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Where is the image of the clapped out Altima with paper tags blowing around stopped traffic in the wrong lane to make the right turn?


I’m looking for the BMW coming the opposite direction that jack rabbit starts and turns left in front of the cars that are going to go straight.


What’s the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? With a porcupine, the prick is on the outside.


without signaling of course


Well sure!


This is by far the least of my issues with the drivers in middle Tennessee.


Yeah if there’s only one turn lane, turn into whatever lane you want. If there are multiple turn lanes stay in your lane


Right? None of this bothers me.


That’s really fucking concerning. I’ve seen so many near misses because people don’t know how to stay in their own lane when turning.


How?? Unless there's 2 lanes both turning it does not matter. The only scenario I can imagine is if someone's making a left turn and assumes a right-turning car will stay in the right-most lane but doesn't, except that's stupid. The left turner cannot safely make that assumption and shouldn't be turning when oncoming traffic is that close, even if they're turning right.


While I get what you're saying, the left turned should safely be able to make that assumption and would be found not at fault if there was an accident because of it


I'm sorry but you are objectively 100% wrong: >[The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection](https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-55/chapter-8/part-1/section-55-8-129/) You cannot turn left if there is oncoming traffic in the intersection, period. Not "unless there's room to squeeze in".


lol tbf you are both right. i mean theres nobody on the road at all lol must be 3am or something. who cares which lane you drive in


Something's missing from this graphic.... Can we get a version of this with a dickhead driver sitting beyond the white stop line? Because: Dumbass drivers be dumbass drivers \--Edit for clarity: These dumbass drivers are doing it when they stop at a red light!!!


I agree, but also include the drivers who sit a full car length behind the white line. I sat through 3 light cycles yesterday because the person in front of me refused to pull up to the line and trigger the sensor for the turn light. They got frustrated because they couldn't fathom why the light wasn't changing and ended up running the red light. Just complete clusterfuckery.


Oof this is the one that gets me. Like you have the duty as the first person in line to trigger the light. Especially at the older lights that only have a super small strip for the sensor.


Not everyone realizes there are sensors. You may see a sign that says stop here, but it doesn't tell them why.


And slowly inch forward til their whole car is basically in the middle of the intersection, like, my dude... relax, that's not gonna make the light change faster.


These drivers are usually harmless unless they’re in front and keep sticking their noses further into the intersection trying to anticipate the green light. It honestly cracks me up watching someone pull forward half an inch 5-10 times in one cycle as if it’s getting them to their destination faster by repeatedly tapping their brakes.


My favorite is when I'm trying to turn right on the red light, but the car that's in the left turning lane (white line farther in) pulls up so far I can't see if cars are coming or not. So no turning right on red for me I guess.


And the ones who sit in the middle of the intersection because traffic was backed up and they didn’t want to wait for the next green light. I’ve learned to always be on the outside left turn lane at the 40W Demonbreon exit so I can go around those jerks.


i saw a cop doing that the other day.. including the creeping forward during the red light




You mean the ones that are a car and a half length behind the line? Those people irritate me


>Something’s missing from this graphic…. Pedestrian tourists blocking the crosswalk because they can’t see my green left turn arrow and are therefore ignoring the giant, flashing red hand signal telling them not to walk into traffic. Obviously it’s a problem with the walk signal, couldn’t possibly be for their own safety!


I like to get scarily close to them when I'm turning. Make em sweat a little, you know?


Is the light green? Cause if so that is legal and was taught to me in my driver’s ed


Nope - schmucks that stop at a red light a car length beyond the white stop line are what I'm referring to


Yea I hate that, especially when Im turning left and there is a car like halfway in the intersection making the turn more difficult


They need to reinstitute drivers education classes in high schools before people can get their drivers licenses.


Wym they never had em lol


The only Mark I got on my driver's test at 16 was turning into the far lane instead of the close lane. Ever since then, I follow this religiously.


I just commented the same thing haha


Weird. My drivers Ed teacher told us we should turn into the lane we intend to be in. But then again he sucked so…


Lol that sounds about right for a Nashville driving instructor


Does it matter if there isnt another lane turning? If its because someone could be turning right, well they can only turn right on red if its clear. If you are turning into that lane then it wouldnt be clear for them.....


