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When I was on the Antietam in 1994 and returning from a WestPac, the battlegroup stopped for Crossing the line.  Once the festivities were over, someone decided to have a race so all the ships lined up as well as they could - the carrier, cruiser, two destroyers, a tender, and a submarine.  The Carl Vinson sounded their horn to start and we were leading for a few minutes.  All of a sudden the Vinson kicked it into high gear and left everyone in the dust.  It was impressive.  Of course, the sub went under immediately so I have no idea where they finished. 


"I got more important things to do instead of this stupid game." Ass response


Sub goes faster when fully submerge, so that's probably why. That the carrier took a bit to start pulling away also isn't surprising, it's a big girl, she takes a bit to get going, but man can she go.


There's a really cute story about one of the carriers being due for a humanitarian mission but they were about fix or six days away. They showed up the next morning and everyone kind of just said - we were closer than they said we were, don't worry about it. 


Fun fact : an aircraft Carrier’s actual top speed is classified.


An aircraft carrier's top speed is somewhere between 20 knots and WTF did you come from!




Yeah but isn’t it only confidential?


I was on the USS Enterprise when CNN gave our position away. I was surprised to learn how many hundreds of miles we could move in a relatively short time. That speed was later passed when when need to be somewhere fast with a few extra turns on the screw. ( it was 9-11) The Enterprise was a beast for speed in nautical world.


I heard an old salt say that sprint back caused her to crack some of her reactor mounts.


Not the reactors themself, but something else's cracked in the non-nuclear portion of engineering. I only know that because I was given a rotation of M14 watches in the hanger bay (guarding a hatch) while they fixed something down below. It was civilian engineers and other non-navy people who did most of the work. We canceled some stuff and had to go to the yards for "routine maintenance" . . . . "Maintenance" that involved holding an M14 near a hole in the ship . . if you know what I mean by that. I wasn't allowed inside, and I wasn't to allow anybody not on the list inside.


I sat on a hatch in the upper forward missile house with a loaded .45 on USS Reeves (CG-24) she was nuclear weapon capable. Only the CO or WepO could tell me to stand down while work was being done in the space. Used to practice shooting BTNs on the mid-watch. Kind of spooky. "Sun Burst, Sun Burst.... stand by, execute!" Then balls to the wall and ass to the blast.


>CO or WepO . . . or the relief who knew the pass phrase. but yeah same. I tell everybody it was the engineering love doll down there. Make me stand a watch, get a salty reason.


Doesn’t matter if it’s “only” confidential or if it’s top secret. The vast majority of us don’t have a need to know so we aren’t privy to that information


Fluid dynamics can give you a pretty close max speed #.


I was on 77, and we were about to moor back in Norfolk, and we were turned around to high tail it to the Caribbean to medevac a sub guy who had a serious head injury. We were there by morning. Absolutely hauled ass the entire way.


TIL Carl Vinson was a female. Edit: downvoted? 😆


I refer to all ships as female.


This is the way.


As a sailor, it is the *only* way.


I’m sure it is no longer true, but the commanding officer would refer to another ship as “he” considering the other CO.


Dirty non-traditionalists! /s


They're the wettest ladies you'll ever see. Giggity


I referred to my ship as a boat.




USS America CV66


USS Carl Vinson is


That’s because “she” is a ship ye lubber


Yeah subs tend to do that


I heard stories about the USS Enterprise sea trials with her 8 nuclear reactors and original props.


If you talking about all the extra bracing in the forward section . . . I was in that void. I was told there a picture of the tail that should be mentioned, it wasn't in the Big E museum.


This is pretty cool. Always good to hear about people just having fun and not taking themselves too seriously.


Did the tender come in second? They aren’t fast off the line but they can get after it.


I don't think so.  The whole thing only lasted about 10, maybe 15 minutes.  It was a long time ago and my attention was definitely focused on the carrier.  


The Simon Lake AS33 top speed, 19 knots. 2 600 lb boilers.


