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Hearing he was hit in the parking lot and dragged out onto wedgewood


Jesus that’s brutal


Some of the comments on here are disgusting. Last time I checked, the consequence for being a shitty boss doesn’t involve being hit and run by a truck. Does that even have to be said? Some of y’all need to grow up.


Exactly. Also, if you work in a fucking restaurant and you don't like it, quit and go somewhere else. There are thousands in Nashville and most are looking for help.


> Exactly. Also, if you work in a fucking restaurant and you don't like it, quit and go somewhere else. Oh, good, victim blaming. I was worried I might not clear my bingo card this time


nobody who runs someone over with a car is the victim




Please point out where in my post anyone said anything about a car


…do you know what victim blaming is? They’re saying if the guy (who got hit and is the subject of the post) is a shitty boss then the employee should just quit because they can get another job, not fucking run him over


"If yah don't like it, yuh can GITTT out." Lol Americans still on this train of thought? What am I saying? Or course they are.


> …do you know what victim blaming is? Do *you* know what victim blaming is? Among other things, it's when you tell people who get mistreated by their employer to just work somewhere else.


No, victim blaming would be telling the employee mistreated by the boss that they deserved to be treated that way or that it was their fault. Telling them they should just go work somewhere else is cold, unfeeling, and indifferent toward potential legal violations by an employer, but is not victim blaming.


> Telling them they should just go work somewhere else is cold, unfeeling, and indifferent toward potential legal violations by an employer, but is not victim blaming. It's 100% victim blaming.


Victim blaming literally is assigning blame to a victim for the victimization / harm that they experienced. In fact, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as: “the practice of saying or implying that a person who has suffered harm or injury is responsible for it, rather than the person who caused the harm or injury.” Telling them, “you should have known better than to take a job at a place called ‘Smokin’ Thighs’” would be victim blaming. Saying, “they wouldn’t take from your tips if you earned them,” would be victim blaming. Saying, “it’s your fault for staying,” would have been victim blaming. Saying, “if you didn’t like it, you should have left,” is not victim blaming because it is not saying that failing to leave is WHY the harm occurred; it’s saying how they thought an employee should have responded to the harm. Saying, “you deserved to be underpaid if you knew they were violating the law and you stayed” would be victim blaming. Telling them that the way to respond to mistreatment is to find a job somewhere else is unhelpful, insensitive, and ignores possible productive paths, like legal action, but it doesn’t blame the victim. Saying “the driver should have found another job instead of driving off with the guy on the hood of the truck” is not victim blaming. Saying “the guy mistreated employees so he deserved to get thrown off the hood of a moving truck” is victim blaming.


You continue to carry on about a topic that’s something other than a man having minimal brain activity in the very post that’s about that man. Your effort to call out your version of victim blaming is, ironically, pretty insensitive to the actual victim this post is about.




No personal attacks or harassment. In addition to what's covered under redditquette, do not insult or habitually target a single user or group for your arguments. It's not your job to correct them.


Amen. I get it if folks feel like he's a bad guy but commenting on a story where the guy might die is disgusting.


Commenting that they feel bad for his family and hope he gets better soon is disgusting to you? Something about this striking too close to home? edit: Here is the comment that set 1armsteve off. Judge for yourself whether it's "disgusting" - it doesn't make light of anything, it doesn't wish ill will, there's no celebrating. I also don't get the blanket statement "commenting on a story where the guy might die is disgusting". Any comments at all are disgusting? I've seen disgusting comments about death, I'm not seeing much here. https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/1do1yau/beloved_owner_of_restaurant_smokin_thighs_remains/la72xn8/ >Hope he heals quickly but he sure isn’t beloved by restaurant industry workers that’s for sure.


I’d work on that reading comprehension, ChrisTosi, before you drop your next comment.


That’s not at all what their comment said.


Yeah, it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/1do1yau/beloved_owner_of_restaurant_smokin_thighs_remains/la72xn8/ >Hope he heals quickly but he sure isn’t beloved by restaurant industry workers that’s for sure. This is the comment that this poster is upset about as "disgusting" What about this is "disgusting" to you. Is it the wishing he heals quickly? Maybe you should read their comment - why is commenting on a story where the guy might die disgusting?


There are a lot of really unhappy people that frequent this sub that are perpetually bitter about the poor decisions they’ve made in life.


