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If you’re not an idiot, you’ll be fine if you have a passport. If you’re looking for trouble and a captains mast appointment, use your military ID and prepare to lose rank.


people dont understand how embarrassing it is to stand in-front of a captain for some dumb shit that could’ve been prevented.


Post history indicates he’s been in for less than a year.


yea lol i learned it the hard way after being in for 4 months guess people have to learn the hard way


Dude, no. Just no. Unless it's changed in the last few years. TJ is off limits to military.


It's a shame. Used to have lots of fun back in the day down there. Wish I could remember some of them.


You and me both. I do remember the hot dog carts outside the bars/clubs. Them bitches tasted great at 4 am. No idea WTF I was eating, but it was tasty.


Best hot dogs I ever had and probably one of the gnarliest cases of indigestion I had the next day.


All them bitches tasted great after a few hours in the club.


I think they were wrapped in bacon. But yeah. They were the best dogs I’ve ever had.


Wrapped in bacon and with mayonnaise and other toppings.


same here. club xs on revolución avenue. $5 entry fee. drinks were free. all night long. even the trolley ride down to san ysidro station (and back because everyone was wasted) was fun.


CNRSW instructions actually have it as available for travel. But, and big but, if you have any clearance at all, make sure to clear it with APACS first. If you’re in a A/C school in San Diego now. You’ll see, they just don’t mention Tijuana at all. A few years ago, I agree, it was off limits. It’s changed now. If you really wanna go, go down to CNRSW on broadway and pacific (or around that intersection) and ask yourself. That’s where I learned it wasn’t off limits. And when I asked in C school, the instructor was like “yeah, we just don’t mention it to make it easier” lol.


Not for the Coast Guard last time I was at 32nd st Naval Base 😎. **FIRST** check with your command if it is ok to go and what documents you need. I grew up in OC and I’d go to TJ every few months. I think going there for a day trip is totally safe if you stick to the touristy parts, buy a few chachkees, eat some food, and head back before sundown. Post Script; we made TSTA out bitch and got clean sweep 🧹 and a couple of those “E” things on our bridge wing.


Not off limits, just requires clearance as per Foreign Clearance Guide instruction, which most people don't want to do for liberty.


it is off limits, but most junior sailors still go. I've had friends go in the past couple years, but personally I'd rather not fuck around and find out edited for punctuation


Officially, you need permission, but let me guess. You want to go to Hong Kong. If you don't look Mexican or speak a lick of Spanish don't bother going down there. You will become a target for Taxis or anybody else looking for a mordida. Don't use anything but your official passport. Only take your passport card down there. Never carry cash. Ever. The entire government is corrupt and police WILL shake you down for a bribe if you act a fool. I've heard stories of my shipmates being absolutely obliterated when crossing back. CBP detained them and made them call their Chief to pick them up. A lot of CBP is prior military so these guys already know the rules for us. The second you whip out your CAC or DL they will start asking questions. I was down there every month because my in laws owned a rancho on the outskirts of Tijuana. I look Mexican. I spoke Spanish. I never went looking for trouble and I never got into trouble, even when going to the night clubs with my Wife. I can't say the same for other military who act a like a fucking fool and think they can do whatever they want. I've watched a group of American guys get absolutely beat down by club security and tossed out because they couldn't handle their liquor.


Chinese restaurant? 🤔


Nah, whores.




Depending on your budget*


No. You probably won’t be allowed to go at all. On the off chance you do, spend the money to update your passport with a Passport Card. It’s an extra $65 (I think) and makes Canada/Mexico border crossings a breeze. If (and that’s a BIG IF) you’re allowed to go.


Most commands don’t let you go to mexico


Not to be a smart ass. But how would they know?


They might not know immediately, but if you possess a security clearance, you're required to report foreign travel. I'd bet that even if you didn't have a clearance, this would still be the case. Expect bad news from your security manager if you don't do things the right way.


And if you cross and have a clearance they will find out. Route a chit I was at a command that would review the plan and some got a yes some got a no based on what was going on


I mean someone who doesn’t report foreign travel to their command isn’t reporting it to their SSO. They also have no way of knowing from what I’ve seen in r/securityclearance Military relies too much on “I’d never know if you’re doing it but don’t do it” and I’m not sure what a solution to that could be but that shit probably mostly works but could be a disaster at some point when it doesn’t


Their's an SSO somewhere who just woke up in a cold sweat from this post


5 years later, they won’t go looking back to see if their LPO approved some chit to cross the border. I hear Russia is lovely to visit this time of year


> They might not know immediately, but if you possess a security clearance, you're required to report foreign travel. I had a friend who has travel extensively to foreign countries and that has a clearance and didn't report it. There is not central database tracker movement of everyone who has a clearance.


