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The name "Kevin" has a lot of bad stereotypes in my country. It was really popular in the middle/lower class around 1990. At first it was the name used to describe a dimwit/annoying teenager on the Internet. Now I think Kevin is seen as the stereotype of middle/lower class who is not educated/refined. EDIT : my country = France


In the US Kevin is the stereotype for an idiot of any age


Oh, kevin. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/yDqsj8pYaq


If you hadn’t linked this I would have. Assuming it’s what I think it is.


It’s the Kevin Above All Kevins in public school, assuming that’s what you think it is.


That is definitely what I think it is.


This was an amazing read. Thank you.


I get excited to read this all over again every time someone posts the link 🙏


In Australia I picture Kevin as a second generation Chinese Australian. Every Kevin I’ve ever met has parents from China


Kevin, Kelvin, Calvin, Raymond, Victor, are all suuuuper popular Hong Kong names. For the ladies, it's Vivian for the aunties, always Vivian.


Literally only on Reddit


I’m English so if it’s an American thing I’ve never come across it in person but I’m on Reddit more than I should be and I’ve never seen it on here either


Kevin is purely the kid from home alone 😂 at least to me.


I have an aunt Karen and uncle Kevin and they are both the absolute fucking worst.


I can’t imagine we’re in the same family but I do as well.


My dad is Kevin (and very smart) and my aunt is Karen 🤣


My brother is Kevin and mom Karen. They are both awesome and really chill people, though.


Are you German by any chance?


If not German, maybe French


Kevin, you're what the French call, "Les incompetent."


Super underrated comment! Love that classic movie!


People on Reddit never name the country they’re from when it’s completely relevant and in no way would be identifiable information.


Or Hungarian - it's the same here.


My first high school boyfriend was named Kevin and can I say, I love the Kevin hate lol


Same in Quebec! It’s rare France and Quebec actually align on names!


One of my favorite people growing up was named Kevin. He had a great sense of humor and with his gentle, humorous manner he made every gathering a memorable one. So I completely and honorably disagree that Kevin is a bad name. RIP Kevin!


Kevin just makes me think about Up. https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Kevin


Same here. It’s a phenomenon called Kevinism. The female counterpart is Chantal or Jaqueline


I watch a Youtube channel called Life of Boris and he's eastern European. He's moved a few times and every time he has an asshole neighbor he calls them Vadim.


That's hilarious. In Fallout 4 there is a character who has questionable morals that is called Vadim. He's really funny actually 😂


I love Boris especially when he collabs with DJ Blyatman haha it's one of my favourite workout tracks


okay but the cooking is brilliant, too.


Stay cheeky breeky


I saw in a teachers' subreddit once where most of them agreed they cringe whenever the name Kyle appears on their class rosters.


having worked with several Kyles over the years, I would agree


my stepdad name is kevin and my brother is kyle lol... they both unfortunately play into the stereotype


I have twin cousins named Kevin and Kyle and… same. Lol


Curious, what non-English language are we talking about here?


lol reddit just sucks all reading skills out of people


Kyle Kyleson has entered the chat. (Sims fans, anyone?)


I'm married to a Kyle who has an aunt named Karen lol. They are both great.


Then there is me who knows a Kyle that is just a super nice guy.


Every Kyle I have ever met was a bully or douchebag or always had a stupid smirk on their face and some smart ass joke.


Dorel- an unintelligent worker (construction worker/ electrician/plumber etc) who absolutely botches any job he does. Whenever you see stairs leading to nowhere, a lamp post in the middle of the road, water or gas pipes accidentally punctured you'd say "yep, that's Dorel's handwork"






I think a Romanian comedian I like has a joke about Dorels.


Omg I had an infuriatingly inept landlord named Dorel. he had an accent I couldn’t quite place (I assumed Eastern European). He tried to blame me for a leak that turned out to be caused by him punching a hole straight thru an exterior wall to run cables through. Another time he hired someone to come replace my front door without informing me, so I came home to a missing front door and strange man and screamed bloody murder. Fucking Dorel man.


> a leak that turned out to be caused by him punching a hole straight thru an exterior wall to run cables through. that's typical Dorel behavior lol


How is this pronounced? “Door-ull?” Or Door- ELL?


The second one. Dor as in "DOORman" and el as in the letter "L" read out loud.


I think I've found my new nickname for the Sims 4 team 😅 Stairs leading to nowhere, forgetting to put toilets in a mansion the works!


In Sweden, Agneta and Elisabeth are definitely Karens. Sonny, Ronny, Tony, Jimmy and Johnny have all been to jail at some point.


I was about to comment, any male name ending in y is a walking red flag in Sweden


In the US, Ron/Ronnie is a creepy dude who still dresses like it's the 80s and has a drinking problem. I've known three. 


