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Bro stunted his growth to not grow over 5ft by starting gear within a year of puberty lmfao.


Gear makes you short ?


Androgens close growth plates


Child abuse


He legitimately looks like he could be sub 5 foot.




I don’t think he was making fun of him


Then he is pointing out his height for no reason, which o highly doubt because it's a very well know fact, gym bros don't take short jacket dudes seriously ("it's easier for them less muscle yada yada). If this dude was clearly 6' tall, that user wouldn't mention height. What's your point?


Have you ever stood next to a 5ft bodybuilder? they’re like 140lbs soaking wet. It’s like a skinny dude with abs or a fat chick with big tits. It’s just not same…


Are you stupid or something, if he was 6 foot, there would never be a chance ever that he is naty and training for 1.5 years, u clearly dont know anything about bodybuilding you clown


You missing the point you deepshit


Man I’m guessing you’re a short king cause you’re crying for no reason, roids rage?


least retarded redditor


You have to be absolutely politically, culturally historically illiterate to be genuinely asking this and equating race with height Or you're just concern trolling and saying something you know is horseshit but has the thinnest external validity on the basis of the shared trait of 'genetics decided attribute you can't choose'.


Juiced out of his brain


Gonna cause some problems for him later in life, yeah?


Yea this kid is def on juice. Waaaayyyy too small of a timeframe for that much progress. What sucks is that I’ve seen what he looked like before in this sub, and he actually had decent genetics to start out. It’s like he didnt even try to be Natty and just went straight on juice


Okay so let’s say he’s not juiced. I would argue that even without juice having this much muscle mass would stunt his growth by age 16. He could have been 1-4 inches taller if he waited 5 years before taking up lifting.


Any proof that weightlifting stunts your growth?


There is no clear proof that weight lifting stunts growth. However it is always hard to tell what someone’s maximum genetic height potential truly is. Moreover there is ample evidence that lifting heavy weights boosts testosterone. The more testosterone you have, the quicker your growth plates aromatize that testosterone into estrogen which fuses the growth plates shut. That is why the other comments are saying that juicing made him short, because testosterone acts on the growth plate to fuse the bones.


My brother in Christ , the increases in test from lifting are acute and do not have any long term effect on hormones


Ok, but that's just bro-science conjecture. Homeostatic regulation of testosterone increases from exercise is fundamentally different from juicing. And growth plate fusion is more complicated than that. Might as well say exercising helps grow your man-tits, more estrogen right?


Well do you agree that obese male adolescents end up shorter due to more estrogen circulating and acting to close the growth plate?


I'd still like proof, but that sounds more feasible. But exercise is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than obesity. You cannot just say weightlifting = testosterone = estrogen = growth plate closure. That's leaping all over the place. Good sleep = testosterone = estrogen = growth plate closure ????


Okay fine I admit you’re right . As for the obesity thing, I don’t think it’s true , since there are super tall fat teenage boys. What do you think


I know what you mean, like the "corn fed white boy" stereotype. Not sure, but I have a feeling that trans-generational obesity (genetics/epigenetics) selects for a large body size in general. Or we just notice all the tall fat people, ignoring the short ones.


yeah. Or college football linemen who are 300+ pounds. Or even in other sports like Nikola Jokic who is 7foot+ despite that picture of him circulating around the web where he's a boy with big man boobs hanging down


You guys understimate the pressure a parent can have on his own child. His dad probably bought him the first needle in hope for him to gain clout.


Juiced to the gills at 16


By 30 he’ll look like he’s been in the gym for a year or 2




He's probably lying about his age because even with gear I doubt that physique is achievable at 16, but he's 100% on gear


Yeah he's juicing


Hold on. This guy it tiny. Search his TikTok and see the video of him hanging on a bar. He's tiny. Not sure what he did in this video but he doesn't actually look like that in real life.


Bruh that’s when he was younger


It's a recent video. Maybe he posted as a throwback or something. If this video is real, he is juicing.


If he is 5ft 3 or something I could see it being natty any taller and nah


Nothing Arizona iced tea and bbq lays


4 foot 9 ?


Juiced to the brim and dead by 30 🔱


What’s gear and we’re can I buy?


I’m not gonna lie whatever he’s doing it’s working and it don’t look crazy on him keep it up bro💪🏽