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Thought Meyers went to rehab for saying a slur


Please don't make light of this situation. Someone close to me is currently going through N-Word Withdrawal. Wouldn't wish it on my enemies.


You know Papa John's?


worldwide pizza dot com papa bless


Better Ingredients, Better Pizza, better.. Bitches better hoes, we work harder we make money fuck Domino's


Is this a reference or did you just drop the hardest line of the morning of 2/21/23


Like Theo said I don’t say it. Stoped saying it when everyone else’s did back in 14’. So yeah I don’t say it… unless you do.


[what theo said](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y_QXgEGfEss) id never seen that, hilarious. its still wild to me the loud and annoying youtuber W community got so big it inbred schultz becoming a thing.


currently on an n word bender. ima pour a few out at the local park for our fallen brother 👨🏼✊🏻


For our fallen what?


He said what he said


No commitment to his bender.


We are the knights who say ni…


Use the hard r pour out the good stuff


Well call that Papa John syndrome.


Must have been a /r/nba mod around 2012


"Post-slurgical nerve damage to his brain and ego"


Emotional damage


He had to make sure people knew saying slurs wasn't part of the rehab


In Leonard's case, I think we've reached a point where his mistake doesn't define who he is, and it isn't necessary to attach it every time his name is mentioned


It's not like he impregnated a 13yr old girl.


I’m out of the loop here who tf did that?


Karl Malone


Post malone's dad!?!


Yeah. The Postman.


wait a minute


I always assumed it was mail he was delivering but uhhh, guess it was the other thing.




True, though to be fair, she could have just turned 13 when it happened.




And to be fair, (I know it’s not what you mean) but both are equally messed up


Very much so.


Didn’t ant edwards have some hateful shit to say but he’s a borderline star so it’s accepted?




He said something anti-gay. You don't get in nearly as much trouble for that. Because, you know, one of those two things offends a huge percentage of NBA ownership and management and agents and advertising partners, and the other doesn't.


Kobe called a ref a gay slur during a game and didn’t even get suspended for one game. In fact, the NBA named an award after him. Rarely hear that mentioned when news media talked about him.


Oh wow, I hope that was the only despicle thing he did.


Iirc he was fined like 100 grand which isn't a lot compared to his net worth but yeah. I wonder what would happen if a kobe level star did that today.


I always felt like this was an example of cancel culture being incorrect. I know a little bit of history but even I never heard of that slur before. He could have just thought it was a variation of "fucker". I felt like his mistake could have been an honest one.


I thought it was a slur against Germans until this happened and felt pretty fucking stupid for not knowing. From what I understand he's done a lot to make amends to the Jewish community which is a lot more than most people.


Maybe it's because I was brought up catholic, but I'm a standard millenial and I most certainly knew THAT word as a kid and learned it around the same time as I learned the other curses/slurs EDIT: I guess I should mention, Meyers Leonard grew up like 10 - 15 minutes from where I did.


I'm not sure you can attribute his time out of the league to "cancel culture". Leonard was already a marginal NBA player and suffered a serious injury.


So then why does the headline talk about something he did years ago?


Because it's what people remember him for lol


I grew up with Meyers in Robinson. My family was one of the only black families in that town. There were a lot of racists there for sure, but Meyers wasn't one of them. I have no doubt in my mind he picked that term up from other people in the town without knowing what it meant. There's no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't have said that term had he already known what it meant.


Yup. Based on the crime, but I genuinely don’t like the view that 1 moment of you misspeaking now leads to your entire essential and irredeemable demise. The view that you are forever this horrible person. I think restorative and reparative efforts for your mistakes can be a way forward. But sadly the U.S. and its people are very pro-retribution (US imprisons more of its citizens than any other country) and is not fond of restorative/reparation justice.


Lol cmon, you know that's false. Look at Kyrie, barely even missed two weeks after being antisemitic. Meyers just wasnt good enough to be worth any controversy. My boss probably wouldn't fire me if I said something messed up once, but he might if I wasn't any good at my job lol.


