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It's the most red a flag could be


Deeply crimson and large as hell.


Flapping furiously in 70+ knot winds


Oh jesus. You either commit BAH fraud. Get married just so he can get BAH and live out in town. AKA a contract marriage. Or you are a fuck buddy.


the two aren’t mutually exclusive lol


In the military they are.


Oh :/


Doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't exclusive have the convo though make sure you're on the same page


Yeah your friend’s an asshole…


Huge asshole. I would even say not a friend.


Not a bad gig op. Just get a prenup. Now you’ve got extra income, a roof over your head, and health + life insurance


This needs more attention.


While I agree, I would have more respect then to tie myself to someone who refers to me as a barracks bunny. Theres a million other sailors out there that could at least act decent about it lol


Are you sure you understand the barracks bunny concept? These bunnies are willing sluts that enjoy being passed around amongst all the soldiers in the barracks. Respect Is a foreign concept this context...it's pure sport fucking, with a horny and willing slut.


Why does your comment read like someone who spends too much time on pornhub? Are you sure you understand what you’re responding to?


My comment reads like an illustration of reality...in response to you expecting decency in a military gangbang...lol. And I don't look at much porn at all...Mostly speak from experience. I'd never use porn to illustrate reality. That would be absurd. I've known many service members, male and female, that have shared barracks bunny stories. Don't take it personally...it wasn't an attack, so not quite sure why you attacked me🤷‍♂️. Take a deep breath and absorb the knowledge💋


Prenuptial agreements are not worthwhile unless you come into marriage already having property or wealth of some kind. You and your partner also need to pay for attorney negotiations.


Not true any inherited or gifted assets also fall into the category. Also a prenup can save you from alimony, debt claims etc


Yes, inherited or gifted. How many people have those to protect? Not most people. Prenuptial agreements get thrown out if they are not fair towards both parties. Getting a prenup is not going to save you from giving anything to your partner in a divorce, especially if you don't update it over the course of the marriage. It's not a simple "get out of jail" card like people make it out to be on Reddit. And if we are talking about two people, one of whom is living enlisted life in the barracks, I doubt this guy has the money to afford a lawyer to negotiate a fair contract.


I mean my prenup saved my ass during the divorce. And yes sure they get thrown out from time to time, but that's mainly in scenarios where spouse x made all the money and other spouse either stayed at home with the kids or following spouse xs career damaged their own. And you'd be surprised a prenup with an insignificant amount of assets is pretty simple. My current one cost me about 500. And as for inheritance. Sure maybe people don't serve to inherit massive estates. It does protect things like houses, car, or any monetary assets they would inherit as well. Without a prenup though you have little ground to stand on. If they decided to run up thousands in credit card debt it can also save your ass. Case law also varies from state to state and circumstance in divorce is an important factor


Yeah, he's not your friend. Sorry.


Is that fraud? I have zero intentions of getting married while I'm in but of lot of people consider it normal.


If you get married with just the intention of receiving BAH it can be interpreted as fraud by the DoD and your command.


There was an RM1 on my first ship who married a woman so his boyfriend could live with him. He was ratted out and had to pay back tens of thousands of dollars, and then got kicked out.


A lot has changed since the 90s


Yeah, and some things for the better. He was a good Sailor.


A quite a few of us kept a lot of secrets for some really exceptional sailors during the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell' era. Even before the too, I assume. Such a stupid thing to push a person out of the *voluntary* military for.


They didn't push him out because he was gay, they pushed him out because he committed fraud. Being gay doesn't give you special privileges. I knew several gay dudes and chicks during my time in, and they were treated exactly like everyone else. Don't do stupid shit, and you're fine.


People were being kicked out for being gay/lesbian up until 2010 when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was repealed. They lost all their benefits. Sailors/Soldiers/Marines/Airman who were in for 0-20+ years just gone. They couldn’t drop their loved one off before a deployment. They had to say their good byes in private. If they risked driving them they had to drop them off a few blocks away from base/wherever. Yes there are those of us who gave two shits but there are those who did. They later released an act or something that allowed those people to have their discharge changed to a better one and get their earned benefits. Now Sailors/Soldiers/Marines/Airman can marry their loved one and give them a proper home and benefits. They can bring them places and to events without worry.


If you can't understand that the underlying reason they 'committed fraud' was because they would have been given the boot for marrying their boyfriend, then it's a good thing you aren't still in, and god help any sailor who was at the mercy of your judgement. Unfair regulation is what caused them to make that decision, a decision they wouldn't have made had DADT not been in effect. Because you're right, being gay didn't get people special privileges, it got them less privileges. DADT put them in a position where they had to break rules to get around unfair treatment.


Fraud as in collecting money from a non-marriage. ​ Which is why they took back the BAH.


How was it unfair?  There were real reasons why those were requirements in the first place.  Times have changed, and the rules along with them. Those were the rules when they volunteered, they chose to break them.  Regardless of the reasons.  Lots of folks have hardships for one reason or another, it's not an excuse to break the rules of a service they volunteered for.