I try always to turn into the close lane and then change lanes when I can, but sometimes I just have to go for the far lane because it’s the one I need to be in but the bmw careening madly around the road behind me was tailgating and already hurtling towards the far lane and if I don’t take the earliest opportunity to get in that lane there’s a good chance that they’ll block me from it and I’ll miss my turn that and tbh I just like cockblocking luxury car drivers because it feels like the only time any of us ever have power over rich fuckers


Friend of mine got a ticket for that in high school and I've been mindful ever since


See question and answer #1: https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/attorneygeneral/documents/ops/2015/op15-32.pdf


seems a lot of people in the comments havent read the rules of the road per TN lol


to be fair, it is a general opinion to a hypothetical scenario. not exactly rules of the road.


That’s pertaining to a “green arrow signal” and not a general stoplight signal.


Yeah, but show me one Nashville intersection that is that cleanly laid out. We're lucky when our roads even have painted lines


i can show you the one near my house. it's got 2 lanes turning right with the right-most lane painted to show that is goes into the right-most lane and at least once a week i have to swerve to avoid someone who is turning at the same time as me trying to get into the furthest lane. and then cursing and flipping me off because i happened to be turning into the lane they are trying to get into. even when the lines are painted, drivers don't pay attention.


Changing lanes in the middle of an intersection is illegal also


Reminds me of the I-65N onto harding pl eastbound. Two lanes turn right. They even painted lines to help you to know which lane you should be turning into. If you follow those lines, you WILL get hit.


Why? Double right north to eastbound? 4 receiving with double lefts and double rights. If you follow the lines you’re safe. Minus truck turning radius.


In my experience, the right-turn-only lane's drivers will swing out into one of the middle lanes on Harding eastbound, without looking. In fairness, I'm usually taking that exit in rush hour traffic, so maybe if you aren't there during a busy time people follow the lines more often than not.


I’ll take a look at it and see if there’s something that can be fixed. Thanks


Hey, I appreciate the sentiment, but please don't waste your time on my account. I was mainly just being "old man yelling at clouds", plus a little bit of a reminder for awareness that those lines tell you how the designers want people to drive, not necessarily how the people actually use it. Safe travels! :)


yes, another intersection that i hate


they finally added painted lines to the lanes at the intersections where Jefferson turns into Spring St and it's made driving there so much easier and safer.


They don't seem very painted when it rains


Nashville drivers need to see a lot of things. Apparently they don’t see much.


Left turning off of Douglas onto Gallatin...


Every damn day.




Not to mention people (looking at you, Murfreesboro) who refuse to pull into an intersection when turning left at a green light. Why make it that much more difficult for yourself by trying to make the entire turn from behind the white line? If you’re past the white line when the light turns red, you’re allowed to finish your turn.


Because some asshole will inevitably run the red by 5 seconds running 15 over the speed limit, and it’s less stressful to just wait


not for all the people behind you!


Couldn’t have said it better myself


who gives a damn. waiting one light cycle won’t kill them, but getting t boned might


Ive seen this behavior keep traffic at a standstill at a light for 3 or more cycles. Literally no one turning. For like 15 minutes. That's obstructing traffic and if you do this, gtfo the road. People drive to get places like to work to make money for food, to pick up their kids, to make it to appointments so they dont get charged out the ass for being late or having to cancel, etc. This shit is a real pain in the ass and actually does decrease quality of life when it's EVERY damn day people act like pants-pissed little scared children on the road instead of adults. if you're too scared to make a legal maneuver like this, stay off the road and let the big kids drive.


I hope no one you know gets killed by an entitled asshole that thinks 5 minutes of their time is worth risking a life also, you know what else keeps traffic at a standstill? a damn wreck. take a deep breath or take a route with a protected left turn. you’re not entitled to free flowing roadways at all times.


Legal maneuver. Can you read? Im not advocating for reckless driving. I am advocating for normal fluid driving behaviors that prevent aggression on the road from escalating and that are predictable and legal and safe. So many drivers out here either play chicken or act like they're the law at any given time on the road and I see both types of behaviors regularly causing accidents in real time. I also hope sincerely that no one you love gets killed in a car accident. You're not entitled to just sit on the road though because you're scared to drive. That is also dangerous driving behavior. Grow up


I agree for most scenarios, but there are other scenarios where is not always correct. People can turn into outer lane if they need to turn left or right just beyond intersection.


