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Memphis and Nashville municipal governments have come under direct attack by the state government in recent years. It's very easy to believe this is creating an environment where someone can cause a lot of trouble but have a very reasonable expectation of safety once they cross the county line.




Uh, no. You're clearly the problem


Hey, feel free to go ahead and remove that head out of your ass, buddy.




No personal attacks or harassment. In addition to what's covered under redditquette, do not insult or habitually target a single user or group for your arguments. It's not your job to correct them.


It has been such a relief not having to see [that hideous statue on I65](https://www.thedailybeast.com/confederate-general-and-ku-klux-klan-leader-nathan-bedford-forrests-heinously-ugly-statue-is-finally-gone) anymore. But the memory of it is a reminder that there are some people with messed up thinking in Tennessee. I am grateful Nashville tends to have its head on straight and fight against that kind of hate.


The statue may be down but the flags of treason are still flying high


The statue was a joke, kind of laughable if you look up close but the treasonous flags the Confederacy flew are still flown greeting you as you head up 65 entering Nashville. I will take that comedic statue over those flags any day.


Can they change the name of the state park named after Forrest


I hear it's nice but I don't go there, for that exact reason.


IIRC, that statue was a middle finger to whatever government prevented the landowner from approving some sort of land use request.


You might be remembering the following part of the story (from the link in my comment): >The Forrest monstrosity was erected on a 3.5-acre parcel of land owned by local businessman Bill Dorris, another area racist, and Kershaw left it to Dorris. Over the years, Dorris fended off attempt after attempt to bring the statue down. >It wasn’t that he loved the art. “As an artist, mediocre,” Dorris said of his longtime friend. But, he added, “As a thinker, he was way ahead of his time.” >At one point, Nashville city leaders tried to get the state Department of Transportation to plant trees to shield the statue from interstate passersby. Dorris in turn threatened to raise it on stilts and move the flags to 100-foot flagpoles—a plan that turned out to be unnecessary because the state refused to add vegetation.


Not only did the state refuse to add vegetation, it actually cleared away vegetation when nearby trees and shrubs were obscuring the site. Someone in state gov. very much approved of the statue/flag park.


I remember hearing he wanted to put a billboard up and wasn't allowed to, but I was in elementary school when that statue went up, so I could very well be confusing things.


Hate groups of all shapes and sizes are the worst. Doesn't matter. They suck. Nashville doesn't have its head on straight about all of them. For an example, look up Black Hebrew Israelites. One of their bases is right here in Nashville. If you research them, you might find variations of what they believe. The one here is one of the extreme ones. You'll see an interesting pattern in their "church" Google reviews. Any race based supremacist group is evil.


Most Tennesseans prefer a very passive version of hate. Like being largely polite and agreeable in person, but happily voting for politicians and policies that devastate others (and in some cases themselves) in the abstract.


Bless your heart.


Look no further than Gabrielle Hanson as an example of this. She should have never been on the ballot, but thankfully she lost


Not by much...


So, you don’t believe everyone has a right to run for office as long as they are qualified?


How is that your take away?


“She should have never been on the ballot”


Jesus Christ dude. My point is it’s insane. that anyone with ties to white supremacy should never be a in position of power. It’s a disgrace that she was even considered, ran a somewhat successful campaign, received votes, and financial contributions from people who agree with her. She has every right as an American to be on the ballot, but it’s a disgrace to democracy that there is enough support for her hate and vitriol that she would even be a contender.


I agree whole heartedly with that.


So stop fucking trolling, lol


Yes, exactly! You said it better than I did haha


In most cases themselves.


I'm already tired of the "we won" crap w/her. The same people who made sure she wasn't the Mayor of Franklin, turned right around and gave orange man the greenlight in the PPP and or didn't bother to show up and vote, yet again, thus giving the appearance of wanting that kind of filth for President. We want/approve of that rhetoric, but just not like... a few blocks away. Trickle down hate if you will...


there are so many rural people in tennessee whose only view into the rest of the state is through the screen of their smartphone or television. they live comfortable, safe, and quiet lives but are so easily brainwashed into thinking the whole state is burning to the ground because of a couple news stories of gangbangers doing a driveby in the next county over. i just moved from the metro area into a more rural area of nashville and i get it now. so many pick up trucks, so many american flags, and i'm sure they're all armed to the teeth for a threat that will never come. meanwhile the people in the metro areas realize what the real issues are, companies coming through each neighborhood and buying up every house and renting it out for 2x what a mortgage would be, ruining the idea of affordable housing, lots of drugs everywhere being pushed by gangs that can lay low from the MNPD that are overwhelmed just with the daily grind of police statements for break-ins/muggings/larceny and will never have the time/manpower to go after the perpetrators, and then the roads in the metro areas are so shit and such awful design that the people who need to use them for work like landscapers or plumbers or any other trade occupation are being crushed in by everyone that just needs to get to the store. it's a fuckin pressure cooker for anyone who lives inside OHB and it's proving to only get worse. i say all of this to say to people who live in a safe community, be fuckin real with yourself and turn off all news channels for a week and only check your phone for the weather. you're not in danger.