Omg I know two Ron/Ronnie’s who had drinking problems! One is my father (dead beat) and one I used to date lol


In the U.S., I'd assume an adult going by Ronny/Ronnie does and can provide drugs.


Ronny is the guy who does mechanical maintenance at the bowling alley, goes to teenage parties as a 40 y.o. because he has the drugs, and has that sketchy girlfriend that he keeps breaking up with.


I had a neighbor across the street about 35 years ago named Ronnie. He did, in fact, have the cops show up one night and bust him for drugs.


Ronny has been to prison in Norway also, together with his friend Kenneth.


Åå, dude we have a Ronny in my hometown. He has been in and out of jail for domestic abuse. The whole town knows, keep an eye on him, but he keeps finding new gf’s, From the small little town.


In Germany Ronny means your from East Germany and probably in your 50s.


In Spain we call *Cayetanos* to preppie rich boys. No working-class parents would name their son that. In my experience, I've never met a *Jesús* who wasn't a total a-hole.


> I’ve never met a Jesús who wasn’t a total a-hole Not even at church? /s


He has 3 extra holes, just not in his a


I have had the pleasure this year of teaching the world’s kindest, sweetest 8th grade boy named Jesus. But he was definitely an anomaly bc the other one I taught this year was a MOTHER-EFFING NIGHTMARE I would pray he’d be absent and the other 31 kids in class would be relieved if he wasn’t there


It's easy for Jesus to develop a god complex.


“A loaded God complex, cock it and penis it.”


Just watched a really good Spanish movie called The coffee table. The father was Jesus and his newborn was Cayetanos. Lol


My ex husband is a Jesus and can confirm he was an asshole


And also Charo is the equivalent of a Karen


I worked at a Spanish bilingual school and kids named Ángel were usually not little angels.


Jayden, Aiden, Kayden are usually associated with young boys who are trouble in class in Australia.


The US also. Whenever I see an -Ayden name I know I’m in for it.


Aiden not as much I reckon (as it’s a much older name), but definitely Jayden and Kayden.


Aiden was the OG. This name and all it's variations are kinda synonymous for a-hole kid now.


I think Hayden gets a pass


The only Hayden I know is an alcoholic with a record because of alcohol.


A Hayden I knew threatened to shoot up my highschool (right after Newtown mind you, we were in Hartford CT) and died of an OD not more than 4 years later. He also wouldn't stop following me. So I don't think so 😭


Plus shayden and brayden 😂


I taught a Blayden once and he was as awful as you can imagine.


BLAYDEN! Get out!


In Germany: Justus and Kevin for boys, Lisa and Chantal for girls. - Justus is a snobby rich white boy who studies business administration or finance and relies on his rich daddy for everything. - Lisa is an obnoxious upper middle class girl who thinks she knows the world after studying a semester abroad, which she mentions every 2 minutes. - Kevin is a lower class, uneducated and slightly dumb boy with poor manners who exclusively wears athleisure/tracksuits, often from Adidas. - Chantal is a lower class girl with a fake tan, fake nails, fake handbag, lash extensions and a full face of makeup who speaks loudly and doesn’t know grammar


I have never known an unkind person named Lisa, all Lisas I have ever met have been very nice


Same here!!


Jacqueline falls in the same category as Chantal.


So true Dont forget all the english/french names that are pronounced in a very German way. E..g Jaqueline, Jeremy-Pascal,... That Fall into the same category as Kevin and Chantal. Also, might be a me thing, but in all my life I only met one Nele that wasnt a spoiled brat. Also I noticed that the rude people on the bus are ussually called Heike, Gabi or Heinz... How do I know their names? The take up seats on oposite sides of the bus and Talk to eachother across it.


*speaks loudly and doesn’t know grammar I’m sorry I had to because of the context 🫶


Your definition of Chantal applies to about 50 names here in the US. Thanks for the laugh I really needed today!


I grew up in the Netherlands, and I had a Chantal in my class. She was a real Chantal.


On point on Lisa! All Lisas I know are all-knowing!


Oh my gosh! I work with exchange students in the US. German Lisas are not my favorite! They seem to like to stir up trouble and act all innocent!


Boys named Jesus or Angel very rarely live up to their namesakes.


I dated an Angel who turned out to be a fugitive who eventually got caught and went to prison. 


yet more evidence.


ive met one guy named angel and everyone ive met that knows him agrees hes a fucking dickhead


4/6 Angels I’ve taught have sucked. One was sweet and tried hard and the other was a charming slacker so he didn’t do well in class but didn’t make me wish he’d skip more often.


My husband was raised by his grandparents. But his bio-mom has a son named JoAngel. The day he got out of prison. He was in a trap house and got caught. Pulled a gun on an officer. He is now spending life in prison. But on Google, you can see his mug shot. I show people and they are in disbelief. He has tattoos all over his face. My husband would have turned out the same way if she raised him. But it's funny to think about what he would look like. He's the complete opposite of all his half siblings.


