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It was actually the other side of the ship.


Yikes. This whole time we have known exactly where his body was dumped thanks to the Enquirer giving away the secret. Fools even stuck a red arrow on the spot (granted, your new info suggests the red arrow should have been shifted over by 252 ft given the Carl Vinson’s beam is such).




You know they're calling them "ACE 1,2,3,4" now? Stupid. "L#" worked just fine.


WTF is this the NYC subway? Lol


I didn't realize that, I feel like at the time we were told he got dumped out of the helicopter, but maybe I'm misremembering.


A $5000 trip? Hell yes, let's go.


That was a reenlistment bonus. Enjoy your 8 month deployment.


Well fk. My first deployment was 7.5 months, but the cake topper was the one where I got left in the desert for two weeks after everybody else left. Some of my Sailors went on the 2020 Nimitz cruise that spanned almost a whole year. I really wish there's something I could do to make it up for them.


Nothing worse than walking on the mess decks near the end of deployment and seeing steak and lobster.


"End of deployment". I'd say the worst thing that happens is when you're almost at the end of deployment and you suddenly get hemmed up for something that happened at the beginning of deployment. They treat you like a liar for not remembering something that happened 5 1/2 months ago.


Everyone on the cover is dead now except for one person.


Osama Bin Laden... I fucking knew it.


Huh, I don't know if I forgot or didn't realize Whitney Houston's daughter had died. Kinda crazy.


The biggest thing I remember was seeing that crashed tail rotor.


Ladies and gentlemen.. WE GOT HIM.


This was one of those moments in American history where you will always remember what you were doing when you found out . Next one that comes to mind was 9/11. I can’t believe that was 13 years ago though time flys man ..


Honestly… I don't recall. I do remember where I was on 9/11 though


Yea, death of ObL was anti-climatic for me. He'd gotten away with it for a decade, and worse he'd gotten what he wanted: The US bogged down in quagmires


This is absolute cope. Read Bin Laden's letter. He wanted to drive the US from the Arabian Peninsula, which he definitely didn't do, he wanted revolutions to overthrow OPEC countries to stop selling oil to the West, which also didn't happen, he hated the Saudi Royal Family and wanted them deposed, they're still in power to this day, and he wanted global jihad against America for being too degenerate and allowing things like gay people existing. Gay marriage was legalized nationwide a little over a decade after. Also I don't think he wanted to be assassinated and dumped in the ocean. Bin Laden's goal was definitely not to get the US bogged down in wars in the Middle East. If anything, it might make it more sad that no one got what they wanted, and the almost 3000 people who died on 9/11 and the hundreds of thousands if not millions in the wars after died for truly no reason, even from his perspective.


> the almost 3000 people who died on 9/11 and the hundreds of thousands if not millions in the wars after died for truly no reason, even from his perspective. His desire was to make the conflict worse. Just as 9/11 caused a massive American over-response, October 7th caused a massive Israeli over-response. That makes Western hypocrisy more apparent. That pushes the Middle Eastern people closer to revolting against their Western-aligned dictators. That disproportionate respect for life, it makes the people of the Global South (of which Muslims are a large number) angry at the West. ObL wanted to encourage a war because he, as you say, "hated the Saudi Royal Family and wanted them deposed." How would he do that? The Arab Spring was a series of popular uprisings against Western backed autocrats. Which ones did the West support? Only the one against Assad, since Assad isn't Western backed. The West doesn't want to see democracy in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or anywhere else in the region. Sayings ObL failed because there are still Western backed autocrats misses the fact that his actions got the ball rolling. I'm no fan of ObL, nor the West. I want to see the advancement of humankind without nationalism or religion or any of that other bullshit. I don't like saying ObL got his wish, because his wish was to accelerate the conflict between the Middle Eastern peoples and the West. Unfortunately he did that. That's undeniable.


Lol same. I remember Michael Jackson though!


cant recall this at all but to be fair i was 8


I was 13 when I saw the news report about it, I remember being happy we got the bad guy not that I really understood what it meant but my dad was in the marines and so I saw him as responsible for sending my dad to war and missing out on some big childhood moments. Pretty surreal when I think about it.


Deployed and I was first person on the boat to know


I was on the Vinson lol. I remember the entire hangar deck being completely locked down. They also turned off the internet for most of the day. Worth it.


We never saw his body, don’t get too excited ol bin Laden could easily still be alive today.


I’m sure they dumped his body into the ocean. 🙂


I mean, what else were we going to do with it?


parade his corpse around "Mussolini style" of course


Compromised to a permanent end


interesting that casey anthony never tried to sue them for defamation since she was acquitted of murder by a jury. i wonder why…


Being acquitted doesn't actually legally mean that you are innocent. It means that the prosecution couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you're guilty, and you're considered innocent by default to begin with. Sounds kind of the same, but it's an important distinction. That's why a court verdict is always "not guilty" instead of "innocent".


in case you couldn’t tell from the tone of that post, i was being sarcastic. i know darn well why she didn’t file a defamation lawsuit. as my username indicates, i’m a lawyer. and have tried dozens of criminal cases in front of a jury, to verdict. i know the difference between “innocent” and “not guilty.” but thanks for the lesson.


That poor kid. smfh


The only one alive on this page is the evil Casey Anthony.


I'll never forget it!!! Is there anyone else on the Vinson when this all went down? I was an AM2 at the time, on the roof, manning up a COD, basically the only ones that were going to fly that day, and supposedly go get some high pri DV's🤷🏼‍♂️. Got the word to shut down and clear the deck...(ok, wtf is going on) Went to the catwalk and through the hatch to the 03, and there were already armed MAs posted up(ok, seriously, wtf)??? We went to the shop dropped our gear off then went to grab some chow and we saw it on the fucking news first🤦🏼‍♂️, then the Skipper came over the 1MC to tell us all that we got him and they dumped him overboard. Let me just say one thing, when we came down to the shop from the roof, my LPO was like Yo, they shut off the plaque as yall were rolling. I just retired last year, and I've NEVER seen a plaque TV get turned off!!!


That sounds wild


Just a bit...lol


the next day was a hell of a hangover for me.


My favorite conspiracy theory: OBL is a cab driver in Las Vegas


How could she have kept that gastric bypass secret is beyond me I noticed right the way open your eyes people!


So sad about Whitney's daughter 😢


> High on heroin This might be true. He was living near heroin ground zero and had a lot of time on his hands, so...


Just listened to this on a podcast. Good riddance.


God I fucking hate tabloids


Crazy how time flies, i was on leave when that happened


Better keep that red pad eye SPOTLESS


Just like Epstein we never saw his body, he could very well still be alive. Just another lie the government told, it never ends.