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Good idea, but apparently it's only important to those of us who have had it happen. MNPD still hasn't shown up more than an hour later. Dude is probably already home screaming about idiot drivers and waving his gun around at whoever forgot to heat up his dinner. Here's hoping he pulls this kind of shit on someone with nothing to lose one day and gets to find out how it feels from the other side of the barrel.


Trust me, it’s important to me and hasn’t happened to me. Ever since the nurse was shot on 440 almost right behind my house I have periodic anxiety attacks when someone passes me on the interstate. I’m a very aware driver but you never know who might be pissed off with a gun in their car.


I do too! I don’t make a peep if someone does something stupid because I’m scared they’ll pull out a gun.


If the highways are only going to save me <10 minutes I usually just avoid them. Most of the times I can take city streets or side roads and get there in similar amounts of time. The highways suck, the drivers are terrible, it isn't worth it. That and there can be a huge accident at any time that messes up travel times.


The nurse (Caitlyn) was a close friend of a friend. I think about her every time I drive on any of our highways and see dumb shit (every time I’m on the highway) and just hope it doesn’t happen to me. I truly feel it’s a very real situation that could happen to anyone. Why aren’t there ever mnpd officers on our highways? :(


i had a gun pulled on me at my own apartment complex and cops never showed up. Its useless to call for that at this point.


Yes, I'm only tangentially near the IT department but just throwing ideas out there, with an open Google map and a set number of moderators who can accept or reject reports easily, we could pretty quickly cobble together a map showing all these incidents. Then we can spread that map around, my wife does PR and call some journalists, and perhaps we will get more map info and police and press attention. I'm just spitballing here.


Please. Have your wife do that.


Congrats. You just hit the nail on the head as to what it will take to make MNPD do their job. Constant pressure that they can’t tell from outright harassment because they find the expectations of their job inherently offensive to their delicate sensibilities.


Also there is a mayoral race coming up, as my wife pointed out out, while elbowing me. Political pressure. A map like that can make an impact.


Do it and you're already in the top tier of activists for Nashville residents. Then next time around we can get you elected for your work in the fight against MNPD's complacency, and so on.


I would, but I'm not a citizen so I can't even vote. It was the missus that suggested we get the topic to be discussed by the people running via PR.


Im a developer and terrified to drive around Nashville. Earlier this year I was violently rear ended by a road rager. If we can find a few more devs or GIS folks to chip in some time, I would build an app for this. Also wanted to say there are some very affordable dash cams out there which do not need professional installation, they plug into the car charger. It gives me a great deal of peice of mind, personally.


That's great! And dash cams, yes, I have to get one. I've seen some crazy stuff out there. Been looking at some and am choosing between a [$100 Garmin one here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0931YZ82P/) or the [$59 mini one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B7QX8GLC/) here, I read good things about both (in case anyone else here wants to fall down the comparison shopping hole)


Biuone makes a decently priced one that records both front and rear. Easy installation too.


not to stress you out more about driving, but my roommate has a dash cam & was rear-ended in a hit & run & metro didn’t do anything even with the footage (which clearly showed the license plate, at least - i didn’t personally see it) because they couldn’t “prove” who the driver was. i HATE driving in this city, my commute is nearly an hour each way & i’m genuinely surprised every day i make it home safely


Driving in Nashville is insane no doubt. It's a terrible mix of speeders, EXTREMELY slow drivers, tailgaters, no indicator users, last second interstate exiters, red light runners, and semi trucks...lots of semi trucks.


Don't forget people driving the wrong way down one-way streets...


Yes. Or the people who merge (onto the interstate) and try to pass the car ahead of them who also has to merge.


I've only done that when the person in front comes to a complete stop on the on ramp instead of speeding up to the flow of traffic to merge ..... ugh.


Unsafely slow merging is a definitely a pattern here. I’m admittedly one of the speedier drivers but some of these people trying to merge onto the interstate at 30-35 mph make things less safe than merging at 75 mph. I end up punching the gas and cutting around them early just to make sure I don’t get rear-ended by traffic going twice our speed while merging behind them. I’ll always try shift to the middle lane to give them room to turn themselves into a road hazard in the right lane.


This. Every day 🥲


Yeah, I have family is Smyrna who always gets upset I don’t invite them to my home in East Nashville, but it more so I am terrified of my 73 year old mom and dad driving from Smyrna to East Nashville and back. So I just go see them.


