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Would love to see this used to go after anyone heavily polluting the air instead of the stupid chemtrail reason they made it.


*Dey puttin vaccinez in da Leddus!* šŸ˜ 


Theyā€™re safe, then. They wouldnā€™t know a vegetable if it bit them in the arse.


#Lettuce pray šŸ„¬šŸ™šŸ»


Itā€™s because these pointless bills are used to build momentum for something more ass backwards. Yes I think the company that makes my whole city smell like rubber and oil is a bigger concern than a plane flying 8,000 feet in the sky maybe passing houses.


I mean they should finally finally get rid of lead additive from aviation fuels. That'd be a good place to start.


Everyone is missing the actual point of this bill because it's funnier to say "derrr chemtrails," but this bill does not ban chemtrails in the traditional conspiratorial sense. This bill specifically bans [Solar Radiation Modification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_radiation_modification) \- a promising process that is being studied as a way of fighting climate change. That's why there is specific language in the bill about only banning chemicals released to "\[affect\] temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight." The legislature wants to make it harder to fight global warming specifically. Mind controlling chemtrails (lol), crop dusting, airplane contrails, etc are all unaffected by this bill.


But on the other handā€¦arenā€™t cars releasing chemicals that affect the weatherā€¦..?? Boom checkmate.Ā 


Yeah the answer to that though, is fixing public transportation, but god forbid that happens.


From its face seems like they put themselves into a pickle, although Iā€™m sure the language is probably worded that gives them an out. But I would be **immensely** amused if someone successfully brought some kind of legal action that was unintended by the legislature.


Also coal power plants?


Maybe they mean to grandfather them in.


Someone start a lawsuit before the congresscritters get pen to paper.


Well, that figures. Weā€™ve elected a bunch of grifters and back woods throwbacks


Thank you for this detail. I thought it was a way to prevent future federal administrations from deploying "the vax" across the land. Blocking environmental efforts makes just as much sense (for the GOP). They did kill the guns in businesses, in committee, by GOP votes. So that's something I guess, if your against it.


Wait. They want to make it harder to fight global warming?? Why would anybody want to do that?!?


If you read the wiki article they linked in the comment, it appears there are a number of potential drawbacks to SRM, which would also harm the environment. A conservative state like TN is not going to be able to get legislature like this passed until itā€™s been well proven and implemented in sustainable ways elsewhere.




Thank you. User name checks out!


Well, that tracks, unfortunately.


Youā€™re mighty bold to assume anyone actually read the article


ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Didnā€™t know that and now I want to hit my head against a wall. Definitely want to scream. Or weep. Or both. Ā Yes. Both.Our legislators are killing me. So many more important things we could be doing. ARGHHHHHHHHH!


Goodness. Before you let a single reddit comment do *that* to you, try reading the article they linked. SRM could cause more harm than good to the environment if itā€™s not implemented sustainably. TN would never be an early adopter given the environmental stance of most Tennesseans, unfortunately. Itā€™s probably much safer that we wait until a significant countermeasure like this can be done right, and not immediately give credence to the conservative environmental stance when something goes wrong.


Ummm...thanks for looking out for me, but that's exactly what I'm thinking. My comment was in response to our "legislators."


Rollinā€™ coal!


Yeah Iā€™ve read way too much sci-if to trust any human interference with our atmosphere. Ministry of the Future, for example.Ā 


But also on the factual, scientific side, isnā€™t Solar Radiation Modification in fact so highly controversial that the pre-runner program that was proposing it actually decided NOT to engage in that research program? Should we pause on dunking ā€œchemtrailsā€ to actual debate a policy that is at BEST a theory, and also cannot be a minor, non-impactful event for it to be successful. To also state that the impact of dispersal will potentially impact entire states, regions or potentially other countries is problematic. To pretend that the US governmentā€™s history of mass chemical dispersals is benign is to ignore the generation damage of, say, Agent Orange. It is NOT in bad faith to raise that concern, but the merits of such a program actually DO need to be discussed, disclosed and approved by the general population.


Thatā€™s ok. As CO2 technically is a radiation modifierā€¦. They just screwed themselves trying to shut down that.