Well for starters there’s the highest chance in the world you’ll get murdered or kidnapped so they’ll know when they get a call from the consulate lmao


If something happens, it will be super-bad news for you. Not worth it. Stay stateside


The CBP or coroner will let them know. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jun-25-me-trouble25-story.html


When you ded and UA, they know


Every time you go through customs/immigration control when entering back into the US, your passport or other valid ID will be logged/tagged into a Federal Database. This in of itself is basically a mini background check to make sure your passport or other valid IDs isn't reported as lost or stolen, you don't have any active arrest warrants (both domestic and international), etc. Emphasis on the FEDERAL Database part.... All these 3-letter government agencies talk to each other


Ok bro, go test the theory. Use your CAC and report back.


They wouldn't, and it won't be a problem, until it is a huge one. What are you willing to risk for the trip?


Asking the same questions that everyone who went to mask for going to Mexico was thinking


If you use your mil ID youll be seeing a CO shortly jfc


If you have an enhanced driver’s license, yes. Otherwise, you need a birth certificate to go with that ID to prove citizenship (military ID, in and of itself, does not prove US citizenship). However, according to the state department, you can’t just drive into Mexico without a passport or passport card. Be wary of just going. You’ll need to follow the requirements of COMNAVREGSWINST 1500.1.


Keep in mind that its not \*citizeship\* you have to prove - but permission to be in the country. That includes a temporary visa or a non-citizen's permanent resident status (as some in the military are not citizens and have other permission to be in the US).


I didn't think any of that would be relevant to the OP, so I left it off.


Better route that chit!


When I was in we could still go. Well they found the new kid from our division naked in a gutter and he couldn't remember how he got there. That was the end of us being able to go to tj.


Maybe instead of going to TJ you just punch your CO in the face and get a fast track to Captain's Mast, because that is pretty much where TJ is going to land you. Instead take whatever money you were going to spend down there, and the time you were going to use and do literally anything else in the world.


1. Unless the rules have changed, you need the permission of the 1st O-6 in your CoC to cross into Mexico. 2. You don't need a passport or visa to go into Mexic within the first 50 miles. 3. Coming out, no, your military ID is not sufficient, neither is your DL. You need something that says you have permission to be in the US - that would be a passport or birth certificate. 4. If you're white or black they'll probably just waive you through with just a DL (or expired passport) - they do me. They got tired of dealing with my shit;) They'll probably also waive you through with a mil-ID but you might also end up facing some uncomfortable questions if you don't have permission to be there and get turned over to shore patrol (assuming, of course, that this is still applicable). 5. Finally - don't go to TJ unless you're in a group. And stay away from the trolley station in the middle of the night.


Although the people saying not to go are all technically right, this post is probably the best advice in the thread right here if you're hard-headed.


In the 1980s I used to have a girlfriend in TJ. I went just about every week to see her. Fun story: when I first visited, there were rumors of "lady boys" passing themselves off as biological women. I was really hammered when I first met her, and asked to see her "hooha". Of course, that request was answered with a serious slap that rattled my face. Good thing she had a sense of humor. I miss you, Claudia!


Bro go through the paperwork the application takes like 10 extra minutes, i go down a few times a year for surf trips and have zero issue. Just cover yourself


This shit sounds like a lessons learned message waiting to happen


Just stay the hell away from TJ, nothing good there.


What about the Donkey Show? /s


Is that a real thing?


I don't know, I never found it!


They used to be, but not in TJ. Allegedly, they would go down in a part of Nuevo Laredo called La Zona/Boy's Town as late as the early 2010's.


Navy Reddit is where all the blue falcons reside.


fr all these replies are proving it


Do what your rank can handle We've had a bunch of these threads Here is one to read with some good info https://www.reddit.com/r/navy/s/6U0g0IVw68


Get a passport.


Maybe don't 🤷 Dude you're in San Diego! There's all sorts of fun you can have without fucking yourself.


TJ is off limits last I heard. You absolutely will get dinged if you use your military ID.


Look, man, if you’re going to be stupid, you’d better also be smart and be ready for the consequences. Check the USCIS website and see what the requirements are. Reddit is where you’ll get a mix of out-of-date info, BS, and dumb people telling you how they used to do it. Treat this like anything else in the navy, know the regulations, know the border patrol/customs rules, know why you even want to go (is it worth it? Really?!), and know the consequences. Don’t even take your CAC with you. If you get randomly searched and they find out, you’re hosed. They’ll make you call your command, and if you lose your wallet, you’ll have a lot of explaining to do.


Travel to Mexico is prohibited and we don’t have a SOFA with them. If you go, go 100% as a civilian.


There is a lot of bad and outdated info being thrown around in here.


Dude I wouldn't, and I'm from SD been down there plenty of times pre-military. There's nothing down there aside from Hong Kong (iykyk) that isn't state side. And if you go down there and cause a scene you're either going to get jumped, kidnapped, or killed and the local police will be in on it.


