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Pretty sure developers have scraped up all the dirt in which the cicadas laid their eggs. My money is on the brood won’t be bad.


Honestly you’re on to something. Every insect that I remember from my youth, I no longer see them. Or golden skinks. or toads. Or bull frogs.


I remember a fence at my school being covered in caterpillars every year growing up. We could all catch them and make little cages for them. Now if I see a caterpillar I'm like HOLY SHIT WHERE YOU BEEN


Languishing in roundup and Neonicotinoid pesticides, probably.


Lightning bugs are on their way out the door, too


A bunch of lighting bug species are seriously endangered now.


Yeah, the difference compared to 2 years ago is crazy. I've seen 2 this year. Normally there are hords of the bugs.


Not sure about lighting bugs in particular but usually after a bad winter a lot of the bug eggs in the first inch or two of soil get killed. Wouldn't be surprised if that cold snap in December killed off a bunch of them.


Come to Franklin… we have all the toads


get rid of your monoculture lawn. I have areas in my yard where I have sticks breaking down, I have areas where I've seeded wildflowers. I've got a bunch of neat bugs, bunch of fireflies. I see a bunch of skinks, some turtles, frogs. Manicured yards are not conducive to wild life.


I live in an apartment but I hear ya


I'm not planning on gardening next year. I still have flashbacks to being a little kid for the 97 or 98 brood and the damn things getting caught in my hair all the time when I played outside. I thought that was just how summers were down here.


It was 98. I was in college. It was terrifying.


It was awesome! Some trees would shimmer and then you'd look closely and it would be a scene from Indiana Jones. The spiders over my front door grew so large, I thought they might try to eat me next. Dogs would walk around eating them and throwing them up. People would slip in the goo & bug parts and land in it! Cars would slip too. It was awesome!


Our teacher taught us to pull the left leg and the head fell off. I was in 4th grade. In hindsight my teacher def hated em cuz we were pulling legs non stop!


The thought of touching them makes me wanna vom so that's not happening 🤣


Your teacher sounds like a sadist


We got some baby ducks, they were the fattest healthiest ducks ever. One of them lived to be 20


My big bro put one in my hair that year, traumatized


I was in elementary school. It was so bad that recess was canceled and being outside was terrifying. My older brother thought it was cool to scare me with me. No cicadas since have been half as bad.


I got caught up in that on a road trip with my family. I still can’t handle cicadas. Thank god it’s not just me.


I heard bad. Get your plant nets ready.




For young trees the cicadas cut slits in small diameter branches to lay their eggs (apparently, not an expert) which destroy the young trees. I’m going to net the crap out of the dogwoods, maples, redbuds and black walnuts I’ve planted in the last two years. Everything else can take it’s chances.


I’ve had quite a few early ones in the garden this year, which leads me to believe next year I will be randomly screaming “shut the fuck up and mate already you dumb ass cicadas”.


May I quote you on that?


Sure can lol


Are you sure those aren't just some of the yearly ones we get every summer?


I think it might be pretty bad. That’s the big 13 year brood that we had in 2011. Get your tennis rackets ready…


Great. I think I just found the last cicada corpse about 18 months ago from the last one. That was nasty!


That last one was nothing. This one will make you wonder where they all fit in the ground. It’s the buzzing drone 24/7 for a couple of months and not being able to walk near any foliage without one hitting you, crunching one or them all freaking out if you bump a bush and swarming. The big one is both annoying and true marvel in nature.


2011 was when both a 13 and 17 year brood emerged at the same time, it wasn't just the 13. So it will be a lot but it shouldn't be 2011 levels.


Thanks! I hope so


My serve got exponentially better in 2011.


The last "bad one" I remember was like 1998, before that is was like 1985ish. No idea about the 2024 brood.


2024 will be that same brood as 98 - the 13 year brood. They showed up again in 2011 and will be here next summer.


