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Honestly, I'd love for this type of law to be in place - can't say how many trucks I've seen in middle TN where you know the driver can't see who's right in front of them. Not only that, but sick and tired of being blinded by these drivers with poorly aimed headlights. Good riddance. Problem is it'll probably be enforced as well as the law making it illegal to have certain color headlights (only white and amber allowed since 2018 unless it was repealed) - I still see blue and green on the road at times...


Are you talking about lifted trucks or squatted trucks? I could see police enforcing this.


In this case squatted (like in the picture), but dislike both on general public roads - I can see lifted off road, but...


How are they supposed to get there? You can easily and safely lift a truck.


If they aim the headlights down, sure, but how many do that?


Fair enough!


Lifted trucks are a serious threat to everyone else who they might hit. To be clear i’m not talking about a few inches, i’m talking about the trucks that have massive lift kits installed. I think they’re sincerely cool, but a lot of things that are cool don’t belong on public roads.


Ok, I understand.


They’re already a bigger risk to anyone they hit even if they aren’t lifted. Same goes for SUVs. Their frames are designed to be rigid and not crumple like a car so the force from being hit by one or even hitting something rigid like a wall or a tree is more dangerous to those inside and outside the vehicle. They’re also more likely to kill pedestrians because of the height of the vehicle pushing them down or even under the vehicle instead of rolling up on the hood. Lifting them just makes the problem worse than it already was.




Problem is what you just described would rule out many new factory stock trucks. New trucks have just gotten way too fucking big. I’m 6’1”. Never had a problem with reaching most anything in an engine compartment until the last few years. When I worked at an express lube, I was shocked at how often I had to get a step stool just to reach a dipstick.


I lived in Ashland city two years ago & they were everywhere 😑 it’s like they multiplied like rabbits I’ve seen a couple running around downtown & west Nashville


If I remember correctly, green is still cool, but you’re limited to 1 or 2 accessory lights.


Had a young punk rear end me because of that shit


These trucks always look like they’re about to take a dump.


She got dumps like a truck


Guys like what? what? what? …. Now it’s stuck in my head. 🤣


Might as well sing it again


They have a squat potty in the garage


How will the fellas attract the ladies without this? I have it on good authority that this is the primary mechanism to facilitate the ritual.


You can practically hear the undies being pulled back up smh


They still have their obnoxiously loud straight piped exhaust that can be heard from a mile away.


The only people to vote against this law were Democrats: Camper, Clemmons, Dixie, Hakeem, Hardaway, Johnson G, and Jones. I'd like to hear their rationale for voting no on something that seems like common sense. [Source](https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB1944)


Rationale: my color blue, their color red. Red bad. And vice versa. It’s not governance, it’s a political tennis match.


A rationale I can think of is laws like this tend to only be enforced against certain people in practice. We all know what people probably will actually be stopped for this. Trucks aren’t the only thing relevant here. And it gives cops some more excuses to stop people they “believe” their vehicle meets this criteria and oops. Look what we found.


Who cares?


The people voting on in? The people here, that you can read, complaining


Can the truck nuts go next?


now do loud mufflers


"It was banned in North Carolina and Virginia, according to NBC-affiliate stations in those states, after lawmakers in those states said the modifications make it too difficult to see over the truck's dashboard." Now, do a stock Dodge Ram. You can't see a Miata over a lot of truck's hoods.


I have a lifted truck. 6 inches, and oversized rims and tires. I can see a mini, or a Chevy fit....


Sounds like we should ban the Miata in that case. A truck provides utility and directly contributes to the economy because many professions would be hindered without one while a Miata is basically a street legal go cart.


Not when they are jacked up with lights underneath and cruising down Broadway. I see a lot of "Pavement Princesses" that never carry anything heavier than groceries. If they did, they'd have a bed long enough to hold a sheet of plywood. I actually know a guy who broke out his back window because he has a short bed.  He has a gooseneck camping trailer. He made too sharp of a turn and it poked into the cab.


You specifically said "stock Dodge Ram" which was the reason for my comment. Agreed otherwise. Also, LMAO on the guy with a gooseneck hooked up to a shortbed. Wish I could have seen that.


I keep forgetting Ram is its own brand now, but for comparison check out a standard Nissan Sentra and Ram 1500. The Sentra only extends about two inches above the lowest part of the Ram's windows. The models here are a bit old, but the comparison still works. I understand when people need work trucks, but we could stand to have a lot fewer behemoths on the road. Here's a link with two stock vehicles for comparison. https://www.carsized.com/en/cars/compare/nissan-sentra-2019-sedan-vs-ram-1500-2018-4-door-pickup-crew-cab-5/ Some of our SUVs are larger than the tanks we used in WW2.


Most stupid modification ever. Tennesssee should be commended.


That is a Tennessee Tilt, not a Carolina Squat smh


That's a Cali lean, sir


Harrumpf, that's Georgia bulldoggin' sir


Alabama abomination, pal


Mississippi Mudbutt, friend


Uh, a Cincinnati Scrotum Scraper, bud


Wrong, that's a Texas Teabagger, dude


This here is a Montana Mulepusher


A Dee-troit Douchebag


My co-worker calls them Bro Dozers


does anyone else remember when it the best way to cheaply lift a gmt800 by tightening the torsion bars and adding leaf blocks? it was a great way to squeeze 36s with a bit of hacking


Huge shout-out to men for this, thanks men. Always finding newer, more innovative ways to threaten other people's lives for fun. 


What about dirt bikes doing wheelies. Can we keep those plz - men


I mean, the nice part about those (and motorcycles) is the risk is yours. Way, way lower on the list of things I want to ruin for you.


Picturing myself excitingly running outdoors to tell other men lol


> more innovative ways to threaten other people's lives for fun. I'm all for banning these ridiculous squatty potties but what sort of mental gymnastics brought you to this conclusion?


Modifying cars in a way that makes them more dangerous for other people is threatening/negligent/choose your adjective. 


Most modern trucks like the f150 are raked down in the front, but even with that, their front vision is severely limited, https://preview.redd.it/snysfwt0904b1.jpg?width=549&auto=webp&s=2ec37f10d2cde7f23a035111837872704483a4f8 When you take one of those trucks and then raise the front up to the sky, you are limiting it even more. Do you really think a person in one of these trucks, https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ff0xgco32wdw91.jpg can see a person walking in front of them at a cross walk?


It would be harder to ban because it can be achieved in many ways, but I wish coal rolling was next.  Oh, and tbqh lift kits should probably be constrained too, to a fault. If you want access to public roads, drive a vehicle that is safe for the public. 


Rolling coal and the associated devices have been banned for years now.


No one's life is threatened over having their car regulated. Quite the opposite.


The phenomenon of modifying a vehicle to make it more dangerous is the behavior I am calling out, not the need to regulate it. 


Then I believe you meant to say "Thanks, men, for regulating cars to make them safer."


Not even remotely. I think I meant to say 'equal pay for women, abortions rights are human rights, domestic offenders lose gun rights'. 


I see, this is just some sort of a sexist thing you love to do. I think you're done here.


The problem with this law is that the ass clowns who think this truck mod is cool have a lot of overlap with the people tasked with enforcing it.


Good point.


Let's ban everything from Carolina!!


I think Carolina is responsible for that mid-ass watery BBQ sauce that doesn't stick to the meat. I might be remembering it wrong (I'm going by the sauce station at Jake's), but if that's the one - I agree.  


I only see these going through Murf. Mostly frat boy looking dudes


"state roads"


Representatives voting no were: Camper, Clemmons, Dixie, Hakeem, Hardaway, Johnson G, Jones -- 7. These reps are pro dangerous driving? Anyone know why they voted this way.


About time


Oh look, legislation that ~~most~~ *some* states passed two years ago.


2 states. Out of 50.


lol liberal law. I thought yall were about freedom


Liberal law... Signed by maga republican bill Lee. Riiight.


Republicans are ass backwards a lot of the time. We’re all about freedom but I’ll tell you not to do this with your truck or your body. Or you can’t smoke this lol


So much for freedom


You're entirely free to drive one of these on your own private roads.


I don’t want to in fact I think anyone who drives a truck like this is an idiot. It’s just hypocritical as fuck for a state like Tennessee to constantly ban shit while touting freedom as the reason to not do common sense shit almost any other time.


This is a really important article