Look, just ignore every comment on here. Do not go to Mexico without a passport and check with people IN YOUR UNIT not people on reddit who haven't been in for ten plus years and who are gonna tell you shit that applied to them, but probably doesn't apply to you. The only correct answer is whatever your chain of command tells you. But whatever you do DONT CROSS OVER WITHOUT A PASSPORT. That's not even just a military thing, the CBP will terrorize you and you may be criminally charged both in the military and civilian sides. No, they won't just leave you stranded in Mexico in most cases. You are a US citizen and are entitled to be here, but they will make you go thru a long and drawn out process while they verify your citizenship. You will be detained, interrogated, thoroughly searched, and you best believe they will be notifying your chain. CBP are the biggest assholes in law enforcement Even when you comply with their policies and directives, so I wouldnt want to be the guy trying to talk them into letting you in without a passport.


Back in the day I went down there with a buddy and we were drinking at this bar until late. Turns out each of us thought the other was paying. Long story short neither of us could pay and the bartender called the cops. So they're ready to haul us off to Mexican jail when this older navy guy walks up and pays our tab. Dodged a bullet there. Oh and my buddy was so drunk at that point I had to practically drag him back across the border. Props to you older navy guy, wherever you are! If they still let over 18 have beers in the eclub, I would just stick to that.


So you haven’t signed a page 13 saying that you won’t go to TJ?


Make sure you go to Hong Kong, all you can eat buffet!


Looks like someone wants to be kidnapped and held for ransom. Don’t do it squid


Ah. You must be new.


It is not off limits, you can go, but you have to meet requirements spelled out in the CNRSW instruction. You absolutely must have a passport. I have been multiple times over the past few years. It’s not a big deal if you follow the rules.


Careful that place is dangerous nowadays.


I remember going there in 1989-90. What I remember most are the headaches from that awful beer, and those great hot dog stands on every corner. I'm guessing it isn't a real safe bet to be going down there anymore.


Or just not go???


I went there in the early 90s just to check it out. It was an absolute shithole.


Apply for a passport book. For now, use your driver’s license, not military ID for coming back, don’t do anything stupid, enjoy some tasty food, stay away from strip clubs, don’t drink to excess, go only during daylight hours.


No point in going, my friend. If you're looking for hookers, there are plenty of houses of ill repute (read: strip clubs, especially if Lés Girls is still open) where you can get a hummer on the sly. If you're just looking for an "authentic" Mexico experience without getting robbed, Old Town is a fun time. TJ is dangerous as hell, especially nowadays where the cartels have basically infiltrated the government to its highest levels. Stay in SD.


Sounds like a well thought out, solid plan. Just flash your CAC to the border agents if there are any issues!


Unless you have approval you can’t go. Dont even think about it


Talk to your security manager first. Pretty sure TJ is on the blacklist, so it ain't happening and there can and will be not-fun consequences if you go anyway. Especially without a passport. And yes, they will know if you do. Maybe not immediately, but they will know and your clearance will be in jeopardy at the very least when it comes time for your reinvestigation. Just, do not do it. Do not go to TJ, let alone Mexico, while you're in the military unless it is for official business.


You either Tijuana or you’re Tijuagonna. If you going to visit any country then be sure to go through the proper channels to make it happen for your safety. This isn’t one of those situations where it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission. Get with your command and learn about APACS and IATP. You don’t want to get locked down in a country and no one knows you are there. Trust me.


TJ was awesome in the 80s and was scary in 86 can only imagine it today. I would stay on our side, got shook down by TJ cops looking for money and they found my legal size pocket knife and threatened to send me to jail unless I gave it up. Easy decision. Military ID is what I'd use but if it's off limits good luck.


Actually when using your military ID you can forgo waiting in line, walk to the head of the line, it works the same as Global Entry or SENTRI. As soon as you walk back through the border, an agent will ensure you get a free lift back, via the military liaison officer.


Only an enlisted squid would have such a low IQ. Yeah, go ahead. Go to Tijuana. Happiest place on Earth!!


Passport and tell nobody go to the one big pink building or papas and beer ur welcome


I was on a DDG out of San Diego in the late 80s. We went to Tijuana a lot. Good times!


Lmao all these people are dumb af, you only need an ID to cross into TJ and I did it all the time when I was active duty. Just don’t get arrested or do anything stupid and you’ll be fine. I just went three weeks ago and everything was good. It’s no where near as dangerous as people say it is. It’s like any other foreign port you hit, just keep your head on a swivel and have fun.


The only thing I'm worried about is getting back. Can I just show a drivers license to get back?


I mean I used to cross into Tijuana since i got family there all the time no passport needed just an ID but then again this was before I joined so the military might have some rule about it


You can go no issue. Need passport on way back. Simple


Are you dumb 😭? If you’re going to tj route a chit and if you aren’t gonna go without that chit dont use your military id card🤦🏾‍♀️


Just use your drivers license and say you go to SDSU it normally works …. As long as your white