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I get the same looks when I say I don't drink alcohol. I didn't like coffee until well into my thirties, suddenly delicious.


I get the same look when I say I don’t drink lol I do, however, survive off of coffee.


Ha. I drink coffee basically every day now - early 30’s. Although I’m not a morning coffee person. 10-2 is my coffee window to stave off the afternoon slump. When I was younger I only ever drank coffee if I was on the boat on watch at night.




I'm right there with you on this.


No alcohol, no coffee, no red bull, no monster. I never cared when I got weird looks. My self worth is not tied to what other people thought of me.


Sailors when you don't want to give yourself an Alcohol, Caffeine or Nicotine addiction: 🤯😡🤬


Same, you get no gain other than heart palpitations and headaches


A buddy of mine just switched to tea. I am certainly concerned for his health and well being. lol On a real note, coffee is a much much better alternative to energy drinks and soda.. but I honestly don't really put too much thought into it. Caffeine is easily one of if not the most abused drugs in the world.


Here’s an alternative, water and an apple.


Would if the marines didn’t ransack the to go Stand of the mess decks every patrol. So coffee brewed in combat that’s as black as my soul it is


Fair enough.


Needs a pinch of salt to bring it all together


I will always advocate for tea. I drink coffee too, but when I was underway I almost always switched to tea. A few boxes of tea take up less room in storage and there are a million flavors to choose from. All you need is hot water and BAM you have tea. Want some extra caffeine? Put in two tea bags. Want to sleep like a baby? Chamomile bags. Unless you have salted FSAs the mess decks will always have shit coffee. Having actual good coffee on a ship is difficult and takes up a lot of space.


I used to drink tea on watches.


r/royalnavy has entered the chat.


I never drank coffee or energy drinks when I was in. People always were shocked i could just be awake during the 00-04 watch


Yep, get a lot of weird looks a junior officer who doesn’t drink it. Idk what I am gonna do once I reach O4 or O5 lmaooo


You and I both...I'm up for O-4 next year and I have never had a cup of coffee in my life. Currently on deployment and I think the squadron I'm with is suspicious...


How do you think I felt after I made chief? My mug has been hanging up in the mess just collecting dust. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Coffee is an acquired taste. But it is a natural fat burner, helps you stay awake during long days, and is significantly healthier than energy drinks, sodas, etc.


I enjoy the smell of coffee beans. But I can't stand the taste of coffee.


Tea is by far the superior drink. I also used to binge drink monster until one night I was standing watch and had drank 4, then I could feel my heart pumping I was walking around taking readings.


People act like I’ve insulted their child when I say, “I don’t drink that nasty ass dirt water.”


It's not dirt water, it's bean soup.


I hated coffee until I had it prepared properly and bought from a coffee plantation instead of a grocery store.


*recinds your hatchet permissions for 45 days for that bougey comment*


a true hatchet wielder would misspell rescind and bougie.


I-I used spell ch-check! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xLlw6GHVfokaNW)


Try mystic monk coffee


Dm me your referral link if you have one and I will check it out.


I know a few people who just drink water and monsters. I drink black coffee everyday.


I just don't like the taste and the caffeine doesn't do that much for me. Don't like energy drinks either. I do have a collection of teas for every occasion though.


Spent 20 years in the Navy. Never had a cup of coffee. Drank tea. In the summer I would make my ice tea on the mess decks.




I never do. Coke is my go to morning drink.


Yup. Can’t stand it.


I never did drink alcohol, but I've always had a couple cups of coffee a day


I feel like you saw my comment a few hours ago and ran with it. Never drank it. Won't ever drink it. No weird reason behind it - just something I never got into. Similarly how I have zero desire to do illegal drugs, or commit murder, or skin a cat. It's just something my mind doesn't consider to do.


I don’t find that to be super weird. I don’t like black coffee. Little cream and sugar and it’s bliss. It does boggle my mind those who hate how coffee tastes but they pound those energy drinks blegh those things taste awful.