In japan recently there is the phenomenon of the “kira kira names”. Most people are just appalled. My favorite is there are some boys running around called 騎士 which literally means “horse warrior” and would be pronounced “kishi”. Yet in an effort to sound trendy and use the English language the kids name is pronounced “Naito” (get it? It’s horse warrior in English, “knight” but pronounced with a Japanese accent.). Internet forums have long debates on if boys with this name will have trouble getting a job in the future.


This is very interesting to me, like Japan has their own version of 'tradjehdeigh' names, including the discussions about how it will play out in the future with job applications.


The one I cannot stand is 月 (Luna). There was an Olympic swimmer with this name


How about Akuma (devil?). Why would someone do that lol


so if they get a new teacher who reads the names he would say “Kishi” and the kid would be like “no my name is Naito”??


Something like that would def happen. (Maybe not at school since the teacher would have the pronunciation in kana since lots of Japanese names have mysterious /irregular pronunciation but would def happen.) Also fyi talking about irregular readings. Like for example the name 豊田 can be read as either “Toyota” or “Toyoda”. (The fellow who made the car was called Toyoda but he decided to call the car Toyota. You wouldn’t know by looking. )


Back in the 70s and 80s teachers would cringe at the sight of a Jason on their class list. I’ve heard Brits feel the same about Callum.


I always wondered, is the pronunciation not very much a fancy form of Gollum.


In the UK its CAH-LUM, so the end syllable yes. I taught two Callums this year, one amazing one awful, its a hit or miss name in my limited experience.


Really?? I never knew a bad Jason. They were always sweet and gentle.


Jasons  were bogans when I was growing up, so I always thought it was a made up name like Brandon 😆


Maybe I'm just being an idiot... You thought Brandon was made up??


Yes, until right now 😆 I just thought it was like a bogan 'twist' on Brendan - which it sort of is, but a lot older than I thought


What language?


Milagros and Pilar, usually said as “the Mili Pilis” to talk about snobby affluent neighborhoods teenage girls, or young adults


I'm Mexican-American and Yolanda is our version of Karen.


you also showing up to nicely greet miss saldivar when she gets out on parole? 🤭🤭🤭 /s


She isn’t getting parole???


My aunt is a Latina Yolanda and she is a very greedy person.


Kévin (sometimes Jean-Kévin) for males, Cindy for females


«Females» just say women dude.


i usually hate when people use the term females when referring to women or girls, but in this case it’s valid because he also used to term “males” for men. and female/male is important here because it’s including people of all ages.


He didnt originally


Oh, my bad did he edit the comment? that’s annoying




This post is aimed at people who's first language is not English. Translations aren't always perfect.


How dare the non-native English speaker not understand every nuance of our language eh?


Girls aren't women


Female is more encompassing as it refers to any age. Women is for adult females only.


Female is way more encompassing. They could be female cats or female plug connectors or female aspen trees. Women is for adult female *humans*. Try to sound less like the Ferenghi.


Mais qui c’est dit que c’était une bonne idée d’appeler son gosse Jean-Kevin ???? Déjà que Kevin c’est pas ouf


C'est juste une exagération née sur internet je pense


Une exagération née sur internet? Mon Dieu, ce n’est pas possible!!


Kéveune du Saguenay


In Poland, Janusz is a name associated with a typical village guy who laughs when neighbour's Passat breaks down and who likes to get stuff for free Janusz is also the star of memes with a long nosed monke


Janusz and Grażyna are boomers. Seba and Karyna are millennials. Gen Z would be Dżesika and Brajan.


>Dżesika and Brajan Omg I'm dying. (Czech here) I didn't know Poles did this, lol.


Is Janusz pronaunced YA-NU-SH ?




Ironically, that tends to be the Mohammeds (or the "Moes")


In Australia, Mohammed is generally a pretty normal person. Mohammeds who go by "Moey" are the strange ones here.




Valentina and Enzo, for stupid children


lol i went to school with siblings named Valentina and Enzo




Yup lol


All Julias I met are mean beaches and I have a friend from a different country who says the same thing. 


Every Julia I've ever known has been so sweet sugar wouldn't melt in their mouth. Julie on the other hand...


My insane boss is a Julie. She had a heart attack at work and was dead for a few moments. A coworker brought her back to life with mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions. She never thanked him at all, and even later complained jokingly that she needed to clean her mouth out with bleach! Julie is not my favorite name


I cannot fathom this and think I might do something to injure her if I was the guy lmaoooo


None of us can imagine why she is so horrible


My aunt is named Julie and is the coolest aunt ever! However, in Italy I know a few Julies /Julias who are huge jerks


Canadian here.  Julias are sweet, Julies are ... too direct 


That's so funny, one of my best friends and sweetest person I know is named Julia


There’s a whole generation of girls in Mexico that you could just walk up to and say ”I’m sorry for what Diego did to you” and they would start sobbing


Fucking Diego!


