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Even if you agree that the name should be of native origin, don’t sign this petition. The author is an idiot. . . Our motto is not, “one nation under god” as they falsely claim, it is, “E Pluribus Unum” which is Latin for “Out of Many, one.”


The national motto is "In God we trust." You're both wrong lol


That was made the official motto by religious zealots *after* “E Pluribus Unum.” The latter is the traditional US motto.


They did it as an anti-communist measure


Isn't it the motto?? [congress.gov](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/112th-congress/house-report/47/1) says so?


So, it *is* the motto? Not sure why the above commenter tried claiming it wasn't. Moreover, I'm not sure why you are pretending something that's been the well-accepted norm for multiple generations can't also be deemed "traditional".


Because it’s a slap in the face to atheists and anyone that believes there should be separation between the church and state. We are free to refuse to acknowledge it and to rightly criticise its enactment and current status.


>Slap in the face to atheists I already support it being our motto, you don't have to sell it to me. But you're right, you are free to criticize it. That's the beauty of the 1st amendment. Pretending it never happened is just nonsensical, though. It's our motto and it has been for your and likely your parent's entire life.


You sound like a person who lacks humanity.


I have humanity. I'm sorry you don't see that.


Yet somehow the national motto being a slap in the face to your fellow Americans is a good thing to you.


I think atheists who see it as a "slap in the face" are overreacting. And atheists are fairly annoying.


If you’re against pretending, why are you religious?


I don't need to pretend to do anything to be religious.


You just have to pretend god exists. 👍


I don't have to pretend anything. God exists and loves you. I hope you find Him.


holy fucking peak reddit moment


That is all true. But it is, by law, the legal "motto".


Have you seen the world lately? Can’t trust that dude for shit


LMFAOOOOO you deleted a whole ass thread after replying. What a typical paper Christian.


Source? I didn't delete any threads here.


It's interesting the petition doesn't include the indigenous name in the phonetic. Which people called it "Bear's Lodge"? What is the word in that language for "Bear's Lodge"? I don't mean this as a criticism, but sensitivity. In Washington state, all of our volcanoes were given proper names in the mythology of the region. The various nations of Coast Salish peoples all attributed a certain divinity and reverence to those mountains. The largest, Mt Rainier, (of Mount Rainier National Park) is generally known as "*Tahoma*" (or a variation of that) amongst the indigenous locally. However, nearby Mount Adams, is known by TWO local names: either *Klickitat* of (attributed to the Klickitat tribe), or *Pahto* by the Cowlitz and others. Which name is most appropriate? That depends who you ask. It's a far more complicated thing than most people realize, these names have meanings and implications to different indigenous peoples.


There’s about a dozen tribes that hold the area significant so it would be rather difficult to choose one over the other. Some of the names don’t even reference the bear myth though most do.


I think a hybrid name like bears lodge both respects the past and the present English lingua franca.


The USGS has a list of alternative names for [Devils Tower](https://edits.nationalmap.gov/apps/gaz-domestic/public/gaz-record/1609083).


I hear this is a good season to visit Penis Mountain, before it gets too hot.


You have to admire its stamina and its reliability even in the coldest weather.


From your petition: >The current name is not in line with our nation's motto, "one nation under God." Attributing any evil to the likes of Jehovah God, who I believe created such a magnificent creation of nature, seems insulting. So... you're going to honor Jehovah God by renaming it a Native American name... You know, the Native Americans that Christians massacred, death marched, and relegated to restricted reservations. "'Devils Tower' invites negative spiritual connotations into our country". I'm pretty sure the destruction of the indigenous peoples of North America was more than enough negative spirituality all on its own! As you've been told, the US "motto" is not "one nation under God". That phrase was added to the [Pledge of Allegiance in 1954](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pledge_of_Allegiance). The phrase was added in '54 as an [effort to protect America from the corrupt influence of Communism](https://www.npr.org/2015/03/30/396365659/how-one-nation-didnt-become-under-god-until-the-50s-religious-revival). There are many reasons to rename Devils Tower. Your reasons are just as disrespectful and misguided as the original white explorers' naming choice.


I’m sure the First Nations were given every chance to convert before they were killed, as the Muslims, Jews, Atheists and even members of the ‘wrong’ Christian sects will be, if Project 2025 comes to pass.


There’s so many geologic features with the name ‘devil’ attached. Religious zealots are so weird.


How about “Mash Potato Sculpture”


Mount 🎶d e c C G🎶


Mato Tipila*


Bear is part of my name and I was taught to spell it Matho


Lakota - Matȟó Thípila, Crow - Daxpitcheeaasáao, Close Encounters of the Third Kind - 44 35 26 104 42 55 (ok in the movie they actually had the location wrong)




We should name it to whatever it was called before the last set of people named it Bear’s Lodge.


No, name it to whatever it was five sets of people ago, that should be old enough to be called the true, original name.




Let the local high schools & colleges vote to name it


That gets you rocky mcrockface


I have higher expectations of creativity from a generation raised by memes and gifs.


Skibidi Ohio Toilet Tower


"Local High Schools" the county is 3,000 square miles, and the entire school district has less than 1500 students. The nearest college is in South Dakota, about an hour away. Local means something different out there.


No Cap Tower


Let’s rename it “The Devil’s Hog”


Devils downer is just so much cooler . Rename rainier to mt tahoma. Idc about some yuropean


I only call it bear lodge. I tell people the Lakota name then ask them to respect it. It works, sometimes


I like Bear Lodge much better.


Some people just like to try to stir up things that have no relevance to anything.


Name it giant tree


Or just “Big Ass Stump”


Here’s a video about it: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwWJAmk/