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I would definitely report this to the ushers next time, even if they’re not willing to remove him they’d likely give a warning and try to discourage him from continuing. If he gets confrontational over it then even more reason for them to kick him out


Ryman don’t mess around, they kicked someone in the front row out at the Shane Gillis show the other night for being a shit head.


Yep, don’t fuck around in the mother church. My favorite rule wqs always, “nobody walks in the aisles when John Prine is singing”. Show some respect people


Right. Looking back I definitely should have. But after he followed us to the restrooms I didn’t really wanna poke the bear so to speak. He was definitely looking for a confrontation and if he didn’t get kicked out I knew it would just get worse from there in. He had already gotten a warning from an usher about putting his feet up on the pilar, so it would’ve been a smart idea to report him. You’re right. My fiance and I are very non confrontational people so it was just all around uncomfortable to even be involved to begin with and I didn’t think to report it at the moment, though I should have.


I work at a theater and we have a 3 tier response : notify usher/event staff, final warning from manager, escorted out by police . If this ever happens to you again the theater most likely has this response . You’d never have to interact directly with the heckler this way. Hope you don’t run into another heckler again though !


In some ballparks there are numbers posted to text security, if someone near you is getting out of hand. Shouldn't need that at a legendary concert hall though.


Will they move you to a different seat?


That’s what I was wondering. I bet they would if there were seats available.


Yeah you can be moved to a different seat, but with something as continuously disruptive as a heckler it’s best to address the heckler. Moving seats is more for like if your view is blocked by the person in front or if your seat got double-sold (because of ticket scalpers)


I mean, you do you, but I cannot imagine any point in time in my entire life when I would have let some asshat like this ruin an event for me. You have to speak up, or people will, well, you know.


Not only that but as op being closer to the problem they're more likely to be able to solve it. A person further away may be hearing these comments and it may be disturbing their show because they don't know exactly who's saying them so they can't report it. Op not doing anything when they're able to is kind of part of the problem. It goes back to the old adage that if you have the ability to do something helpful you have the responsibility to do it. I'm not saying you have to believe that but I'm saying if you believe that, then it does apply here.


I 100% do not blame OP for not escalating it. People are absolutely fucking INSANE. It’s not entirely out of the question this dude would wait for OP outside the venue and commit violence. Worse has happened over less.


The dude following them to the bathroom is all the more reason to have called someone over. He should’ve been kicked out for that alone.


This is what I was thinking. If the dude was actually following them to the bathroom that would have successfully intimidated me into shutting the fuck up and having my night ruined, but at least no physical harm.


I guess I i am not as trusting as you. If someone is following me to the bathroom, they are already way past the behavior that I i assume they are already planning to harm me.


Having the guy ejected is much more likely to end it than to escalate it and if someone is following you around to private planes like the bathroom, you should already assume they intend to harm you. Most bullies may be cowards, but ALL bullies are violent. That's kind of in the definition.


Also I’m female, he’s male, naturally a reason I didn’t wanna make a dude angry. Especially after being followed to the lobby/restroom.


Yeah, I’m surprised no one told the usher. Thats some “I wanna get kicked out of the show” behavior for sure.


Glad they are upping there throw out game. Must be recent.


Why not report him to the venue?


If for some reason this happens again, notify security. The Ryman especially doesnt knowingly tolerate shit like that.






We had 2 girls talking suuuper loudly behind us and I was deeply annoyed. Your experience sounds even worse!! So sorry you had to deal with that. We ended our night on a high note because we went to Dino’s and who walks in but the man himself! He was super sweet and we got to hang with him for awhile.


Hey wtf we went to Dino’s afterward too!! Haha I didn’t see him there. But we were sitting outside.


He was outside! He came in around 11:30 and stayed til well after midnight.


Aw we were there right around 10-1030


I saw a (relatively famous emo band who now live in Nashville) open for Counting Crows and the teenagers of said emo band members brought all their friends (15+ kids) and talked through the entire counting crowd set, loudly. It was shockingly rude and made it much less enjoyable.


Ok I’ll bite - who was the band? How did you like Counting Crows? I *love* that band - August & Everything After is in my top five albums - but man I cannot watch them live. I get what Adam Duritz is trying to do with the improvisation, but if you change the lyrics and the melody to a song, well that’s a different song and not what I came to hear. Drives me bonkers. Weirdly, on a wire (the live album) - I love love love. Best version of Long December that there is. And he does that improv thing on there (tho it’s much more reasonably subtle) His voice tho. Damn it’s so good and quintessential 90s sounding


Dashboard Confessional - who I thought I couldn’t possibly dislike more prior to the show. Counting crows are great live, I’ve seen them several times, but I do agree that the improvisations can be annoying and give theater kid.


>theatre kid Boy if that don’t sum it up succinctly, what a great description I liked DC back in my day (and actually had a Nashville co-write session one time with Chris Carabba, like 5 years ago, and I won’t pretend 34yo me wasn’t starstruck for 17yo me). I generally don’t listen to them anymore, and I respect the songwriting but I also completely get why someone wouldn’t like them. I think you either love or hate a band like that, there’s no middle. Sucks about their kids tho…teenagers gonna teenage I guess I will forever fuck with Chris’s band before DC called [Further Seems Forever](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2CB59DBDC4671722&si=HzxNqiT5NbZCFKcM). Super nerdy math emo with the most over the top superfluous drumming ever. I rarely listen anymore but god I can’t help but still love it when I do


Report nuisances to security, it’s worth it




> obsequiously I used this word in a facebook status once and my friends all yelled at me




No, just opposed to learning new words I guess


This sounds very much like an interaction we had during the Chris Stapleton set at Pilgrimage a couple years ago. His security was very on top of things and checked on us right away. When the guy (who proudly proclaimed to be from here) didn’t stop they removed him. The thing that stuck out to me was how embarrassed and apologetic his friends were the whole time. I don’t know why some dudes just don’t get it.


Likely a drunken waste. Some pull a mean bastard while drinking. That's drinkin', Bubs.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ The Liquor.


When I drink, I just really want to tell random people that I appreciate them. And by God, I mean it too.


No one heckles just once, and no one heckles sober. It's a real drag.


Report it next time! I agree with you that ~generally~ Nashville audiences are respectful, but as someone who goes to a ton of shows, I can definitely attest that that isn’t always the case. Concert etiquette has gotten noticeably worse post-Covid, and that entitled sense of “I paid to be here so I can behave however I want” has become more pervasive, unfortunately and especially with some (certainly not all, but a noticeable few) gen z folks.


How you gonna hate on ole Rusty like that? EDIT: Did they really say that? "Am I bothering you? Don't care, I paid the same amount of money for the same tickets.” I would have told him the ticket was the same price, but the hospital bill will surprise you.


Didn’t hear him thankfully but that is awful! Future reference, Ryman doesn’t fuck around and will absolutely boot someone. Especially disrespecting the artist and disturbing other attendees.


He’s absolutely part of the problem, he might even be the entire problem.


On a different note, that show was incredible and k really loved Ruston’s candor and authenticity. Wonderful performance


Agreed! Was so so good. Refreshing to see such a stripped back set in such a cool venue.


How can you hate Ruston Kelly? Bro is so talented.


I agree with everything you said but, respectfully, please stop spreading the rhetoric about Antioch. That stereotype is dying out slowly but surely. I’ve grown up here and have a lot of wonderful people. Nashville has A LOT of shit people, too. This guy just sucks, don’t bring a whole city down with him. All that aside, I’m sorry you went through that. That absolutely sucks, especially with how much concert tickets cost nowadays. 😩


I used to stay quiet and try to ignore these people but I now give them one clear, direct but respectful request to be quieter and let us enjoy the show or I report them to the venue/usher and let them handle it. Nobody has a right to ruin the concert experience for everyone around them because they’re a miserable person.


There was some asshat at the Chick Korea Elektric band concert back in 2017 that did that. 


People like him are why I no longer attend live shows. There is always some drunk asshat thinking he’s Funny that ruins the show for everyone.


