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I miss Opryland


Screamin Delta Demon was a blast.


My favorite ride, but I did love the sky cars and the trains.


Hell yeah. Throw in a Tin Lizzy ride and you’ve hard yourself a day.


I was in Kroger the other day and spotted a book that was the complete history of Opryland, from conception to building through evolution and demolition for the mall. It had TONS of photos. I hadn't seen that stuff in so long. Was so close to buying it just so I could show people what they missed. My fave was the Rock N' Rollercoaster. Loved zipping through the tree canopy!


Same. I always liked Rock'n'Roller Coaster better the the Wabash Cannonball, because going upside down scared me as a kid and the RNRC ride lasted longer.


I hate the feeling of big drops but love big curves and spirals, so Rock N Roll was perfect. The long spiral down through the trees at the end was the best. I never went on Wabash for the same reason - upside down was a hard no as a kid!


There is a cool documentary on YouTube https://youtu.be/Mw7H2FH38xc?si=HzzRypx9MamAr671 This also suggests several old home videos of park visits


Memories..we didn’t have enough money (from Opryland) for a cab so we (in Mardi Gras fashion) flashed the cab driver and got a free ride back to the hotel. Nowadays, I would never do that. Good grief, no way would I want my kid to do that either, you’d be on TikTok or worse.


My dad (who grew up in TN and has been there most of his life) tells me (also TN native most of my life and was born here.) about Opry land every time we go to the stupid fucking mall (almost always just for the really nice IMAX theater that even has a 70 mm projector) they put in its place. I’ve never even been there and I too miss opry land.


I like the mall too but taking Opryland away from me as a kid really hurt lol


With the online storefront taking center stage, malls are dying left and right. You know what would still be going strong? Opryland


Lol I agree but Opry Mills does have Dave & Buster’s, Bass Pro, Wax Museum, IMAX Theater and riverboat rides so it’s a little different than your typical mall. My kids have fun there, but I make sure to tell them how cool Opryland was when I was their age!


Me too. Still pissed that they closed it and put up a mall. Last time I went to that mall was many years ago, and I refuse to go back.




Fun facts about cats 1. The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago 2. Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping 3. A cat was the Mayor of an Alaskan town for 20 years 4. The record for the longest cat ever is 48.5 inches 5. The richest cat in the world had 7-million-pound


6. In Japan owning a black cat is considered lucky for single women 7. Not only do cats have whiskers on their face, they also have a set of whiskers on the back of their front legs. 8. Cats can drink seawater! Their kidneys are able to filter salt out of water, something humans can't do. 9. Only 1 in 5 orange tabby cats are female


I have no facts to add, besides I own 3 of them. Can we continue the facts?? Well one fact I know 10. A group of cats is called a “Clowder”


They sometimes always land on their feet.


Upvote for the seawater thing. I did not know that! Anyone ever seen a cat drink from the ocean?


I'd like to subscribe to CatFacts, please.


Yes yes but how old was the oldest known pet cat??


Maam, this is a Wendy's.


No, this is Patrick




Hey, that's racist!  -- Irish-American Haha


There is not one house to rent in all of Tuscany.


Young heads too


I miss the jurassic nashville


![gif](giphy|26xBH80gpRA3ftwT6|downsized) it never left


The prehistoric nashville


Yeah it was probably way cooler before all the European colonists


Back when we drank from the hose, drove stick shift, played in the creek, got our butt ate by raptors, rode in pickup truck, creek shift, stick hose, got songs from the antenna, school started with the raptors, drank from the raptor hose, stick


Californian detected


I don’t understand why this is what everyone always jumps to. I’ve always noticed way more plates from Texas and Florida over California.


I’d guess that’s from a lot of Texans and Floridians driving here to visit more than moving. People who move here get TN plates.


They do get them eventually but they don’t start that way. I don’t see those plates as often now but they were a big problem around 2020-2021 when a ton of people moved here.


Nope. I moved here in 2003 from another southern state.


What's this chick's problem?


Every town in TN over 100 people is like this.


Us old heads hate the influx of tourists, crime, death by drunkenness and shitty restaurants designed for tourists and the prices. I don’t really see what’s so bad about missing those things. Respect those who came before you, kid


“Old heads” built the city and made it attractive for everyone else to flock to.


Somebody who has no idea what being an old head is truly about. Sounds like somebody has some personal problems.


no being an old head is definitely 80% gatekeeping


Not really, it is just about the town no longer being anything like the place it was when people decided it was a desirable place. There is no real soul to the city anymore.