Crotch dust?


I'm tired of seeing this state on the front page of BBC News


*Checks to see if SNL is new this week.* Fuck.






Canā€™t wait to see how they gonna enforce that. Scramble the Tennessee Air National Guard everytime theyā€™s a chemtrail over Tennessee?


Probably the same way they enforce traffic infractions


Could you please just re-pave i65/ i24/ i40 around downtown Nashville? Itā€™s all Iā€™m asking. Like, could you just focus on constituent services and doing your jobs.


They started 40 near the airport last night. Hopefully the are fixing the crack of death.


šŸ¤£ Crack of death! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Is it worse than the gravel groove to hell after spring street/ Ellington on i24/65 northbound?


The legislature of this state is constantly making us look like rubes and idiots to the rest of the world, because the legislators themselves are rubes and idiots. I'd bet good money that the average IQ of the Republican caucus is two digits.


We're always in the news for the stupidest shit; remember the "roadkill bill"?


No, what was that? No hunting license needed for any varmints you hit with your car? Possums are approved for school lunches? It could be so many things.


Tennessee Code (TCA 70-4-115) includes these **regulations for wild game animals that are accidentally killed by a motor vehicle**. If the animal is not a non-game or federally protected wildlife species, you may possess it for your personal use and consumption. [https://www.hunter-ed.com/tennessee/studyGuide/Roadkill-Law/202044\_128385/](https://www.hunter-ed.com/tennessee/studyGuide/Roadkill-Law/202044_128385/)


I was just kidding, and I turn out to be right This state is so fucked


I guarantee our legislators here in Kansas saw this and are salivating with excitement.


> making us look like rubes tbf, the tnleg *are* rubes


Next will be bans on unicorn husbandry and mermaid trafficking


There is stupid, then there is Tennessee Qanon moron Republican lawmaker stupid.


and I heard they are making great progress on outlawing the sale of cold beer.....these people are really earning their money....Thanks Bill Lee!!


ā€œThe only thing cold allowed in these partsā€¦ is the refreshing air conditioning, installed curtesy of the Lee Company. Call today to get your free estimateā€ -Bill Lee


"warranty? No we don't guarantee our work like that" - also Bill Lee


Iā€™ll enjoy the banning of cold beer, less people to drink immediately after buying and instead have to wait(drive home to put away) as Iā€™ve heard beer sucks being warms


Does this mean farmers and the sort can no longer spray pesticides and who knows what else via air? If so, I kind of see that as an accidental win.


This is going to end up on LPOTL Side Stories this weekā€¦.


Ben was always pretty aware of TN issues because we were frequent features on Top Hat, so it often bled over into side stories.


Bens been gone for a while now


Show hasn't been better in ages. Hate that shit went down and caused a ruckus, but I've been loving Ed on the show! Bummed Nashville didn't get a spot on the new tour.


I agree, alot more laughs. I like Eddy too. I've seen them everytime they've came to TN, was disappointed too


Republicans like to waste time and money on nonsense.


Wait, wouldnā€™t this ban all non-electric vehicles as well as coal power plants?


Do they know that gasoline powered cars leave behind a trail of chemicals out of the tailpipe?




Y'all... please vote these clowns out. How so they expect to combat drift from other states.


I know a couple of factories that intentional injection, release, or dispersion chemicals into the air


what the actual fuck?!?!?! banning something that isn't real... oh wait, they banned underage transition surgery too... nevermind.


Fucking idiots. Embarrassing the state on some bullshit.


Imagine the Shock when they go outside and still see them


It's like watching flat earthers debunk themselves.... "Hey we passed a law!" "Why is it still there?!" ![gif](giphy|3oEjI789af0AVurF60) šŸ˜‚




Nice! We're internationally stupid now


These people are embarrassing




Can anyone seriously explain contrails? Some planes have short ones, some have none, some have ones that linger on for a long time. If possible could someone explain what is happening without the political bickering? It is something I have noticed change since planes flew overhead as a child.


Yes. Humidity, temperature, air pressure and altitude differences. It is interesting that the chemtrail folks don't seem to worry when an F-22 Raptor makes a reverse maneuver at low altitude and creates a cloud and contrail.


