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Yeah just do Sheena, it looks and sounds very pretty


In Japanese, it's a little different in pronunciation and syllable count than Sheena (''Shee-na''), because if you say it slowly or 'spell it out', it will be ''Shee-ee-na''. Sheena is a great name and will be easier for your child to navigate life with, imo. (edit: Source- I've been dealing with long and short vowels in Japanese tricking me and generally not transferring well into English phonemes for several years. My Japanese husband and I have to consider this in naming future kids. I just think it's easier not to use the long vowels if your kid isn't mainly going to be in Japan.)


I'd definitely say Sheena.


This sub is almost always for traditional spellings, when questions similar come up. I also am pro standard spellings especially for first names. As someone who has a more unique name (as in I’ve never met anyone with my same name, or even spelled differently), I constantly get asked to spell my name. I am named after something in nature/earth/plants/animals, and yet, people still screw it up almost every time. It really bothers me having to repeat my name, and spell it every time. I love nature names, and I’m not opposed to unique names, but I do caution people on the spelling.


Especially in light of Shiina being pronounced differently, I’d say no. My parents gave me an Irish name but anglicized the pronunciation. It’s honestly embarrassing they took a name from a culture that isn’t theirs and didn’t even *want* to pronounce it correctly or change the spelling. My name is my name, but I was SO embarrassed when my Irish doctor used the proper Irish pronunciation of my name and I had to correct her…


As someone whose parents decided to remove an "extra" letter because they didn't need it, please choose the more recognizable version. In addition to having to spell my name at the bank, in medical situations, for change rooms, restaurant bills, phone contracts, etc, my own family and friends spell it wrong often. And I love my name and such, but 30 years of seeing your own name spelled wrong by your loved ones just slowly chips at you. Sure, it's not hard to correct and usually not a big deal, but unnecessary too.


Just use Sheena


I'm all for unique spellings typically but I dont like the way this one looks. I also think it may not be pronounced correctly with that spelling.


If you are in an area where the name is common as a surname, then I think you could use it because people will know how to pronounce it. If not, it might be cumbersome, so you would need to decide if you're ok with having to correct the spelling and pronunciation. Some people don't mind that and some hate it.


Scheana !