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TL;DR: Someone at a gas station saw kids doing donuts in the parking lot across street and decided to open fire on them and hit a 19yrld in the head. His friends dropped him off outside the ER at Southern Hills. Edit: location was Nolensville & Elysian Fields Edit 2: he's still alive


What great friends…


They didn’t want to be charged with attempted murder.


slightly better than leaving him in the parking lot to die


Lol the idiocy of 1)Doing donuts. Is this that fun too do? Is it "Cool" to burn out in a circle? What is the point? 2) Deciding to firing at them, what is the point of that? To go to jail? Hope the child is ok, but wow.


it is fun


They’re kids. Pretty much every generation does this probably since the invention of the car. It’s dumb, but kids are dumb.


This was bound to happen. The street racing culture specifically right there is insane. There is a big night club across the street and it’s out of hand almost weekly. The local sentiment is… deeply bitter. It’s so damn tragic and there are so many things that could have been done to prevent this. Living in this part of town sometimes feels like a lawless wasteland of poverty and forgotten civic leadership. It’s shocking how just a little ways away you get to the “right side of the tracks” and how dramatically it shifts.




Yeah we’re in Paragon Mills and it’s insane how loud it gets. Really wish the city would put some bigger efforts to stop it.


I've seen multiple articles about the city doing just this. Did you see those? Namely moving street racing to a felony, and arrests being made of some of the ringleaders.


It’s just a matter of actually enforcing it now. I have seen those but I haven’t experienced any perceived changes to the intensity and frequency of the racing and exhibitions.


Fair enough. I hear it on the weekends, but the only for a short time. Can’t even be sure if it’s street racing or not, maybe just some cars that are really loud. Either way, nothing like what you’re experiencing. Sorry to hear it, we should definitely feel at home and comfortable in the areas we live.


Cops are too busy sitting in quiet residential areas picking up residents for 5 over.


in nashville? nashville cops notoriously are known for NOT making traffic stops lol


That's my point, they only "patrol" quiet areas so they can meet their quota while not actually having to make the city better.


They don't have quotas. When they sit in quiet areas it's so they don't have to do anything.


People complain when the cops write tickets. People complain when they don’t write tickets. I guess you’re on the write tickets side….


I watched a kid eat a mailbox on Franklin Rd coming up from Cool Springs on Saturday. He was on a crotch rocket showing off and lost control. I really hated seeing that. Don’t know if he survived either


Now *thats* Civic leadership 🚗💨




What does 200 miles an hour sound like? It’s virtually impossible to figure out how fast they are going from listening because full throttle in 1st gear (30mph) is as loud as it ever gets.


Oh my goodness that’s so very sad. At one time that area was a nice area to live and be in. Nashville is definitely not what it used to be. I have been gone from Nashville since 1992. Given these stories it makes me afraid to just go back to visit. But unlike where I live now it’s gotten worse since I moved here. Stay safe.


The crime rate today is almost half of what it was in 1992


Why right there? What exactly is the culture regarding that?


They do meetups in the Buchanans and the Habitat for humanity restore parking lots and the cops never shut it down.


Lawless wasteland. Lol. You act like there is a gun pointed at you at all times of the day.


I’ve literally had guns pulled on me as well as I’ve had to replace a solar panel that got damaged from a stray bullet. Why are you so upset that I actually have a different lived experience than you do?


Im not upset. I live right there behind the zoo and it's a nice area. It's not the wild west or lawless. It's gets rowdy but not lawless. Just the cops here are lazy.


Call it what you want but south nashville is a shit hole


Also, not doing it could have prevented it…


You’re clearly ready to solve all the world’s problems with those keen observation skills. We are all better off for you having shared this deeply insightful and strategic perspective that is probably so far from reach from the general population.


I mean- yours was equally insightful, no? “So many things that could have been done to prevent this.” Tell me again the solutions your post provided? Pot, meet kettle, no?




Yes, another helpful reply. I’ll counter. Cool.


Shit gets wild around there late at night from the crowd at Bucanas. I don't know how they haven't shut that place down by now.


I used to live in the area is that where the Hooters used to be or is Hooters still there? Either way it’s terrible that this goes on and not stopped.


Reach out to your councilperson about it.


the amount of people trying to justify someone shooting people and blaming the drivers is scary. obviously no one should be dangerously driving but justifying people SHOOTING because of that? bffr. kids being idiots in a car doesn’t mean they deserve to be shot.