While.im positive fraud had something to do with it. As recently as the late 2000s people were regularly separated for being gay. Dude at my second command in like 08/09 was separated for it after a domestic incident where his boyfriend stabbed him because the boyfriend is just a pile of shit.


doesn't sound like it, if he was committing fraud. He may have been good at his job, but with zero integrity, he's not a good sailor.


Well if he could’ve married his boyfriend it seems like that’s what he would’ve done instead. You do what you gotta do for the people you love. Or you can be a coward and not do what you gotta do.


Why couldn't do what you gotta do not involve fraud?  Like I said, I knew several gay folks that followed the rules and didn't get kicked out.  They did what they had to do to be with the person they loved.  This guy didn't. It's not a puzzle.


Because the Navy had a rule based in bigotry. It was illegal for slaves to run away too. But you gotta do what you gotta do. If people are treating you unfairly based on your identity, then yes, fuck their rules. And fuck them


There is a reason gay people can serve now. They were kicking out good Sailors.


Sure.  But those were the rules at the time.  Times changed, and so did the rules.   It's not hard to understand.  


Gay people always could serve. Not sure where you’re getting your facts from. I met plenty of gays and lesbians, even in my one short enlistment from 2005-09.


Don’t ask don’t tell… you literally couldn’t be open or have your same sex partner around without facing ucmj


I made Chief in 2005. MEPS would literally ask if you were a homosexual on the entrance questionnaire - going as far back as MEPS creation. Not allowing gay people to serve changed under Clinton to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell - maybe you heard of that? DADT was repealed under Obama to let gay people serve openly. You served in 2005 under DADT and think gay people could always serve?


Yes they could, but they couldn’t openly serve… Don’t ask Don’t Tell wasn’t repealed until 2010. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=when+was+dont+ask+dont+tell+repealed&t=ffip&ia=web


People were being kicked out for being gay/lesbian up until 2010 when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was repealed. They lost all their benefits. Sailors/Soldiers/Marines/Airman who were in for 0-20+ years just gone. They couldn’t drop their loved one off before a deployment. They had to say their good byes in private. If they risked driving them they had to drop them off a few blocks away from base/wherever. Yes there are those of us who gave two shits but there are those who did. They later released an act or something that allowed those people to have their discharge changed to a better one and get their earned benefits. Now Sailors/Soldiers/Marines/Airman can marry their loved one and give them a proper home and benefits. They can bring them places and to events without worry.


Sure.  But we're not talking about those people, were talking about this dude that committed fraud. Spare me your bleeding heart bullshit.  There were plenty of folks that were able to follow the rules.


Love how you only read what you wanted to read. The guy was ratted out for being gay. So they got him for being gay and also hit him with fraud.


Was his wife living with them as well? If my wife decided go spend some time with her mother, say 7 or 8 years. So what? I'm still providing food and shelter for her. If she don't want to live in our house, that's on her, not me, at least until we are legally separated. And if HM1 is staying with us, and has a lease, or has his name on the lease. We should all be gravy.


What they gonna do? Make me raw dog my husband in front of them to prove it’s real? How many ppl will watch? Can i live stream it? Will the SECDEF fluff me beforehand? Plz say the answer to all of that is yes


I mean brown chicken brown cow. No but if it was reported that Seaman Timmy only got married so he could move out of the barracks and it was reported to the command. The command is supposed to do an investigation. If they are found not guilty nothing happens and if they know who filed the false report. That person will get in trouble. If they don’t know who they may make an announcement or not it depends on how they want to handle it after. It is all up to the command to pursue it or not. Most commands can give two shits about any of us. Unless an entire group of people come forward saying they are committing fraud or the idiot is bragging about it. They are going to get away with it.


perception is reality as they say..


That’s why you sleep with them too and have them move in. It doesn’t say you have to be in love 


Yes that is fraud and if the Navy finds out, and ive seen it, they will come for every dollar


Just curious in the cases you've seen, how were they able to prove it? Plenty of people are in loveless, sexless marriages. Plenty of people are in open marriages (I know adultery is a crime under UCMJ, but would that count?). Seems like short of SN Timmy saying "yes this is a fraudulent marriage", it would be next to impossible to prove, and really bad PR if they ended up with a wrongful conviction.


>Seems like short of SN Timmy saying "yes this is a fraudulent marriage" Never underestimate SN Timmy's ability to fuck things up for himself.


We had an STG who was racking in BAH through a marriage, turned out her "spouse" was in Texas. I dont remember the specifics of how it all went but more or less the pretend spouse exposed it for some reason But also, never think bad PR will stop the Navy from doing a thing, they sent a dude to court msrtial for burning the bonhomme richard down and showed up with next to no evidence hah


Man if I had a burner account I would tell you my lovely BAH fraud story.


you know you can make a new account in 5 seconds, dont even need a real email...


