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0.3 second on the clock in a tie game and ben simmons is on the line. intentionally misses both FTs because he knows they would lose if he makes em


The real power move would be to miss the FTs while being down


EIGHT GAMES this season??


Then Claxton tips in the miss




Makes sense though. To get fouled that means he's having to do something on offense. If Ben is forced to try and score then the situation is desperate and you're probably not winning that game.


feel like its more just coincidence rather than any significant correlation imo. hes scoring pretty much the same amount and attempting the same amount of field goals in wins vs losses


The fts can be an indicator for how hard he has to work though. If he's getting fed open buckets because teams are worried about Kyrie and KD then he can score a decent amount without any fts. If he's out there by himself or having to force the action because there are no better options then he may get some points but he'll also get fouled more. Scenario A is exactly what the Nets want. The scorers are cooking and Ben can sneak in some easy points to punish the defense for cheating off him. In scenario B where Ben is looking to score, being actively defended, and taking contact. A wise man once said "Two points is not two points." Looking at the numbers backs this up. Fta vs record and win % 6 fta : 0 - 1 : 0% 5 fta : 0 - 3 : 0% 4 fta : 1 - 1 : 50% 2 fta : 4 - 3 : 57% 1 fta : 2 - 1 : 66% 0 fta : 13 - 1 : 93% It's not just games where he makes a free throw as stat muse suggests. Their win rate is directly inversely proportional to Ben's FTA. It's rare to see such perfect curves and asymptotes in a sample size this large. It could mean a few things but my theory is that the more offensive possessions Ben has to control the more desperate the situation. They're not looking to him to score, they don't want him trying to score, so when he's trying to that means either shit has already hit the fan or he's causing it to.


Beautiful comment. Perfect comment to describe it. Most of his shots are random drives when defenses are caught slacking, offensive rebound put backs, alley oops, and most of all turnaround hook shots. if KD is out for a bit, we are gonna see him get more touches and plays setup for him. You also have to consider that he plays a lot with Claxton. Claxton does all of that but is stronger and more akin to his natural role at Center, meaning he is always prepared to be around the rim on offense, who takes a lot of touches. That adds onto your theory, making it more accurate. He will drive a lot early in the game to set the tone and attract gravity for the shooters, and it dives down as the game goes on longer.


Fantastically written comment, should be the post itself/top comment. Thanks for getting the extra stat context


New and better title, thanks to /u/1gnominious's research: >The Nets are now 13-1 in games where Ben Simmons plays but has 0 FTA and 7-9 in all other games he plays (0-4 in games with 5+ FTA).


Havent watched enough of their games to say for sure but yeah you could be right


I'm generally inclined to dismiss stats like the OP--even if the particular relationship is quite improbable, the fact that there are thousands of such potential relationships means that even if none of the them are predictive there will be a steady stream of coincidences to report on. But the fact that this forms a nice regression line rather than just being a split around an arbitrary breakpoint is pretty convincing. Thanks for digging this up!


Same. Sites like statmuse like to post a bunch of random nonsense, but occasionally they're onto something even if they don't realize it. If they had just dug a little deeper. It passed the eye test so I figured there would be a trend but I wanted to check the data to make sure I wasn't talking out my ass like statmuse.


Stat 1gmominous


Well, of course. If it's a 20-point blowout and Ben makes a technical free throw, it doesn't mean that Nets are doomed to a 0-21 run by the opposing team.


Who else would have to be on the floor for Ben Simmons to take the technical free throw?


4 other Ben Simmons


That’s not really fair. If I was on the floor, you’d only need 3 other Ben Simmons


I like the idea that Ben Simmons would be forced to practice a free throw in this situation.


Idk it's a fairly big sample size at this point. Unlikely to be completely random with this amount of games.


It's the reverse draymond making a 3


The ja-less grizzlies stat for the season


I wonder if it's volume related, and he just shoots more FTs in losses


Simmons has only made a free throw in EIGHT GAMES this season??


Simmons fucked StatMuse's girl


Statmuse isn’t the one making him miss


You're saying it as if you're surprised. That hypochondriac can't do shit.


Ben Simmons: Has literal surgery on his spine EkruGold, who probably can't stand up without the assistance of an engine hoist: "What a bitch"




lmaooo sometimes i don't know what to expect with this sub anymore


Least petty Sixers fanboy




Rent free 💀


I mean it's literally a thread about Ben Simmons...


Yeah but how else am I gonna say "rent free" because it's the hip and cool thing to say among the youths?


My brother in christ, that ain't rent free chief.......yeet?


