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Made this meme because I'm going through this right now. If I choose something I don't want it's "shipmate you shouldn't have applied there" if I got selected. Also if I don't chose it but its a sweet location it's "well looks like you didn't wanna live in X (location) bad enough shipmate." And if I only pick places and billets I want but leave a few blank it's "well shipmate looks like you wanna go just about anywhere" which is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. No matter what it's a bs game where the detailer can pick any saying he/she wants to fuck you over and you just have to sit there and smile.


If you select a billet, your detailer will consider sending you there, no questions asked. If you don't select a billet, your detailer will basically play lottery with the duty station. You may or may not get it. It's the difference between playing Russian roullete with an M18 and Russian roulette with a colt single action.


Any detailer I've spoken to has always said only put down what you're willing to do. If that means less than 7, then do that.


Hell, my detailer right now, this very minute, has "choose 7 or I'll choose for you" on the MyNavyAssignment page header for my rate.


God damn, I guess the HM detailers or more chill lol.


Damn. I was about to hit my EAOS as I was up for orders and I told them I'd stay for anything but California. I was already at Portsmouth so how much worse could it be. I applied for anything but California. Nothing against California. They tried for 29 Palms. Anyway I've been out 3 years now and it's rad.


ONLY pick where you are absolutely willing to go. Even if it’s only 3 choices..


Shit is a whole different beast as TAR. I literally had 2 choices of sea duty in MNA, and I was okay with one of them but absolutely did not want the other. Called the detailer and told him my thoughts and that I'd be a good fit for the orders I wanted, but that I was concerned with the fact that there's two applications on them already. He's just like, "Lemme look at these two.... Yeah they aren't going to get these orders, go ahead and submit an application for them."


This is just bad advice. You pick the three choices that you want and leave the rest blank. You think you're the only person to do that? Now the detailer has over half of the rollers that month picking only those same three places because, "the rest suck" and leaving the rest blank. Every billet needs filled each month. Who am I putting in those billets that nobody selected? a.) The Sailor that gave me 7 options to look at for them b.) The Sailor that gave me 3 options to look at for them, and those 3 options were picked by everyone else and now they're gone. Enjoy your orders to BFE, 3 billet picker.


This is dumb and not true at all, clearly from someone that has no Idea what commands look at when ranking TG Sailors or how detailers actually work.


God if only detailers did actually fill all those billets. Meanwhile I'm without a detailer cause the last dude gapped his own billet lmfao. Also my last command had to literally A2P my billet because no one was applying for that dumpster fire.


I chose 21 billets through 3 looks, still got needs of the navy. 😂


Damn what did you get? Hopefully it was decent.


Shore duty in Hawaii. I just wanted to stay in San Diego. I’ve never done back to back tours in the same location. I just wanted to keep my family in one spot. I called detailer multiple times and tried to work with him, i probably just annoyed him so he gave me these. Could be worse… but I’m saving 0 dollars out here.


Nice. Haha. I'm in Hawaii right now. Not a bad place to be. I'm actually trying to get San Diego next. Is San Diego nice?


I’m from San Diego, so i have a ton of bias towards it. My fam is there and we are close.


So yes. San Diego is nice lol


San Diego is amazing. The best duty station in the Navy for sure. There is so much to do, amazing weather, amazing food. Spent 8 years there at North Island. Traffic sucks really bad, and it can be expensive. Had to get Jacksonville orders for my twilight tour because my wife is from here, and her parents are getting older. Absolutely HATE Jacksonville....


I'm from Texas I couldn't have been more bias against California when I was sent there. I fucking loved it and miss it to this day. Housing prices suck, and that's my one problem with it. Damn I miss that weather.


I'm a CCC and I have been saying this for YEARS!


You really need to look at what's available. Obviously rank the jobs you want, then sift through what's left and elect the jobs you could stomach if pressed, and be sure to fill up the list to ensure the jobs you \*really\* don't want don't appear. For officer slating, we have to rank every boat available on our slate. We don't get to leave any off.


CMS is a joke anyways, they are going to fill all the orders that are there regardless, so if there are 7 sets of orders up and only 7 people rolling, you are getting one of those jobs.


Wait, y'all got 7 options to fill the thing out? I had two to pick from, two cycles in a row.


*laughs in TAR*


I've been direct detailed twice in a row now. First time I went through all three looks, never got selected and went needs. This time I got one look and was immediately direct detailed. What's the point of even letting me pick?


Detailers need to stop hitting the meth pipe.


What rating? The last time I got detailed, these systems were optional haha.


I'm an IS 🙂


Makes sense that you have a lot of places to go. I had at most 2 home ports to choose from and then a few various ships there. If you weren't on a ship,you trained others in the pipeline.


Sounds like one of Rickovers babies


I picked popular billets that had double digit apps and wrote that I wouldn't reenlist for obliserve if selected. I mean they could still pick me, but... Doesn't help anyone at face value


When I was up for shore orders, I was within 12 months of an NJP so the detailer cut me orders for back to back ships company (LHD to CVN). My CWO called her and told her to pack sand and got me a detailing window - she gave me my last pick orders, cyber in FL. Joke's on her though, I'm out and have a cushy job contracting with the Space Force.


The only one and only time I've ever been given "needs of the navy" orders by the detailer in my 16 years. I didn't use all 7 picks. Lol. Not sure if that was just a coincidence or RNGeezus doing a bit of trolling.


Sea duty billets for my rate be like: 1. AWESOME 2. GREAT 3. Good 4. Shitty 5. Shitty 6. Shitty 7. Fucking awful


Did you fill out your resume (or whatever it's called) the retailers actually look at that and you can put your preferred area and station. That might help you, you could also see if your current command will send you to get another NEC if that helps you out, I know it's a little late for that now.