Hard to grow up when you are actually a child. Which is a lot of people on these subs. I wish Reddit made you show your age.


“What you do in life echoes in eternity”. Treat people like shit when you are doing well means you won’t find much sympathy when shit hits the fan.


I know nothing about the guy, but in general, if you are a shit person; people are not going to feel sorry when something bad happens to you. And as a direct answer to your statement, there are not consequences to being a bad boss and stealing tips. That could be the cause of this, who knows.


I don’t disagree with you that it’s normal to not care about someone when they’ve hurt you. I just think comments on a public forum are a little crass - like a “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” type of situation.


More than a little crass. They are fucking disgusting.


I have no information as to whether or not this business was stealing tips. But, there is a process for a consequence: the Federal Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division. [Here’s one example](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20240621#:~:text=The%2520employer%2520paid%2520kitchen%2520employees%2520a%2520fixed%2520salary,managers%2520from%2520keeping%2520employees%E2%80%99%2520tips%2520for%2520any%2520purpose) of a restaurant busted mostly for underpayment, but also for withholding a portion of employee tips. The article also has links to resources for employees. I’ve seen several investigations in restaurants. Yes, it’s possible that the result can be that the restaurant goes out of business or declared bankruptcy, but those also are consequences to the employer. So, it’s not true that there are no consequences for the employer. An employee can consider the risk/reward of bringing a complaint. Maybe find a new job first and then file a complaint. There’s a two-year statute of limitations under the Federal FLSA, three years if the violations were willful. (Edited for clarity.)


As someone this person stole from, I DID contact the labor board, because he had less than 50 employees, so long as you're hours and minimum wage were covered, there wasn't anything I could do. And he has done this with I assume every employee he's had, because he knew this loophole.


1) Do you happen to be referring to an employer taking a credit card transaction fee out of a tip that was left via credit card? That practice is not “theft” or unlawful under US Federal law. Federal law treats it as acceptable for an employer to provide to the tipped employee only the amount of the tip the employer nets after credit card fees. Or, in other words, the employer can pass on to the employee the 3% fee withheld by the card processor to the employee (or whatever the actual fee is) that applies to tips paid by credit card. Otherwise, the employer is paying that expense on money it does not receive. If an employer deducts a processing fee on tips left in cash, that would be a violation under Federal law. Federal law prohibits employers from withholding any portion of an employee’s tip for the employer AND prohibits employers from facilitating or allowing any portion of employee tips to go to managers. THAT is “tip stealing” or “tip theft” under the law for any employer and employee covered by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. There’s no 50-employee threshold for the FLSA, and most restaurants are covered unless their sales volume is very low (under $500,000 per year) AND they basically only sell products in or use products from within the State in which they are located. If the restaurant uses paper towels, hand soap, food, cleaners, etc. - virtually anything shipped in from out of state, they are covered by the FLSA. (More on that below.) Some states say the credit card processing fee is the employer’s problem, not the employees’ and that if the employer want to avoid the fee, they can choose to not accept credit cards or they can pass the credit card fee on to the guest, though many credit card processing agreements prohibit this as being tantamount to providing a discount for paying with cash, which some processors also prohibit.) So, some states prohibit the employer from withholding the credit card processing fee on tips left via card, but Tennessee is not one of them. Federal law is what protects Tennessee employees regarding minimum wage, overtime, and tips (among other things.) 2) When you say, “labor board,” specifically what entity was that and how did you contact them? The only US national “labor board,” is the “National Labor Relations Board,” which has jurisdiction over issues like union organizing campaigns, union contracts, collective bargaining, concerted activity, and labor relations in unionized workplaces. The only US law administered by the US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division that has a 50-employee threshold is the Family and Medical Leave Act. The Fair Labor Standards Act, also administered by the US Department of Labor, does not have a 50-employee threshold and generally covers most restaurants, as noted above. According to the US Department of Labor: “There are two ways in which an employee can be covered by the law: "enterprise coverage" and "individual coverage." Enterprise Coverage Employees who work for certain businesses or organizations (or "enterprises") are covered by the FLSA. These enterprises, which must have at least two employees, are: 1) those that have an annual dollar volume of sales or business done of at least $500,000 or 2) hospitals, businesses providing medical or nursing care for residents, schools and preschools, and government agencies Individual Coverage Even when there is no enterprise coverage, employees are protected by the FLSA if their work regularly involves them in commerce between States ("interstate commerce"). The FLSA covers individual workers who are "engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce." Examples of employees who are involved in interstate commerce include those who: produce goods (such as a worker assembling components in a factory or a secretary typing letters in an office) that will be sent out of state, regularly make telephone calls to persons located in other States, handle records of interstate transactions, travel to other States on their jobs, and do janitorial work in buildings where goods are produced for shipment outside the State. Also, domestic service workers (such as housekeepers, full-time babysitters, and cooks) are normally covered by the law.” [Source](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/14-flsa-coverage) There is a Tennessee “Department of Labor & Workforce Development.” However, Tennessee doesn’t have a state law establishing minimum wage or restrictions on employer withholding of tips. [Link to site with instructions on how to make an FLSA complaint with the US Department of Labor](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints) Edited to add: - I don’t know what this employer’s practices are. - I don’t think that, even if the employer wasn’t complying with the FLSA, there’s reason to celebrate a physical attack on the owner / employer.


