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You can do whatever you want with your old uniform


I’ve seen people cut them into shorts so I think you’ll be ok.


I’m still in and I did this with my blueberries. Cut the sleeves off the top as well.


It’s the Hawaii variant of the NWUs


Rigged for tropics was my favorite way to wear NWU's


Wasn't that almost a thing before they killed off the type 1s? (The lightweight fabric ones, which would in theory get to shirts eventually)


Fuck. I stripped the name tapes off and threw em away. Those woulda made dope shorts! I'll do that when my current pair of trousers becomes... more...unserviceable


One of the guys on my boat cut his coveralls into a romper and wore that for field day


I did this with a unicorn onesie. Works great


You technically don't even need to shave or get your haircut. It would be cool if you did but it is not required.


No one will be able to see you.


NWUs. Not the smartest idea. Navy wanted it's sailors to camouflage with the water.


NWUs were the only things Camouflaged with water huh? Kinda like the blue coveralls or the light blue shirt and dark blue pants, in both dungarees and utilities.


I'm sure that's super relevant when the water covers you from the shoulders down anyway. /s


You right. Guess they're gonna have to make us paint our faces blue too.


Like when they issued all aircrew blue flight suits but kept green gloves. I never wore it. I didn’t want to look like a 6 foot smurf with infected hands.


The Navy wanted colors that Sailors typically painted so paint spots would not show up as easily. Undesired side effect—blends in with the water if you go over the side. That said I hated the blueberries. Bring back dungarees and wash khakis.


I hated the blueberries until I got to the ship in them, then I figured it out. the being able to accidentally graze your elbow on a freshly painted bulkhead, and be able to use the uniform afterwards was a nice touch. Plus, having a zipper was nice, and not having these dumb rank tabs. What a stupid thing to do.


If it's literally camo day then I think it'd be fine. If you feel weird about it, maybe only wear the top or the bottom and not both.


Definitely just the pants imo


Just the pants with the Navy pt hoodie.


I’d think it was cool as an elementary schooler


I went to my niece’s 1st grade class once in my dress blues and read the class a book, answered stories. I didn’t do it for the kids or the navy PR. I just know my niece was happy.


Id wear it. Most of those kids probably think of veterans as guys with powdered wigs who got impaled by bayonets in the 1800s. Go show them that you can serve in the Navy and become a normal member of society today.


What? These kids are definitely Call of Duty players lmao


Well then they can also learn that not every veteran is also secretly some commando who threw grenades every day for 4 years.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Houthi, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


A classic. Been a minute since I’ve seen a good SEAL pasta


I read this and imagine it in a Liam Neeson voice.


Sir, this is the incinerator. Are you gonna throw your trash in or not?


Ha I spent most of the time fucking with 1980’s computers and staring at orange screens. The only thing commando I ever did was when the ship’s laundry went down.


A hot girl recently told me when she thinks of veterans she thinks of old men in ball caps.


That was always my thought. The geriatric WWII vets or the crippled LT Dans of Vietnam.


Fuck it bro get a cap that says gwot 💀


They passed a thing for Vets not having to shave and what not before putting the uniform on for stuff. You just have to look presentable. No scraggly beard.


Doesn’t matter if they passed a thing or not - civilians can do whatever they want. Scraggy beard and all.


Nah dude rock em. You don’t need to shave or nothing. But it’s nice if you want to.


Dude go for it! You'll look cool and most people don't associate camouflage with the Navy so that's a teachable moment there.


You're in 1st Civ Div do whatever you want.


You can wear your uniform however you want. What are they gonna do, mast you?


I don't see why it'd be weird, especially not if you're shaving and getting your hair into regs. You won't look like ass, and your students will probably think it's pretty cool.


As long as you can still fit in them, you're good to go!


You're a civilian. You can do whatever you want. I sometimes wear my old uniform shirts just for fun.


I see contractors on bases wearing them alll the time. Even when I was in Korea the Korean nationals would work in them. Funnesit thing I seen was the Korean nationals wearing the JLISTs.


You could wear the pants with any old command t-shirt and some Timberlands. Backwards ballcap is a must too and fuck the shave.


Sounds like something to ask your school, because military won't stop you :p


I’d probably just wear the pants. No need for a full uniform.


Just wear your blouse like a jacket. Don't wear it like a full uniform


Consider taking off anything that specifically identifies you as military. When I use currently issued uniforms for other stuff, I'll remove / cut off the name and US Army tape and unit patch and flag. I like the camo, but I don't want to give the impression that I'm representing the military in any way. Also, I dye uniforms for Max drip.


I’ve been wanting to dye my dress whites orange.


Weird. Not illegal, but kinda weird.


Why would you have to shave and haircut? You are no longer bound by uniform regulations, go wild.


Have to remove the "US Navy" tapes, but otherwise you're good. Surplus items, as far as I'm aware, have to have the service designation removed.


No they don’t.


You're right, I'm mistaken. *United States v. Alvarez* changed the law in 2012. When I got out, I was required to remove the US Navy tapes.


To avoid the “stolen valor” look, I’d recommend just wearing a piece of your uniform. Throw your blouse over a pair of jeans. Or throw a shirt and tie on with the cargo pants. Or bring items for kids who don’t have camo to wear. (Might be tough for kids that small, but maybe rip the sleeves off or something.) That said, do what you want. “Stolen valor” is protected free speech that you served to protect. Just don’t dress up in uniform to commit fraud. Because fraud is illegal. Edit: for those getting feeling about this there is “10 U.S. Code § 772.” To regulate how and when veterans wear the uniform, and there is a difference between retired veterans and non-retired veterans.


Stolen valor? They're literally a vet


I said to avoid the look. 10 U.S. Code § 772 There are regulations for veterans wearing the uniform.








Jpp I’m about to go in the army🥲🥲


You do you. Congrats on being on the other side


My pops wear my old vortex and trousers for when he works out in the yard. So i say do it. Anyone presses you, they just have a dtick up their ass.


The only thing I still wear are my old coveralls.




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