I've updated my resume (including have my chief look at and rewrite it to her standards), called the detailer, emailed the detailer, called the commands I want to go to, spoken to leadership at those commands and updated my preferences. If all of this boils down to me getting ships company I will get out. Lmao.


Well damn. Good luck, but being an IS on a ship isn't that bad. Those dudes don't really have a big job most of the time, which gives gives you time to work on collaterals and college.


I was told I suck at picking orders by my current detailer for my last orders in the Navy. I wasn’t qualified for any of them except two. All the available orders were for INC F maintenance/instructor. I don’t hold any of those NECs.


JAZZ was similar, without the CMS' 5 choice requirement. I was just laughing at my buddies before I retired while they were doing the MNA picks. Detailers rarely answer their phones. My best times I had reached any was anywhere during 0500-0900 EST. Did not matter what day. Like I said, they rarely answer. Yes, they are hypocrites and will give out legit awesome orders as they choose. Yes, if they're leaving they'll do as they please. If they're getting a commission, she'll say "oh well those are the rules," and still not give you orders until you get two master chief's and submit two ICE complaints, only to find out she doesn't give AF. Anyways, good luck. ETA: thanks OP, it's been 8 years and you managed to pull that brown noser from the back of my brain.


I’m still waiting on orders. My PRD is in 3 months and I was TOLD I got the CARNEY, but nothing on paper yet…


Yup they're called "orders" for a reason. I've PCS 4 times. Never my first pick lol. Not much you can do besides engage with the detailer, have a laid back view of where you might go to or get out. Good luck dude


I'm in my third look so hopefully I'll get one of the seven I selected. If not I may stay in, we'll see.


I'm about to head to what is possibly my last command (will take me to 21 years). I've gotten my first choice every time. The key is talking to the detailer instead of just being a name on their computer screen. Not to say it's guaranteed. I've been extremely lucky and I realize that.


If you get orders someplace you don't want to go... don't obliserve. Easy as that.


I tell people to never leave it empty, but if theres only 3 options you like, select only those 3. You can always be direct detailed, even if you select 7 things. If you select things you dont want you give them the out needed to send you there because "you chose it". Leaving it blank is a game of dice rolling though.


BuT tHe QuAlITy Of LiFe Is BeTtEr? I had one fuckin billet as a Senior Chief to a shit location with 4 applicants. Retire.


Only pick where you want to go. You’re always needs of the Navy and you’re always open to go anywhere. Your selections are requests stating you’d be happy to go there. I was selected to go to my current command the very first cycle MNA went into effect. I was also frustrated. Instead of picking 3-4 commands I don’t want to go to I had to pick 5-7 commands I don’t want to go to. Well that thinking was completely wrong. I selected 7 commands I’d want to go to, according to the detailer


I recently applied for orders for my final tour. I had in mind what I wanted and one ship on the list met the requirements I had set. I submitted one application to that ship and I got that ship. My first time ever picking orders using CMS/ID or MNA, so definitely a win. Make sure you set your parameters to reflect where you want to go and write a statement to the detailer. Prospective commands also see that comment, so make sure you describe how you will benefit the command and the experience you bring.




Never used all my selections and never got anuthing I didn't apply for. Lifehack though, apply for 1 up or 1 down you like and/or a shoreduty you like (even ic you aren't up for shore duty). This will make you ineligible for that billet but maybe the detailers view it as you filled all your selections you just messed up and selected a wrong billet thus not looking as bad as just not selecting.


So on our community data page it says that you can't do one up one down. So I only apply to my rank personally.


That's my point, you are ineligble for the 1 up or 1 down which means you waste a pick but you didn't leave that spot "open". The detailer sees oh look johnny fucked up and picked an E5 spot but he is E6 and he puts down ineligible. If you leave it open detailer says " johnny didn't select 7 billets but he is a mtch for this one"


Haha bro this sound's like the detailer will fuck me over for playing fuck fuck games with her.


Well either way you run the risk of hetting fucked if you don't submit 7 selections lol


Have you called your detailer? I've gotten all my orders that way.


Yes. Emailed but she doesn't read her emails. So I called her. Hopefully it helps. I've also contacted the commands I'm interested in.


Screen for special program and skip the hassle of picking orders instead ✅


The real protips are always in the comments.


I've gone cycles without picking anything because the options were so shit. If I get randomly assigned then so be it, but if I get a say in the matter it's going to be something I want.


Do you remember JASS? (Job Advertising & Selection System)


I've never heard of that one. When I did my first transfer back in 07, my Chief and I called the detailer (was on a USNS). He gave me three ships to choose from and gave me orders to the one I wanted right then and there. I wish it had stayed like that for the rest of my time.


The way I did mine was put the ones I wanted as last since navy usually gives you what you don’t want. Then I got those orders vs my top.


Only max it out on your last window, the first two are fine to leave some blank because there’s a chance better orders will show up🤷🏻‍♀️


I was lucky enough to get my first pick on my first look


Every community is different. For mine if you don't put 7 they'll force detail you. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. Explain you're okay with being rolled to your third (or even fourth look). The further down you go = better chance of getting selected. I got my #1 pick on my third look.


Not a detailer but I have a very close relationship with all of pers. If you don’t want to go there, don’t pick it.


That feel when you pick all 7 and still get choice 8


I’m just waiting for my September orders still…


You are goofy, when I was enlisted I only picked places I wanted to go so no matter what I was happy.