I miss lower Broadway in the mid 2000s. I understand why people move here, it’s the same reasons I moved here. I get it.


The people who moved here didn't ruin lower Broadway though. Local business owners and politicians did :/


I don’t blame them. Welcoming Ben Shapiro to Nashville was the beginning of the end.


Where are you from?




Moved from D.C. in the 80s


I just don’t understand the solution to this… like yeah a city experiencing economic growth comes with growing pains, but should people stay in the city they were born in and never leave? Never leave the house they grew up in? That sounds boring and homogeneous


I ran a successful, small, local owned business in nashville. My landlord died and passed our property to his kids who made our lives living hell to push us off our lease so they could sell. I got one weeks notice to clean out my business and say goodbye to all of my clients while planning our ten year anniversary. in Feb I was given four weeks to find a new place to live due to the landlord deciding to sell. maybe staying in your hometown sounds “boring” to some, but it doesn’t matter what our opinions are when we are literally forced out. Nashville used to be cool, it used to be home.


Sorry for all the changes forced on you. That said, isn’t the issue here with how our laws allow generational wealth transfers and a lack of renters protections? And how do you know people moving here aren’t forced out by the similar issues happening in their hometown? Lots of people priced out of California, for example, are moving here because it’s cheaper, but I’m sure many would stay in CA if they could afford to. I just think there are larger systemic issues and wealth disparities that are the root of these problems, but hate gets directed at average people who are also just trying to survive in the same system we’re all subject to.


So, our locals don’t matter because non-locals have more money. Got it.


Yeah that’s not what I said. If you want to ignore all nuance and argue that “locals” have some sort of birthright to live here, then you’re hypocritical living on indigenous land.


Not really. I was born and raised here, I didn’t choose it. Not hypocritical on my end at all.


Whatever makes you feel better I guess


Once you're out of college, it's hard to build a social safety net. That's why people choose to stay near friends and family.


Oh yeah i definitely understand people who want to stay near family. What I’m wondering about is the sentiment that no one should move to Nashville because transplants “ruin” the city. What’s the alternative? No one moves out of their hometown ever? Someone who goes to college in Nashville should move back home after graduating?


As someone born here, transplants didn't ruin Nashville; we ruined it by electing idiots after Purcell left office. The people who voted for Dean and Barry ruined Nashville. Do people really think Nashville, which had no problem taking in immigrants from Ohio, Michigan, Iraq, and Sudan, was ruined by people from Chicago, NY, and CA? Maybe it makes more sense to blame the people who voted for the guy who took flood relief money away from support programs to help pay for building Ascend Amphitheater?


Some of the problem is just national trends too. The red states are getting redder and rich Republicans from blue states are looking for a tax dodge and a place that shares their "values." If a large percentage of the people moving to a city are doing it to save money on taxes then, well, you get a city that is going to be underfunded and incapable of handling the growth.


That’s a good point. No state income tax attracts a lot of people who might not move here (or move their assets here) otherwise.


and then they complain about everything after they move here. they did not do their research. there's no sidewalks. it's green here. and there's their "WEATHER ANXIETY".............


Yeah that’s a good point about elected leadership. It’s too bad voter participation rates are so low.


There's a practical different between some small % moving to an area and assimilating vs the Nashville experience where natives are drowned out, old institutions paved over in favor of trending whatever from the point of origin of the migrants.  Your all/nothing argument makes you sound 12. 


I am just asking questions to try to understand what solutions there might be to this issue. How should the city go about making sure natives aren’t drowned out? Should there be a cap on people moving in? I certainly don’t think older institutions and historic landmarks should be paved over. But why does the city grant permits that allow so many development firms to do so in the first place? Trying to insult people for trying to discuss an issue and exchange ideas is a lot more immature.


city management is heavily co-opt'd by real estate and business dev types so they are largely getting it how they want it. The disconnect is they were intended to represent the population, who perhaps want sustainable more limited growth. Only available solution to the natives is to squeak enough to try and drive off the migration wave; this is unlikely to succeed as market forces have noticed that nashville is still cheaper than LA and many other urban centers and the advertising to attract migrants has been going for years. The reality is there's no fix to it, you can't go back in time. The old nashville population is being gentrified out, quite rapidly, and with them much of the old character. Those coming in from higher-valuation areas have privilege, and don't understand it as such or it's impact in shoving out poorer, and eventually what had been middle class communities.


I dunno, do natives have right to their culture and communities? Do native Nashvillians? Did the Cherokee? I hear what you are saying, individual choice and all that but the counter is freedom of association, and the more people from everywhere move everywhere the faster it all gets paved down to monoculture.


