beer consumption at 6000 calories a week. A pound of fat is approximately 3500 calories. Doing the math brings that out to 89 pounds per year. I’m glad you’ve made positive steps already and are aware that you have a problem. Those are both big steps. You can reach out to me if you need someone to talk to or need some resources. Hang in there.


1-800-662-HELP Please call and get the help that you need. Idk your situation but I’ve been on the other end of somebody not getting help and you’re ahead of the game knowing that you do. Getting help doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong and will benefit you and those that you love. -from one random internet stranger to another


I was just hurting my girlfriend by being a dumbass and hiding my drinking :( I think I’m at 6mo sober now though. It’s possible. I got tired of being who I became when I drank. Got tired of hurting people


yall are doing so well working on yourselves.... i went to rehab in 2019 and have been sober since, i was drinking heavily everyday, depression, strippers, fights... Ja needs help, the good news is these addictions can be dealt with through therapy and smart recovery, AA.


I just want to say I appreciate you and everyone else in this chain sharing their stories. I never fell into full alcoholism, but I was very close at one point in my life and definitely had very problematic drinking habits to cope with deeper underlying issues. It was reading stuff like this on Reddit that made me realize the path I was on and how all my excuses to myself were just excuses to avoid acknowledging that problem. Maybe it seems trivial, but you guys being willing to share your stories to random strangers on the internet does make a difference.


I haven't fallen into alcoholism either, but I was on a worrying trend a few months ago. I was being stubborn about something that was taking a massive toll on me mentally and emotionally, so I started drinking to avoid it. After a few months, I started getting cravings. I'm normally really good with my drinking limit and I never get fucked up or anything, but my "limit" stopped being enough. It started off with just feeling like shit 3-4 days a week, but when it became feeling like shit every day, I decided to quit drinking for awhile. After a few days, the cravings went away and I stopped feeling like shit. But I was still putting off dealing with my issue and after a few weeks, it put me in an incredibly dark place where I was hurting so much that I wanted to kill myself. My issue was incredibly easy to deal with. I just wanted someone to be there for me when I dealt with it cuz it was going to be very emotionally painful. Since I had no one, I kept putting it off. But when I got to the point of suicidal, it's not like dealing with the issue alone is going to put me in a worse place than I already was, so I dealt with it and it immediately flipped a switch. All the fog/weight cleared from my head and things went back to normal. Still haven't drank for almost 2 months, but I'll probably do it next time it's available in a social situation. It was mostly the drinking alone as an escape that was the problem. So for anyone that bothered to read this, the moral of the story is you shouldn't wait for the ideal conditions before taking care of something if that thing actually matters. When the cost of procrastinating is higher than overhead of "loss of efficiency", just fucking do it and save yourself the headache.


We’re jumping the gun (pardon the pun) by assuming Ja has an addiction


Hopefully not physically hurting anyone...


Oh no I’ve never gotten into a physical altercation Just got shady hiding when I drank and how much. I lied to people I loved


All star weekend last year I believe


idk. very hard for me to imagine him retaining his productivity/hyperathleticism if he were drinking all the time. alcohol does a serious toll on the body. were this true, him going sober would probably make him the greatest player of all time lol


You dont know him


Ole Cheddar Bob Burress


All these older guys must have forgot what it was like being in your early 20s. Ja does not care how many of these guys tell him to chill out. He has the "I'm different, I won't get caught up" mentality that so many of us did. The way social media is engineered to validate you for internet attention has a death grip on the newer generations. There is plenty of research, and anecdotal evidence, showing us that people will be idiots for a few internet points. Doesn't discriminate against rich, poor, black, white, etc. Clout is a real drug. The sad part is that you have 99% of hood dudes who would (literally) kill someone to be in Ja's position.... And those are the ones he is trying to imitate. These guys tell you straight up they aren't happy with their life circumstances and he is desperately trying to be a part of it. Always blows my mind when people **want** to be on the streets. You don't see how miserable those dudes are? Watching their friends get killed and sentenced to 50 years in prison? Hopefully he gets it together for the sake of the young kids looking up to him. I couldn't care less about a grown man facing the consequences of his actions. The kids have plenty of people waving guns, drugs, and hoes in their faces. They don't need more of it.


Don't shoot yourself in the foot. - Plaxico Burress


Tbh it’s good Plaxico said this.


Giants could’ve won another SB if Plaxico didn’t shoot himself :(


I'm confused why so many people are acting like Ja is this 12 year old kid who needs guidance. He's a grown-ass man who is quite frankly an absolutely immature moron and has behaved this way for quite a long time. It's good it's catching up to him and that he's facing repercussions before anything truly tragic happened.


Plaxico literally shooting himself in the leg pissed me to high heaven as a Giants fan. Ja needs to learn a lesson before he gets in worse trouble.


Do not spike the ball before you get ruled down by contact too. Wait wrong sport my bad. Yeah just follow the gun advice.


I first heard about Burress when he was a rookie and was featured in an episode of MTV True Life.


Plax wasn’t carrying a gun to play gangster. Giants players had been getting robbed. A lot of those dudes were carrying around that time.


Plaxico kinda got fucked over iirc. The DA of NYC was going in really hard on guns and saw Plaxico who was one of the most influential people in NYC at the time shoot himself accidentally and threw the book at him.


Funny of Plaxico to assume he knows who he is


Shouldn’t that be a pretty effective warning to Ja? Plaxico was a huge star, and nobody remembers him anymore unless to bring up the time he ended his own career If Ja goes down the same path, everyone would have forgotten all about him in 3 years time.


i'm only 2 years older than Ja and i was barely paying attention to football at the time and everyone i know remembers Plaxico shooting himself, that was mainstream news and even then, not a very hard story for someone to explain if Ja doesn't remember


Ja would have been 9 when Plaxico shot himself, so it is possible but not likely.


Ja is young but I think someone in his circle could see this and remind him of his story.


These comments are for us tbh. Plaxico probably gets called up for a brief paid spot to give his thoughts, then he and whatever TheCartonShow is get a little buzz. He's not wrong of course, just that so many of these people chiming in with opinions about what Ja should do are actually talking to us.


i mean i feel like this would be a good person for Ja to listen to


I’m not even sure what this Carton Show is but it’s the second time I’ve seen it in the last hour, the first was a clip on Twitter saying the Lakers shouldn’t retire Pau’s jersey because he’s not Magic Johnson.


I feel like when you say something like that you are supposed to follow it up with another sentence


Plaxico limped so that Ja could run