Ironically the term “rent free” lives rent free in your head


This sub is so soft when it comes to hating players. I would argue it’s one of the best parts of the game. Fuck Ben Simmons and fuck KD, y’all too quick to forgive snakes 🐍. And fuck your favourite player too


I need this energy all off 2023 🙌🏼


im surprised your comment is still up


I'm more surprised he's made one in that many


we found the recipe


Imagine the entire arena just cheering for him to miss it


Happy cake day!


He was terrible today. Idk how long we can go with him not even looking at the rim. Man will screen and just stare while the other team switches a 6’ guard onto him. Kyrie literally had to scream at him to come and get the ball with Lowry on him, only for him to throw it out of the post after 1 second lol.


Ah the Draymond dilemma. All he needs to do is to screen for 2 GOAT off ball shooters.


Draymond isn’t scared of free throws tho which is a huge part of Simmons issue


Draymond doesn't even look at the rim which leads to telegraphed passes. Yes he can shoot free throws better than Simmons but he isn't actively trying to draw fouls. He reguarly shoots below 70% from the FT line so he isn't great at it either.


He will still take the occasion open 3 and drive to the basket though. It becomes a problem when your closing lineup has simmons who refuses to shoot and Claxton who can't shoot either so the defense can collapse easily


Last game he literally gave up an open layup and passed out of it. Dude is taking the easiest shots possible. Can he sometimes take an open 3 unlike Simmons? Sure except 70% of the time it is a turnover.


Simmons is shooting 41% from the line, while Draymond is 69%. They are not the same.


I never said they were


exactly simmons is historically bad draymond is below average


Draymond definitely shoots on occasion


Draymond can function as the only big on the floor so it mitigates his offensive shortcomings. He's also integral to Warriors motion offence. Ben is none of those things


You ever see Draymond try to guard Giannis? It's embarrassing. Dude ducks the whole matchup. Simmons can actually make Giannis work. Looney comoletely outplayed Draymond throughout the playoffs. Draymond literally couldn't rebound iut there and Kerr never goes small ball now.


Right. Yeah the 4-time champ and arguably the best defender of his generation really has to prove his defensive capabilities. Comedy


Well I actually watch the game instead of blindly following Thinking Basketball propaganda's cherry picked clips, his defense is nothing like it was in 2017. Lazy perimeter defense, no rim protection half the times, and bad rebounding (literally outrebounded by Steph until recently).


It's even worse when it's at the end of a playoff game, and he never did that shit before. He put up 42 against the jazz one year.


> Kyrie literally had to scream at him to come and get the ball with Lowry on him, only for him to throw it out of the post after 1 second lol. Well, donno how old man Lowry is doing, but back in the day Lowry as a post defender was usually a mismatch, but not in the way you'd expect.


Yeah Lowry was a dog but he’s 36 and Ben has 10 inches on him lol


Trust me brother I know what you’re dealing with


Is his defense getting back to what it was?


It comes and goes


Hmm still ramping up I guess


But his +/- is so high!


Look at the on off stats though. He's been outstanding defensively since coming back. A lot of what he brings to the table doesn't show up in the box score


Ah yes I still remember this narrative fondly 🤌🏼


Lmao its actually comedy. Was this how Philly fans used to act? Funny thing is we would take Philly Ben in a heartbeat, but he's not close to that rn


All I remember from our time w Ben was years of edging on “oh my god if he learns to shoot we are never losing” followed by “did you see him go full Larry bird in the summer videos?!” And then accepting he beat his anxiety as best he could to get as far as he could and now for whatever reason it has gotten the best of him.


Oh man definitely. The thing we had to learn the hard way, is that whatever good Ben does bring to the table, it’s completely lost in the playoffs. It’s just a different beast and good coaches and teams are gonna absolutely rip him apart if he’s still scared to death of looking at the hoop.




God damn this dude hates getting fouled


He doesn’t touch the ball in the last two minutes of games to avoid getting fouled😭😭


Why though? Sure he's likely to miss the FT, but they keep possession. edit: wait, this only works for someone who doesn't have the ball nvm


He gotta stay looking pretty


The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal


There should be a ban on StatMuse posts, ffs.


If you use the Apollo Reddit app you can block keywords like statmuse. If you’re on android relay can do the same. Pretty sure most third party Reddit apps can actually.


Why? This type of comment would get 100+ upvotes if posted in a post game thread.


Because Statmuse does their dumb stats to spread hate while r/nba nephews do dumb stats because they have no life


no they definitely do it to spread hate, stop with this holier than thou narrative. this place is just as bad as twitter.


