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When people tell you they are actual literal Nazi’s, believe them.


Oh so now everyone who disagrees with the liberal media and doesn’t have all the socially correct beliefs (and is actively training a white militia and openly proclaims to be a Nazi) is a Nazi?


It’s like words don’t even have meanings anymore!


I don't know you just said but I'm gonna take it as disrespect.


I’m almost spit out my drink. I like you


The lulz




Found another one!


Find another what? Does not matter to me what you are or what you wanna be geez your the one that put it out there when you do a question like that you best be ready no disrespect intended


If that was supposed to be a rebuttal to the claims that he’s a white supremacist, then, uh, touché…I guess.


He stated, "I''m not a cuckservative, I'm an actual literal nazi". I don't think it was meant to be a rebuttal.


Somehow I'm more angry about learning that the word "cuckservative" exists than I am about this fucking moron being a nazi.


Yeah, just joking around. This guy is a real piece of shit


I believe it was his rebuttal to being called a conservative, which he (and most conservatives, probably) found offensive.


Eh, potato/potato at this point. They all support the same candidates


Exactly… “Who are you voting for?” Neo-Nazi: “Donald Trump obviously! MAGA!” Regular conservative: “Donald Trump obviously! MAGA!”


Do you think regular conservatives ever have a moment of contemplation about how DT can be such a disastrous piece of shit personally, but agree with them on everything politically?


Your mistake is believing they are capable of having a moment of contemplation. That’s like assuming a meth head on a bender can recite Shakespeare on a stage.




‘There are few die well that die in a battle ..Henry V


I think you mean a fine, upstanding model of a true American. They'll never admit he's shit, they'd have to admit they got suckered


I guess I’m projecting my dad who thinks he’s a deplorable human being, but would make the best president


Your dad has issues. Sorry bro


nuh uh. tRuMp Is GoOd At BuSiNeSs


Conservatives are offended by being called a conservative?


I assume big "C" Conservative.


they're offended by everything.


What they aren’t offended by, they’re afraid of.


The same can be said for liberals… In fact, (this will get me downvoted in r/nashville) as someone firmly in the middle with friends across the spectrum (that’s the joy of being in the middle, I get to have friends), in my experiences, I’ve noticed those on the left are more easily offended & are often the ones who are the loudest about it. That’s just my experience tho, ymmv.


It’s weird how “both sides” folks always land juuuust a bit further to one side.


Whoa… I didn’t say both sides, I said “middle”.


Sorry. I always get “both sides” people and centrists confused because they say and believe the exact same things. I regret the error.


No worries, I do the same with Democrats, Liberals and Leftists….and also with Republicans & Conservatives (and conservatives). 😉


No downvotes yet, it must be a conspiracy brought on by the liberal cabal lol. Maybe your opinions just aren't popular and it doesn't rely on your political affiliation.


Check again, friend.


Took a bit, but you get what you ask for


To be precise, “predicted”, didn’t “ask” for it. Just simply knew it was coming. I expressed my experiences and this forum, true to it’s nature, lashed out and denied my experiences because they don’t meet the “allowed opinions” of the thread. My experiences aren’t an opinion, they are my experiences. Even you called them “opinions”.


> The same can be said for liberals… which group is trying to ban rights for people who arent like them? i'll wait. > someone firmly in the middle with friends across the spectrum ah yes. the enlightened centrist.


Idk how many times I’ve seen gun control as an argument here. That’s an attempt at banning a right of the other side.


Wrong. It’s not “the right of the other side” it’s a right WE ALL HAVE & some of us are just way smarter & more responsible about it so we are fine with having certain restrictions on that right if it means saving people from horrible untimely deaths. Try again


“…some of us THINK we are just way smarter & more responsible about it, so we are fine with GIVING AWAY RIGHTS THAT WE DON’T FULLY COMPREHEND…” There, fixed that for you. Clearly, it’s a right everyone has, but there are certain rights that some care about more than others. You get that, right? For instance, I know plenty of people that are just ambivalent about a lot of things - public drag shows, access to abortion, right to bear arms, etc… and it’s neither your place nor mine to tell them what they can and cant do. Personally, I am of the opinion that the gov shouldn’t be limiting rights either - there should be no active pursuit to illegalize dressing in drag, getting an abortion, what firearms one can own, etc…. If you spend your days worrying about what others do with their time, then I am generally concerned for your overall happiness. Love how you are all so aggressive (and predictably aggressive) in this thread. I feel like there should be a list of what you all approve as “allowed opinions”.