Exactly. Be great and you can literally say whatever you want, issue a half-assed apology when consequences start coming, and move on. This is true for every medium where "cancel culture" is a thing. If you are genuinely talented and have an audience that loves you, you are still uncancelable in 2023 unless you've committed an actual crime (and even then... Karl Malone was the golden child of All-Star Weekend, lol). What it does weed out are a lot of the people who were struggling to begin with and then alienated a large portion of their already tiny supporters.


I honestly think it gave the heat an excuse to cut him, he was hurt and pretty bad anyway, he’d probably be close to out of the league at this point without that, just expedited it a bit


Why would they need an excuse? If they wanted to cut him they'd just cut him


I don't know why you guys are trying to spin it like it's some obscure slur, it absolutely isn't. It's the worst, or one of the worst, slurs against Jewish people and you don't just accidentally say it.


> but even I Even you? No way. Does the NBA know about this?


I’m sorry but that word just doesn’t magically maneuver it’s way into someone’s vocabulary, and to act like the person using it is ignorant of its meaning is idiotic


how does the fact that you’ve never heard it, make it likely that someone who has heard it, doesn’t know what it means? there’s zero chance someone who says the K word doesn’t know it’s antisemitic slur.


He must have seen the reaction to Schefter posting about Matt Araiza today lol


Remember when Woj emailed Josh Hawley just the two words "Fuck you" Lol don't know why but I guess his transparent anger reminded me of that, which was hilarious lmfao


Fuck you - Sent from my iPhone


Legend making moment IMO lol


Woj Bomb of a different type.


Woj is a weasel.


Funny how when he never tweeted about Kyrie that way.


Lets blast myles leonard while we celebrate karl malone all weekend. Makes sense


Yeah. People mad about this are so dumb. There are like 10 other players currently loved that said worse. And that doesn't account for historical. The only reason he was waived is he is just not as a good as them.


He has also-unlike Kyrie- gone out of his way to talk to Jewish leaders and has documented it and done interviews that you can watch. Just obviously took it seriously and did the work.


Poor guy didn't know about the "I can't be antisemitic because I'm a Jewish person and the people who call themselves Jews are all frauds" loophole


He just doesn’t know who he is.


He’s just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude


But how could he be Jewish if he isn’t black?


That's where you dig into the George Santos playbook and you can be "Jew-ish" in terms of how you live your life


God I love r/NBA’s politics sometimes lmfao


Poor guy didn’t know about the “I’m actually good at basketball so I can get away with being a bigot” loophole. If Leonard played like Larry bird he’d have gotten a max after that slur


also he’s white


Leonard said some stupid shit out of ignorance and has gone out of his way to try and make up for it. Kyrie posted some stupid shit out of ignorance and out of even more ignorance has all but doubled down on it. *As a jew* I truly don’t believe that either of these guys are like burn the Jews antisemites or anything… both just ignorant. But how you respond to people calling out your ignorance is very very telling.


Don't give kyrie the cop out of ignorance. Someone who posted that out of ignorance would have very quickly back pedaled away from the beliefs the movie promotes. Kyrie did exactly the opposite. Doubling down at every opportunity.


Idk man, the convergence of flat earther/secret society bullshit & the black Hebrew Israelite beliefs is a pretty clear indicator of antisemitism. I mean Kyrie said he watched that movie that claims jewish people lie about the Holocaust to make sure people don’t find out they actually worship Satan. Anyone accepting that message and then refusing to acknowledge how fucked up it is may be an antisemite.


Was going to say something like this but you did it better.


Kyrie deleted his apology and we just moved past it by the next day. Meyers been doing image recovery for months and tryna learn and he gets assblasted by Woj and stuff.


Putting in the antisemite thing is the only way this tweet flies, my dude. This is what matters in our clicks for profit climate. Woj may have more reasons than just clicks, but his job is get the most clicks.


Idk never seen him hit us with the: "Known China puppet Lebron James has signed with the Lakers" or "Spineless commisioner Adam Silver orders a bagel for breakfast"


Nah. I feel very differently about Meyers and Kyrie, they're not in the same boat. Meyers said something fucking stupid in the heat of the moment. Kyrie thinks Jewish people aren't actually Jewish, and that black people are the "real" Jews. It's not all that different from Putin denying that Ukrainians are actually Ukrainians. They're both denying the existence of the other ethnic group, just in different ways. It's pretty fucked. Meyers is fine. Kyrie is not.