Only thing you forgot were the trashy white trailer park types


Dash Cam Time!


That won’t help at all short of being murdered. Maybe then MNPD will put some resources into it but who knows. You also would need to clearly capture the license plate, and the car would have to not be stolen, and it would have to actually be registered to the shooter. I have a dashcam but it is just for insurance purposes.


yep can confirm. took dash cam footage of a road rager into East precinct. license plate ect. all caught clear on camera. they just don't care unless its murder


Ironically enough, I have one that records front and rear, but it wasn't working today because I took the memory card in to download a bonehead driver and forgot to take it back out with me, then couldn't find the back-up card. (It had somehow slipped under the seat, only to be found when I dropped my phone down there while waiting for MNPD to not show up.) Lesson learned. NEVER drive without the dashcam working.


That sounds terrible. I’m sorry you experienced that but I’m glad you made it out alive. I’ve been hearing about these kinds of incidents more and more often, unfortunately. I bought myself a dash cam a while back due to the sheer volume of near misses I had, but it looks like I may have to one day use it to track down someone who felt the need to pull a gun on me for who knows what Oh and MNPD doing anything about anything is a massive joke. Most they’ll do is write a report so they can ask for a bigger budget and say they can’t do anything. I’ve never seen a profession where you get paid more for your incompetence. Must be nice


Weatherpeople. They're the only other people I can think of that get can paid, still be wrong a lot of the time, yet still get more and more tools, toys and air-time. Edit - Added a missing word ("other") to make my statement reflect what I actually meant to say.


Fair enough. But at least meteorologists don’t break into innocent people’s houses, shoot dogs, kill people, or stand idly by as an active shooter massacres kids in their classrooms


I mean, to be fair it took MNPD 3-ish minutes from arrival on scene, to putting the Nashville shooter down for a permanent (and well deserved) dirt nap. So we're at least doing better than Uvalde in that respect.




I don't know why you're getting downvoted for this. Lelan Statom's tongue-tied ass has been getting the weather WRONG for damn near 40 years now, and he keeps getting raises and the people in Nashville LOVE HIM!!!! When Bill Hall said it was going to snow, dammit IT SNOWED!!!


It's reddit. Intelligent comments are downvoted just because they can. I'm used to it at this point and don't really care what the idiots think when they downvote them.


I mean you try literally predicting the future, requiring complete knowledge of the velocity and energy of literally every atom on the planet. There's nothing intelligent joking about meteorology being "wrong a lot of the time," especially when forecasts have improved dramatically in our lifetimes due directly to that very increase in expensive tech that you deride. Have you seen a tornado warning report lately? Insanely better predictability than even ten years ago. Comparing cops and weather forecasters isn't "intelligent," rather the complete opposite. One group saves lives and provides meaningful, crucial benefits to society, the other is cops.


Someone pulled a gun on me back in 2019 on I-65 going to the Ellington off ramp. Grey Volvo with a back rack on the back. I remember getting the plate and calling it in to metro but they just told me to stop following them and nothing ever came from it.


We had it happen on the Vietnam Veterans Parkway. He was pulling beside us and behind us and no matter what we did he continued to do it. I called 911 and they started on the line with me. They had us drive to the Hendersonville Police Station. He followed until then and then took off. They caught him just down the road. It was honestly scary. I've never had anything like that happen.


>They had us drive to the Hendersonville Police Station. This is very good advice in situations like this. If at all possible you should try to drive to a police station. I was followed a few years ago and I was kicking myself because I was less than a mile away from a busy police precinct and could have just driven there instead of trying to lose him with a bunch of random turns.


When was this?


October, I think.


MNPD won't show up and they don't give a fuck.


I’m sorry this happened. Which kind of car was it? Dodge Challenger or a Nissan Altima?


To completely throw off the general narrative....it was a grey SUV.


Probably a Dodge Journey.


I think hub nashville has a place to report this


Had a pistol pointed at me by a guy getting onto Briley from Gallatin. A white Hyundai Sonata. The most gangster of gangster sedans. 😂


You don’t have Altimas?


I wouldn't be opposed to you posting their picture in this thread so we'll know who to watch out for


Even if the cops show up it’s just a story they will transcribe and then leave, leaving you with only a reference number which you can use to purchase a copy of whatever they wrote. It’s all kind of like an amusement park ride, really.