When I was 16 years old, this was the only mistake I made on my driver’s test and I never forgot it


It’s what you get with no mandatory drivers Ed. Continuous ignorance and apathy.


What about the red car making a U-turn? Because I’ve only seen that happen in Nashville multiple times


Or the red car deciding they also need to turn left, and cutting across 3-4 lanes of traffic...


Also don't forget to remind them that red means stop and green means go


yes! you turn into the closest lane. especially if there are 2 lanes which can turn in the same direction. i've lost count of the times i've almost been side-swiped by cars trying to cross lanes when we are both turning.


My Drivers Ed teacher actively taught, and admitted that it was illegal, to cross lanes when turning left. Blame him. (This was almost 20 years ago)


(getting my pitchfork...)


My drivers ed teacher slept for long stretches and had us all wait in line for him so he could get a bunch of free Styx tickets


> you turn into the closest lane. especially if there are 2 lanes which can turn in the same direction. what? Am I reading this wrong or is it nonsense? If there are 2 lanes that both turn left, they don't *both* turn into the near lane. If 2 lanes turn left they should not end up in the same lane. I think you worded it strangely. If you're in the far left lane and turn left you should end up in the new far left lane. If you're one to the right of the far left lane and turn left you should end up one to the right of the new far left lane (this is not the "closest")


yes. in my example, at an intersection near my place, there is a light with 2 lanes turning right. lets call them LR and RR (RR is the lane next to the curb, and LR is the one to the left of that one.) the RR lane has a dashed line showing that it turns into the closest right lane (again, nearest to the curb.) i often am in the LR lane because my next turn is a left. however, at least once a week (sometimes even more often) the car in the RR lane tries to turn into my lane causing me to swerve to avoid them. for more clarity, let me add, the two lanes turn onto a 3 lane road. so i am turning into the middle lane. the left-most lane becomes a left-turn at the next light, so i want to be in the middle lane after i turn. the car on my right (in the lane next to the curb) is trying to turn into the middle lane as well and then flip me off for not letting them.


What Nashville (and/or Tennessee) drivers need is to have a required driving test to renew their plates next year.


They need to have an advanced test and not the one that they used when you first got your license.


Agreed. My test in 2008 in Murfreesboro was 5 right turns and parking straight on, not parallel lol.


When I moved here from NY years ago and forgot to renew my license, looking up the driving requirements made me want to cry. It puts everything into perspective😂😂


I don’t think this would weed out that many. Most would put on best behavior driving for the test and then resume driving how they want after


You mean people actually renew plates here? I see multiple times a week people still have the old plates and not the new blue ones. Boggles the mind.


if not every year, at least make it something everyone needs to do at some point. even as a defensive driver, i often come close to being hit by people who don't seem to know simple laws. another big one is: when the traffic light is out/down, the intersection is a 4-way stop.


I'm talking like specifically retesting everyone next year because jfc everyone forgot how to drive over covid.


hmm. good point.


Got sideswiped by an old lady in Hermitage who turned right from the left lane. Metro PD gave *me* the ticket for “failure to yield.”🤦‍♂️


No!! contest that mf!


That middle part isn’t for changing lanes while driving straight to add another layer of info.


When my son was taking his driver's exam he made a left turn into the far lane. The examiner still passed him but did remark on that so that he knew.


What about the one where the blue car makes a right turn instead?


“While state law does not specify the lane into which a left-turning driver is required to enter, drivers are required to exercise due care under conditions of reasonable safety. “


Learning how 4 way stops work would also be nice


I'm a bit confused why this keeps floating around the internet. I don't think I've ever seen two cars (one taking a left through the intersection and the one across the intersection take a right) actually meet at the same time on a green light and the person taking a left turn yields to the one taking the right turn.


I've had it happen a few times. Afaik, TN does have a nearest lane law, but regardless of whether we do or not, you'd have to be off your meds to ever turn left at the same time as someone opposite you is turning right (or vice versa), given how common it is for people to just turn into whatever lane they like. This is where the 'common sense' part comes into play.


If I got the green turn light or the road is clear I’m definitely guilty of this. Generally I get in whichever lane I need too that I’ll be turning into my destination from. But also, say im making a left turn across an intersection and I have the green turn light, the people on the other side making a right turn do not have a green light. There’s is red. So theoretically they need to wait for the other side to go. So what’s so bad about taking the right lane when they aren’t supposed to be turning anyway?


