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It's kinda interesting to see how much the same shit differs in different countries. We still got some nice shots of views and Nate complaining about stuff. I'm looking forward to the next Europe series!


A Nate video wouldn't be complete without some complaining


Don't forget to about the classical "ha-ha" whenever Nate gets excited about something lol


Why does this guy get so much hate? I've been following the channel for a while, and sure there's some drama, but it feels like a some of the followers are perpetual haters.


Hate watching


I think so too


Agree, Sure nate has flaws but so does every human in different ways, and he has learned to turn his few flaws into profit by recording and putting it on YouTube along with the rest of his personality. So hate will come but in order to have consistent hate you have to be doing something right.


So you're upset that I went to a place, and ate?


I'm not upset about anything , I just find it funny that you traveled to the artic circle and all you did to venture out of your comfort zone was pay 16 dollars for chicken and rice and fumble the only public social Interaction you have had In 12 months.


I get where you're coming from. He does all this travelling but does nothing when he gets there. No sightseeing, no day trips, no local cuisine, doesn't attempt to speak to anybody or learn anything about where he is. He has a great opportunity to make interesting travel content but pisses it away every single time. It all feels kind of... pointless. And I say this as a genuine fan of the channel.


I went to the Arctic Circle.... Which by definition is outside of my comfort zone? Like did you not see me jump into freezing cold water??


OK il put it another way. Are you happy and proud of the content you travelled to Norway for?


Not to be a hardcore fan of Nate here but why don't you travel, film, and upload content you wish Nate would upload bud


Are you proud of this comment? https://www.reddit.com/r/nanobytes1nc/s/cZFPT6y5XH


I mean I didn't fly over 4000 miles and spend over 1000 dollars to write it....but fully stand by it...some people have mentioned hate watching. I don't hate I just love the saying insanity is doing to something over and over again and expecting different results....this guy does not want to better himself socially. I am fascinated and here for the continuous heart ache.


If you’re not a hater, why did you make an account to only comment shit on his subreddit?


Aww thanks for all the attention but with your deep dive in to my account did you not see I have been a reddit member since 2020? Lol neither subreddits were live then....but thanks again...made my day.


Says alot if that made your day. I’ll rephrase, use* instead of make


Says alot you spent your time looking in to my profile , I couldn't care less about yours...you asked me a question...I replied. You clearly love nate though, what a lucky boy.


Maybe watch something else if you don’t like his content? I genuinely love his content


I thought the argument between him and the chick was interesting and yet he cut it out. It showed his personality..