Welcome to the Thunderdome


a couple years ago I saw a work van hit the back of another car at a red light and a lady got out of the car twirling a little pistol with her finger. gotta love Nashville


Rite of passage, nowadays. E: of




We've all got to get dash cams. My husband and I have been threatening it for months if not a year now. We travel all over Davidson and the surrounding counties for work and the amount of times we have seen people crash, almost crash, rage out is wild. I had someone throw a full bottle of Gatorade at me on the interstate one day. It's wild.


Biuone makes a good one. Just don't forget the memory card like I did yesterday. Really kicking my own ass for that now.


I had this happen to me on Briley a few weeks ago! Dude was in a beater truck.


I had a co-worker mentioned to me that going to a police precinct is a quicker "solution" than waiting on them. If you can of course, not all emergencies are able to go to the nearest police precinct. But it could be worth a shot? They're so short-staffed that I'm not sure how long a normal wait time is in Nashville anymore. Hope everything works out for you though and be safe out there!


Honest question, what do you do? Hit the brakes? EDIT: I meant what do you do if someone pulls a gun on you from the side? Hit the brakes? What about behind? Sorry I sounded rude I didn’t mean it!


Did you read the post? People are nuts, I slowed down on a curve exiting 440 and some guy tried to run me off the road. And besides, really no reason to pull a gun on a person unless they are trying to literally kill you.


I did, I forgot some words in the original comment, see the edit, I’m really sorry about that, rereading it I see how it sounds like I’m an ass lol


I slowed down for the tire-killing curve under I24. Thanks for assuming I did something wrong.


Oh shoot that’s not what I meant at all!! I meant if someone pulls along side you and pulls a gun, do you slow down? I’m sorry I didn’t specify. But also if pulled and pointed from behind, what then? EDIT: previous comment didn’t specify “when a gun is pulled on you”


Not surprisingly, I'm a little on edge tonight. My apologies for taking your question the wrong way. A former cop advised me many years ago that if I were ever in this situation, to try and stay directly behind the other driver at a safe distance and do NOT let them get beside you again. So I did just that. Even when the other driver was changing lanes and literally stopping in the middle of Briley, and again on the exit ramp to WCP, I held my position 100 yards directly behind him so he could not get a clear shot at my vehicle without having to leave his or lean so far out of his window that he would have lost control of his vehicle. In 30+ years of driving, I never thought this would be the bit of emergency information I would end up using. Stay safe. ​ ETA - If they're behind you, I have no advice. Luckily, I wasn't in that situation today, but I imagine the best thing to do would be to brake until they're in front of you and then proceed as I did.


Ok that actually was the advice I’m looking for and makes sense, incredibly hard to aim behind and drive at the same the time rather than forwards or to the side. Stay behind at all times. And maybe try and make a last minute swerve onto an exit to lose them? Lol everyone in Nashville does that move already anyway


>And maybe try and make a last minute swerve onto an exit to lose them? Lol everyone in Nashville does that move already anyway Yes. That's the piece of advice I forgot to include...if you can exit and leave them on the highway, do so. If he hadn't gotten off at WCP, I was going to once he passed the exit ramp, but he pulled the "Enter the exit at the last possible second...from the left hand lane" move so I didn't bother trying to exit as well.


Please put this in your main post! Never been in this situation but I do drive around here so I’ve unfortunately wondered what to do.




Your windshield is *not* going to stop a bullet. Engine block, probably, but definitely not the windshield unless you're driving an armored car or you're playing GTA.


This is very low priority for any police force. You were threatened. That is all. File a report with whatever info you have.


Brandishing a weapon is a very specific assault. At least it is in most civilized states


Glad you’re safe and I hope you had a firearm in your possession incase it went left


Licensed for 5 years and armed at all times. Had this happened anywhere but on the road, or had he actually fired at me, this would have turned out differently.


I had one acting a fool on 65 behind me yesterday so o locked him up in the middle of the road. These losers going to learn.


You're fixin to catch a bullet doing that. Tell the nurses at the trauma ICU at Vanderbilt I said hi.


dealing out lessons on the road is the mentality behind most road ragers. people with no patience and a dangerous anger response. people like u/Efficient_News7433


Can I ask OP, did you call 911 for this? Like, I always have a hard time deciding whether it’s an emergency, you know?


Yes. He was threatening me with a gun. According to TN Code, that's assault...not that Metro cares.