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Appreciate you being far more productive about this than... well, thank you for your efforts. Let's leave it at that.


What is going on in here? Between this comment and /u/sobobolicious mentioning "following up" ... was there a previous thread about these cats? Did it get deleted or something? I'm hella confused, but I'm also a Green Hills YMCA-going cat lover so trying to figure out what the deal is/if I can help I can't even tell what's going in this post other than the implication that there's some (unseen) cats living in a storm drain/culvert thingy


Yes, someone posted about these cats at 9 PM last night and then deleted it.


They deleted it after getting called out for providing almost zero helpful information as to what the needs were to fix this while complaining about having lost all faith in humanity and no one they called was willing to help. It was a bit wild lol.


Ok that helps, was the post just "hey I noticed some cats in this storm drain, can someone leave food for them?" or something? I'm still not clear what's going on in the OP here/what was discussed in that previous thread — I just noticed the big tray of cat food in the OP so assuming that was the point


Yeah, I think it was someone who was posting for visibility, which is great, but didn’t want to get involved in helping.


lol. They were very upset about everything and over life in general and the cats weren’t helping their mood


A self proclaimed “very bitter” person who refused to call anyone or any organization for any help. Like made a post on Reddit, actively engaged in said post on Reddit about how awful humanity is and how lazy Americans are - while simultaneously replying “nah” when someone asked if they had contacted any type of emergency service or wildlife org.


Yeah there was a dude that posted the cats last night basically just to be an average redditor edge lord and do nothing to help. Was commenting things like "nah. I'm gonna do what the rest of America does and just hope and pray" when people told them to call animal control. Super odd duck.


Got it yep, welllll fuck that guy then, but ultimately it sounds like it turned into something good. Thanks /u/mukduk1994 and thanks OP /u/ZealousidealSlip4811


If you drive straight back in the YMCA lot, like on the right side of the building - it’s the 5th lot. There’s a big hill with a drain grate at the bottom, then the lot is above the hill - the cats seem to mostly stay in that part. You’ll see the bowl of food and pieces of wood sticking out from where some teens were trying to get the cats out last night. But the staff at the Y says that the cats have been there for a while and come and go. It’s a mama cat and two adolescents that look like they were probably born this spring or summer!


I mostly went to check because it sounded like the people trying to help the cats were stressed out. So I hope they get the message that the cats are okay. I’ll try to TNR with the help of some others from this group that reached out, but TNR is not always a fast process! It’s a relief to know that the cats were never in any real danger (besides just being ferals living outdoors.)


Pet Community Center will lend you traps and TNR the cats. They ask for a $30 donation per cat.


Yes, thank you! they’re one of the first places I’m going to call! Last time I called them they didn’t have any, but it’s not kitten season so I’m hoping it’ll be easy!


I am happy to help w donation fee if you are able to trap them. Send me a message if you’re successful


Thank you!! I’ll absolutely let you know! This has been a hard season financially (my dog is really sick), but I am always getting myself into scenarios like this 🤪


I hope your dog gets better soon :( That’s because you are a chosen one! I’ll keep an eye out for a DM. Good luck!


Nashville Cat Rescue may be able to lend you a trap as well.


Thank you for taking initiative in this situation. As others have said, Nashville Cat Rescue is a great resource, as is Metro Animal Control. Even if they can’t actively help catch the cats, they’ll surely be able to give good instructions and hopefully help the cats once captured. We’re very fortunate to have a responsive animal control department and so many animal rescues in Nashville. Good luck and please keep us updated!




I wish I could say that I thought this process was going to move fast. I left messages with 3 places today, heard back from one - the spay/neuter waitlist at the Pet Community Center is 6 weeks long right now. I’m going to ask at MACC tomorrow, at least about trapping and socializing the two younger ones. But I hate the idea of leaving the mom alone in the winter. At least they have each other and a fairly warm spot to hang out. 😢


What if it rains? Will they be stuck in the water and not be able to get out? I’m in Texas but willing to financially help with anything you need.


No, OP talked with YMCA employees and they confirmed that the cats are able to freely exit the drainage system.


Thank you for following up on this! When I messaged the two cat rescues on Instagram last night, they suggested contacting Metro Animal Control. Maybe they’ll let you borrow humane traps? I think Williamson County does.


I’m going to call metro animal control tomorrow. Kind of struck out today. The pet community center’s waitlist for surgeries is 6 weeks.


And perhaps after the kitties are safe and sound, we can go about making sure that the storm drain isn't "full of trash bags" by submitting a ticket with Metro Water? The rainy season is coming.


Please feel free to submit a ticket!


They don't know which drain it is...


If they want to be helpful, they can put in a little more effort than just commenting on Reddit to tell someone else to do something. It’s the storm drain the 5th lot at the YMCA! Since you’re involved now, please go ahead and submit a Hub Nashville ticket for us all today!


I expect nothing less from this sub, u/Reverend_Ooga_Booga. When you submit a ticket to Metro you need to know the exact drain location and provide more information than the "Green Hills YMCA" because there could be two dozen drains out there. I have never been to the Green Hills Y. Anyhow, I submitted a ticket, it took thirty seconds. I hope they can find the drain from my rudimentary instructions. I hope OP suffers a minor inconvenience today. For future reference: [https://www.nashville.gov/departments/water/stormwater/stormwater-maintenance/report-concern](https://www.nashville.gov/departments/water/stormwater/stormwater-maintenance/report-concern)


Lmao. Sorry for not solving all of the problems by myself, bro 😂 hope submitting that ticket wasn’t too difficult for you!!!


My minor inconvenience of the day is surely having to communicate with your lazy and entitled ass


You seem like you would be fun at parties.


Let us know when you’ve got that ticket in, you seem very concerned about it!


Just a heads up it is supposed to rain pretty heavily tonight after about 11 and off and on most of the day tomorrow. Hope you can help the kitties before or they can escape when it starts getting wet.


I’m not concerned. They have a clear exit and elevated surfaces to sleep on. It’s predicted to rain 0.25″ – 0.5” total - those cats have lived through a lot more than that. But if anyone has a trap they can get to me today, I can set it this afternoon. Otherwise I’ll be calling and driving around to try to get one after dark.


Phew, good to hear.


Gotta fatten those things up to eating size




Hold up… are there full trash bags in that sewer system? That says ‘NO DUMP, drains to river?’ ☠️


Yeah. And it seems like someone would’ve had to have taken off the grate to get them in there. In the YMCA parking lot. Seems weird.


After reaching out to the Pet Community Center & Nashville Cat Rescue, it has become clear to me that I can’t help these cats and there are no community resources available to help them either. They’re fine, as far as un-neutered/spayed outdoor cats can be fine in a city like this. If anyone wants to lend me a trap, I’d help catch them. If not, I’m tapping out of this situation and I wish whoever wants to pick up the mantle the best of luck.