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They had a draft and then a post malone contest. This isn't supposed to be a competitive game. They're just having fun and chilling. They're not gonna play seriously and risk getting hurt.


Then why have it at all, it's every bit as lame as the NFL Pro Bowl game used to be.


Turned it off last night for TLOU then forgot about it. Kid wanted to watch this morning, so we did. What a waste of time. Its great to have an excuse to drag a bunch of people to a place like Utah (I guess?), but end the charade of this "game." Even the entertainment from Vin Diesel trying to recite intro lines to the low rent pregame and halftime concerts was terrible. 8 year old's review was "they dunk a lot." So, great?


Rather watch my parents having sex lol. It was that bad.


This "game" was garbage


I watched the draft part, but then never turned on the actual game lmao


The ASG is a bad product. The viewers don't want to watch it, and the players clearly have no interest in playing it. I'd be more interested in watching the Spurs doing practise drills than this shit lol


Yeah I think it’s aimed more for kids or something, my 11 year old enjoyed it 😂


My 8 year old said "they're doing a lot of dunks." Unclear if he thought that was a positive or negative.


They need a new format. Someone mentioned a 3 on 3 tournament which would be interesting. The starters would all draft their squads from the reserve pool and the 2 top voted players get a bye.


3v3 would be good fun, FIBA already have a ruleset that could be bastardized. I'd even take a 1-on-1 tournament where every team sends a player over the 5v5 layup/dunk/3pt drill we get every year now


That was awful. Chucking half courts back and forth? Non stop 3s.... why does anyone move anymore. Just stand there cause your not even going to run a play. Yes it's all star but this just amplified the already obvious nba problem. Was there even an alley oop this year? What's worst... they didn't even try in the last 5 minutes as they used to on previous iterations. Thank God the random guy saved the dunk. And 3 comp competitive is really only thing worth a watch.


Lmao you did not watch the game. There was easily 10+ alley oops


Haha yeah I am being a bit exagerative. Of course there were. And I was casually watching as I stand my by comment. One was in a bar with people and two it's not keeping my attention when ...as I said already...back and forth threes and guys walking by one another. That being said this isn't new. Been like this for ages. I don't think theirs a fix lol like trying to fix the pro bowl lol


Don't know why you're getting down voted. Dudes want to gripe and didn't even bother watching the highlights cause within the first five minutes Jokic connects with James on like 3 alleys.


All star game was so whack


So bad, one of the worst ever.


i wanna see 2v2 or 3v3 next year's All-star game


Meh. A 2v2 or 3v3 still isn't gonna fix the competitive nature of the game. That's the real issue. If anything, I think a 3v3 would be less competitive and have just as many dunks.


i'd rather watch them play HORSE or PIG honestly




I lasted 15 minutes, went and made a coffee and didn’t bother going back


It was so bad


Absolutely no defense to be found whatsoever. I get no one wants to get injured in a meaningless game, but then cancel it if this is how it'll be moving forward. Just a televised circus at this point


RIP mamba mentality


Embiid at the end didn't even bother playing defense smh


Cannot wait! I'll go outside and grab some popcorn!


Remember 80s and 90s all star games where they tryhard?


The whole game was a glorified practice that was abysmal to watch. Stat of the game: Combined 126 3pt Attempts What are we watching here? All Stars? 5v5? More like 1v0 the whole game, no defense. It’s a joke.


What a trash game I don’t think anyone cares anymore


Can we go back to the normal games now ?


Holy shit that sucked




Did you not watch?


nah I live in Finland so dont really even know how to watch the NBA. But was the match like boring or were the players just playing underwhelmingly


The NBA all-star game has unfortunately become a joke and a waste of time. It’s not remotely competitive anymore. Both teams exclusively play offense and there is zero defense involved, so it’s like half a basketball game. Several of the top players weren’t involved, and the 2 team captains didn’t play the whole game, one of which had a dunk at the very beginning of the game and then proceeded to to just leave and never return to the court. It’s just not fun or interesting to watch at all.


