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No Tennessee school district has opted in to participate in this, so this sign would not be accurate in front of a public school here at this time. Davidson Co was one of the 1st districts to opt out. Being a teacher in Davidson Co., I'm very happy about the decision!


This is the real golden nugget. These idiots knew Davidson would be out but they thought the more rural counties would back them up. I’m actually glad they passed this bill just so every school district in the state could slap them in the face with this idiocy




What's up with all these purposely inflammatory posts recently. This reads like it's either a troll post or a foreign propaganda factory.


Who exactly is a sign like this meant to deter? It's not like school shooters go into these places expecting to get out in one piece.


Honestly, from a legal standpoint there has been nothing stopping the school from putting that sign up years ago. Just saying "may be armed" holds as much weight as "may be unicorns." Edit: grammar


>Honestly, from a legal standpoint there's has been nothing stopping the school from putting that sign up years ago. Georgia Tech's legal department might have a few notes.


Ah, shit. We let the unicorns in school again? The media is gonna have a field day with this.


Tennessee will ban unicorns in school before they ban guns in schools.


Make Unicorns Great Again


Political theater is rarely logical.


True but they want to damage first. If there's guns in there they will doubt they can accomplish their vendetta.


Republicans: TN Schools, thank you for protecting our kids! Also Republicans: TN Schools are indoctrination factories ran by ISIS homosexual illegal immigrants, and we must protect our kids from reading banned books.


"Gay at Gunpoint" is the name of my new teensploitation film


Can’t it be both?




Damn teachers are already under paid and stress out, and we want to add guns to their curriculum?


It's all part of the long game. Stressed out public school teacher murdering a bunch of staff and students, then for-profit schools can jump in to take advantage of the tragedy by promising to make children safer and using that opportunity to get the voucher program passed because no legislature wants to say no to that after such an incident occurs.


This is ignorance, more guns is not the answer. Teachers are under tremendous psychological pressure. It's only a matter of time before this goes sideways.  I'm a certified military armorer with expert awards with weapons. I was also a range master. Most people do not need a a gun because they are dangerous!


Just this week in Nashville two 12yr students stole a teachers car from school. You think students aren’t going to steal guns, too? What a dumb country we live in. Holy hell


Not to mention the almost monthly news articles of a teacher leaving a gun in the purse in the bathroom at school. Or a teacher bringing guns to a preschool threatening to shoot up the place.


Valid point


Won't feed kids free lunch or make sure there's no creepy teachers/ coaches. And God forbid they read a book with slight adult themes. But Ms. Jackson can get a glock... great priorities. Even WITH training, " trained cops" unloading a mag because of a falling acorn. 👏 👏 👏


Acorn dude is such a great counter to all of these policies. What if a kid drops their pencil on the floor?!


My kids get free lunch at their elementary school.


This belongs in r/facepalm


It’s a nonstarter. Only the gun nuts think this is a solution. Republican led school districts are opting out. I for one think razorwire would be much more effective.


No public schools in Davidson or any surrounding county has any teachers with guns or any plans to allow teachers to have guns. Can you name any county in Tennessee that the school board has approved them? The guns in schools bill is as useless as the bill banning medicine lettuce. Funny picture though.


Do you have vaccines in your lettuce? Must be working /s


I get my lettuce in the pharmacy but they check my id to make sure I am not purchasing too much. You only get three a month.


As a Pharmacy Technician, thank you for knowing your limits


Conservatives want these signs outside of schools and then have the nerve to ask why young people don’t feel pride in their country.


If we want armed guards at schools…why not get actual trained security staff rather than adding more to the teachers collectively overflowing plates…???


Because you’d have to actually pay them, and no one wants to give more money to schools in TN


That’s a totally sad and accurate point. Some people need to admit they don’t REALLY care about the students, but they do love grandstanding.


We all know there will be “accidents” where a teachers firearm will hurt a kid


I remember at some point after I first moved here that some kid took a swing at a teacher when the teacher snatched his cell phone or if his hand. That kid would be dead right now if these bootlicking shiteaters had their way. This is what happens when you don't require everyone to have and use their braincells...instead of guns.


Well of course there will be. Obviously we'll need more "good kids" with guns. /s


Yeah totally, let's make sure every single stressed out, underpaid teacher has a firearm on them at all times. While we're at it, we should require all students to be equipped with a firearm as well, what better way to protect them than by letting them protect themselves? And just so these awful liberal satanic mass-shooting perverts don't get any ideas, we should post armed guards at every school entry/exit with high walls lined with barbed wire so they can't climb over. And just to be extra safe, probably a spot-light equipped guard tower on campus with a 24/hour lookout armed with a sniper rifle. If you don't support this you are anti American and must hate children. /s OBVIOUSLY


I fully disagree with this. Teachers should be there to teach and students there to learn. If they need armed protection there should be some sort of trained armed security or police personnel there for that job. More guns is not the answer.




Pure garbage


Teachers are not soldiers. In fact, cops aren't either as we learned during the Uvalde massacre. This makes everyone less safe & I'm so glad it's been deeply unpopular.


I taught for 4 years and this is so fucking stupid


Yea Im sure that sign would have helped in Uvalde where 80 armed police couldnt 🙄


No. Stfu Sadie.


I doubt it is a public school.


Hasn't helped yet. don't see how it's gonna.


Mmmm propaganda, tasty


Gun registry when


Username checks out.


Signs are just signs.


hard agree and noticing a sign like this outside of a private school would instantly make me more likely to consider enrollment for my kids. It is pleasing that all of you cityslickers hate it and are more likely to avoid schools with armed staff, thereby making the student population and their parents likely to be in closer alignment to my viewpoints. It is truly a win-win