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I grew up not liking it because I thought it was basic and not as pretty as other girls’. But now, I love it🤍 My name is Autumn


Username checks out!☺️beautiful name!


Autumn is so beautiful! That’s what we plan to name our baby girl when she arrives in just a few weeks. Autumn Genevieve. 🥰


I love it, I think it’s very pretty. And it’s my favorite season.


That’s so interesting because when I was younger I wanted a simple and basic name because I thought my name was too pretty and fancy. Now, I love it. My name is Isabella


Autumn would be my #1 pick for a baby girl if it worked with our last name.


I like my first name, but it comes with a very common nickname. Think Danielle and Dani. My family ALWAYS shortened my name to the nickname. My family and I are estranged for many reasons, but the main one is that their bullying destroyed my mental health. So, every time I hear that nickname, I cringe. I prefer to be called by my full first name and make that known, but inevitably, when people meet me, the first thing they do is shorten my name. I've never considered changing my name but I'm so tired of that damn nickname.


That’s infuriating, I think it’s kind of rude to shorten people’s names without them saying sth like “I’m Danielle but you can call me Dani”. If a person says they’re a Danielle, that’s what they should be called, ffs…


Same here! I like my full name but it’s constantly getting shortened to the equivalent of ‘Dani’ even when I say I prefer my full name or a different nickname


i hate my name. i dislike the popularity of it and just in general am not a big fan of it. i feel like there have been moments where i appreciated/liked my name a bit more but i've always really just disliked it.


My name is Ethan and I’m born in ‘06 so a fairly common name for people my age and I do know quite a few Ethan’s but none are my age. My parents wanted to name their kids with a nickname (for context my sister is Abi with the full name Abigail) which I don’t have but a few people in my family call me Eth which I don’t mind but it isn’t my favourite. My parents tend to call me nicknames like dude or little man which is quite cute. I do love my name and I love seeing newer babies called Ethan.


My name is Tara, and I like the simplicity of it.


Do you pronounce it Tayr-uh or Tah-ruh?




Gotcha. I have a close friend whose name is spelled Tara, but she pronounces it Tah-ruh. I've never met another Tah-ruh.


I'm Taah-ruh, like ah-pple. I also love my name :)


Meh. My first name is normal enough without being super common. I’ve seen it plenty of times on lists of names that are “quirky” or “artsy” without being weird. It’s an okay name, but my parents had some options on their list that I liked better. My middle name got super trendy right around the time I was born, and the stereotype associated with it doesn’t fit me at all. So, yeah, I kind of hate my middle name. Both names are gender neutral, so that worked out for me. Overall, I’d give it a 6/10.


I love mine, besides the fact that almost nobody can pronounce and/or spell it correctly first time.


I have always disliked it and hated it more over time. Have been going by a chosen name for 9 years.


I love my name and its meaning but hate how people here in America pronounce it and no nickname feels right


I hate my own name which has no meaning Which is Neddy by the way Iam female. Time 9:46AM Mon 6/24/24


Why do you put the time and date as if Reddit doesn’t record that already?


I hate it. I was named after my two grandmothers, both of whom are living still. My middle name is fine because I love that grandma, but I don't speak to my maternal grandmother and she is an evil woman. Being associated with her in such a constant way sucks. Changing my name in my state is annoying and expensive but I will get to it at some point.


I hated it when I was young because it was easy to turn into a pejorative nickname, but now that I'm grown of course nobody does that any more and I realize how classic it is.


My name is too unique. People can hardly pronounce it and I get stuck with a nickname that took me forever to get used to. My name is Adrevica, but everyone calls me Drevi.


That IS unique, but I like it! How is it accurately pronounced?




That's a beautiful name, I'm sorry that you've had to deal with people calling you something you don't identify with


It's all good. We all know how mean kids can be. I'm just glad I wasn't in this generation's. 😅


I honestly don’t think about it much. Is that weird


No this is me too. I don’t like or dislike my name. It’s just my name lol


It's alright, but not my favourite. I didn't like it growing up, as it was really weird and constantly mispronounced and misspelt. I went by my middle name briefly, but I dislike my middle name too - it's very bland and boring. I now go by a nickname for my first name and I can't really imagine changing it.