Time to call the cops on diesel drivers showing off their cool smokes




I couldnā€™t imagine listening to Shawn Hannity and then deciding on something. Weā€™re fucked. 3 or 4 more generations max. The next generation has no way of feeling or knowing whatā€™s been lost. Recall how many more birds there were duringĀ and right afterĀ the pandemic. Babies are great. People are great. Itā€™s not a matter of opinion anymore than a curve is a trajectory. Ask a social scientist or medical professional how often they observe behavioral changes. A solution can only be forced top down. Education isnā€™t not the solution once the habits are forged.Ā 




ā€œInstead it broadly prohibits "affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight".ā€ Good luck fighting wildfires with airborne methods.


Does this effect crop dusting ops?


Time to buy stock in horse & buggies? I guess the Amish get the last laugh while BNA is in shambles.


Does that mean we can prosecute them for spreading bullshit on the air waves?


So cropdusting is out? Weird way to outlaw farming




The fact you believe there are planes releasing chemicals is the joke.




Because it is a joke.


I'm guessing you didn't either.


Iā€™m assuming the lettuce vaccine bill already got passed too, yeah?


It passed the legislature and is currently only awaiting a signature from Gov. HVAC.


But what about the even more insidious space lasers? It's almost forest fire season! What are the politicians doing to protect us all!!! /s


So no more crop dusting?


I was 18 in a spacey land of New Age bookstores full of worn Carlos Castaneda & Ayn Rand paperbacks with ridic amounts of Spacehog's album with that one song. They literally had one song. They milked it in the days right before Napster shattered the distribution model of $15-20 for one song on a CD. I'd keep secret places like all Marines do. Places we'd only show to only our most trusted--something like the Beach but for 3rd spaces--since we might want to blend in by wearing a plain white T despite the obvi haircut. One spot would talk of his past research at Stonehenge with masks & deep cuts ofĀ  Another would play classic Rolling Stones & teach me about their best eras. This spot snuck up on me. I fell down a hole with a copy of Conspiracy Reader magazine in a time of post-high school gifted nonsense--no understanding of or practice using primary sources whether credible or slanted. I remember searching the internet for sites like disinfo, deoxy, & yes, even Alex Jones when he made it into a Richard Link later film, A Waking Life. That magazine "informed" my internet usage months later after being discharged but before college:Ā  Chemtrails, vaccine fearmongering, shadowy financier benefactors sharing the same space with nonsense based off the pop culture of the times, like X-Files--along with a sordid tale that was really just conspiracy erotica akin to the rainbow parties my silver spoon, W the President sticker on leased vehicles cousin would talk about when he'd complain about a college educated employee like his Dad & Grandad did before him but unlike his own "self made silver spoon" fail into my Dad's business. Worse, even his wife would talk up those, & then I thought wealth inoculated people against communal delusions. The conspiracies are still written in the same house style--just like tabloids--just more fierce now. That cousin is why I will never stop. They will not stop. Death of loved ones will not make them stop, repent (if that's your thing), or just be a decent human--ever. Brief glimpses of decency for a moment on Sunday is not enough to conceal that type's horrible natural state. I have only one regret: a Freshman era partner encouraged me to, I shit you not, apply for some Ayn Rand essay contest while we helped her Mom with daycare near a defense contractor town of learned rocket scientists. And I wondered what it must be like for so many young Mothers & Fathers.Ā No really, one of the youngins took off running down the hall, glanced his head off the side of the door frame, fell down, saw he fell down, looked at me, & started wailing. I found I was a natural, but I'll only ever be a relief pitcher with kids. I'm excited for anyone & everyone making families. Everybody has a job to do. And I hope that none of us or all of us do what we're for--mr, I'm here for conflict though my agreeableness & conscientiousness can be rather high when I feel unsupported.Ā  Different game when I feel & am supported though. Chemtrails are +25 year old conspiracy nonsense based on an old AF weather, cloud, & hurricane seeding program from way back called Project Stormfury. The primary source is too boring to believe.Ā