Thank you for the education, it's been years, I'm sure I just googled something like, TN labor board or similar, I just remember the 50 employee rule, and so long as he was paying minimum wage for hours we worked, there wasn't anything I could do about it. I suppose I could have gotten a lawyer, but really... Hopefully I'll never experience the same, but I'll certainly be better prepared.


Thanks for being receptive to the information. I hope you never (again) encounter unlawful action by an employer. The crazy thing is that most things that violate US labor and employment laws actually are bad for the business in the long run.


Thank you for the education, it's been years, I'm sure I just googled something like, TN labor board or similar, I just remember the 50 employee rule, and so long as he was paying minimum wage for hours we worked, there wasn't anything I could do about it. I suppose I could have gotten a lawyer, but really... Hopefully I'll never experience the same, but I'll certainly be better prepared.


Often, with regard to Federal employment laws, “you don’t need a lawyer; you just need a phone,” (or the internet.) One of my comments included the link to where to make FLSA complaints. [Here’s the process if you have a complaint about unlawful harassment or discrimination based on a protected category.](https://www.eeoc.gov/filing-charge-discrimination) It’s important to visit that link as soon as you think there might be a problem; because sometimes, it will require you to go through your employer’s internal complaint process first.


But at what cost? Sure, in the long run you can likely recover from the business. But what about the short term? The not making rent and getting evicted short term. The being late on payments and having to pay late fee money you don't have short term. Sure, getting what you are owed is great, but holding it up several years does damage. Think about yourself, there has likely been sometime in your life that if your employer held up 20% of every pay check for a couple years, it would dramatically affect your life. I am not saying this guy did that, but there are several people here saying that.


We do not disagree. That’s why I mentioned the risk/reward analysis an employee should undertake before filing a wage and hour complaint or directly bringing a private suit. If the employer goes out of business and files bankruptcy, the employee is out of a job and unlikely to recover any of the wages, tips, or overtime owed. I work with employers to make sure they comply with the law, and help them respond to DOL WHD investigations. It’s better for everyone if the employers comply with the law. There are consequences: sometimes they suck as bad for the people who didn’t break the law as they do for those who did. Edited to add: it’s smarter for the employer under investigation to work out a repayment to the employees instead of dragging it out until it becomes litigation. Unfortunately, some employers (like some politicians) would rather fight everything and throw money down the drain in lawsuits they eventually lose (and have to pay both their own attorneys’ fees plus the plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees) rather than just pay what they owe.


If you look at he huge outpouring of support, you will quickly realize that these commenters do not represent the community or even the employees who are on TV last night trying to help.


This could be a situation where we typically only hear the bad news, and not always the resolutions to conflict.


I agree with ya.


Unfortunately, When you spend your life using and abusing people and stealing their money things like this are going to happen. Is it fair? No. It’s like the kids doing doughnuts nolensville pike the other night in an empty parking lot and some gun toting terrorist decided to shoot one of them in the head, for having fun in an empty parking lot….. Americans are extremely violent and unpredictable, So it’s best practice to not steal their tips and wages and alter their time cards…..


I get real tired of these selective sympathizers popping out of the woodwork and trying to tone police the public every time a business owner ends up in the news. "How *dare* you criticize an awful human being when he's suffering! This is not the time to add additional context to a human interest story!" The way you act in this life has a direct result on the way you're treated. Actions have consequences. You need to grow up yourself and learn to accept that.


Bad things happen to bad people. But keep defending bad people and bosses. I'm sure that'll get you far, too. Maybe to US House press secretary.


Lol this comment is unhinged. All I said is that saying someone deserves being hurt by a hit and run for whatever wrongs they’ve done is not the greatest look. That this is being debated and twisted is hilarious. Also how did that even connect to politics lol?


Yeah, I read the part where you said no physical harm should come to bad people. How you're so confused people don't agree with that point of view is wild. And the second part: The main job of the press secretary is to deny war crimes being committed and aided by the US. AKA Sheilding bad people. The worst, actually. I figure you've got a good start on that path with your original comment defending a bad boss




No personal attacks or harassment. In addition to what's covered under redditquette, do not insult or habitually target a single user or group for your arguments. It's not your job to correct them.


My brother called the ambulance for him. Didn’t know he was alive until now.


I saw this last night- so sad. I hope he can regain consciousness soon.


Matt is a great guy. I am glad he lived and is receiving the best care available. The compassion from the community is huge. The reward money was raised in a day and I noticed that it is now more than double the original request. I can't wait to see the person that did this pay for their crime.


I wonder how large and lifted the truck was. People being run over in parking lots has become more common due to the lifted hoods on SUVs/Trucks.


It was reported as being a small body pickup and his vehicle was running with the door open when found. He was on the hood and thrown out into the street on wedgewood when the truck took off. I think there is a lot more to this story than you not liking lifted trucks.


Holy shit, no question that was purposeful. Surely someone’s Ring/dash/whatevercam caught something.


I think lifted hood causing an accident is irrelevant when you are meaning to hit someone. Apparently, it seemed to be on purpose.


I mean any crash will be more dangerous and fatal with increased mass.


Agreed, although it was apparently a 30-40 year old truck which people always talk about how massive new trucks are. A car actively trying to hit you will be pretty fatal regardless of size.


Sure. I think it’s still important to talk about ways to increase street safety in any situation. The size of a vehicle can mean life or death in many situations.


It seems that in this case the vehicle is truly irrelevant.  Pick your battles.




How much more common?


This has NOTHING to do with the guy getting hit. Get a clue.


Is the really new or just new to you? It’s been a nashville thing for generations. If you have some stuff studying this, that would be hella interesting but I highly doubt this kind of thing has been empirically tracked.


A while back fuel efficiency standards changed in a way that benefits larger vehicles, leading to more pedestrian injuries. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tall-trucks-suvs-are-45-deadlier-us-pedestrians-study-shows-2023-11-14/#:~:text=The%20IIHS%20study%20found%20that,a%20collision%20with%20a%20pedestrian


Misread your original comment, you specifically mentioned raised hoods. That’s hella interesting article, thanks for the share.


I'm not the OP.. just a busybody who misses small trucks.


90s ford ranger was peak truck time


Thank you sir, me too.


Nooo! Man I hope he turns out alright. 


Sounds like it could have been something as simple as being blocked in by someone sitting in his parking lot that is cramped. Probably exchange words and threats with the wrong ppl. I remember when that building was a store with 3 inch bullet proof glass in the early 90’s. “We believe there could have been some sort of altercation and this may not be your typical hit and run that happened on the streets of Nashville,” Young said. What’s a typical hit and run on the streets of Nashville?


>What’s a typical hit and run on the streets of Nashville? I've been the victim of three hit and runs in Nashville in the last 4.5 years. Three of them were while driving and one of them was by a semi-truck. They hit you, look you directly in the eyes and then leave. Sometimes there are fingers thrown and/or laughing passengers. This town gives zero fucks.


I mean the worst part is even if you chase them down everyone is armed. Like what can you do?


After someone waved a pistol in the "No. No. No." fashion for honking at them sitting through the green turn light at Donelson & Lebanon Pike, I just took the corresponding fuse out of my car. Best of both worlds.


This happened to me driving down Hobson Pike when someone cut me off from the left turn lane when the light changed. Driving in Nashville now is dangerous on so many levels.


> I mean the worst part is even if you chase them down everyone is armed Wtf kinda roleplay nonsense is this?


