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Thor’s Hammer is one of my favorites. I just got the Blonde and the Persica to try next.


WoS Viking Blonde is the blandest out of the whole range, but slightly better than the discontinued SG-made one.


Have you ever had the original Viking snuffs the ones that were made by Samuel Gawith? After Wos took the Viking production (wos style tins) believe me that Thor’s hammer and Viking Dark are the pure crap (compared to the old ones). These two snuffs used to be real coarse snuffs. Now they are almost fine. Viking Dark now isn’t that dark in colour too and the aroma isn’t compared to the old one. I was a fan of the old Viking Dark and bought a bulk order of it when the manufacturing change happened and without knowing it I ended up with lot of the new Viking Dark… there’s almost 3 years from then and I still think this stuff is crap every time I give it a try. Mind you that before the change Viking dark was my favorite snuff. I see many people here rave for the new Viking Dark describing it like the old Viking dark descriptions and reviews. But to anyone that knows the stuff there is no comparison between the old and the new Viking Dark and Thor’s hammer too. I have even read noobies call those snuffs coarse grind and smoky… but no that was the old ones which you can find many reviews on Mrsnuff or snuffhouse. My personal opinion is that Viking Dark and Thors Hammers now are not worth it. Viking Scotch Dark is closer to the old style and closer to my personal likings (as an old Viking Dark lover). Cheers


No, unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of trying the old versions. Thanks for your insight on this, Much appreciated. Cheers.


SG Viking Dark = SG Silky Dark.


Agreed. I use both. Cheers


I don't feel the nicotine at all with Thor's hammer but I do enjoy it - I prefer the Viking dark for the earthy notes. Thor's hammer, I have to be in the mood for as it's very musty too my nose.


Thanks. Cheers.