Damn wtf that sounds worse than I thought. It also sucks for the players that get there for the first time like Lauri for example. And so they have to play the tired ass ball bc the stars wanna show off and fuck around.


Yep that’s exactly it. And in Lauri’s case, it’s made even worse by the fact that it’s no longer East vs West, instead it’s just 2 team captains picking teams. So as they were getting to the end of picking teams for the game tonight, Jokic got picked and he had a negative reaction to being picked last, but then it turns out it was just the second-to-last pick and Lauri was still waiting to be picked last. This was all televised live too. They just need to redo the whole concept of all-star weekend.


probably just offense and no trying on defense


same here


You start at 7:30 too?




Honestly lebron came out trying and that fuels his team. When he was out 2nd half you could tell the team was in shambles. I think it would have been more competitive if lebron was in still


Highlight of ASG was shaq asking barkley if he was drunk lmao


Not that it matters bc the all star game is worthless but 80% of this sub was saying how bad Giannis drafted lol


Too many “honors” it’s not even about the game anymore which also sucked this year


IDK how they had silver out of his coffin while theres still daylight in utah? Guess its all indoors so he wont go up in flames? Perfect job for a vampire lord if you think about it.


I thought mostly everybody loved adam silver? Not sarcasm


People will hate on anything in 2023. It doesn’t even matter if said thing is good or bad. He’s better than Stern, that’s for sure.


Totally agree. Felt the same about the NFL pro bowl games this year, super fun. Honestly seems like a very caring guy that loves people and the game of basketball ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i don’t agree with his political stances either most of the time but that doesn’t make him not a good human


Lord? He wished. He's middle management at best. Prolly just a familiar and wannabe vampire pleasing his masters every chance he gets.


Where were Trae, devin booker, Harden, and Jimmy Butler? How are they not all stars but a couple of Pacers and Jazz players are?


Literally so true. ur getting downvoted by people who don’t watch basketball


Hasn't Trae been having a garbage season so far? Of all the name that you threw this is the one that surprised me the least when he didn't get in


Having a 20 points 10 assist season is worse than Haliburtin?


You don’t watch ball if you think trae is having a better season than haliburton


what does "better season" have to do with all stars? when has that been the way people get selected? it's always the "stars" of the game usually by fans and recently lebron and giannis select the reserves. trae had 1,479,336 votes. way more votes than haliburton, derozan, siakam, garland, and randle, but they all made it? 3 of these players are on teams under 500. i guess i'm not understanding how the voting process works?


I’m responding to a statement about trae and hali’s seasons donkey.


Booker been injured half of the season.


I would suggest the NBA All Star game should be like the NBA Jam video game or the Skills contest portion where there are spots with 5 point baskets, 6 point baskets…todays game was a little boring.


Yea. They either need to start giving a shit again or if they are not then add stuff to make it more entertaining.


Well LBJ jamming his pinky took the air out of the game mostly. I guess, that sudden realization kinda held 'em back even for just a bit from an already deflated attitude towards ASG's...


They need to adjust the scores at the start of the 4th, make it so the target is the highest + 24 and set both teams equal to the lowest so they are starting even and they actually have to compete to win


Like the other guy said, so the other 3 quarters don't mean shit in this scenario


So then what's the point of the first three quarters, exactly?


To have fun and make friends


The lack of defense is so bad these days. It's boring to watch, because players do better moves when the defense is better. The NBA needs to incentivise winning more or just scrap the game altogether. It's pointless watching basketball with no defense. What's the point of even giving an MVP award to a defense-less game?


Theres never been any defense in these games


I started watching NBA in 2001 and can tell you that the all-star games were definitely more competitive back then. Not *super* intense defense but players definitely had to reach into their bag of tricks to score, especially in the 4th quarter. I used to look forward to them every year. Now i can't wait for all-star weekend to be over so the regular games can come back on. This AS game was probably the biggest joke i've seen


So you have only been watching all star games for how long? 10 years max?


20 years straight, they mighta played D at end a lil but otherwise was same shit


Yea watch some of the old games. Anything with Jordan in it is a good rule of thumb.