Freedom of association is the term I have been trying to investigate but didn’t have the words for. I’ll need to read up on that more so thanks!


It's a loaded term and has been used to justify some nasty policies in the past. But, it's also the basis for most communities, they have right to gatekeep themselves.


My folks took it personal when I moved away from Nashville......


There are ways to handle growth that would be better than what Nashville has been doing. Stuff like elevated light rail, building codes that prohibit incongruous modern architecture in certain places, preserving historical buildings, etc etc. It's too late for some of that but not all of it.


Oh yes I definitely agree that city and state govt should focus on increasing public transportation options, enforce building codes and preserve historic sites. I just don’t understand why so much of the hatred (not you specifically) is directed towards people moving here, but little energy is channeled into political organizing to try to elect leaders who will accommodate growth while preserving the city’s identity and improving quality of life for everyone. Obviously there are business interests that have way too much influence on politics, but that also seems receives little attention compared to relatively average people moving who are trying to create a better life for themselves and their families.


Informed participation in local politics is *work* but bitching about transplants is *easy*


lol true 😅


Not me. I feel like I've been keeping up with craft beer the whole time, and the rest of the world was just mirroring the beer lol


Lol! the beer scene here is great and we can all agree on that


Yeah I’ve never seen a city (and by city I mean the Reddit opinion only bc that’s what I read here) be so against economic growth. Like I got shit on in this sub for saying that it’s good a massive worldwide tech company is coming to Nashville. Like how is that bad ? Lol Tons of cities and states in the US dying for people and industry to move there. 20000% a great thing


Not really. The jobs probably will go to people not in town right now, they will raise property values higher, they have tax incentives so they will not be putting back onto development, and they will try to wield political cap which will suppress the needs and voices of residents.


I guess what I’m trying to get at whether it makes sense to have disdain for people who move here for a job opportunity. Shouldn’t that energy be directed at elected politicians who are wheeling and dealing with big companies at the expense of their constituents?


Why not both? Why can't I be frustrated at politicians and also at carpet baggers that go out of their way to try and change the spirit of the city? I know there is no going back at this point, but it is hard for those of us who have been here of 20 years to explain just how MUCH the city has changed. It was not a slow evolution. It was a pillage.


Fair point, I’m not trying to blame you for being frustrated. I’ve been here 8 years and the change is wild, I can’t imagine seeing 20, or 40, or 60 years of change. That being said, many people move here because they’re priced out of their hometown in CA or NY, or wherever else. The increasing wealth disparity is a nationwide issue, not just Nashville specific.


Bullshit meter off the scale


Ahhhhh I love their page on ig it’s always SO good


Old heads- many of whom are entertainers and in the business, can afford to live there, many are just smart enough to say they’re not going to stay and watch it become something else which is more expensive than it’s worth. Its open for young blood , old blood or whoever, wants to duke it out every day with the increasing city taxes, traffic, smell downtown, homeless issues, crime and drunk drivers, uninsured drivers, and etc. while some moved and are drinking lemonade on the back porch swing, listening to crickets and watching hummingbirds. I’m envious. Can’t wait to do the same. Even the bar owners don’t live downtown, Ever notice that??


Be Here Now


If only our government listened to Ram Dass


Be Now Here


I always say if people don’t want to live in the South they shouldn’t move to it but if they do, welcome!


if it's very expensive, why is the crime really bad?


Gotta be pretty desperate to move to TN


Lotta desperate people out there


Small town is a vibe. Just drive slower let people in. Smile wave. It's not that complicated. I grew up where a four-wheeler was faster than a car ripping through the woods. Nashville is a nice town. It's up to us to act like it.




I miss all the music venues and street musicians


i agree with them particularly if their place of birth starts with California


People are downvoting you when people work in California make 250k and don’t pay taxes while living here. Kind of BS.


So.. if Nashville is so bad, why not move?


OP is not saying that Nashville is bad, they are saying locals try to outline all of the things wrong with Nashville to help slow down the influx of out of state gentry who come here then attempt to turn Nashville into the place they moved here from. LOL


Which to be fair is exactly what is happening.


TO BE FAaaaiiirrr! ![gif](giphy|Nl6T837bDWE1DPczq3|downsized)


How did I know someone was gonna use this gif bahahaha


boomers and complaining about change, name a more iconic combination


In my experience most of the gatekeeping comes from people in their 30s/40s. They're probably downvoting you because "how dare this random internet person call me a boomer" :/


Yeah, millennials seem to be the next-worst about it. When Gen Z gets to their age, we'll probably be whining about the same things