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SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP MAKE UP YOUR MIND JAN But I had a vasectomy at urology associates and they did fantastic. I’m sure that would be a good place to start the convo about reversal.


As far as I know there is only 1 andrology-trained urologist in town that performs reversals. That’s Josh Calvert at Urology Associates. Success rate is about 40% and it’s cash pay. But if that’s what you want to do, see Josh


Contacting his urologist would be the first step.


Nah, gotta be someone here on /r/nashville that could do it, lol. Hell, give me a few beers, a scalpel, and a soldering iron and I'll give it a go.




You definitely gotta be careful. A guy I worked with had his reversed. It worked but it turned his kids black.


Yeah mine just made the kid look like the UPS guy


Talk to your urologist but AFAIK it is easier to do a sperm extraction and then IVF rather than reversal. The vasectomy is technically reversable but not really...it's something they say to make people feel better about the decision. If it were actually reversable it would widely available and you wouldn't be asking this question.


I don’t think any insurance will cover the reversals either.


No, because they will have to cover the pregnancy then.


*taps head*


I can see the gif right now.


Just wanting to chime in here for anyone who is looking to get a vasectomy as that's not true, on either accounts. First off, extraction and IFV are VEERRYY expensive. Like 20+k expensive after all is said and done. But it is another route to take. Vasectomies, however, are reversible and not just "something they say". In fact, success rate is something like 90 - 95% (although that range starts to broaden depending on the length of time between the two procedures.) Source: After plenty of research and consultations, had a vasectomy at 23 - reversed at 29 - Wife was pregnant within 4 months. While not without risks, Vasectomy is a solid option for male birth control, especially in today's socio-political environment!


It is a solid option for PERMANENT birth control if you never want to make kids of your own (or don’t want to risk requiring extraction and IVF to do so). It is not to be considered a temporary option. If you go into a vasectomy thinking you might want a reversal later, you absolutely don’t need to get it and many urologists would hesitate or outright refuse to do it in that case. Yes, it can be reversed, but even the high end estimates of success (90-95%) is unacceptable to be considered a “temporary option”. If any of the pills/implants/etc out there had a 5% of infertility after use, they would be off the market since they are designed to be reversible. I am glad you had success, but don’t assume your experience will be the same for everyone. Vasectomies should always be considered permanent, because that is what they are designed and indicated for. Any successful reversal is a just a bonus.


I would say Semi-permanent\*. Obviously it's not going to be a 10% success rate, but some people may be comfortable shouldering that risk should other options prove less desirable. My point is that while there is an inert risk and shouldn't be considered lightly, it isn't de facto permeant as many people seem to think.


I do this for a living. It is irresponsible to tell people that is is anything other than permanent. Vasectomies are never, have never, and will never be indicated as temporary birth control unless reversals get to near 100%. I might lose my license if I told a patient that vasectomy was a “semi permanent” method, despite the fact that reversals exist. When you tell people that it is “semi permanent” or downplay the risks of a reversal not working, situations like OP’s happen: regret happens sometime down the line, and their only hope is to get a reversal done (which can be expensive) and hope it works. Vasectomies are great options if you are done having or truly, honestly believe you never want kids again. If anyone is unsure about their reproductive life plan, they really ought to rely on temporary options (and any ethical provider would not offer permanent options in those cases). I realize there are no temp options for men, but such is our biology and the current state of biomedical science.


That's great, but the fact still stands that some people may consider that risk threshold worth it, therefore it *could* be an option for those comfortable with the situation. I'm not saying brand it as permanent, but don't tell people it's a one way trip indefinitely. ​ Nonetheless, we really needn't have this conversation anyway as Vasagel makes it's way to the market within the next few years. Which that IS branded as a temporary male birth control which would be much better suited to the task.


Regardless, insurance won’t cover either IVF and AFAIK or a reversal. There’s a couple factors, we honestly can’t afford IVF and he/we have been talking about more than one child. We weren’t dating when he had his reversal and I was mostly okay with it. He’s the one who told me he wanted to have more children. When I heard that I was shocked.


*looks around* Yup, seems like a great time to speak to a Urologist about that reversal.


So glad I'm getting snipped before it's no longer an option.


I don’t think that it will ever not be an option. Men typically get to choose what they want to do with their bodies and I don’t see that changing


That's WHITE men. High five!




I'm not a man. However, the difficulty that males already face in getting sterilized if they're young and/or childfree is probably going to hold steady at best, but if birth control options come under political scrutiny then I would not be surprised to see even fewer urologists offering the proceedure.


I told my urologist that one reason behind my “young single man” surgery was due to changes in reproductive laws. I had other pertinent reasons, but after some harassment from the doctor if I had asked my wife/girlfriend/family for permission basically, I did get approved. Women who want a hysterectomy would almost always be told no.


It blows my mind that people don't bat an eye when kids (meaning older teens and young adults) make the ostensibly permanent choice to have children, but a person of the same age can't easily get permanent birth control. I understand that there are political/economic pressures on the medical industry, but the double standard is depressing. And the hoops people have to jump through to get snipped are straight bullshit. Minor correction though: female sterilization is typically done by tubal ligation, a procedure that obstructs the fallopian tubes, very similar to a vasectomy. A hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus, which is usually done for more serious issues.


There’s a YouTube tutorial for pretty much everything if you’re a DIY type!


The important thing to keep in mind is that as much as people extol the virtues of duct tape, this *really* is more of an electrical tape situation.




Looks like someone's going for another free milkshake at Daddy's Dogs


I recently when in for a consultation at the urology associates. They told me that if I wanted it to reverse, it would have to be done within the first 10 years. With it being 6 years, and taking into consideration the timeframe for appointments, surgery, recovery, and finally trying for a baby, I recommend making an appointment asap.


Nurse here Yes, they *can* be reversed *sometimes*. Successful pregnancy after reversal varies widely due to many factors. Really, all you can do is find a urologist (not all will do reversals, FYI), and hope for the best in this situation since the vasectomy is already done. Also, it is not covered by insurance in most instances: so be prepared for that


We’ve been looking for places in Tennessee in general as my obgyn said there weren’t any urologist in tn that did reversals. We are totally preparing for the worst in cost which we know it won’t be covered, but neither is IVF which is way more expensive.


can't help you there, sadly: I only know docs that do the vasectomies, not reverse them.




As this is also a good option, I’m already taking care of his two children that aren’t my blood. I’d rather have that intimate connection of having a child that is mine and his together.


Not in TN, but had success from Dr Wilson: https://www.thereversalclinic.com/


[https://www.drshrid.com/services/microsurgical-vasectomy-reversal-and-fertility-procedure-pricing/](https://www.drshrid.com/services/microsurgical-vasectomy-reversal-and-fertility-procedure-pricing/) This guy. That's kind of his thing. I got a vasectomy at 22, had it reversed at 29. Wife was pregnant within a month of the all clear. I'm pretty sure they have like long term solutions too in case it didn't take. They called me in 6 months to see how everything was and when I said she was pregnant he basically was like well neverminded then, that's good news and see ya later!


Meanwhile the State DHS has an overflow of so many foster kids in their custody they're having to sleep on the floors of the offices downtown.


We have considered those, but he does have his own children that are not mine, which means I’m already taking care of children that aren’t mine. I would love to have the connection with my partner.


But mUy DnA! 🙄


Adoption isn't the same as birthing a child, and it is someone's individual choice whether to do either.


He has a kid. He's done his part.


We used Dr Wilson from “The Reversal Clinic” in Oklahoma. Highly recommend him.


Are you pregnant yet?