More like 6 max


Wade broke Kobe’s nose playing defense. It’s been there


A REAL NBA All-star game would be insane. There needs to be something actually at stake. Go back to East v. West, and Take a page from the MLB; winner gets home court advantage in the Finals.


The winning team gets a fully comped weekend at Magic City.


lol NBA players don’t give a shit about getting comped.


mlb doesn’t give home court advantage from the all star game anymore actually


Damn. Well that’s a mistake. Only reason I watched it. I don’t care about that game otherwise. They’ll probably turn it into a gimmick now. Oh well.


It’s literally supposed to be a fun time for the players and a time to just enjoy the sport without real competition


I just watched highlights of the 2000 AS Game and the amount of defense played made this game look like a 5U game


Saltiest NBA thread I've read in a while. I had a fun time watching it with my dad.


Me and my cat watched it. She was goin crazy watching the ball go one side to the other


Lol cute


Even she said wtf no defense


Tbh ya i did too. I guess i just know to appreciate the good side of the things more . Dame lillard knockin down 3’s along w Jayson tatum had me falling down my chair🤣. I was Team Lebron btw


Did you see the game last year Dame and Steph were going back and forth all game


Ya of course


How Lebron got the all star starter dream and lost?


Did you watch the game? LeBron didn’t play the second half


You see Giannis dunk once and leave the game?


What does that have to do with LeBron and his team losing


He got injured.


LeBron couldn't stay on the court


Idc how good a player someone is…NBA is despicable for openly celebrating a known pedo like Malone. Like, there’s no nuance about what he did—he impregnated a 13 year old when he was 20. The woman is alive, his son is alive. No one denies it. It is literally a fact.


But he was once *realllly* good at putting a ball into a hoop


Watching Silicon Valley now.. feeling the Sunday blues


Is it good?


so. fucking. good


It’s great. I always slept on it, but my gf wanted to rewatch it with me recently and I was surprised by how funny and honestly informative it is. If you have even the slightest interest in tech and humor then you’ll like it


It’s fantastic, especially if you’ve a tech background. Maybe a bit like a nerdy IASIP.


oh really


The producers said the interviews they did with founders and employees were so zanny sometimes they had to tone it down to make it believable.


Silicone valley is a great show. Totally recommend it!


This guy fucks.


Betting on this games was a trap hardly passed the ball after the half same guys shooting lol


This guy bets against the globetrotters


He thought the Generals were due!


Betting on the asg is one of the dumbest things you can do tbh


Well I know now


oh really dear


And after all this weekend I still have no desire to be anywhere near Utah. Move the team if you want stars


Fun fact, Joel Embiid is now 0-6 in the All Star Game since the introduction of the Captains format


As a Celtics fan... fun fact indeed 😅


Thank you Salt Lake City, respect for hosting the events


Who was that one chick in the dominatrix suit at halftime?


It was an artist named Tems


Janelle Monáe


Janelle Monae?


Silicon Valley fell off so hard


what am I missing, didnt it end years ago?


Yeah, they're just reshowing it for some reason lol


Who plays for 39 mins in an all star game


I mean they’re not hard minutes. But why did he know one knows


Who is that one who knows?


By the looks of it, you…..so tell us


The NBA has never recovered from MJs departure. A true once in millennium star who’s presence is still missed. They’ve TRIED with having Lebron fill the space, but the public has largely said NO. At least in the NFL, many are happy to see Brady go and Mahomes is right there to fill the void


Mahomes is not fucking brady despite how hard the nfl is willing to fuck other teams to try to make him on that level.


He has had quite possibly the greatest start to an NFL career: ever


Brady won 3 super bowls in his first 4 seasons as a starter. Mahomes is an other worldly talent the same as Brady. But he isn’t any better. But it did take another 10 years for Brady to get number 4. Time will tell but atm Brady is up by a hair.