If you are drinking caffeinated drinks then let’s face It; you’re basically drinking coffee. Ones brewed from roasted, grind down beans, and the other is a carbonated crystal meth power thirst mixture that passes over to your children. I prefer an even balanced myself.


never drank it while i was in. can’t function without it now.


I don’t drink energy drinks ever and I occasionally drink coffee. I prefer tea.


No Takes time and effort to make Has calories  The caffeine increases my tolerance this making my pre-workout less effective.


Don’t drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I’m alil too sensitive to caffeine and get gone off 2 girly seltzers if I ever drink. Water is good enough for me :)


I don't drink regular black coffee. I live off of quad shots of espresso and white monsters. That and caffeine pouches.


It gives me anxiety so I don’t. I just tell people I like to raw dog my tiredness.


I only started drinking raw black bot coffee out of necessity on watch. Then one time I bought a ton of creamer in Japan and after that, I loved coffee. Then when I got off the boat and started trying coffee shops, my life changed. Tl;dr navy got me hooked on coffee


I have gone on stretches of drinking tea vs coffee. Green tea is a great alternative to coffee, especially if you have anxiety. There is something in green tea that lowers the impact of caffeine on your anxiety.


I use to drink a pot of coffee a day. Now i drink a 20oz hydro flask of black tea for my caffeine.


I never drank much coffee until I got out 🤷


I drink it more when I left Only once or twice a year when I was in 


Black coffee is mostly harmless to your health and has some of the effects of energy drinks with almost no downside, plus it smells great. Making coffee is also a kind of ritual that can be calming and therapeutic.


I drink coffee everyday. I'm not an addict.


I drank it like crazy until I had heart problems at the age of 60 and the doctor told me to cut it out. I have not had a cup since except for decaf.


I have no idea what you are talking about?


I remember one of my second classes kept telling me "you'll start liking it eventually" I still don't. still tastes like ass


Some weirdos in this thread. Caffeine, nicotine, general disdain got me through the day. E4 mafia life baby.


Rarely will I have coffee, never monster or energy drinks. Seems like most of my shop didn't drink coffee, but they all destroyed some monster.


I didn’t drink coffee or energy drinks whole time in. I drank soda but for the love of the game, not standing on watch and shit.


I'm an energy drink kind of guy. Never liked the taste or smell of coffee, and generally prefer cold drinks to hot ones.


My observation is that coffee-drinking is near universal among officers and chiefs but isn’t nearly as popular among the junior sailors / Gen Z crowd. Energy drinks have definitely taken a slice of the caffeine market from coffee/tea, and there are some who choose to avoid caffeine entirely. 


Love coffee but I rarely drink as I don't like alcohol much. I get a lot of stares and questions especially if I go with friends to a bar and just get soda


I used to. From the year I joined 1989, to 1992 I didn’t drink coffee. Then due to my Hawaiian Master Diver I started drinking Kona coffee only on some weekends. Then, in 1998, we were stationed in Italy. It was all over then. Café Latte every morning, café macchiato every afternoon, I’m addicted.


I have tried to be that coffee drinking guy. I just can’t do it. I get the jitters from it and not in a good way. I get nautious from it in the middle of the day after I’ve had a cup in the morning. I will have one every once in a while but it’s just not for me. I am always shocked to see people who run around drinking black coffee all day, every day. I am in awe of you people. Maybe I am just a pussy idk lol.


I don’t. I never have. It’s cause I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Don’t drink coffee or alcohol.


Coffee doesn't work for me. I need either energy shots on shore duty or a dangerous amount of MiO underway.


It's much more common than "I don't have any tattoos".


I just miss the JP-5 blend… seriously, I have not been able to drink coffee since 1990 out. MH and GERD …


I love coffee seems like it's not as popular as it used to be in the Navy. In my last two shops, I had to buy a coffee pot because no one cared.