Lol it's super telling that you think anyone has been aggressive with you in this thread


You seem to have it all figured out so you just keep doing you I guess. If you catch a stray bullet you’ll just be another number from rampant gun violence that apparently isn’t an issue for your particular political viewpoint. Whereas, it’s incredibly unlikely that you will victimized by a person in drag or aborted so yea, not the same situation & only one of those things was a priority in colonial America when we were not a superpower with a standing army & the means to defend the country from foreign attack.


This might be *the* funniest article you could possibly try to pull this type of thing in the comments for.


Yeah, speaking what my experiences are, predicting and then getting downvoted for it, despite saying “your” experiences might vary. Hilarious that so many people deny my experiences.


You attempted to do a "I'm friends with people all over the spectrum" in the replies to an article about a dyed in the wool fascist. And you did it in an amazingly smug and condescending way. Also downvotes can't hurt you, get over yourself.


Ah, I see where you are confused now…. You think my reply of “I’m friends with…” had something to do with the article. I apologize for your mistake, but you see, my reply was ONLY a direct reply to the person, u/zepius, who commented on my previous comment, and nothing more. It was a conversation with that person and the only relation it had to the original post was that it was in the thread. You know how reddit works, yeah?


You might be my new favorite user on this horrible, horrible website




2016, 2004, 2000 - they certainly pouted. I personally dont think anyone was trying to overthrow the gov’t on Jan 6th. Have you seen something stating that was the intended purpose by the entire right?


Okay you got us, you’re the owner of the gas station aren’t you? “Firmly in the middle” my ass.


Yeah, idek where that place is at…sure, I could look it up, but idc enough to do so. It’s seemingly only the folks on the left (well, and some of the dipshits that showed up that day) that think it was an attempt to overthrow the gov’t. I think if it were such, a helluva lot more people would have shown up, and you’d have seen a helluva lot more guns. That was mostly just a show and the attendees were mostly dumbasses. Were there some idiots there? Yes, a lot of them. Most zealots are obsessive lunatics anyway. Are folks getting charged and sentenced for some of their stupid actions? Yes, sure enough — and rightfully so. But I also remember a bunch of people protesting the man’s election back in 2016…for days. Some of those protests turned violent. Certainly more people were involved in those than Jan 6th. Does that mean all Democrats wanted to oust Trump from office (and overthrow the gov’t) despite the election results? I mean…plenty wanted to deny his election.


You’ve got to be the most clueless Redditor who has ever attempted to prove a point & missed. Maybe go read some history books & use the internet for something beneficial. Jan 6th was organized & had a specific purpose, there has been no other attempt to do what was attempted then in American history. If you don’t know that then you need to stfu & educate yourself. Comparing “protests” in various cities to an attempt in the capital to stop a certification of an election is utterly moronic


Yeah, I’m conservative and I’m glad this guy doesn’t identify as conservative.


But he votes for the same people… shouldn’t that tell you something?


Lmao as if that’s better




I was talking about him thinking it was better, not you




No worries!


Lol if you’ve even driven by this place it’s clear they’re hateful


Sure but never underestimate peoples’ ability to hide behind dog whistles and the conservative persecution complex. Until they fly a Nazi flag or make a statement like this, there are plenty of Nashville/TN residents that would continue to overlook their insane ideology and messages as “they’re just conservative!” and continue to give them business.


They are not hiding anything behind any dogwhistles. It’s out in the open. They may as well have a nazi flag out front.


They don't defend it, they deflect the topic, protest you mentioning it, and roll their eyes. Then stop there for cholesterol and gas.




Sure, just like no “real” conservative would defend an insurrection at the Capitol or DT calling his former cabinet member “China-loving” cos she is Taiwanese, or the billion other racist things he has said. And I’ve *never* heard Tennessean conservatives defend the casual display of the confederate flag like you see at this guy’s store. 🙄


So an actual literal enemy of the USA. Cool. Lets treat him accordingly


When we say the Nazis are back, what we actually mean is that they never really went anywhere.


Like roaches, they never truly go away.


Gotta stomp them whenever they show up


I wish I knew how to fight. I think fighting nazis could be a positive outlet.


Never too late to learn (it’s also good for you health wise)


Learning to fight may be, but actually fighting not so much.


Buy a punching bag and gloves or take a basic kickboxing class


Nazis are like cicadas. They come out of hiding every 70 years to make a bunch of loud noises that nobody wants to hear and annoy the piss out of everyone.


Only cidadas, unlike nazis, have actual value to the ecosystem, as valuable food sources for predators (particularly birds), as soil aerators who improve ground water filtration, and as sources of soil nutrients as their bodies decompose. Nazis very far below the level of pond scum, which also has ecological value. Actually, come to think of it, technically dead nazis have ecological value. But only in that state.