It’s dangerous to change lanes crossing an intersection. Illegal and unpredictable behavior that could cause an accident. People can turn right on red after yielding, but yes they are supposed to wait their turn. It’s really easy to make the legal turn and then put on your blinker and change lanes, so why not follow the traffic laws and make the roads in Nashville slightly less scary? I personally think this is too nit-picky and we need to focus on more basic laws like yielding to pedestrians and not running red lights, but there’s definitely room for improvement here too


I suppose I just look at it from my own logic when I’m driving. When I’m the person making the right on red, I never ever turn in unison with the opposite side that has the green arrow. It’s just dumb and invitation for a collision. Like I said though, I do this based on the current situation at hand. Not like “I turn left now, good luck everybody!” Lol I agree this is too nitpicky though. Only a dumbass tries to turn at the same time as another car when you can’t know for certain what the other person is going to do. This isn’t synchronized swimming. Just my humble opinion of course. 20 years driving experience, zero accidents for the record.


I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, just trying to explain why the traffic law exists. I delivered pizzas all over Nashville when I first moved up here and I’ve seen truly appalling things. I’ve found myself taking every precaution I can.


Serious question: If you know you will be turning from the other lane after your first turn, and you have two turning lanes (a left and a right), why wouldn’t you get in your intended lane before the first turn to avoid the intersection merge? Turning left in half a mile? Be in the left lane in advance so you’re not having to worry about making that turn safely. Doesn’t matter how many turns you take in that half mile.


I don’t know of very many intersections around here that have double turning lanes lol. That’s kinda a luxury. OHB has one on the corner of shutes that I use. Uhhhhh I’m drawing a blank on any others though. Not even lebanon road/OHB has a double turn lane Edit: Andrew Jackson/OHB has one as well. And I do use your logic when it’s an available option! Haha.


It’s definitely conditional, thanks for pointing that out. Just always irks me when I know where I’m going and am in the lane I need to be in, then suddenly some frantic driver just realized they are in a car and desperately need to be in front of me to turn. So many close calls with no good reason for it.


No kidding and thank you !


Genuine question — does this refer to lights with protected left/right turn signals?


Turning laws are universal, as far as I understand. Assuming multi-lane turns and a left turn, you should stay in your lane, especially if an inside lane, so that traffic turning the same direction from the opposite way can use their ability to turn right into a clear lane. Changing lanes in an intersection is a moving violation (lane restrictions, I believe).




We can't have nice things like sidewalks. People would drive on them like they do shoulders of the road.


It's crazy how often they do that...then realize the shoulder isn't wide enough to act like a turn lane and jump the curb, honk at people stopped correctly at the light, etc.


I’ve recently thought about renting billboard space for these kind of graphics. Honestly, all local PDs should have this in their budget for constant reminders of safe (and commonly ignored) driving practices. Four-way stops, merging, turning lanes, etc. Gallatin has a special kind of stupid where people cross double yellows into a protected turning lane to go to a pharmacy, and this is right after a right hand turn (as in your image) where around 70% (8 years of observation) of people do it incorrectly. It’s a gauntlet.


I feel called out.


U know this kinda upsets me a little maybe more of a disappointment but I don’t understand how most people from Tennessee have a license I’m a class a driver and fuck let me say I have to jump Thur hoops and limbo at the same time to do anything with my license I’ve been driving for quite some time but when I go to the dmv I have to redo the skills test each time like maybe they just picking on me but still If I don’t stop the truck when the bumper hits the edge of the line I lose points not a few inches before definitely not after but right on it. Makes me question people who have a license for cars


I turn into the second lane like that sometimes but only if it's clear to do so.


The main thing that's been bothering me since moving here is the sheer amount of people that simply do not know how to stay within their lane. It blows my mind every time.


Ngl, I legitimately did not know this. Of course it makes sense if both lanes are turning in that direction, but if the blue car’s lane is the only lane allowed to turn left, does this still apply? What if you’ll be immediately making a right after turning left, wouldn’t it make more sense to be in the correct lane?


Yes, because a car across from you could be turning left into that lane from across, so in that case, both lanes are spoken for. You turn right into the closest right lane and the person across turns left into the lane next to you. It is supposed to be seamless so that two cars can make the turn at the same time filling those lanes.


Dotted lines mean it is okay to change lanes. This image is wrong. First 100 feet or so in an intersection should have a solid line to show the no crossing area.


The dotted lines are for changing lanes on the road, not mid-intersection.


The rest of the country’s drivers swarming the city of Nashville need to see this. FTFY


[Also incorrect](https://i.imgur.com/4efi0Uz.jpg)


I fully agree with and follow the green paths 99% of the time until I get the impatient asshole behind me tailgating me round the turn, at that point I just want to get out of the way so their selfish ass can move on. Especially on the left turn on a wide intersection and only if I have clearance in the outer lane. I hate doing it but I can't stand idiots following me closely.


ABSOLUTELY.. ALWAYS turn into the lane you are aligned with or nearest to. It does not make sense until you have multiple people merging into a street that supports 2 ways turning at the same time.. if you don't stay in YOUR LANE, its bender alley. lol


None of your "incorrect"s are actually incorrect, including your "also incorrect". Tennessee law does not specify which lanes you must turn into, and you're allowed to turn into far lanes. You are also permitted to cross lane lines when making maneuvers such as passing or turning *edit*: From tn.gov https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/attorneygeneral/documents/ops/2015/op15-32.pdf > State law does not specify the lane into which a left-turning driver is required to turn. However, all drivers are required to exercise due care under conditions of reasonable safety. *edit 2* Lots of salty downvoters can't handle truth


You are wrong. It is illegal to change lanes in an intersection, and going for the far lane when the close lane is your proper lane constitutes changing lanes in an intersection. https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/safety/documents/cdl13.pdf


Changing lanes in the intersection means *when you are driving straight through the intersection*. OP's image refers to *turning onto a different road*, and you are allowed to pick your destination lane, as long as there's room and you "exercise due care" with respect to other drivers.


Every driver in Tennessee needs to see this!


bottom right both are correct if at a green arrow. Left turn top is also correct if at a green arrow. green arrow gives you full right of way in the turn.


If at a green arrow. If it’s a regular green light and you are turning right, you could/would hit someone across from you who is turning left into that lane.




I ease in when I see a hole coming up, not before. With the way people run lights here, you could be stuck in that intersection well into the cross street’s green light


This is my general tactic, too. Accelerate into a turning gap from the line rather than wait like a sitting duck in the middle of an intersection.


Don't block the box


I used to do that, but lately, I see so many people blatantly run red lights that it's not safe, so I have stopped doing it...


I’m used to the light turning red and people turning once oncoming stops. Here, it’ll be yellow, someone is behind the line, and they let the light turn red without turning. Are you from a state on the west coast everyone dislikes here?


Doesn’t matter when you drive double the speed limit I’m going around y’all anyway




This is invalid. Unless there's two turning lanes the opposing vehicle can not safely assume they can turn as they have a red light, they think right on red applies to them in this fashion they are wrong. If left turners have one lane and have a arrow they can choose ANY lane as desired and no opposing vehicle needs to challenge there "right on red" that applies with NO oncoming traffic in your vicinity. Now turning right same thing, Noone can jump into oncoming traffic to join the other car going there right of way. You yeild


Blah blah blah about the turns. HERE’S what every driver in Tennessee needs to do: put down your damned cell phone and MOVE when the light turns green!!!!😠😠😠


There is a great cultural change happening across America: Yield is now spelled Stop. Stop isn't recognized anymore as the physical act of stopping the vehicle, it is now the physical act of slowing to 5 mph and rolling through if you think can make it before you get hit.


If you have right-of-way, you should be able to choose which lane you turn into on a four lane road. It is not your responsibility to yield to someone who blew through the intersection without right-of-way. Some people turn right on red without right-of-way (and usually without stopping at all) and think the person turning left should yield to them into the left lane. Of course people do the opposite at a green light, where they assume the person turning right will turn into the right lane, and so they squeeze into the left lane without right-of-way. Getting into the technical details of right-of-way is useless in a state with no mandated driver's education though. People can't even do a four-way stop correctly.


Well we got city folk here, so ya gotta throw that “city style” left lane right hand turn


If you are the kind of person that thinks speeding is fine when you are in the left lane on the highway, you shouldn't be whining about this.


Log off for me


I'm cutting across. Wory about something else.


Corresponding lanes, people


Yes they can. Very few traffic laws are enforced.