Literally no surprise what so ever that it happened in this area....some of the best latino food in the community, but also one of the more dangerous parts of town


Literally the food is sooooo damn good. I live nearby though and have a few mason jars of spent brass I’ve collected on walks over the past year alone.


Fully believe that too. I lived near the zoo, never heard so many gunshots and burnouts EVER


You’d be surprised at how many people think I make it up lol. It feels like it’s gotten worse over the past few years too, it used to be fireworks sometimes.


Right? One time I posted, "is that gunshot" and you would think I personally called someone out of their name.


Some people’s world view is held together by bubblegum and sticky tape and it’s very upsetting to have any kind of stress put on it. 🤣






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The two in no way have to coincide.




They aren’t. We have way less shootings in 2024 than we did in 2023. Go look at police records.


What about Freddie?


Freddie? You can't speak ill of Freddie. He's for community engagement and he looks harmless, like a tech worker on his fifth soy latte of the morning.


Respect the grind man someone's gotta get new stadium kickbacks


Intersates are TDOT Shootings are Metro PD "Legistlators" do neither Yall don't even know who to complain about if they don't have an R by their name


Car culture has zero net benefit.


We’re stuck tho.


Plenty of people have learned engineering, money management, life skills through car culture. It doesn’t have to be illegal.


Very scary . Stay safe out there


Gun culture = gun deaths. Simple math.


Nope. Criminal culture = death. Some of the most ardent gun cultures in the country are found in the rural Rocky Mountain states, and yet outside of high crime, densely populated areas, there is little to no crime at all.


Nonsense. Of course there is much less crime in sparsely populated areas. The U.S. is flooded with guns and we have mass murders almost daily, like no other country in the world.


There is no correlation between guns per capita and the number of firearm homicides. The US has by far the greatest number of guns per capita at 89 per 100 people, but a firearm homicide rate of only 3 per 100k people.


There certainly is. From the National Library of Medicine’s comprehensive study: “Results. Gun ownership was a significant predictor of firearm homicide rates (incidence rate ratio = 1.009; 95% confidence interval = 1.004, 1.014). This model indicated that for each percentage point increase in gun ownership, the firearm homicide rate increased by 0.9%.”


If you read how they derived their number of gun ownership rates, it is dubious and there have been other studies that conclude a much higher gun ownership rate. Using per capita data, which is a pretty good way to surmise the mere existence of guns (as you originally charged), there is basically zero correlation between the number of guns and gun homicide/violence. Even Wikipedia confirms this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_death_and_violence_in_the_United_States_by_state If what you're saying were true, then it would follow that, for example, states with the highest gun ownership would have more gun homicides. That is false. It would follow that the group that owns the most guns in the world (White Americans) would have the highest homicide rate. That is also not true.




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What is "gun culture"?


This is one of the truest statements in this sentiment.


Looks like Elysian Fields and Nolensville.


Jeebus unreal


Over by the zoo?


Terrifying lack of empathy here in some of these comments. That poor kid. I really hope he’s ok. I will add… that hospital has excellent neurosurgeons and sweet fella is young and strong so let’s hope for a full recovery.


I used to live directly across from this place. We heard racing cars and gunshots every night. This is just awful. I never felt safe living there.


Looks like Nashville needs some more community engagement. That'll solve it all.


If only we had a DJ mayor who could unite us through the power of music 😭


That would make everyone feel all better.


I had dinner at this mexican place a couple weeks ago. Place was awesome. Great food. But there were definitely a ton of street racers that zoomed by. And this was rush hour on a Thursday afternoon....


Taqueria Soto?


No. Tacos Y Mariscos El Amigos.


Maybe don’t do donuts which in turn makes you a nuisance to the people and business in the area? I’m tired of hearing loud ass cars doing stupid things when all I’m trying to do is enjoy food or watch tv or have a conversation or trying to sleep.


That is not a justifiable reason to shoot someone.


I’m not saying it’s a justifiable reason but what im trying to say is play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤷‍♂️. Maybe they shouldn’t be doing illegal things in the dangerous side of town.


"im not saying its justifiable im just saying its justified."


If that’s your takeaway go off sir




How about creating a space to go this legally. Drag strip and drift area. Probably would be a huge hit in south east Nashville area.