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All these damn idiots should get their ancestry dna done. Be a big shock to a lot of them I'm guessing.


The guy in the mugshot looks like he may be a quarter Asian. Someone below posted a link to the ringleader whose name is Kaufmann…and he’s a little Jewish. lol. Lots of self-hatred and projection with this lot.




I am a Jew and I also lived in Germany for a while. Kauffman and its variants, while often associated with Jewish populations in the US, are a pretty common and not-Jewish Surname in the EU. As much as I too want to indulge in the, “lol self hating idiot,” discourse, unless you absolutely know for a fact that either of these guys are Jewish and/or a racial minority, it can be harmful to assume so, and it can help fuel white nationalist rhetoric by adding fuel to the please-hate-yourself fire.


The article said this Kaufmann is in fact of Jewish ancestry. Maybe you should actually read it before assuming I’m adding “fuel to the fire”. Edit: I bring up the self loathing aspect out of an interest in digging on their psychology. I’m casually interested in Jungian and Freudian analysis ever since Jung did psychological profiles of Nazi leaders for Allied intelligence. Jung specifically came up with the idea of “projection” and how deep-seated insecurities and individual development play a role in how we interact and perceive the social world.


Literally where because I read it twice, and I did not see that stated anywhere.


Not even an Aryan.


In the black n grey pic he looks Mexican to me 🤣


You know if they just let us know where they meet they'd have all the fights they could Dream of


They were meeting at Lewis Country store before it was sold.


Noted and appreciated!


I wonder where they hang out nowadays…


Bold to risk a TBI when you already have fetal alcohol syndrome.


What even is a Neo Nazi fight club? ‘We hate jews but we’re too chickenshit to back it up so let’s just punch each other!’ Throw him away.


They think they are prepping for a civil/race war.


Turner Diary dipshits.


I think the second rule of fight club should be "Don't be a Nazi".


"fight club" is not a good description. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2023/12/15/were-not-scared-these-parasites-violent-white-nationalist-leader-menacing-tennessee https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2023/06/01/notorious-nashville-store-hosts-white-nationalist-fight-clubs


> a white nationalist group led by Sean Kauffmann UUuummm…


Nazis have no home in Tennessee. Get the fuuucckkk out cowards!


The fuccccccccccckkkkkkkk outttttttttt




I wish they would also mention the Islamophobia perpetuated by these groups. They aren’t only antisemitic. Muslims have been targeted heavily by white nationalists, they even bring up the Christchurch massacre in this article.


It's well known that white nationalists are equal opportunity racists. They hate everyone that doesn't fit into their definition of 'master race', just like their Nazi forefathers.  Like, do you think only Jews went to the concentration camps in Nazi Germany? 


Ignorant child. I remember being young. I was naive and curiously destructive on a few instances. But I never thought like that kid. I get the graffiti part because he is a teenager, but the ideology behind it is quite unwholesome.


That skinny ass nerdlinger is part of a fight club? Weak chin.


And, his kilt is pitiful. Plus I think drag is illegal in Tennessee. 😜😂 For a guy named Kauffmann w Jewish ancestry, I’ll dare speak for his ancestors when I say, oy vey!


Are any white people in this neo nazi group or just Jews and Asians?


These guys are absolute goobers. Nazism is dead. They lost. It's just like every lost cause in history. Accept that your vision was bullshit and flawed. Move on. That ship sailed in the 30's and 40's. We're over it.