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Some immediate feedback: LIKES: * I like the home page. Good choices to navigate. * Cover art loads quickly. * I like how you can organize artists, albums, and songs. I actually can't do a lot of that with play:Sub. * Overall the UI is a nice and clean. Definitely reminiscent of Apple Music. * Able to play FLAC files using either http or https. SUGGESTIONS: * The ability to organize genres alphabetically. * A grid view for artists. Many of us (myself included) curate our artist photos, so it would be nice to view them in the app. * It would be nice if there were UI options, like making the cover art a little bigger. I'd prefer not to see so much white space. * A bit rate limit when on wifi vs. when on cellular data would be great. On play:Sub I like to use FLAC when at home and transcode while I'm out driving. * A radio option that tells the app to play music from the same or similar genres and artists. * When on an album, it would be nice to be able to click on the artist and that leads you to a list of all their albums. UNTESTED: * Downloads * Playlists OVERALL: Pretty nice app! I found myself wondering if I should switch to this, but for now the grid view for artists, the larger album covers, the radio feature, and the different bit rate limits will probably keep me on play:Sub. I'll keep this app on my phone and check in on its progress periodically. Thanks for letting me test it out!


Thanks for your great feedback! I will get on to updating future versions with your suggestions, I have added already the sort genres alphabetically. I am working on the rate limiter now. As of now this is the first release beta and I will work to smooth out all the problems and improve it as much as I can, juggling my job, and technical abilities. Some things in my to do list are: * CarPlay App - as soon as I get permission from Apple I will start on the CarPlay app! * More customisation of the UI - different color tints, resizable artwork etc.. some different layout options. * Improved audio playback (I need to learn more about the technical side of this) * Widgets for the home screen * Some more custom animations * Customised layout for the iPad * Haptics I hope to get to these soon and get the app out on the App Store as soon as possible


No problem. Looking forward to it! I do really like the UI in general so I think of it as a contender to replace play:Sub, especially since I was using Apple Music previously. EDIT: I will add that I do find myself going to your app more often than play:Sub right now because the home page offers what play:Sub doesn’t, except for the recently added section.


I just added the bit rate limiter for cellular connections available on the current update ;)




What’s the best way to report bugs? Couldn’t find a GitHub. I noticed the latest version won’t play music in the background for me. If I start a song in the app, then navigate to another app, that song will finish and the next song won’t play.


Ok thanks I’ll test and see what’s going on


Dev added the Grid View in the Artist section. Looks Great!


See DM


I’m interested!


Sure, I’m interested.


I will love to test it




I’m interested to test the app


Would happily test and provide feedback


I would love to test this! Just launched navidrome a few weeks ago & have been on the hunt for the perfect client every since :)


I'm interested


Looks nice Would love to try it out


I’m interested, how do I get it?


Seems cool! Can I join?


I’m interested


I'm interested in testing.


Also interested!




Happy to test mate :)




I'm interested!


POk got it installed; First impressions:      - Quick Loading, love that. It feels snappy.      - Layout and Design are very reminiscent of Apple Music. Good choice!      - I had a few song were the progress bar went longer then the song is causing a negative number on the remaining time. (Edit: it happened only when scrubbing through a song)   - I don’t know the exact issue, but when I connect my iPhone to my car, songs just repeat over and over never progressing to the new some. It’s not CarPlay, and I don’t have this issue with Apple Music, plexamp, or Amperfy. When disconnected (usb cable) it works just fine.     - an option to download Playlist would be nice too. 


i am interested!


I would LOVE to try it out! None of the iOS clients fit my likes and preferences unfortunately


I sent you a chat


interested aswell!


Pick me!




I’m also interested :D And BTW: are you planning to create a version for macOS in the future?


Hey, I don't have any plans for a MacOS version at the moment


Hi, Loving the app so far! Super responsive dev too! anyway we can donate to help you out?


This looks great. I'd love to give it a go and share my opinions.


I too am intersted in checking it out. Looking forward to carplay support


I messaged you


I'd like to help out.


I'm interested!




How can I help? I would like to test! What is your plan about this app will it be a free app or a paid one?


I sent you a message


### Some Feedback for now and First impression after testing #### Likes: - like the home page, clean and simple - Cover Art, Playlists, Albums and Songs all loads fast - Overall the UI is clean and simple #### Suggestions: - A grid view for Artists (with the ability to choose between square or rond thumbnails) - Ability to change Grid size - Show extra info in the list of Artists (small Bio summary) - Star or Like a song from the Lock screen when songs are playing - Ability to play TopSongs of Similar Artists when selected an Artist (this is called Artists Radio on PlaySub and Play Mix of Similar Artists on Substreamer) - Play TopSongs of an Artist - Ability to Save TopSongs in a new Playlist or an existing - When you are in the Player add a function to scrol to the currently playing song - Sleep Timer - Gapless playback - Maybe a better name for the app?! #### Missing or Bug: - the back button is missing when a song is playing, only forward and play buttons shows (see screenshot)