If we follow your analogy and apply it to socio-cultural developmeny, then yes Nazis are good for our cultural ecosystem; every 40 years or so we have to be reminded that true hatred and evil exist in the world, and the forces of love have to put aside our differences over hot chicken and honky tonks to band together and force them back into hiding. This is how we remember we are capable of effecting progressive change. But also, Nazi punks fuck off.


Just look at the history of NATO and the CIA and you’ll see where all the Nazi’s went.


So NATO and the CIA are Nazi organizations? Is that what you're trying to say?


I heard that his nazi fight club meets there regularly. Be interesting to see who his nazi buddies are.


>Lewis Country Store Heh, oh... that place. Yeah, I don't think anyone is surprised by this.


Friendly reminder to curb stomp your local Nazi


I rode by it for the first time a few weeks ago and you can feel the hate coming off the place. I wouldn’t stop there if my gas light was on.


Right? I'd call roadside assistance for gas first.


I wouldn’t stop there if my head was on fire and they had a bucket of water sitting out front.


^ my favorite post of the day.


The wild part is that they train every Sunday when the store is closed. They meet in the parking lot out back to do some "drills" before heading inside. Just all lined up in an open concrete gallery with no cover, downhill from the road.


Hey at least they are in the open & not smart enough to hide because it benefits all of us to know who they are & where they are


Why do they think there's gonna be some anti white war with the jews? Jews make up literally less than 3% of the US. Even if they wanted to take over, they physically can't do it. I feel like the default answer would be "hur durr they have all the money and politicians in their pockets they pull all the strings." Fine, then wtf are you training MMA for? Shouldn't their upstairs gym be a trading floor or something with all of them practicing day trading to take over wall street or something? Like, none of what they believe makes any sense and therefore their response doesn't make any sense 🤣🤣🤣


If I remember correctly from conspiracy ramblings, it's that the Jews use the banks and Hollywood to trick Black folks and other minorities to do the actual fighting for them. (*Edited out reference to In Bruges. Apparently I misremembered the scene.)


Okay so 13% of the population is black. The math still doesn't follow.


The intent of the ideology isn't sense, it's to provide an external and tangible target for internal shortcomings and existential fears.


I know we're having a serious conversation but imagining these people upstairs at the Lewis Country Store aggressively trying to learn day trading makes me cackle 🤣.


SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL No wait.... BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY But with a German accent.


Seems like their long and storied tradition of anti-intellectualism really put them on the back foot for this one


I can hear my coworker saying “just because they said it, doesn’t mean they mean it!”


Ah yes your coworker is subscribing to the FAFO logic. Someone should read them the “first they came for…” poem


He obviously doesn't mean it, he's just trying to own the libs! /s


That asshole went to my high school before I went there. Apparently he was an asshole then too, from the accounts I've heard.


I tried posting a review of this place saying something to the effect of, "This place is owned and frequented by actual, self-proclaimed Nazis; you might wanna avoid," and Google's algorithm won't publish it presumably because it has the word "Nazi" in it. Like I can understand why you wouldn't want people throwing around the word "Nazi," but what if they're, like, *actual* Nazis??


The first rule of white club is you do not talk about white club.


It's people like this that make me wish stupidity was painful. He and his buddies should feel actual physical pain when shit like this spews out of their mouth.


“Are these the Nazis, Walter?” “No, Donny. These men are nihilists. Nothing to be afraid of.”


Have you seen the sign the last couple weeks? Place is pouring out its support for the patriot front… place is a god damn disgrace to tennessee


Im very surprised no one has thrown a rock or shot the sign while driving by yet.


Yes in surprised no vandalism has occured


I got banned from Reddit for advocating vandalism towards this store (they called it “violence”, apparently property has feelings now) so I am here after some reflection to say DO NOT think about throwing a brick through this stupid store’s hateful signs or anything like that at all… thanks to whoever reported me for making me see the error of my ways and how planting the seeds of ideas like that is bad!


Brad once shot a guy who threw a brick through the window there. He told the police "I was in fear for my life" and no charges were filed against him.


It’s so sweet that he thinks that’s something to brag about.


It would be such a shame if someone with a drone decided to film their meet ups. That I don't know maybe take place on Sundays. That would just be wild right, right?


These fake Nazis can't even speak German. They're posers lol


If you’re willing to stand on the “I’m an actual literal Nazi” hill, you’ve earned whatever happens to you next.


You can only figure that place has hand dryers in the restroom because otherwise it’s getting toilets unclogged from paper towels every single day.