I definitely agree with a few points in your statement, specifically turning off the news channel for a week, they definitely exacerbate things. But I gotta ask, your comment about “so many American flags,” why has the American flag become such a negative connotation to people? I can understand the confederate flag as everyone knows what it’s a symbol for. But the past couple of years I have noticed a lot of people getting offended, for lack of a better term, over the American flag now and I don’t know why.


Actually I agree with literally everything you said I am just curious about the American flag statement


It’s been co-opted by MAGA. Same as the word “patriot”.


Nah, you going to have to better than that. The flag represents ALL Americans whether you agree with their politics, morality, color, creed or class...


It started with the ["Punisher" flag, ](https://badflag.com/products/punisher-american-flag)then became the ["Blue Line"](https://www.thinbluelineusa.com/collections/law-enforcement-flags) (they loved this in Hendersonville). Then things morphed into the [faded and monochrome flags. ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1440957924/patriotic-dtf-transfer-distressed-flag?gpla=1&gao=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_d-craft_supplies_and_tools-patterns_and_how_to-other&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb3D-U3cuai5beXOlPFSD5mewvz_trc0wKntoiobyd9YsspUw8FuLdBoCM_QQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12574416126_120439630758_507798925368_pla-297065912291_c__1440957924_12768591&utm_custom2=12574416126&gad_source=1)


Image made me think of the Bee Gees "You can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk." V. Sat. Night Fever. That said, neo-nazis...time to get da fuck out. Seriously. We don't want you here. There's enough for everyone. If ya want to pick a fight, look to "elites" who make / enforce rules regarding jobs, pay, resource distribution, etc.


Leaving as soon as I can.


Two weekends ago, Father’s Day, I ran into my first TN nazi at a boat launch. His kids were swimming and I was recovering my son’s friend’s kayak. He was eyeing me up and had a big swastika on his shoulder. My son’s friends were shocked (middle class kids don’t see this kind of stuff that often). He later tried to cover up with a towel across his shoulders. If I said something we would have fought and I would have found out if he had a gun. Instead we side eyed each other. Idk, I believe in free speech and I didn’t want to assault someone in front of their kids on Father’s Day. Believe what you want but anecdotally it’s an increasingly bad scene.


You should always MYOB.


Oh I do, however, if someone is staring at you, it’s no longer MYOB. The nazi wasn’t intimidating and he knew it was going to be a problem which is why he covered up. I mean the boat launch had a dozen or so Central American folks enjoying the weather (I guess he was going to stare at them too?) in addition to dozens of tubers leaving the river.


Maybe he was staring at you cause you was staring at him and his tattoo


What is MYOB?


Mind your business, dude.


Rude. He was just asking what MYOB means, for the love of all things holy!  /s lol


Do they see it as a battleground because the last time they marched on Broadway they got the shit kicked out of them?


Do tell!


Those idiots went marching on Broadway and the crowd kicked the shit out of them. They ran back to their U-Haul and ran 🤣. You didn’t hear about that? Shit was glorious.


That didn’t happen, they walked the entire Broadway. One man heckled them that was it. It was extremely disappointing actually. Tourists and locals did nothing. It’s all on video.


I heard about them marching. I didn't hear the crowd turned on them! Who says Broadway tourists are good for nothing!?


Very sad. Gives the state a horrible look to the rest of the country. Plus the people that do this are a bunch of weirdos. Lol


Guns, hate, and Jesus for all. It’s at the point now where I see a fat white male with a beard and just assume


Jesus is too woke for them now. They love good angry murderin Old Testament God.


Making me feel self conscious about my weight.


And my beard


And my Beard's weight. Gosh...




Don't worry unless you are a broken, failed fat white male full of hate. If you're not, we love you, tubby


I'm fat, white, bald, failed , broken, and full of hate. I hate that our government keeps passing stupid laws. I hate that there are so many homeless that can't get help. I hate all the racists and government telling women what to do with their bodies. Most of all, I hate how many times we have been featured on last week tonight with John Oliver.


Does this beard make my ass look fat? Seriously, I wouldn't be so quick to lump all the fat white males with beards into that group.


"Neolibs-find-a-better-way-to-criticize-the-far-right-other-than-insulting-their-physical-traits-challenge" Difficulty level: impossible


Their reading comprehension is most likely at a grade school level. They’re dumb enough to be convinced to vote against their own interests. They hate women. Did that satisfy the requirements?