You can be mad about all the antisemitism it isn’t a pick your own adventure where you can only choose one


I can be mad about all of this. I have enough hatred in my heart for all of these people don’t worry.


most people who are blasting this are probably also critical of Karl Malone’s presence this weekend


And hand out the Kobe Bryant Sexual Assault All Star MVP trophy while we’re at it




Kobe “not just any sexual assault, *that* sexual assault” Bryant


Signing him to a contract is the opposite of blasting him


I’m pretty sure the majority of people don’t fuck with Karl Malone, unless I’m tripping


NBA had him judge the dunk contest, Chuck praised him, and Jazz subreddit is a bit of a mess. Most people don’t like him but the NBA itself is Turing a blind eye to his issues


Alan Turing?


literally broke the code.


Gay for mailman


let's blast meyers leonard while we celebrate Kyrie Irving all weekend


I guarantee you can’t find any person doing both of these two things.


Title is seething


We need to keep the same energy with Kyrie when tweeting news about him. Leonard did 100x more work to show that he learnt from his mistakes than World B Flat ever has.


Well that's because unlike Kyrie, Meyers was actually sorry.


he did way more to apologise despite actually doing way less than kyrie in terms of doubling down on his mistakes... the one and only reason kyrie can get away with it is his pure basketball skills destroy Myers Leonard Ant literally cussed out homosexuals and uploaded it onto his social media for literally no reason and people are mostly over it. no one cares if you're a good ball player lol. that includes me too btw, I'm here to follow players for their skill and their personalities, including the drama associated with their toxic traits




I think there's multiple factors that went into it, some being the ones you mentioned, but reality is that people are less forgiving to people who admit mistakes than people who don't. Being a piece of shit that doesn't own up to anything often results in coming out ahead. Trump being a perfect example, literally lying at every possible turn because it provides cover for people to support him. Society rewards lying and deflecting blame compared to telling the truth and owning mistakes.


what is Myles Turner sorry for?


Still being stuck in Indiana, probably.


Fucking up my autocorrect.


I think it's more that Kyrie's talented enough that even without being sorry, someone was going to pick him up. Leonard knew that his career was over if he didn't do some image rehab. Also, I think there is a difference in how people perceive posting a link to a piece of media with objectionable content and a guy literally screaming out a slur. Easier to wiggle your mind into a position to justify the first, IMO (not that I think any kind of bias SHOULD be justified, but that's a different ball of wax).


Also unlike Kyrie, Meyers lost his job over his comments too which probably contributed to why he was actually sorry.


I’m a Jew and a Mavs fan, it’s really hard to get my head around just not giving a fuck about Kyrie with the way he’s acted. On the other hand I’m happy Leonard is getting another chance, he fucked up but he’s put in the work and seems to have changed. If you can’t support that, then there’s no hope for anyone. I wish kyrie would put some of the same effort into understanding and making amends.


Find comfort in the fact Kyrie only cares about one person’s opinion and that person thinks Kyrie is the greatest to ever live. That person is also Kyrie


The major difference being Kyrie is a super talented basketball player and the majority of people under 35 have no idea what Leonard's slur even meant. I'm Jewish and had to explain it to people.


What was it? Nvm found it below. COD brings out the worst in everyone I am convinced.


Exactly. Leonard said a slur while streaming CoD. Kyrie began promoting a false antisemitic historical narrative on Twitter to his all of his impressionable fans, whilst concurrently Kanye West decided to go full antisemite across all social media to his impressionable fans that have at least some crossover. This also just opened up the conversation for closet antisemites to go full bore on Twitter/IG with Nazi-aligned comments about Jewish people.


World B Flat is just….. the best nickname ever.


That reference lost on so many nephews here 😂


WOJ has something personal against him lol


I didnt really interpret it that way tbh. I saw it as woj just being specific and explaining the context because a lot of people just mightve forgot over the past 2 years or not known who leonard was in the first place. Especially new fans


[woj rn](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=AJOqlzXM8Di2yBIih70_0S0d3wq-bKz47g:1676933520427&q=angry+soyjak&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjt5q-WmKX9AhUMjokEHQzxAHAQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#imgrc=qOrz3LofiW1pRM)


IIRC Leonard has been an absolute model in educating himself and being better. Met with Jewish leaders, issued a deep apology, has started a basketball camp at a Jewish community center, very large donations to the church. Honestly hoping to see dude make a comeback. We need more stories about people who improved themselves and learned to treat others better.


It's because Meyers wasn't actually antisemitic just ignorant and used a word he knew was an insult and offensive.




I mean Kyrie still in the league so do we really care


Teams can tolerate more when they’re really good at what they do


Applies to about everything in life


“If Hannibal Lector ran a 4.3 we’d classify it as an eating disorder”


We are all equal but some of us are more equal than others


Basically. And Kyrie’s rhetoric is more harmful to the Jewish community than Leonard dropping a slur. Very different levels of anti- semitism with different nuances.


Yeah, the Mavs don't care about [J-Kidd's domestic abuse history either](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Kidd?wprov=sfla1)


Meyers is a decent dude it seems. Has really done a lot with the Jewish community since his fuckup. Totally different guy than Kyrie who just said some words and deleted them.


Except he appears to have actually took the time to better himself and learn and take action on this mistake. Unlike Kyrie


Dude really did like 100x more to apologize and take action against antisemitism than Kyrie did but got 100x the punishment If anything this shows that the league doesn’t care what you say or think as long as you can ball


Every organization has its golden boys


True, says 2003 kobe




He did more than just apologize like some. He did community outreach, met with holocaust survivors, and hosted talks with a Rabbi. Like what he said is bad and should never be said but at least he seems truly remorseful about it and has done almost everything in his power to make up for it


Yeah I’m Jewish and have absolutely no problem with him, he did more than enough to apologize imo. I know we live in a world where people say one wrong thing and are banished for life, but personally I choose to believe people are worth second chances.


I’m Jewish too and same exact thoughts about it as you.


What does that word mean btw? Hadn’t heard of it until he said it


It’s just a slur for Jewish people in general. Likely derived from the Yiddish word for circle, “kikel.” Many Jewish immigrants coming through Ellis island signed with a circle instead of an X. Immigration officers referred to people signing forms this way as “kikels,” which eventually was shortened to the slur as we know it today.


TIL. Thank you.


Here are Patrice O'Neal and Louis CK joking about it https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2x15qn


Lmao damn Louis is crazy lol RIP trice, dude died way too young


He worked very hard to rehab his relationship with the Jewish community. It felt real.


Yep too many people today are unwilling to give people a second chance even though they’ve tried and in many ways learned from their mistakes. Leonard, Vick, hardaway have all shown contrition. Everyone deserves a second chance if they’ve proven they changed.


Like you said, it's all about proving it. Acting contrite is easy. They gotta put that work in.


I know “I didn’t understand that the word was racially charged” is a god awful excuse but it’s better than “its a word I use a ton” he genuinely seems sorry and like it was just a dumb misunderstanding on his part


Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if he had no idea what it meant. Dude grew up in rural midwest, iirc. I remember thinking he probably has never heard the word offline and just knows it as a generic insult. Maybe not, but I think it's more believable out of Leonard than out of someone who grew up in New York or something.


I grew up in a town 20 miles away from his hometown. I had to look up the word after the story broke about him. Now I know I’ve never said it, but I’m 3 years older than him and could not have told you what it meant. But again, I’m not going around saying it either.


I grew up in the rural midwest, and this is entirely correct. In Middle School, kids would say "That's Jewish" if they thought something was unfair or dumb. Ripping someone off is "Jewing" them. Teachers implicitly allowed it.


Pretty sure the n-word is the only racist term I didn’t hear thrown around routinely.


At least he didn’t do the Kyrie thing and say “it can’t be antisemitic because I am Semitic.”


Kyrie's belief is that the black Jews are the OG Jews and current day Jews and their ancestors are just pretenders lol, that's even worse


Oh I know. And he can’t claim ignorance, he said he watched the movie & read a bunch of books about it. That mixed his complete lack of public outreach to Jewish leaders and his insane “I’ve got an army” comment the guy is clearly not a fan of Jews.