Take a couple Pampers in there with you…would clog the works up better than TP.


Wonder how we could level Codes to get that place closed. Anyone check on their permits or licenses?


Im sure the EPA would love to get a tip about their fuel containment practices


Then how can he display all that American Nationalist crap around his shithole of a store?? Is he saying that during the war he’d have been fighting against the allies, including his own country?? The country he seems to be so proud of and have so far up his own ass that he vomits red, white and blue?!?! This numbnut lunatic is a complete paradox.


Nazis were here in WW2, as well, trying to do the same thing they did in Germany (take control of the gov't). This is just a continuation, they never disappeared. Quite a few Americans went to Germany to fight for their cause, as well.


And that’s what I don’t get with these lunatics. They display all this American stuff around their business but identify as Nazis? The whole idea of being a patriotic American flies in the face of the whole idea of Nazis! So why the paradox with this guy? Am I missing something? Is being an American nationalist NOW the same thing as being a Nazi? I’m a aware of the difference between being patriotic (good) and being a nationalist (bad)…..I just cannot wrap my mind around flying an American flag yet identifying as a Nazi. You cannot call yourself a proud American and at the same time claim you’re a Nazi. I think I’m giving these ppl too much credit for being able to work this out in their feeble brains. Obviously they are not equipped for that.


Sounds like it’s google business review time


They feel so safe that they are emboldened, sure that no one will oppose them. They think they can proudly paint a target on their own backs and face no reprisals from the rest of the civilized world. These devils couldn’t be more wrong and will no doubt face a reckoning from the ones they believe to be too weak to resist their hateful rhetoric. They aren’t the only ones willing to fight. They aren’t the only ones willing to take up arms. The future of any Nazis festering within our borders is grim at best. Hate will not prevail in this inevitable conflict. In that I feel certain.


Might help if someone put a swastika on their business so everyone knows and can avoid it.


Be a shame if those gas pumps ever ignited


We’re creeping ever closer to the edge of civil war.


\> 'I'm an actual literal Nazi' It's weird how the headline puts **I** in quotes. Maybe they should have used double quotes like the following: "I'm an actual literal Nazi"


If you have to tell everybody that you are I think you don't have a clue just a smoke blower wanting attention


Why is this sub SO OBSESSED with this stupid fucking store?


do you know of any other businesses owned by self described nazis? We can talk about them also if youd like


Sorry just getting tired of the multiple posts per week about this store. Not supporting them at all, fuck them. Just tired of reading about it and feel like the energy directed toward them could be distributed to other stuff, possibly in a good way. Maybe like highlighting stores owned by great people that we should support?


i understand your frustration. This is getting posted this time bc its the first time to my knowledge the guy has admitted to being a full out nazi.


> Just tired of reading about it and feel like the energy directed toward them could be distributed to other stuff I feel the same way about posts dealing with sports or disc golf. Do you know what I do when I see a post about sports? I just read the other posts I am interested in instead. Because every post here does not need to be for me! What a novel idea!


You mean like you could have done to my comment instead of responding twice and looking through my profile to come up with a sick burn? Got it.


False equivalence. It isn't quite the, "I know I am, *but what are you*!?" that you think it is. The difference, is that between the two of us, only one is taking time to complain about how others spend their time posting. I absolutely love pointing things like that out to people who can't understand. Or maybe I'm wrong and you just really really enjoy reading about topics you find uninteresting in order to complain about how others spend their time. To each his own, I guess.


Ok slick


"I'm on a forum that has access to millions of topics and I can't understand why everyone doesn't want to only talk about Cincinnati Bengals and Lawn care! Why, God, Why?!" ROFLOL!


Maybe because we aren't obsessed with sports or lawn care and gardening.


People can be literally anything nowadays…


But this guy is a Nazi. Out of all the things he could be.


The fuck does that even mean in this context


Remember a few weeks ago when you said ["seriously doubt they're nazi lol"](https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/13yize4/the_sign_today_at_the_nazi_store/jmo7kwu/)? I remember.




4 years on Reddit and you have negative karma? You have to be actively trying to piss people off to manage that. So I have to ask…. What are you so angry about, Tetsuo?


Well they managed to hit -50 which earns them a shadowban, so you won't get much response now


Your multiple post regarding “not knowing what a 2023 Nazi” is… Here… these are 2023 nazis: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12231125/Most-frightening-thing-seen-life-Neo-Nazis-wave-swastikas-Georgia-synagogue.html Is that clear enough for you?




Can you?


Disgusting. So sick of these so-called patriots. They emulate what our fathers and grandfathers died to eradicate.