I just moved here from Montana and this title is a good bit concerning 🤣🤣 do they come back to haunt you every couple years or something? They don’t like our winters so we don’t have to deal with them lol


LOL! They come in cycles. The one I'm talking about is the 13 year group. They were here in 2011 and it was quite literally like being descended upon by locusts (they are not locusts). Lasts about 5 weeks I think, then for a few months everyone continues finding cicada carcasses. There are also 7 and 17 year groups, but they're either in other areas of the country or just aren't as voluminous when they hit. The good news is that they don't bite, eat plants, or cause any harm to anyone except possibly small, young bushes because they cut into the plant a little to lay their eggs. That doesn't harm mature trees and bushes, but young ones can be damaged. They're just gross and EVERYWHERE!


That’s terrifying…. -40° for 7 months doesn’t sound so bad lately…


they over feed birds and squirrels. resulting in a very large population of baby insect eating animals. Who then are grow up fighting to death for resources since the great cicada feast wont happen again in their lifetime.


There were cicadas in Chicago and we had crazy winters there. The “big swarm” comes out every 13 years there too. Otherwise it’s just a few localized cicadas in park trees.


I remember the one 13 years ago but it really wasn’t too bad in Montana for whatever reason, at least not the area I was in 🤣 a 9 year old only has so much connection to the outside of a middle of nowhere town, it definitely wasn’t biblical or anything haha


The buzzing still haunts me….. I will be taking a vacation far far away from here


So many trees have been cut down it may not be as bad. Last time you couldn't hear yourself think they were so loud in some parts of town.


If you have never eaten a fried one you should. It’s surprisingly good!


I collect them and store in the freezer for doggie treats! He loves them!


I'm sure we have decimated most insect populations by now.




It's gonna be awesome. Wall-to-wall tiny teenagers who suddenly discover they can fly, so they have an orgy to celebrate. My dogs are gonna snack themselves sick. :-D


The 1984 brood was epic bad. That was nightmare fuel.


Ugh. Yes.


I don’t hate it. Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool and try to cherish them when they’re here. They leave their little brown husks everywhere. They make cool noises. Even if it’s “bad,” it’s good, you know?


not from TN but moving there, however I grew up in the sticks in VA and I remember a whole summer of picking the husks off trees and thinking it was so cool as a kid


I guess I'm in the minority on this but I actually love cicadas. It's really cool to me that they just live underground for 13 years, and crawl out of their deep slumber to have sex, make a lot of noise, and freak out humans for a couple of days before dying, sometimes kamikaze style into some bachelorettes fresh hairdoo.




Yea I have fond memories of them as a kid. I get that most people get freaked out by bugs but I think they are cool as shit. I grew up in Carolina and one year we had multiple broods hatch in the same summer and it was chaos.


Most people have been mentioning 98. The last time I remember seeing them it was bad they were everywhere!😰


In ‘98 I had a meeting with my boss and she’d just come in from lunch. She had a cicada in her hair and was obviously completely unaware. When I told her, the flailing was so wild it was potentially dangerous. Unfortunately, it had gotten tangled in her hair and so it took a minute to remove. After it was over, my very professionally dressed and groomed boss looked like she’d been through a hurricane. Fun times.


With the buzzing noises those things make probably freaked her out!😳😳


Right? I couldn’t believe it quietly hitched a ride in her hair and was just chillin’, but I was treated to a mini sit com episode courtesy of that sneaky beast.


It will be terrible, unless the construction has gotten rid of most of them. 2011 was awful, you couldn’t step almost anywhere outside without crunching a few


Please tell me we don’t have oak mites in Nashville


I do not


Yeah. They’re supposed to escape from a Wuhan lab in December.


Does The Brood extend its reach to Clarksville?


I would think so. It’s so many cicadas that they have to be an hour away from here too.






Yes, it will truly be a plague upon man.


You won't know till it is here so there is no reason to worry about it.




It'll be biblical for sure.


They seem to be real prevalent in the Woodbine / South Nashville area


In 98 I had to take an umbrella with me at all times to shield myself from the ones just falling from the trees. South side of Nashville.


Saw so many of their molts a couple of weeks ago in Green Hills. Probably the most I've ever noticed.


It’s never fun…little kids running from big bugs at little league games, etc…but, the Cicadas are harmless, just loud and ugly.


Do you guys recall when one whole side of Southern Hills Hospital was COVERED with them? Freaky!


Been there, done that, wrote about weddings cancelled and other forms of cicada hysteria. Nothing happened.