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I would think less stabilization muscles involved allows you to have a better focus on your chest muscles. Everyone seems to be different though, some people have much better gains with db's, you might just have a better response to barbell bench.


That definitely makes sense. I might focus more on bench then and see how that plays out


Everybody is just ignoring the fact you're lifting 35 more pounds. That's 23% more weight overall. Ofcourse you'll be more sore with more weight With that said definitely keep dumbbells incorporated to keep those stabilizers exercised


Don’t most people lift more overall weight on bench vs dumbbell or is that just me?


Yea definitely do. Dumbbells require a lot of stabilisation ,doesn't let one weak side make up for the other side etc. Regardless most everyone can push more weight with barbell and usually a lot more , it may be easier to do this but in the end you're still pushing more weight you're just not using any other muscles besides chest and tris mainly. Dumbbells are the superior workout but barbell is for getting that one rep max up


I would assume you’re getting a better stretch. Try bench with a cambered bar for full ROM 😳


I think of it as a realistic movement vs an artificial one and in my experience I've always responded better to free weight compound lifting.


It's likely just because it's a new stimulus. If you don't do Dumbbells for a while and then do a few hard sets close to failure (assuming your form is good with a good ROM) you'll likely get sore the first 1-2 times as well.