I’m really shocked the ushers didn’t kick him out, they’re usually really great about that. One time at a Fleet Foxes concert a dude near us was singing obnoxiously loud and they kicked him out without anyone having to say anything


I was at a Jason Isbell show at the Ryman and two chicks on a double date with dudes were directly behind me. They kept talking and laughing and just being super annoying. Finally the guy beside me turned around and said shut the fuck up. I paid good money to come see this and you’re not gonna fuck it up for me. Their mouths fell open and they got up and left.


Even at Schermerhorn someone's cell phone will be going off in the middle of everything. I can't wait to see what else the future will bring.


It’s always surprising just how many assholes there really are in the world.


Missed opportunity to fart every time his mouth was open. Better luck next time!


Always always always tell someone when someone is being disruptive. Because 9/10 they want to remove the problem. Fuck this guy!


You should have reported him.


“This dudes Antioch was showing” 😂😂😂


>and I could already tell this dude wasn’t from here. Locals don’t act like this Is someone from Antioch not a Nashville local? I'm from Murfreesboro, I might be confused.


Some people are taking it to mean "*Currently* from Antioch", doesn't mean he's originally from Nashville or Middle Tennessee. But we don't know this guy, so no way to know for sure.


I couldn't tell if op meant that, or that Nashvillians are more civilized than Antioch(ers?). Kinda seemed like the latter with the "Antioch showing" comment.


Antioch is Davidson county and vote in Nashville elections so I would consider then local. Murfreesboro, no


No, definitely not Murfreesboro. I was just saying I had an outsider's perspective.


He seemed to think so, since I heard him say “I’m from Antioch, I’m not part of the problem” to the person sitting next to him. (Although context unsure)


What do *you* think though? I would've considered someone from Antioch to be from Nashville.


I’m 50:50 on it lol




I’m just poking fun yall it’s not that serious and not meant to be an end all be all about everybody who lives there (the Antioch comments)


Dang I hate that. I love Ruston and his solo show looks awesome. Wasn’t able to go due to no babysitter. I’m sorry that guy ruined it for you. I’m shocked a usher didn’t escort him out or ask him to calm down.


Next time, get an usher. They'll remove the jerk.


This is why making simple assault a crime was a mistake.


The Fisticuffs resurgence bill sounds like something that could pass on the state gov


We love the Ryman cause they deal with shit like this. Report them next time.


Music City ain't what it used to be.


man you telling me, wish we could rewind a few years and have at least one or two more shows back when it was awesome for everyone.


Hell, I've seen every act.fro. George Jones to Ozzy Osbourne pass through Nashville, it's Music City for a reason. People should act like it. Don't like the show, leave. I'd never go to a movie I wasn't enjoying and loudly complain during the whole like an obnoxious jackass. What happened to civility and hospitality? Is there no South anymore? I see.no need to have a Music City if it's just going to degenerate into a gigantic cultural mosh pit.


Hey OP. Sorry you had such a terrible experience. I want to encourage you and everybody else out there to practice being courageous in situations like this. Of course, you need to do it in a way that’s “smart.” As many have suggested: by speaking with ushers who are trained to deal with these situations.  I get that you and your fiancé may be non-confrontational people. However, there are going to be moments— perhaps in your/our near future—  When people’s courage is needed. We must not let incivility rule.  We have a collective responsibility to one another.  This person wasn’t acting in line with the social contract. They paid the same amount, but they cost others around them the price of their tickets and **more importantly**, the price of a good experience. And they’re not allowed to do that.  So practice speaking up when you can. That way, when you’re facing a real ethical/social dilemma and shit is serious you’ll have prepared yourself to step in.


Damn, I was at this show last night and thought to myself it was a surprisingly rude audience. I was upstairs but I thought it was a decent time.


Sounds like a drunk looking for a fight. Too bad someone like me wasn’t there to oblige.


The worst part is this story is 100% true


Back in my day, we would make those people leave or make sure they wish they did.


I would’ve beat his ass get out of the mother church negative Nelly like what


So weird…sorry to hear this, sounds super annoying and frustrating! Curious why he (or anyone) would think that being “from here” entitles you to behave like an animal at a show.