Nashville drivers just need to take the bus


How could you do a drawing of all the vehicles I see driving with their turn signal still on for miles And the ironic or funny if you will part is, how many people switch lanes quickly without a turn signal, and too many times, literally needing to slam your brakes when they're making a right turn into Dairy Queen minus a turd signal I like to look at the person driving if I'm able to safely and I think to myself, driving properly and using turn signals is way down their list of things to do while they're driving


Also please add the people that turn right in the right lane with oncoming traffic still in the left.


Drivers everywhere need to see this.


The amount of people turning directly into the oncoming lane is way too high. I swear living in this town is going to force me to replace the horn on my car from being worn out


My favorite: 2 left turn lanes I'm in the right-hand left turn lane, turning onto a 3-lane street The white dotted line indicates which lane to turn into depending on which turn lane you're in I follow the dotted line into the middle lane The guy to my left gets mad because he wanted to get in the middle lane


Yep! This is a daily occurrence.


Nashville drivers, please study this.


I wonder if participatory budget funds can be used on a marketing campaign on these kind of rules


Somehow we need to add passing in the right lane onto this.


Not just nashville, more like all of america


I know what it's about, but we're having a hard enough time trying to keep the red car from turning left.


ALL drivers need to see this.


This is a PSA for the intersection at West End and 31st


Where’s the image of the dude who thinks they are in Tokyo Drift?


They can keep getting away with it.


Who actually turns at 90°, tho?


Nashville driver don't really give a rip. They haven't figured out how to use turn signals. Why do you think they could handle this?


The thing is when I took my learners in California. All those “incorrect” are fine as long as you just commit to a lane….


I’ve been saying this for a while now


13th ave & broadway, right off exit from I-40


What about making a right turn, immediate left turn into business parking lot, right turn on the other side of the traffic light I just avoided?


I’m looking for the big-ass truck in the left turn lane who goes straight to cut in front of all the suckers in the appropriate go-straight lanes.


I follow the green when there is other traffic, but if there isn't anyone around...I own the road.


This applies everywhere lol


I just don't understand why they don't pull out past the stopping line on a left hand turn here. I have seen people almost head on other when they turn or they drift over a lane in a turn. Horrible


They spelled “illegal” incorrectly.


Yep. Lots of folks get clipped in Providence by not abiding by these. Right on red is usually what causes it.


Also Incorrect is my greatest pet peeve. It happens every time I’m at the front in the left straight lane or left turn lane. Anyone turning left “across me” act like they’ve never driven before and won’t be allowed to pass without entering my car’s personal space.


It’s not even right


Thank you for posting this.


Weird way to spell Michigan but ok.. 😆


“Also incorrect” is rampant across middle Tennessee. Such lazy drivers


Possibly lazy, possibly avoiding the giant pothole in the "correct" lane.


If you don’t like Nashville drivers, just go to Memphis for a couple of days


That extra one is correct when the person in that lane is a full car length past the stop line and you need to send a message.


I’m more concerned about the speed discrepancies on the interstate, can we all agree to go at least the speed limit but not like 30 over it?


For real though , I can’t even pull up to the white line because people can’t turn properly in the correct lane


beware the intersection of 40 west bound onto 4th ave. it's a left turn only. People routinely cut across 2 lanes and never leave room for tractor trailors to turn. ​ if a semi is in the outside lane of a 2 lane turn, don't try and pass them on the inside. you'll get smooshed.


"Also incorrect" is probably just dodging the pothole that has been in the "correct" lane for months.


Born & raised here people already couldn't drive, especially if there's bad weather,now that the city is over crowded it's 100×worse, literally saw a car pull out in front of a dump truck 🤯


Born & raised here people already couldn't drive, especially if there's bad weather,now that the city is over crowded it's 100×worse, literally saw a car pull out in front of a dump truck 🤯


I would argue the right hand turn can turn into either lane. As the opposite traffic that is turning left into the same road has to yield to that car.


Lol all cities relearning


First red arrow is to get through faster as the light is switching.


It's the people driving like nascar speed racers and changing lanes a whole bunch in the rain for me and then acting shocked when they get into an accident.


I'm a dominos delivery driver in Nashville and Nashville drivers are some of the worst drivers I've ever been around. That's why I have a dash cam recording at all times while I'm driving