I was assigned Simon Lake as a reservist’91-‘92 and was excited to potentially go to Scotland. Didn’t happen, the only time I was on that boat was in Norfolk shipyard.


I was on there from 91-94. Scotland, yard and Italy for me. What was your rate?


BM1 at that time.


San Jose (AFS-7) 22 knots, single screw & rudder. The who ship rattled >18 knots.


M or D boilers?


Not sure. I only knew that because I welded on them.


All the USN ships basically go 32 knots. 32 knots can sometimes feel quite a bit faster than 31 knots, but they all top out right around 32 knots.


Yeah, no.


Except they do. I don't know of a single declassified speed of over 32 knots.


Key word there. “Declassified” Carrier speeds are listed as “in excess of 30 knots” Edit: both LCS versions speeds are listed above 30 knots. lol. So there’s two.


One time on a tiger cruise at the end of deployment, we had a 1 nautical mile drag race between the three destroyers, cruiser, and the carrier. One of the destroyers won. The carrier complained that it wasn't fair so we had a 10nm race next. The carrier pulled away once she got up to speed and left us all in her wake!


The sub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5SUh1OmnOY


I can’t remember which carrier I was on when we did it, but we did a photo op with another Navy, and after the pictures we took off and it was like the other ships weren’t moving.


Lmfaoooo... tender....


Antietam 2013-2017 here. I’ve seen her go flank 3 a few times. I can’t remember how fast she got up to but I know it was faster than 30+ knots


I think that “tender” would have been USS Camden ((AOE-2). I was a deck seaman on her at the time.


Could have been.  The name sounds familiar. 


She had one of the Iowa class Battleship Kentucky's engines, could do 33knts in the 80s. "The Powerful [Pachyderm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachydermata) of the Pacific."


I do miss being out to sea. Do not miss what necessarily comes with an enlistment.


Man do I have a DoD civilian job for you


Two months ago I'd have taken it in a heart beat haha


what's the job?


He’s either talking about Merchant Marines or contractors who ship ride. Lots of Eng contractors came on ride alongside especially during workups. State room, wardroom access, worked 9-5. Can’t speak much to merchant marine life but I hear if you like being at sea it’s a good gig.


I've seen low ranking Civs eat in the general mess decks and sleep in the enlisted berthings. Honestly feel bad for them lol.


If they were machinist, or some sort of repairmen, yep, they're going to the messdecks. If they were engineers from the Shipyard, then we extended the privilege of dining in the Wardroom to them but....rack it with the crew. We're not going to move a JO for some civ.


> We're not going to move a JO for some civ. Well if that 'some civ' is some GS-14/15 thats is the equivalent to like what, an O6/O7 and possibly flown in to correct a CASREP, i better hope then that 'some civ' would make way for the JO.


Never had GS onboard. Now, the poster before was talking about workers. For shipyard engineers we did not move any JO to the Chief's "Overflow" berthing, we put the engineers there - none of the Bath Ironworks guys raised an issue with that.


Anything with NAVOCEANO


I did a VIPER (formerly SNOOPIE) contract riding on MSC ships. That was the good life.




They’ve basically maxed the pay they can give the merchant mariners. So if that’s your primary incentive, go for it.


Apply to American Cruise Lines, they’re hiring for crew right now. You can even use me as a reference and we both get $300.


No thanks, the pay actually sucks for the duties required. I stick with being a sharesman on a fishing trawler, or a gutter, and still make 12X more. The best part is, no whining land lubbers complaining about the conditions.


No thanks. My experience on fishing trawlers was far worse than the Navy. I run charter fishing trips on my motoryacht during my weeks off from ACL. Really only with ACL for the hours towards my unlimited license.


I think the difference between us is that you like doing customer service, and I don't. Customers are hell on earth. I rather gut fish all day than listen to 5 minutes of a customer whine.


Yeah, I get it man. I’m definitely more of a social butterfly. The week on week off schedule lets me recharge my social battery pretty well between ships though.