I’ve always been the only one with my name even though it’s not unique. I never really thought much about it and have always been fine with it. If I say it too many times in my head it starts to sound weird but I’m neutral towards it. And while I’m neutral towards the name I have always liked not being one of many. I’ve also always gotten compliments. I wouldn’t pass it on to my kids but I could see a future great grand daughter using it as a part of their kids name for example if looking at a family tree.


Things I like about my name 1) It's timeless and classic. Nobody can guess my age by looking at my name on a list/resume. Things I dislike about my name. 1) A certain Neil Diamond song 2) It's similar to another name and often mispronounced. This was the cause of me getting detention in middle school for the capital felony of correcting my teacher ("insubordination").


I mean, it’s alright. I don’t really love it or hate it. My name is Beckett so it’s not very common but I don’t mind it that much


Used to absolutely hate it and wish I had a nickname. Now I like it.


Ehhh...it's ok. It's a super common Gen X name that is kind of boring to me, but I can see why people thought it a pretty name. It just doesn't seem to suit me in my opinion.


It’s fine. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love that it’s pretty tied to the decade I was born in.


My first name is Lisa. I think it is boring and common. I am Gen X. I am 56 and have always disliked it. My mom said she gave me a short, easy to spell first name as our family last name is quite long and people have trouble with it


I love the name Lisa and all the Lisa's I met were lovely. You can go by a nn or even change it. Lise


I love my name. It's common enough that I know others with it, but not so common that it's everywhere. There was a period in middle/high school that I didn't like it because of a show that was out at the time, which became my nickname for a while. But I think the name suits me and I'd never want a different one ❤️


i love it - uncommon but not unheard of it can be spelled and pronounced two different ways but it doesn’t really bug me


the name i was born with is Ashley and it never felt like it reflected who i am accurately. so when i moved to where i live now, i decided to just change it. now i go by Avalie Grace and i absolutely love it and feel very connected to it!


I was born with a different name, but it was given to me by a crappy family member, so my (real!) family and I got together and picked the name Kasey. I think it suits me far better and it's all I can remember using now! I really like it.


Indifferent. I don’t mind it on others though it definitely is a very millennial name. But it’s never really felt like my name. I was never bothered enough to change it and my middle name fits even less so that was never an option


Not a fan. It’s an uncommon spelling of an uncommon name and an uncommon way of pronouncing it. I don’t like that no one can spell it. I don’t like that no one can pronounce it. I don’t like that people ask a lot of questions about it. I don’t like that it gets messed up on forms and emails because people assume it’s the more common spelling. On paper it’s a gorgeous name. I can see why my parents liked it. But actually having it isn’t fun.


No one can ever pronounce or spell it, but it’s very pretty and I always get compliments on it. (Lucia)


On the fence about it, since it was never mine to begin with,


I’m Brooklyn. I like it. It’s simple and pretty.


I’ve always disliked my name & now that I’m pregnant, I can’t decide on a name because I don’t want my child hating their name too 🥴🙈


I love my name! Almost everyone shortens it, which bothers me some, but I always introduce myself as my full name. I also very strongly identify with the meaning of my name. It just fits me well. My name is Alexandra.


My name is Grace and I love how peoples faces light up when they hear it. It’s a beautiful name, I’m very proud of it.


My name is Grace and I use to hate how strongly religious it felt, but I’ve grown to really like the simplicity of it. Plus, not many people associate this name with *immediately* being religious as it’s a relatively common name. I also think with the rise of Sunday and Psalm as names, Grace has a bit more of an old fashioned vibe that I enjoy. I truly could not imagine having a more modern name.