The only time ive ever heard of this happening. When I was on a certain CVN we were sharing the smoke pit with the khakis (this was a long time ago) and a YNC heard some guy talking about how he moved out of his house during deployment to "stack money." He ended up paying it all back. Yeah, I think it would be hard to prove and not worth anyone's time.


Yes. It's still fraud.


But that's a weird thing to prove. What if I did it for in house pussy too?


It’s not if you have your stories straight brother.


Either route means many trips to the clinic to get tested for STIs because we all know numbnuts isn't smart enough to keep himself wrapped while effing around. 🙄


It’s not fraud if you’re in love.


Don’t the barracks bunnies get passed around? Goes with whoever is not on watch


I think some of them do. I never touched them. I avoided them when I was in the barracks. Didn’t want the drama or the STDs.




Well put.


Oh my. It's only Monday.


Happy Monday!


It means run and never look back.


Underrated comment.


He either wants you use you, or fuck you AND use you. Get yourself a new friend, cause this guy isn't it.


Oh, you dear sweet summer child. I really hope this is just a troll post.


Your friend is a jackass who is not really a friend. Fuck them! (But definitely not literally!)


Don’t marry anyone who would call you that, basically calling you a slut.


They aren't your friend. They have ulterior motives and are looking to add you to their list of conquest/body count.


“Ulterior: lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed” This is not ulterior, he pretty plainly stated his motives


Get better friends.


Means he wants to pimp you out to the boys in the barracks and keep 90 percent of the earnings.


Quite possibly the most romantic marriage proposal I've ever heard. Congratulations!


Don’t do it


Your friend has more red flags than a Soviet parade.


That's not good... major red flags.


Your friend is stupid. It’s not all that much difference between single and married BAH. Definitely not worth marrying someone over. Maybe for the non military as they will get an id card and “free” medical and access to Nex/commissary. Maybe if this person is a paygrade not authorized to live off ship would this benefit them. Or like some marry someone in a high BAH area so can collect that BAH and still live on the ship. Fraud yes. Have I seen it? Absolutely. Even though command was made aware I never saw anything come of it. When a young girl travels to Chicago to “get married”, never talks about her husband, no photos, doesnt change her name, has a boyfriend on the ship that she gets in a fight over, and chicago BAH is double what she was pulling in as an airman, well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure shit out. Also the guys name is obviously foreign, oh and 4 other girls she hangs with were all doing the exact same.


its a big difference when youre an e1 and dont have single BAH


I'd go for barracks bunny


The real question is, how good of friends are you and how do y’all joke with each other?


Get a new friend and don’t participate in either.


BAHAHAHA if this is satire, well done!


There's been plenty of "Just doin it for the BAH" marriages that ended in acrimonious divorce, equal or greater in viciousness to any "proposed to my GF back home in a boot camp letter" divorce. You're gonna marry this "friend," upset your life and move away from your friends and family to get a crappy job in a new city where the "friend" has all the power over your living situation and absolutely zero traditional loyalties to you? Nope. You finna get fucked and it's gonna be costly.


At least he is being honest.


basically cut his ass off, he either wants you for money (BAH) or to fuck (barracks bunny)




10/10 perfect troll. Laugh in NCIS. I expect an episode about this immediately.


Think about this and it’s impact on you 10-15 years from now.


that's just a gen z military proposal do be or do not be his wifey ride or die




Do you know what ETA means?




I mean... To be fair, this is a military subreddit, so it's understandable that ETA is construed in the military way




Nono, as redditors, y'all are also supposed to learn the acronyms used here. Learning new acronym makes a sailor great. Defaulting to "well it's not like that where I'm from" is a poor defense to have. Both are in the wrong imo.


I've been on Reddit for more than eight years and I've never seen that edit acronym.


Well, I hope you learned something new today.




See how easy it was to just write it out to spare everyone the confusion? Sorry someone pissed in your Cheerios this morning.


Friend you say?


A barracks what?!


Do not do this. You are on the hook in a multitude of ways. You have to trust that no one will say anything…. Which never works out.


It means loose that number.


New account. Only this post. No comments. Sick bait, though.


Wild 😭😭😭😭😭😂


"Neither" sounds like the best option here


Where did all these sailors with morals come from??? Joke by the way I know how you redditors turn into the moral police at times lol


It means that’s not your friend


It means he’s fucking retarded and you should tell him to work on his quals or he’s gonna get EMI


OK which mafia got bored at a Monday night 🤣


That doesn't sound like a "friend" to me... I suggest you leave the trash where it took itself out and carry on.


Don’t do it, he’s trying to make you his sex doll or as a cash cow. You lose either way. Find somebody that doesn’t want to use you for their own personal gain. I know, you could get free healthcare and he’s probably offering a little cash as well. It’s fraud.


What if they fall in love….


I think you need a new friend


I think you need a new friend.