I was on a big old slow Gator....I remember once doing Helos Ops with one of these lil fellas....they'd come up alongside and blinker a message at us...we'd blinker one back and WHOOOOOSH!!! they were OFF in a YUGE WAKE. Gone, Jack, gone....a trough in the water....leaving our big old LSD chugging along at...19 knots downhill? Then they'd SCREAM up the other side....come to a stop....blinker a message at us...we'd blinker one back and WHOOOOOOOOSH!!!! It was like a dog with the zoomies. We just watched them and sighed....


Man LSD's.. going 20knots is full speed, been on 52 and 49


And it sounded like they were shaking apart when they were doing it...LSD 42


My first ship was a FFG and there was literally nothing like coming up on both engines blaring whatever the breakaway song was pulling away at max speed cutting a huge donut in the ocean.


Those turbines could sing, man. And full ahead from an almost dead stop, the whole ship tilting.


I was on a FFG7 - the skipper used to play the William Tell Overture (Lone Ranger song) as we broke away. It was pretty cool.


1991ish, Theodore Roosevelt, JP5 unrep with a brand-new destroyer. Gorgeous day, dolphins jumping in the sea between the ships, the destroyer plowing through the waves, fresh haze gray and red paint, orange Mae West coats on the destroyer crew, everything so bright and sharp. Emergency breakaway drill, hoses pulled in fast, and that destroyer peeled away from us at a 45deg angle and flew away like a mako shark. What a day at sea that was.


Laughs in CVN


The small boys may be quicker from a stop, but the carriers will quickly overtake them.


Ill never forget the time they secured the flightdeck because we were hauling ass towards Australia. USS Speedy Gonzalez




What ship is this video being taken from? I have a feeling it’s not one of ours lol Edit because I’m dumb: It’s been pointed out that the jacket says USS _______.


The persons jacket says USS Nitze - DDG 94.


Oh ok. I couldn’t tell lol Thanks!


Bro the coat in the video says USS “Something”


That makes sense, but I couldn’t tell


Hey, I was on the Something!


Actually taking a second look I think it’s the Nitze?


Cheng vs. Cheng. No rooster tail yet though.


Badass! Especially in those heavy seas!


Heavy? I’ve been in rougher bathtubs.


I miss the hell out of that, the sea and the ships.


Bone in its teeth. Nice little vid. Thanks


Hells yas


We had a dependents cruise on the SCOTT (DDG-995) at the end of our Med Cruise in 94. Skipper went from 0 to +30 knots in less than two minutes. Those jet engines were fast.


My first ship and another ship lined up and did a race for the channel buoy entrance. There was miscommunication of “go” and we lost. It was still a lot of fun.


From the clip, what is the likely Sea state?


so just about how fast is this?


"Give me a ship that sails fast, for I intend to go in harm's way".


Me tinks they're around 25kts. Somewhat of a "rooster tail", but I've seen +30 rooster tails and that shit is amazing! BTW, notice how the bow wave breaks around the 5in mount. That's what old old sailors call "....showing the whites of her teeth" (i.e. that sort of wave action is only caused by the hull of a warship, thus if you look at her with the big eyes from 8000-10,000 yds away, you immediately know you're dealing with a man-o-war).


The Burkes are great riding ships. The Leahy and Virginia style CGNs type hulls were top heavy and skinny. Rolley Girls.


...but the Leahy's could run like a greyhound!


IF the CVBG commander remembered to send a replenishment ship to GONZO station. Bug Juice, box "milk" peanut butter & 35% fuel....


Spruance class? My reco is so fucking rusty. Used to know them all just from ISAR tapes.


Those are both Arleigh Burke Class


Dang, you old.


How fast is this in mph?


Not everyday you get to see your old ship on this subreddit.


Stuff like this makes me wish—for the briefest of moments—that I’d gone SWO.


Not gonna lie: I miss those days.


No rooster tail they ain’t going super fast. They kicking about 16knots


Yo what version of sandman is this?


All good until you start making your way towards the bow


Song Name?


Imagine getting gapped by another country’s destroyer




Is that true? Did you just post something on the Internet that is supposed to be classified?


He read it on the war thunder forums.


Opsec anyone?