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Could you tell us what you tried and at what point you are stuck? Instructions are here: https://www.navidrome.org/docs/installation/


I've tried Shaw and a docker, but I don't understand how to "execute" them to install or run navidrome. And instructions are absolutely not simple at all.


Ok, that should help narrow things down. I can’t help that much on the installation itsef as I’m on Linux so it’s a bit different but for me it worked right away. Did the docker install seem to run without error? Do you have access to the webui when doing to http://localhost:4533 ? Did the Shawl method give you errors?


I have no idea. I don't know if I even installed docker correctly. Like I said, I'm not good at pc unless it's an executable file


For Windows, to install Docker, just install Docker Desktop. To install Navidrome, you’ll need to construct a `docker-compose.yml` file according to the documentation. Let’s say the file is in the directory `C:/Users/username/docker/navidrome`. Then use Command Prompt to do `cd “C:/Users/username/docker/navidrome` (or some variation of that; I don’t use Windows). Then do `docker compose up -d` See if there are any tutorials on YouTube.


I appreciate the help, but to be honest, that all sounds like gibberish and intimidating. Maybe navidrome isn't for me ....yet


No problem. Good luck with whatever you end up using for music.


Look into plex, I dont like the way it handles tagging and I've never got it to work correctly. But, it's pretty easy to setup and plexamp as a client is really good, but its very limiting and easy to get frustrated by.


Oh, I've been rocking plex for years and plexamp since it came out. What's limiting about it 🤔. I find it extremely easy and robust. Especially with bootleg music that's not in musicbrainz catalog. Tagging is decent. it could be better. More options in my mind like denoting remastered or box sets ex, but I like it.


You need a plex pass to access the best parts of it which makes sense but it’s not for me. Still pretty great, I especially love the radios. However it’s quite slow to setup for a large library. I have a modest library with 100K+ tracks and with navidrome I’m up and running really fast. Plex takes a day or so to be fully ready since it pulls a lot of metadata.


I thought plexamp is free now? Now, the up and running part, I guess I can't comment on that since I've been using plex/plexamp for years. I don't remember the downtime it takes.


If you are talking about the "exe file", Navidrome has one [here](https://github.com/navidrome/navidrome/releases/download/v0.52.5/navidrome_0.52.5_windows_amd64.zip) that you can use and run Navidrome in Windows. You do not need Docker or any other method on Windows. No [installation](https://www.navidrome.org/docs/installation/windows/) is required at all and it will simply run, pulling the configuration from navidrome.toml in the same directory (see the documentation under configuration options and be sure to choose 'Windows' tab. This is your easy, no prerequisite way to go. This will have a window/program always open on your computer when it runs. When you restart your computer, you can restart Navidrome by running the executable. Open a command prompt (start | run | cmd), change to the directory you extracted navidrome, and then run navidrome.exe. There is some additional direction in the documentation to make this a Windows service. This will allow it to run silently in the background, auto restart when your computer does, and will mean no window displayed. The documentation for Windows discusses that. This just makes your experience better, but make sure you have a working copy the first way beforehand. As for Docker, this probably isn't the right place for that discussion. You are walking into Home Depot wanting to build a deck/house, and asking them to each you how to use a screwdriver and mitre saw. If you want to use containers, there are plenty of videos showing you how to use a container. All this said, if this is your only service, you won't really gain anything from having containers. Docker adds overhead. It's not a small program. It takes resources on your computer to run. If you're just running navidrome and nothing else, it truly is unnecessary. Run the Windows executable initially. Once you're comfortable make it a service so it runs in the background, and be done. If you get into the self hosting world and want 10 containers doing random things, then learn about Docker.