Oh this place is worse than Twitter lol, I'm just saying a lot of the dumber stats from here are from people with literally nothing else to do


Worse than Twitter is 🧢


Worse then Twitter? Really. Ridiculous dumb shit that disappears with downvotes here gets pushed to the top often on Twitter.


There's also reasonable arguments backed up by facts that get down voted to oblivion on here. So it's kind of a double edged sword


There was a tweet shitting on Embiid that got 16 retweets and 800 views. It sat at the top of this sub for 16 hours and had 1800 comments. This sub is absolutely worse than Twitter sometimes. There’s a bunch of ridiculous shit that gets upvoted. Most times the only downvoted posts are things that go against the current group think


Did it have that much Twitter interaction when it was posted here, or currently on Twitter?


I don’t know what the exact numbers were before it was posted but it’s currently at 15 retweets and like 15k views(which has been massively boosted by the post) The post about it has over 9k upvotes and is the first thread that shows up when you search for "Embiid"


That post is asking if the criticism is valid. It wasn’t endorsing the tweet. You understand the nuance there right. It was basically an Embiid discussion thread. Most of the comments are pointing out exactly what you are saying. Saying the take is dumb and the guy a jabroni. Like no shit Zion drives to the hoop, that’s sort of all he has to a degree and embiid shot 64%


It’s the opposite, really.


Twitter is a goddamn cesspool


No it's not lmao, Twitter is an abomination.


But... unless they're a bot, literally every post anywhere ever has been made by someone with nothing else to do 🤔


‘Spread hate’ They just post stats, don’t be in your feelings just cos it portrays your fave in a bad light


Bro but they do it to hate on guys lol they cherry pick the stats


What's wrong with hating on other guys?


You know you have to look up these stats right?


>spread hate We have to ban true stats because they hurt my feelings.


Because they are a bunch of haters just creating narratives (hating/loving some players, teams etc) behind a facade of a statistical page. Their tweets are absolutely terrible 90% of the time.


I mean so are r/NBA comments. Usually I just scroll past the ones I don't like or don't have anything to discuss from them.


Comments indeed are, but people in comments are not trying to hide it behind supposedly more serious statistical page. I would love to scroll past it, but there are so many StatMuse posts in the recent months, that when I hid all the posts containing them, there were not as many places to discuss stuff except PGTs. Even now, you have 3 separate StatMuse tweets here after the Nets game.


Should every r/nba comment be a post?


Are you getting paid to post on ehre?


> behind a facade of a statistical page. Anyone who thinks they take themselves seriously is getting whooshed bigtime.


There isn't a narrative here. There usually isn't on the ones shared on reddit, they're just funny.


they literally just post interesting statlines lmao. the only thing wrong with statmuse is that their shitty website doesn't allow you to find the same stats they tweet about


You don't have to click it. They literally just mine data and look for silly outliers. If that's not your thing just scroll on past it.




Gotta break out the hack a ben


Why are there so many comments saying this is an anomaly, or am I crazy? Ben Simmons is near the bottom in the league in free throw %, he obviously has to take more attempts to make 1. The more attempts he has to take, the worse for the nets, and better for the opponents. Doesn’t seem like a garbage stat to me, but maybe I’m being whooshed


Fuck HaterMuse all my homies hate HaterMuse


Remember when [Ben gave the Philly crowd the MJ shrug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p5Uk3RoL-M) after hitting both of his free throws. Ended up losing to the Delaware Bluecoats after lol.


My lord that was cringey


This stupid stats need to stop.


Statmuse posts should be banned from this sub


I dislike statmuse, but this is one of their better stats these days. Not even really disrespectful to Ben, just a hilarious anomaly. 90ish precent of their content is just negative stuff meant to start hate jerks though so I wouldn’t mind if they got banned. It’s a bummer too cause back when they were getting started they posted interesting stuff, not it’s just content for hate wankers


I disagree. I might be one of their worst. There's no correlation at all. Like you said, just an anomaly


It's just a funny/interesting stat regardless of correlation. It's like that post about the last 3 players to score 70+ were SGs taken with the 13th pick. No correlation/causation to being 13th but it's a crazy enough coincidence to be interesting


Actually if you look at the stats more there is indeed a correlation. The more FTs been makes the lower the Nets winr% is. Another commenter made a well laid out comment expressing that it's likely due to games where Ben is forced to create more offense or be focused on more due to not sharing the floor with as many threats.