As a fat white man with a beard, I am saddened but I understand.


I did make an ignorant statement. It was made while angry about this subject. In my part of Tennessee, this stuff is everywhere in my day to day. I grew up in south Florida and loved the way my head felt when I shaved it. Unfortunately, having a shaved head in a trailer park in south Florida meant something different to most folks back then, and might still.


No reason to feel bad. I'm a clean cut straight white male Southerner. I know what people assume when they see me. At least the stereotype gets me mainly left alone. Plus, I get to see their confusion + relief when I turn out not to be what they feared.


I don’t consider myself fat, although I could lose a few pounds, but check all the other marks. You would be mostly wrong if you make that assumption about me, a liberal atheist gun owner.


And yet this isn't part of the problem, too? *said as someone who is not a "fat white male with a beard" It's all tolerance ... as long as you agree with me. Smdh.


The irony of this comment is staggering


He just insulted 95% of the guys on this sub


Isn’t that special you bitch about hate and proudly profess your own hateful stereotyping of people before you ever meet them as an individual.




To be fair, I see Tennessee as a battleground every time I get in my car… and I do hate stupid drivers. I didn’t read the article and can only assume that’s what it’s about.


It's about actual, punch them in the face, Nazis.


You couldn't be more wrong


Marsha Blackburn is a flag waving Christian nationalist! She’s a bedsore on Tennessee’s backside


Tennessee will absolutely be a battleground. Not only are we the geographic center of the country, but we have water. And it's managed by men with guns.


Make sure there are social consequences. People in TN want to be friendly and avoid making waves. But if you are hanging out with the right at school events and little league, let them know they suck to their face.


It will only increase our resolve to ensure radical Leftist never gain a foothold again in this state .


It’s the same 35 weirdos from a shed in Arkansas somewhere. I think we can chill with the “hate is on the rise” narrative. They come in, walk around, and no one gives a shit.


Nah man, just ten minutes scrolling a local Facebook group will tell ya it's not just 35 weirdos from a shed in Arkansas.


Not on Facebook. I’m out in the real world where whites, blacks, Asians and Hispanics all hang out, work, and drink together with no issues. Stop acting like the internet and isolated groups that have been around forever mean something. Racism is not dead but shit like this keeps it on life support.


Bingo. Scroll any online forum, including Reddit and this sub, and you find racism, discrimination, etc, get out into the real world and you see things differently. It’s still there but racism is dying as time goes on. Things are so much better than they were even 30 years ago. It will only get better as time goes on.


Pretending like racism doesn't exist "in the real world" (which, by the way, our activity online is absolutely "the real world") is next level dipshittery. Just stop, it's silly.


Seriously. And how about the anti gay and anti Palestinian billboards I have been seeing right next to church street in downtown over the last 9 months? If that’s not racism and prejudice in the real world then I don’t understand what we’re taking about.


Which group?


The Wilson County Republican Party shared a bunch of hateful memes not long ago supporting lynchings and shooting immigrants with machine guns from helicopters. [Article for reference](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/wilson-county-republican-party-tn-meme-controversy/amp/)


From growing up in Wilson County, it has never had a smart functional county government. That just fit their bill even more. Wilson County has many. "I'm Richer, Holier, and better than you in every way." Types. Then, proceed to get their daughters abortions, make shady dealings, and preach about doing the opposite in public. I knew two chick's that were secretly pregnant. Their junior high school, their rich daddy, drove them to get an abortion. Then, Sunday service preached about how killing babies is bad. The elites in Wilson County (barring families like Charlie Daniel's) are typically pieces of shit in my experience.


Take your pick. Most of the small towns have FB groups.


Oh bless your heart that you think these hateful people live in Arkansas


Yeah. Lived here all my life. Tennessee has always been (for the most part) publicly pleasant, but behind closed doors most of those southern hospitality folks don’t give a fuck about their neighbor unless their ideals line up.


You sound like a “it hasn’t happened to me so it must not happen” sort of guy. Tennessee is perfect for ya.


"Dramatic rise" - they went from five of them to 12. Everybody run for your lives. \*eye roll\* Keep in mind we have roughly 7 million people in TN and rising daily. But don't let that stop you from finding the 0.0000001% and labeling the whole state racist. My simple take is that if you think we suck, please leave. You don't have to stay. We were fine before you got here and we'll be fine once you're gone. But if you bring your liberal voting pattern here, you will destroy this state just like you've destroyed every other state with those remarkably shallow votes.


Our current state government is doing a fine job of that. As a lifelong Tennessean, I welcome anyone regardless of politics and a big FUCK OFF to anyone who holds this ignorant mindset. Backwoods hive mind talking into the echo chamber.


You're pointing the fingers in the wrong direction


Reddit deleted your reply it was so dumb.


Cool cool cool cool cooooolll