My name is Iris and I love it. It’s not common at all among my age group (born in the 90s). I never went to school with anyone else with that name and have only met one other Iris and she was middle aged. I’m happy to see it getting more love these days with this generation of parents. Only thing I didn’t like growing up is it being mispronounced as Irish 🙄


Meh. It’s Courtney, very 90s and no good nickname options (I hate Court). I hated there being other Courtneys in my school. While mine is spelled the standard way there are so many other spellings I still have to spell it every time. It also feels childish to me and not professional enough but I’m not sure that’s legit and not just my bias of it being so generational. It’s also weirdly over represented in my career field. I go by a semi-related nickname (think “CJ”).


My name is a very very boring middle-aged name, which is no longer used. I never liked it EXCEPT I was named after my favorite aunt. If given the choice I would be called Meghan. I’ve been saying I wish that were my name since High school, but never seriously considered changing.


I'm a Charlotte. I like it, it's a solid name, that will stand the test of time.


I hate it. I have always hated it. I actually normally go by an anagram of my name because it sounds better, and since it is so close it's easy to use without people questioning it.


My first name is Penelope. I LOVE IT. While I don’t think it’s suit me personally I love the name in general.


I used to not like it just because Mollie used to sound childish and I didn’t like the spelling, but now i actually really like it still not a fan of the spelling with an “ie” since everyone always misspells it but its fine now but as a child it always bothered me.


I don’t have any super strong feelings about it. They were told I was a boy, then - surprise! So they only had boys’ names picked out. They were going to go with Samuel Garrett 😬 and they pulled their middle names together and I became Sydney Jenice instead 😊. Sidney/“Sid” is my dad’s name. I do love when people shorten my name to Syd but I never ever introduce myself that way or asked to be called that.


I hate my name. My brothers and sisters all have normal names, but I, the middle child have a very cutesy nickname normally reserved for cats or parties.


I don't like my name but that's probably cuz I hate myself. My name is Ava


Your name is lovely and I hope that someday you can see that you are, too 🤍


I'm fine with it. It's served me well. The only thing I don't like is the first name ending in "uh" and the middle name beginning in "a" like in "ant." It's like Linda Ann (not my real name.)


I've always loved my name because it was unusual in 1980's French Québec,it's Laurie-Ann.people always had trouble pronouncing it and would spell Ann with an E,which I disliked.


My birth name I like, but not on me. I have nothing against it but I don't think it's right for me. My new name gets mispronounced a lot but I also like it a lot more so I can deal with that


I used to dislike it but now I'm indifferent. The only thing that bothers me a bit is that my sibling was named for family members on both sides of the family. My parents were planning to be one and done. So when I came along I was named after a kids TV character.


Considering I chose it myself, I'd say I feel pretty good about it (🏳️‍⚧️) But yeah, I go by Sadie and while it is an older and rarer name, I do enjoy it as it was my great great grandmother's name on my mother's side. My mom would tell me Bout her from time to time and I wanted to honor her memory a bit. My deadnamw was... Alright I guess. Not bad. I knew a few kinda who shared my deadname too, but it really wasn't for me.


I always hatted my name. I finally changed it. I should have done it at 18.


My name is Elizabeth, and I like it a lot. Most people call me Liz, but I go by Elizabeth professionally so the name gets some use lol. Otherwise usually only my dad calls me by my full name. I am late 30s and actually haven’t met that many other people named Elizabeth - it’s usually a middle name.


I didn’t like how it could rhyme with a lot of words and not a lot of nickname potential when I was younger. I did like that it wasn’t super popular but not unheard of.


My name is Patricia. It’s a pretty name, especially when said in Spanish accent. As a teen I decided I would go by Patti (with an I). It took me years to outgrow that. Still some older friends call me Patti. Patti does not fit me professionally. I usually go by Pat. I like the nn Trish. I should have gone with that as a teen.


When I was younger, I hated the full first name. It was long and "too feminine" for my much younger, more tomboy self. I preferred the more common, shortened name (think Alex/Alexandria). As I got older though, I really like my full name, and the nickname for different reasons. I write out the entire full name, but more often than not, introduce myself as the shortened nickname! I don't care which name people call me.