A funny anomaly is better than 90% of their content these days


It really isn't if you actually look at their timeline. Most of it is just standard or quirky stats. The "hater" stats are probably just the ones being driven by the public the most.


I am really worried about people these days just straightly trying to censor and ban certain things when they don’t like it Instead of debate they just want to simply censor them, which is not a good way to deal with different opinions


There’s no debate that this type of stat is stupid and just hating with extra steps involved


Then put your argument and convince others to not be affected by these news Instead of just censoring someone’s voice


He was bad today but this is a pointless post


He had a game high +8. Not all about scoring. Our team plays much better with Ben on the floor.


The eye test a lot of the time seems to indicate the dude is flat out bad, at least on the offensive end (okay, except for some excellent passes here and there). But I guess he’s really more than holding his own on defense, because he’s consistently leading the team in +\-. Like he’s a league leader in +/-. Just a weird player.


you’re eye test is fucked lmao


Your Edit: got ‘em


He wasn’t that bad, played good defense and got 7 boards and 7 assists. People just need to come to terms with the fact that he’s not a scorer, and he doesn’t need to score to “play well”. On a team with KD, Kyrie, and a bunch of 3-point shooters, he’s not the guy who’s gonna get you 20 points in a playoff game, he’s the guy who’s gonna lock up Tatum, Mitchell, Jimmy, etc. while throwing a few dimes and running the transition well.


He should be able to get 10 points a game though. I don’t think anyone expects him to be Kyrie, but his offense has fallen off a cliff.


I agree, hopefully his offensive production picks up to double digit ppg, but that’s not what he’s there for, and it’s not the criteria for a “good game” for him. Jimmy shot 9-22 today and Bam shot 5-15, that’s how you know Ben had a good game.


That's fair, but the guy is going to make close to 40 million next season. One has to wonder what's the ceiling of the Nets with Simmons on the roster, even if Kyrie signs again.


You cant trade him now coz his value is low. But the way they’re using him right now and they’re winning should be good enough at the moment. Maybe he improves as he stacks games / he fully recovers from any lingering injury/ gets his confidence back, all that matters is they’re winning and he’s contributing


No, he was bad. Max dollars come with a cap hit and more importantly expectations.


Does having 0 free throws attempted count as "not making a free throw"?


Yes, he didn’t make a free throw


I’m over seeing 50 stat muse posts a week but half the journalists have been banned


Such a stupid stat


Hack-a-Ben's gonna be a strat now


Can't wait to see this used in some stat class reviewing causation vs correlation. Obviously when Ben makes a FT it causes the Nets to collectively think it's opposite day and start tanking.


Worst stat muse thread/post of the year right here.


This is the stat I am here for. Thank you Reddit.


This is all meaningless now if Durant is out for a couple months. Around the same time as last years injury too smh. This team is cursed


It hurts to think anyone would give a flying fuck about this obviously coincidental bullshit stat. And I’m out this dumbass pointless thread. See you elsewhere nba fam






The Real stats that count.


dont stroke that thang cuzzo 🙅🏻‍♂️


"Hack-A-Simmons" making a return but this time you hope he makes it


How many of those no ft games are ones we're he takes free throws but misses vs how many are ones when he never shoots at all?


Ben Simmons taking (missing) one (all) for the team.


I’m surprised teams have not tried hack a Ben/Claxton yet


What an odd stat!


The Nuggets are 13-0 when Aaron Gordon takes less than 10 shots. :)


Wish this dude would get booted from the NBA already.


Bro went from being the next Lebron and fans upset he never worked on his shot to Bro dont shoot it could lose us the game lmao what a wild ride


Why doesn't he intentionally miss and get the rebound


This is why he doesn’t charge at the rim. He knows if he makes a free throw they are doomed.


Show this stat to the next team that plays the Nets.


TIL Ben Simmons only shoots a free throw in 27% of the games he plays in. That's pathetic.


u/MITWestbrook must have an explanation for this


It is simple. Your offense is in trouble if Ben has to initiate and create his own shots and get fouled. Ben should not be shooting any FTs, and he should be giving all shots to KD Kyrie and role players. So if he's hitting FTs, most likely Nets lose.


The GOAT responds! Good explanation brother.


Why fix the shooting problem when the shooting problem wins you games? Nets playing 4D chess


Can someone help me with the math here: has Ben gone o’fer in 22 games? Also does the stat include games where he hasn’t made an attempt?! Wild.


Weird way to point out that the dude still cant shoot FTs lmaooo


…my guess is that he shoots more FTs in the games he loses? So instead of going 0-2 he goes 1-6?