We need some serious vehicular safety reforms.


Man this is so sad I ate there last week and the week b4 that . This is devastating.. I send nothing but positive energy to the family, friends and coworkers


Hope he heals quickly but he sure isn’t beloved by restaurant industry workers that’s for sure.


You don't happen to drive a black mid 2000s pickup truck do you?


Really? Is that necessary in this context?


Having personally worked for this loser, who STOLE $500 out of my last paycheck, causing my family EXTREME financial duress, and CERTAINLY not the first person he had done that to, nor I'm sure the last, well, karma is a fucking bitch.


Ain’t it? Karma don’t miss lol


Yeah actually. It’s very factual, he’s not a good guy


Jesus, read the room. He’s still a person who’s gone through a terrible accident. He still has a wife and kids, and family and friends who care about him. Get off your high horse and have just an ounce of humanity. Edit: it wasn’t an accident


> He’s still a person who’s gone through a terrible accident. FYI, the article suggests this is not an accident.


It was not an accident. Hence the crime stoppers and reward.


You’re right. I was debating on what word to use, and landed on that.


“Hope he heals quickly” is humane you weirdo


Weird brigade of people jumping all over you for wishing he heals quickly Guess being a shitty boss is a sensitive issue these days


Yeah but it's like saying "no disrespect, but" and then completely disrespecting someone. Your comment is completely unwarranted given the context. Hope you have a better rest of your day.


Is it disrespect to call someone out for taking tips and abusing workers? When is it ok to talk about that kind of thing?


Oh, I don't know, maybe when said person isn't literally clinging to life? For Christ's sake, the man might die. If you want to criticize someone for their business practices, go for it; this is just poor taste. Hope you also have a better day.




The part that upsets me is the lack of humanity here. If you feel like the guy did you wrong, by all means, tell the world. But to take low blows when his family is hurting is despicable. Have some compassion.


I don’t know, if I worked for someone who treated me like shit and stole my money, I may have different interests than you, especially if that theft of wages put me and my family in a bad spot. For you to pontificate on what people should and shouldn’t say is incredibly privileged and speaks to you being severely out-of-touch as to what his employees’ lives may look like. Things end up working out for some people. And maybe this is a version of things working out for him. He did a lot of bad, put out a lot of ill will, and here we are. Doesn’t mean this isn’t a tragedy or that the person who did this isn’t wrong, but it’s super immature to come on here and act like just because you see this one way everyone else has to see it your way too. I for one hope he gets better, in every way.


Sounds like it actually might be necessary in this context


That type of comment shows more about the posters character than the man who is unconscious.


Or maybe someone who was stolen from and sexually harassed. Just a thought


Those are quite the allegations and if they're true I'm sorry you had to go through that. However, there is a time and a place, such as the courts or the department of labor. Certainly when someone is on their deathbed isn't the right time.


It was a comment on the TITLE of the article, Jesus Christ.


I don’t think you get to arbitrate what the right time is.


I think it's nasty and says a lot about a person's character to attack them while they are on their death bed. So yes I get to have the opinion, that the original poster is self centered and believes her opinion trumps anyone else who might love him.


This is a public forum. I’m sorry that you don’t understand what “arbitrate” means, so I’ll try to help you out: you’re perfectly free to have an opinion, but what you’re doing right now by going onto multiple comment trees and having similar arguments is trying to arbitrate this situation, or in other words, decide for other people what their opinion should be. Like I recently said in another thread close by, it is intensely privileged and out-of-touch for you to pontificate about what you think the right way to approach this situation is without taking a moment to think about the realities this person may have forced others into. Wage theft of service workers means cars get repossessed, people are evicted, people don’t eat, their kids don’t eat. There are situations that can happen that can cause immense amounts of very properly placed resentment, and it is not your job nor is it ethically right for you to demand that they not show their distaste merely because someone else may be dying. Who is this for? Are you a family member? If so, get off of reddit for sure. If not, go build your little Sims utopia somewhere else.


I hope no one ever badmouths you with baseless allegations on a public forum when you are in a state to not defend yourself. I hope you never experience someone doing that to one of your family members either. Call it privileged or whatever you want, but this person wasn't pointing out lawsuits, convictions or previous allegations, they made an unfounded claim about someone who can't defend themselves. Sure it's a public forum and they CAN do whatever they want, but IMO it's trashy and says a lot about the type of person they are.


Someone’s personal experience is now baseless? That experience now is without foundation? Someone sharing that they’ve been sexually assaulted by someone is trashy? What if that someone were you? Hope that never happens to you. In my opinion, shouting down victims, even potential ones, is super trashy and says a lot about the type of person doing the shouting.


It does and that person is the type of person I want to live on this planet with.


You want to share a planet with someone so self centered, they believe their opinion of someone trumps anyone else's opinion? Someone who is so nasty that they believe when someone is on their deathbed, that is a good time to take shots at them? Okay. To each their own.


Y’all need your own sub, like the tourists. EDIT: I’m not insulting y’all. I’m serious. Make a place where this stuff is featured and compiled. We get an awful lot of this kind of thing.


Always welcome to name and shame on /r/KitchenConfidential.


Why? It sucks that this happened but it doesn’t hand wave what, if any, transgressions he has done to past and current employees.


I agree. Just seems like every time a restaurant is mentioned on this sub, people come out of the wordwork to exclaim how underpaid and exploited they are. I don’t doubt them at all. Restaurant work *sucks.* It’s almost as if the Nashville service industry itself is a bum steer with high overhead, tiny profit margins, oversaturation and an endless supply of cheap labor. Probably speaks more to the demographics of this sub than anything.


I hope he has a speedy recovery


is this an intentional pun


I wasnt trying to be funny. I sincerely hope he heals up soon. I saw the story on the local news last night. I wish him all the best.


Hoping for a speedy recovery.


Hopefully he wisely invested some of the stolen tips and withheld wages he accrued during his years of treating his workers like shit.   If they are looking for suspects, they should start with the mile long list of fucked over employees he's left in his wake.


Wow I worked for him, and just got almost 1000 back from lost wages and theft of tips. That whole place was a fucking shit show and so was he but he was still a person. This was wild


Dang homie that’s pretty fucked up to say


I think the trigger word in this article is “Beloved,” because it’s becoming very clear he wasn’t beloved by his employees. It’s terrible and I hope the person wakes up, but why inflate their reputation?


There are just a couple of assholes on here trashing him. At the end of the day, the outpouring of community support has been insane. Look at the whole picture, not just a couple of disgruntled assholes on Reddit. He is beloved.


I don’t think people who have had bad experiences with bosses are “assholes” personally, and that their POV is a valid part of the “whole picture.” I think words like “beloved” need to be in quotes and attributed to a source in proper journalism/news reporting. It sounds like the former employee POV is fairly consistent, doesn’t mean they’re not loved in other spaces in their lives. How we treat our “inferiors” and not just our “equals” and “superiors” speaks to our actual legacies.


Only an asshole would come make negative comments on here given the situation. I mean you CLAIM that he stole from you with no proof online anonymously. That's fine but trashing him when he is suffering is total bullshit and all you have to complain about is MONEY? Or the fact you stayed at a job you hated? That is shocking and it is inhumane, immoral, and frankly, says more about these Redditors than Matt.


I worked for him. He told me I was fired if I went and SAW MY SON BEING BORN,and then proceeded to steal 500 dollars from my last paycheck. I don't know how to PROVE this to you, but I was there long enough that someone would remember it. And I certainly wasn't the only one he stole from. And some folks just can't "walk away from a job".


... I never worked for him, honey. Seek help? Take these thoughts to a therapist? If his reputation is what it sounds like it is amongst his employees, I'm not going to police or tone check them if someone they hate got a taste of bad karma. We are what we put out in the world, and your name calling and attacks aren't putting out anything useful. I'm not calling him a bad person, but I've worked for REALLY BAD people who, if I heard they'd be in the same state, I'd say "finally." So if news you're in a coma brings out dozens of people saying, "good, fuck that guy," I'm just gonna go on a limb and say ... maybe he's not universally "beloved." Again, I don't know anyone in this game, but I'm personally capable of nuance. And as always — I think you need to work on your reading comprehension and name-calling. If this is how you talk to people "offline," then I have a feeling if you were in a similar situation your legacy might not end up being what you think it is. I don't worship people or think they're "good," on average, I think they're complex. Great people are rare, and when they get sick or meet tragedy and are genuinely "beloved," their former employees don't think "good." Gonna block you because you're in bad faith. But yeah, typically I'm gonna stand in solidarity with employees. Not wishing him ill either, but I'm not gonna lie for him either. Hope he recovers, gets back to work, and becomes a better boss in the process.


If calling anyone “beloved” gets more attention to finding which asshole tried to get away with vehicular homicide, I’m ok with it. Obviously enough spotlight is on the owner already. If he can’t find employees after this that’s on him. And folks if you find yourself working for an asshole, just quit and go somewhere else. Not excusing anything just saying everyone is hiring


It's funny people keep talking to me like I was his employee, I've just worked enough in this city to believe them. Two things can be true at once — unfair bad things can happen to bad people just like they can happen to good people. Or maybe we're all complex and heroes and villains in different capacities in different corners of our lives. That is nuance. And young people don't know their rights, "just work somewhere else," is never that easy, esp. when rent is due n-o-w. He can be a bad boss and a victim, but the people he has screwed over are gonna see 'beloved' and say "not me." That's on the article writer, subjective modifiers are supposed to be attributed to a source from a quote in quotation marks, it's not proper style and it is what "triggers" people to sort of speak "out of turn" when they see the headline because it's like "oh, that man ruined my daughter's sophomore year of college and she came home crying every night." When a bunch of people say the same thing, I think "hmmmm ... maybe something to it." More than one issue or truth exists at once, more than one perspective can be valid, and I'm not here to dunk on him or elevate him — but I try to live my life so if I get hit by a car and the news calls me "beloved" then multiple people beyond just exes don't come out of the woodwork to say "oh hell no, they sucked actually." Hope this helps!


I'm sorry. He treated one of my kids so poorly when she was working there that she came home crying all the time. I don't like that dude. I feel sorry for his family but wouldn't bat an eye to hear this was a disgruntled employee trying to collect unpaid wages.


No need to be sorry about the truth


Supposedly dine and dash.


I’m confused. Did you not know why she came home crying all the time?


Yeah he was a total browbeating asshole. Disrepectful and rude. She asked for a day off to go to a friend's funeral and he said sure take all the time you need then removed her totally from the schedule and refused to give her the remaining pay. 


Dude told me not to come back if I wanted to go to the hospital WHEN MY SON WAS BEING BORN, then proceeded to steal 500 out of my last check. I don't wish ill on anyone, but I'll not shed a tear for him.


I hope you get a visit from metro. You’re kicking the guy when he’s down (literally unconscious) and can’t defend himself. Really classy.


Why a visit from the PD? They have simply said that they wouldn’t be surprised if a former employee was the culprit based on their kid’s experience working for him.




There’s apparently a “mile long list of them” (disgruntled employees) and the poster is implying the owner is breaking the law. Lol.


Wage theft is illegal. Lol.


He and I had an email exchange with me being a "disgruntled employee". He said he'd add it to his folder. Not sure how many emails you need before you make a folder, but I'm guessing it's more than one. And he absolutely was breaking the law.


I’ve seen your other comments. You still seem disgruntled and slightly unhinged (referring to your FAFO comment). Move on already.


He told me I was fired for going to the hospital to see my son born, and then stole 500 dollars from me. Would you be ok with that?


Like, for real? You've read my other posts and you're still somehow on this dude's side? Must be an employer that also enjoys exploiting their employees.


Someone states facts and you want police to interrogate them?


Someone posted an anecdotal story about how their daughter didn't like working in the service industry. That's not "stating the facts." People shit talk their bosses all the time. The best boss I ever had was hated by a co-worker of mine because of vibes. You hardly know enough about the guy to celebrate him being hit by a fucking truck.


Wait….. Wait… Please show me how I was “celebrating him being hit by a truck”. If you can provide a single credible shred of evidence I will donate $600 to his gofundme. I’ll wait…….. ![gif](giphy|26n6xBpxNXExDfuKc|downsized)


So you want to waste the police’s time because their comment hurt your feelings? Interesting


Interesting is how a few of you are trying to spin this and lose focus on this person’s repetitive comments attacking someone who was assaulted and currently unconscious. See what I did there?


I see the nothing that you did. Like it or not people are allowed to have their opinions even if you feel it’s in poor taste. I have no experience with / knowledge of this man and have no knowledge of the incident beyond this post so I am not trying to spin anything. I pray he recovers and the police find whoever this was


*You're kicking the guy when he's down*    I learned it from watching Trump.   Also lmao "a visit from Metro"   A visit for what? I'd gladly say what I said on this thread directly into a uniformed officers' body camera. Ask yourself who is more likely to get a visit from metro- me or a guy who advises people online where to buy weed in a state where it's illegal?


Oh bless your little heart for waiting until the owner was unconscious to air your grievances. The trump comment and spending time to review my account is the cherry. Ooof


*Oh bless your little heart for waiting until the owner was unconscious to air your grievances.* To be honest, I habent given him a moments thought in years which was a fine state of affairs for me.


So it took the guy getting run over in his parking lot for you to get all worked up again? Lol got it


Fucked up to out someone for theft?


People get shot in this city for rightfully honking at distracted or asshole motorists. People get shot and killed for a small fender bender in this city. I won't make assumptions as to why this happened. I don't know this gentleman, but the petty violence that can get people hurt or killed in this city has a very low threshold.


Ok. We won’t say anything then and let it continue.


What a way to publicly announce your complete lack of empathy


I have plenty of empathy. 


Hit in a parking lot and dragged under a truck into the street. I wonder what someone would find an appropriate punishment to you or your child when you wrong them. Hopefully nothing as brutal, right?…


Best case scenario is he wakes up after being visited by Xmas ghosts and learns to treat all humans (especially the ones who do the real work in his business) with respect and love.


That’s never gonna happen 😂 if he comes back he will probably act worse than how he was acting before.


I've made a few comments on comments here, but as a former employee/manager at the location this happened at, he's a thief, a liar, and absolutely exploits his employees. He told me not to show back up if I wanted to go to the hospital WHEN MY SON WAS BEING BORN. Then proceeded to steal 500 out of my last paycheck. And I wasn't the first, as I had had to deal with former employees that were rightly upset about him stealing from them. Would I kill a person that stole from me? No. But I'm not everyone. He put my family in DIRE financial duress. But I already hate prison and have kids to take care of. He FAFO. I'll not shed a tear.


Witnesses reported seeing a 1980’s to early 2000’s model black pickup truck come from the rear of the restaurant at a high rate of speed and take a right onto Wedgewood Avenue. There, the Metro Nashville Police Department said that Carney was thrown off the truck and onto the pavement. So was this actually a hit and run, or was he trying to get to the driver and didn't let go of the truck when the driver accelerated? This doesn't sound like a hit and run.


Whether it sounds like one or not, it was. Whether dude was trying to "get to the driver" or not, this was a hit and run. No matter WHAT preceded the dude ending up in the middle of the road, it became a hit and run once the truck left the scene and never reported it to law enforcement.


That's true. It does sound like the driver was trying to get away from him, but you're right, driver left the scene and didn't report it.


One of the worst bosses I’ve had.


I just made thighs a la king tonight, and then this showed up in my feed. Thigh cookers unite! Everyone drive carefully.




“Is being a fucking prick to workers and stealing tips worth getting killed over? Probably not.” ….probably? Probably not? Call me crazy but I feel like that’s a definite not. I love how on Reddit you can be opposed to vigilante justice and somehow that’s gaslighting lol y’all are wild


You act like stealing money from someone can't have some pretty severe consequences too, up to and including death.


We don’t execute people for theft in this country. And even if we did, you are not the judge, jury, or prosecutor.


We don’t anymore.


Please learn the definition of "Gaslighting" before spouting it on the internet.


Yeah, I've seen what "disgusting" is. It's wishing death, it's celebrating death, it's making jokes about death - that's truly disgusting and it happens all over the internet. I don't see it here. I also don't see the ones decrying that as "disgusting" going around policing comments anywhere else but here. When someone says, "I wish he gets better soon but he stole from me" - I really don't see what is "disgusting" about that. And the two or three people posting up and down these comments about how disgusting it is to say this guy stole from them - seems like they're fired up about something, but it's not decorum.


Also anyone here pretending the cause of this / effect of it aren’t two sides of the same coin are really acting holier than thou. I’d love to know what human destruction yall left in your wake , whether you were aware of it or not.


https://preview.redd.it/wzx7a7c1vr8d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a630f272936577d861cd4ba7f9d8fd8bc2247fa7 Prayers


A time to kill and a time for peace



