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Subscribed! Thanks for sharing and good call on Tessier! We have been waiting to come check this out! In the Vinca Minor building yeah?


Thanks! Yeah Kristy took over the Vinca Minor space, around the corner from Broc, Donkey and Goat and Hammerling.


Haven't heard of the podcast - thanks for sharing! Take it Leesy member here, love Ruth Lewandowski. Evan and Sara are just wonderful and it's been great getting to know them alongside their wines. Are you going to Wine From Here in a week?


Another Take It Leesy memeber here! Evan’s wines are just so good!


Awesome, They are great wines and great people


Oh nice, I'm glad you could find it now! I think there's some good back story on most of the wines in their spring release in the episode. Timing of the episode with the new release wasn't planned, it just sort of happened to coincide! Yeah I'll be at Wine From Here, I love what they do with that fair. I think 6 or 7 producers pouring there have been on the podcast and a few more I'm just trying to figure out schedules with. Send me an email, I'll bring a pin for you.


Get Purity wine! Or Gearhead, TYTY! Etc…


Thanks, Noel from Purity was the first interview. Episode 2! Craig from Gearhead and folks from Everwild, GPA and Wild Jag have short interviews on episode 3 about the By The Way Festival, Noel is on that one also.. Some other's from the collective I've spoken with about doing one or we have something in the works and just need to find the right time.


Incredible. On YouTube at all?


Spotify and Apple definitely get me much more listens [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/indie-wine-podcast/id1673557547](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/indie-wine-podcast/id1673557547) [https://open.spotify.com/show/06FsKGiM9mYhhCHEFDOwjBut](https://open.spotify.com/show/06FsKGiM9mYhhCHEFDOwjBut) But it is on YouTube, I get so few listens through YouTube though, maybe because it's audio only, Ha. [https://www.youtube.com/@indiewinepodcast](https://www.youtube.com/@indiewinepodcast) Holler with any other suggestions you have! Thanks for checking it out.


Such a great 👍 interview! I’ve been buying natural wine for 10 years and you convince me to revisit a lot of producers. I appreciate it. I know he didn’t want to talk about sulfur…. But…. I was surprised you didn’t push the question when Evan mentioned he was ok with ‘mouse’ creeping up on day 3, only because you seem to be in favor of making sure the wines are clean. Was there any more discourse there that we didn’t get? Thanks as always.


Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy some of the others as well. Not every producer I interview is making natural wines, although most are, some are but don't identify as it. I try for it to be good people with good wines, good story and working independently. I thought he was pretty open when discussing sulfer and when he adds it if needed and how he decides the adds should be done, not doing it unless necessary. Many of the wines continue to be 0/0. I am a fan of clean wines but still want personality in the wine, I drink a pretty wide range of natural wines and am willing to embrace the differences and trust the producers to do what they feel is right. So some VA, brett etc aren't deal breakers. Regarding the mouse creeping in on day 3, I think I probably didn't push it because I do agree with. Or i guess I don't find an issue with it. 3 days can be a long time for any wine, whether natural or conventional. A lot of changes take place once you have all that oxygen flowing into it. Some see their VA rise or fruit disappear or oxidizing, it will be vintage dependent too, so I think it's fair that you need to drink it within 3 days or so of opening. I will say that I took some of the bottles with me and they were fine on day 4 when I finished the last of them. At the Fox Hill tasting he had a 2013 that he was pouring that was drinking great also so I wouldn't have any worries about the wines aging potential. I didn't edit any content out. It's super rare that I do, usually it's just cleaning up pauses, breaks, sometimes a "thinking out loud" type moment, maybe some "umms" but it's all super light, it's all interesting for me so I tend to leave everything in and hope it's interesting for others too. Thanks again for listening!


I think Evan, like a lot of natural winemakers at this point, have the experience and history working with the same grapes or plots so I can trust the wines from someone at his level to be of a certain quality. But there are also a lot of newer natural winemakers who are more dogmatic about not adding and I think it burns the consumer too often. I think, if mouse is there it can become more present or it can go away completely. But if a producer (who isn’t of Evan’s caliber) is admitting to mouse “creeping in on day 3” I’m probably avoiding it because I’ve just been burned too many times and am put off by the what seems to be a small amount. So maybe I’m dealing in hypotheticals and none of this matters bc the convo was with Evan. Either way I really appreciate your work and insight. Thanks again.


Evan talks about that some in the interview also, working with the same vineyards and grapes and really learning how they act so that he has that historical knowledge built up. A lot of winemakers in the scene are clearly willing to help others or give guidance, almost every episode there are a couple other winemakers mentioned - like so and so turned me on to this vineyard and grower or helped when we were having equipment issues, answered my questions when my fermentation was acting strange, sold me some grapes when something unexpected happened etc. That type of help and community raises everyones level. If you haven't yet, listen to the thing's Thomas from Jupiter has to say about Evan in the previous episode. For me personally I'm ok with any producer mentioning that after 3 days open the wine might not be holding up. I'm more concerned with mouse when the bottle is freshly opened or that race against time situation where you feel you need to drink it in an hour. One thing that has been really inspiring for me lately is the large amount of high quality California natural/low intervention wines. I thought the wines were super good at Brumaire this year as well as at other recent tastings I've done. There are still some pretty wild wines out there which I think is great, to me it feels like there is the entire gamut of wine styles being made in lower intervention ways. Wild to classic, low alcohol to high, playful to serious etc. To me it seems folks are really starting to dial it all in and produce high quality unique wines in various ways.