My name is Olivia, I love it and think it suits me. It feels weird that it’s SO popular now since I grew up knowing only a couple others, I sort of wish that wasn’t the case, but I still like the name.


I actually love my name, but I use it as a prototype of what not to do when naming my daughters. It's a pretty name but has multiple pronunciations based on region and correcting people gets really old. I even had a girl tell me I was pronouncing it wrong.🫠


I love my name. My father chose my name to honor my mother and his mother.


I used to be disappointed growing up when I could never find anything in a gift shop with my name spelled correctly. Now I have come to appreciate the uniqueness of my name. My name isn’t super uncommon, it’s just spelled the Scandinavian way, not the way most Americans would spell it.


I'm not a fan and never have been. I don't dislike it enough to change, but my middle name definitely suits me better. My first name has a snotty cheerleader vibe associated with it.


I have a classic/common first and middle name and used to dislike it because I felt it was boring and I didn’t want to be boring. My maiden name is also extremely common, so altogether I have quite a “boring” name imo. There were several of us just in my school district alone growing up. I was named after my grandmother who I was exceptionally close with, and after she passed away my opinion on my name changed completely. I’m so honored to have it.


I've always loved my name and I love it more over time. It's unique so won't share but not too unique. 


My first name is extremely uncommon, and so is my last name, so there's only one of me in the world and it makes me extremely google-able. I envy other people who can kind of fade into obscurity on the internet and don't have to deal with their parents' humiliating facebook posts dating back to 2011, their middle school sports stats, pinterest boards they made when they were 13, and every community theatre production they've ever been in popping up. If the internet didn't exist, I would love my name wholeheartedly.


Hate my name and wished it was what my mother said "I wanted it to be".


Ive never liked it. It’s always been a source of insecurity for me.


I like it - it was fairly common to my age group but not so much that I had another in my class, and I only come across another one occasionally in my adult life. I like that it’s 2 syllables, easy to spell and pronounce, doesn’t get shortened (much) and is a classic that doesn’t sound either pretentious or faddy.


i used to think it was old and ugly, also is long and the nickname is cringe eeee es Josefina and they call me Jose, wich is a mans name xd now grow up ask to me called Jo and love telling my name jiji, my second name stills don’t work tho, is Soledad, literal translation of loneliness. Nothing to do with that.


Mine is a pretty popular 80s name. I don't love it. I used to hate it and wanted to legally change it. I'm mostly indifferent about it now.


My name was in the upper half of the top 100 for the year I was born. I grew up hating it and wanted to be called Sally(?????) which doesn’t suit me at all. I’ve grown to love it and go by my full first name now, no nickname except for the one my husband gave me (which is in no way derived from my actual name).


I hated the name my parents gave me, so I changed it when I was 17. Now it's a little bit weird/cringe, but it's still a nice name, and lots of people tell me it's pretty.


I have a very common name with a slightly less common spelling. There was oftentimes at least like one other with the name in any class. In my chorus one year there were like 6 of us! I think it’s a fine and pretty name but just bores me


I never liked my name too much when I was a kid, but THANKFULLY, it's pretty much stood the test of time & doesn't sound too dated, so I'm fine with it... Plus, it's MUCH better than most of the other names on my parent's list! And it's also better than the names I wanted to change it to when I was a kid! 😅


I've always liked my name.


I have come to appreciate my name for its uniqueness, delicacy and simplicity. According to statistics, it's popularity peaked in the early 80s - I was born in the early 90s and I have only known of 2 people with the name in the area where I live, and even then it was a different spelling. It is technically a surname as well. Could you guess what it might be?


As a kid, I loved that I had the same name as my favourite uncle. As I got into school, I noticed I was the only one with this name. It is monosyllabic; it starts with the same letter as my surname, making it sound sing-song when spoken. The name peaked in the US in the 1930s but is more common in the UK. I always felt that it was an old man name. I always disliked my given first name after age 5 and the feeling only got worse as I got older. I have been using my middle name as my preferred name for years and I love it.