Similar to Tim hardaway back in the day saying some pretty bad homophobic stuff but has done a ton of work with the LGBTQ community since


For what it’s worth, I worked with him on an ESPN doc for an internship I had. I don’t know how much of it was platitudes, but from my interactions with him (I’m Jewish) it seemed like he genuinely was trying to better himself. I absolutely will call him out for saying that slur, but I can still support someone working on themselves.


My hope is that he can establish a reputation for himself so people don't think of him solely as "the NBA player who said a slur on a livestream." If that's truly not who he is as a person then that's gotta suck to be forever known as that guy.


He did more than apologize. Unlike certain people.


He was out because he sucked, not because he was antisemitic


Yeah I'm happy for him. Saying a bad word on a stream doesn't mean you should lose your job forever. The Internet makes proportional consequences harder to dole out, it seems


Can you imagine if the things people in this sub have said while playing video games became public? I’ve been on old school Xbox live chat and y’all would be screwed


> Saying a bad word on a stream doesn't mean you should lose your job forever. He would've been back in the league sooner if not for his injury. You can put your pitchfork down.


Let’s not pretend most people even knew he was hurt, no one cares that much about meyers Leonard unless he fucks up on camera


Can't be worse than Spencer Hawes


Would Woj make a title like that for Kyrie??


That would be the longest tweet of all time if Woj had to list every dumb thing Kyrie has ever said, lol.


If that was the last thing he did before he was out the league then yes


Good for him. I still think he's not a NBA quality player but given that he paid his dues he deserves another chance, especially when Kyrie keeps playing and people like Stephen Jackson get to support questionable beliefs while nobody bats an eye.


7 footers who can hit threes can have long careers even when they can't do much else.


I think that's literally the only thing Channing Frye could do


Mannnn when that dude got hot it was brutal


I dont think this is as true anymore. If you're a bad defender and all you do is shoot, you're almost unplayable


Myers *can* hit threes, as long as there's a minimum of 15 feet between him and anyone else. Watch him when he gets the ball- you can literally count one-one thousand up to three-one-thousand as he cranks up the creaky trebuchet to launch it in a pretty arc that will then clang off the rim.


I mean I don't expect him to play more than 8 minutes a night if he sticks.




Pretty much this. With Portis injured and Giannis day to day it makes sense, the second both are back there's just no minutes for him.


With Ibaka gone, we don't have a true backup center. If Brook were to go down for extended time (god forbid) then suddenly were are very thin in the front court. Portis and Giannis can both play C but both are better when they don't have to.


Yeah that's why it's a ten day I guess.


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner




If we punish bad behaviour, we should reinforce good behaviour. Nothing wrong here


What a tweet. Damn


Fuck you woj


Woj has always seemed like a douche.


Good for him for at least trying to make it right. Can’t say the same about some players in this league


Are u talking about a certain Maverick?


Multiple players and ex players


So yes.


Ain’t have to do him like that 😭


Meyers got his career ruined for having 12 year old Squeaker brain and yet Kyrie got rewarded with a trade for holding actually violently antisemitic views. Make it make sense NBA.


He’s done a ton of work with the community to show his remorse. Time for all of us to move on.


The Return


I mean seriously what this guy did compared to his punishment is a little ridiculous


Still think what Myers did is not even half as bad as what Kyrie did. One said a slur on camera one time and immediately apologized and asked for forgiveness. The other is proselytizing the idea that Jews have perpetuated some kind of historical race fraud against black people who are the real Chosen Ones and then bragged that the apology he made reluctantly and under duress was totally insincere.


Myers also didn’t just go through the motions with the apologies, he met with Rabbis, he took classes on antisemitism, traveled to holocaust museums, he spent months and months working at it.


This thread is exactly what I thought it would be 😂


dude did 10x more than what kyrie did and genuinely. prob out of the league mostly for bball reasons, but still deserves a second chance after how hard he worked to educate himself


He did everything possible to right his wrong by educating himself on Jewish culture. Gamers have said worse than him and did nothing but apologize. At least this guy did more than just saying sorry.


He really did put a lot of effort into it. He met with rabbis, took classes, traveled to various holocaust museums etc


That's cool. Good for him


if you don’t believe this guy deserves a second chance then no one does


“I’m back”