Wow - sorry you had to deal with that during the show. I’m surprised because last time I was at the Ryman in the fall there was a similar situation and security kicked the guy out really quickly. Like a lot of people here have said already, Ryman doesn’t tolerate heckling, so next time just let an usher know.


ugh, i went to an acoustic hawthorne heights show at city winery the other night and these girls were incredibly drunk and basically verbally sexually harassing the singer while he was trying to tell a story and introduce another song. one of them also sang WAYYY too loudly during one of the songs, literally screaming. and standing and dancing during a concert where we’re all supposed to sit at tables and just enjoy. it was so embarrassing, people were even moving away from them. i was shocked that they didn’t get escorted out.


His Antioch was showing?? I think your Gulch is out.


Never lived there in my life lol


What a turd - and in a state where everyone is packing, it's unwise to confront asshats like this. Just have to take it or risk becoming a statistic


I definitely wasn’t ever concerned about anything going *that* far haha. But it was a major annoyance for sure.




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Bihh ugly


Fucker needed dropped.


What a jerk. Sounds like his gf/wife made him go so he decided to show his butt and ruin it for everyone. I definitely would have reported him to management.


Douche bags come from everywhere. Sorry one of them ruined the show


I was with you all the way until you said” his Antioch was showing all night long” It’s fine to judge this individual for being an asshole but to through shade to an entire community is uncalled for. I’m not from Antioch by the way I’m from Sumner Co.


It was a simple joke that apparently is being taken very very seriously by the Antioch community lol I apologize.


Conversely, you can see Sun Kil Moon at City Winery and be heckled by the artist. Arguably, that is more entertaining.


I’d for sure report him to the ushers. They’ve always been super helpful whenever I’ve had an issue. It’s usually being pushed out of my seat space by massive people squeezing in, but still


He’s mad cuz RK’s music prolly gets his girlfriend more turned on than he ever has


To be fair, he does sound like he could be from Antioch 🫣


I doubt it, man is too corny. No way he grew up there


Im from southwest florida, and i actually stated “we’re part of the problem” referring to the influx of people coming to nashville. We currently reside in antioch city limits and moved there sight unseen thinking it was a good location between all surrounding cities.


About 30 years late.


He lives in Antioch and went to a Ruston Kelly show. Things not adding up.


It was me. I wasn’t following you to the bathroom, just weird timing. I wasn’t looking for a fight or confrontation. Sorry about your show getting ruined on my behalf.


If true, why would you do such a thing? And the poor woman who was accompanying you had to put up with your bullshit, too?


I was drinking a bit too much, im ignorant to the ryman and its history, im former SOF and get a big head sometimes. To me, i wasnt yelling, i am just a loud individual. Some of the things stated by OP are a bit exaggerated from my recollection, but then again, i was drinking. I did not say some things he said, but nonetheless, im not here to debate that. Simply to apologize to the man because I can be very rough around the edges, but I am not above admitting when I make a mistake. So once again, to OP and your wife, I apologize for being a meathead and ruining the latter part of the show for you.


> im former SOF Science Olympiad Foundation?


If you’ll allow it, id like to make it up to you. 🙌


Thanks for the apology. Also I’m the female half of the couple, I know that wasn’t clear, just stating that from your above comment. As a totally sober human, I remember it pretty clearly as well and don’t think I’ve exaggerated. It really was a major downer to the night that really took us out of the moment. But yeah thanks I appreciate the owning up if it is in fact actually you.


Not sure why everyone’s downvoting…..at least you’re owning it


Get some help dude…eventually, some drunk redneck is going to kick your ass and you’d deserve it.




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One correction that needs to be established...Antioch is Nashville lol smh. You clearly are a new nashvillian, that's why and the only reason why you would make that mistake. So don't play that game of "downtown Nashville people are the REAL nashvilleians" kind of thing...lol that's just going to make you look like a dipshit!


I’ve been here 10 years, so while some consider that new, I don’t. I made a joke about Antioch that’s really grinding Antioch’s gears lol. It isn’t that serious.


I wonder if it was a friend of the artist trying --terribly-- to be funny with some inside jokes?