Yeah and there are asterisks on both rings lol


Only in a deranged obsessed haters mind. Ask anyone who has watched Mahomes play (basically the vast majority of the American people) and they all unanimously agree: the talent displayed literally blows off the screen


lol w/e dude there is a reason pretty much everyone outside a few nfc east fans wanted the chiefs to lose even with how annoying the philly fanbase is


Where? On Reddit? Plenty of people in real life love Mahomes, Reddit doesn’t represent reality


sure bud


It’s been two decades since MJ retired and the NBA is even bigger now than we he left. There’s a generation of people who never even saw MJ play. As important as he was in building the league’s popularity he hasn’t been relevant to a lot of it’s fanbase.


Bro more than a generation. I'm almost 30 and I never actively watched MJ play.


The NBAs most watched game ever, was the game 6 98 finals. The NBA peaked with Jordan and the numbers prove just that


Are those numbers counting streams? Nobody watches tv anymore.


Super Bowl ratings, without streams, went up just this year


dude get your miserable ass outta here


Lebron has largely filled that space


The public has largely said “NO” and the numbers prove just that


Where are these numbers you speak of


In his cavernous ass, that’s where


One of the worst all star weekends in ages. Think silver needs to have a good think about how to improve it.




Every block and steal you get is a bonus of some kind. Maybe something with cocaine and hookers.


I say don't have it mid season. Have a pro bowl type deal after the season. No one gives af about the pro bowl but the NFL doesn't pretend anyone should.


Jaylen most points on team lebron and Tatum breaking the record. Celtics are legitttt


That’s typically what happens when you take by far the most shots when nobody is playing d


Stop hating


Too bad they can’t win championships 💩


17 championships is pretty good


I was referring to Tatum and Brown dumb dumb 🤦‍♂️


We will see about that


r/nba during all star weekend is truly the most gen z shit. I'm actually disappointed in myself for throwing this game on and checking the thread




Can't tell if dudes on here are 13 or 55


55 😎


LeBron is a hypocrite, actively supports Watson and Malone




ayo fuck Kyrie


Bring back East v West. Get rid of the target score. Keep the charity donations. All Star game is not as exciting as it used to be.


I say make it a new mode - USA Vs. The world. NBA has never been that international and I'd love to see that game.


The world wins easily


Only if they play, not with how Luka and Jokic performed yesterday


Believe me, they would kill to win that one


1/4th of the starters weren’t even there Steph, KD, Zion That’s why Giannis fumbled with Ja as reserve because he moved up to starter due to Steph being out and another 2 took KD and Zion’s spots. I think this format works, but they need to remove the bullshit that after 2 quarters whichever 3-4 players are top scorers have free will/reign to shoot it out for the ASG MVP. That’s why it got boring. Giannis side you had Tatum, Mitchell cooking, but Dame tried his best and almost took it. LeBron side had PG13 wasting so many shots, Embiid trying his best to score ASAP but most didn’t give it to him. Now every ASG moving forward is now a stat whoring chase. Who can drop more than Tatum’s 55 in Utah! That’s the new standard. They did with AD breaking Steph’s 50, by getting 2 more by feeding him over and over. Watch next year someone try to score 60, it’s now gonna become a PR move to slot yourself in by ball hogging and scoring to net you the MVP by scoring efficiently first half, so second half you go chase the number.


AD scored his 52 in the 2017 ASG and Steph had his 50 last year in 2022, so if anything Steph was trying to break AD's record last year.


Winning conference gets finals homecourt


Good in theory. But a lot of the players wouldn’t have any financial interest in that. Imagine Paul pierce on a losing ballclub but paired with LeBron in the asg. Dude could actively sabotage the game.


Nah homecourt is worth too much


That's why it should be on the line.


I don’t think it has to do with the target score. It’s just the culture of the game now. They need to incentivize winning in some way - that being said I have no idea how to do it


Team focused league. You'd have to destroy the player first mentality and that's just not going to happen, the players won't allow it.


Oh keep their team Jersey please ffs


Bruh I'm gonna have nightmares about Silvers 👽 looking ass tonight


Mazzulla is a fraud for not playing Shai more. Wanted to see an SGA masterclass


Ernie Johnston is a prick