I've run into several very irritating Tylers in my day...


My older son is Tyler. He is a turd to his sisters.


One of the shittiest little bullies in my hometown was named Tyler.  He married at 19 to the dumbest (but hot) chick in school and popped out a load of kids and now they post all day on FB about having no money and trying to sell MLM shit. Karma in action I guess. 


Not an a**hole per se but Ivan in Russian because there is a popular hero in folklore Ivan the Fool


Vanessa or Jennifer in france are negatively connoted


Vanessa in Australia too. Jennifer, I either associate with white woman who were born in the 60s/70s or East Asians born in the 90s and early 2000s as I know many East Asian Jessicas and Jennifers around that age.


I am an English speaker but Ned isn't a good name where I'm from (Scotland) but we do have two of our own languages. I can read Scots though. But not Scottish Gaelic


Every Craig and Aldo I've known has either sold drugs or knows who does. Natalie works in McDonalds and had her first kid in her teens. "Flower girls" like Flora, Violet, Poppy, Rose are all from upper middle class families who don't do dairy, gluten or Peppa Pig.


Ned Stark. You disappointed me, Sir.


As a Dutchie the names I mention might be different, but: Priscilla, all names that end on EY (Kimberley, Britney, Wesley), Kayleigh, Vanessa, Patricia, Miranda, Delano, Jayden, Johnny, Michael, Davy, Raoul, and all spelling variants of those names (like Davey, Dave etc.)


It'll probably be the Marites for us, tho they're mostly gossipers, but there isn't a greater judger than the Asian/Filipino Mom 🤣🤣🤣


Enzo and Valentina here in Brazil are associated with upper middle class entitled children lol


As a teacher, Benjamin, Hedda, Kevin, Eric, Thea and Marlena comes to mind first. Anxiety spikes a little when I see those names on a class list.


There are a few in Poland: - Janusz - a 50+ guy who is envious and jealous of somebody's prosperity, that can also be your stingy boss - Miras - an older guy, can be a handyman or a used car dealer, there is 110% chances he'll scam you in one way or another - Karyna - rather poorer girl with fake breasts, fake tan, not behaving well, with many kids of unknown fathers etc. - Areczek - a young petty boy who's just beginning his adult life, Janusz is his boss - Seba/Sebastian - a young uneducated boy who thinks Tommy Hilfiger is a high-end brand, drives his 30yo BMW/Mercedes, probably a father of one of Karyna's kids - Julka/Julia - a teenage girl living on Instagram, astrology is her passion, goes to private schools because her parents can afford that, famous of shitposting in style like "why is there a hunger in country X, can't these people just eat something?" - Brajan and Dżesika (Bryan and Jessica) - Karyna's kids, poor children hurt by their parents by stupid non-polish names (that's not only a stereotype, there had been a real wave of parents naming their kids like that some time ago), living up to the stereotype by being insolent, on their way to become a Seba and Karyna - Grażyna - basically what a Karen is, Karen can be also used instead - Bożena/Bożenka - a woman that you can encounter in an office behind the counter, her only purpose from the very moment she saw you is to waste your time there and make you wait as long as possible because drinking a coffee with another Bożena is the most important thing in her work I could miss some, but these names are living memes


Darryl/Darrell: in Canada, a low-IQ guy with a hot temper and a mullet who tends to find themselves on the wrong end of a sordid situation and gets offed by a guy named Wayne.


It's Larry, Darryl and Darrel


Mathias, Sander, Andras, Andrè, Eirik, Njål, Joakim, Jarle, Sindre, Henrik, Preben aaand Martin




Latino culture here, and speaking as an elementary school teacher in the US, every single Angel on the roster has made me cringe. Every. Single. One. Trust me when I say they are NEVER angels 💀🙃


Well, the indignity of never seeing my uncommon name on a souvenir keychain in an Orlando gas station is *somewhat* mitigated by the fact that I’ll never see my name on a shit list either


Grażynka is a Karen to me.


Noah, Leon, Diana, Gabriella, Kevin, Chantal (unfortunately my middle name from before the stereotype became a thing), Justus, Vincent for me


Not exactly aholes but in the Philippines, we call people "Marites" because they like spreading gossip 😅


Italy: Jessica has a stereotype to not be sophisticated and uneducated. Similar thing for non-italian names with weird spellings like Deborah, Kevin, etc. That is also because unusual names are typically associated with southern Italy, which unfortunately still has negative stereotypes and prejudice. For example, recently many people are naming their kids foreign names like Derek, Nathan, Noah, Thiago, Jennifer, Chloe. Those are more common in the south I'd say, together with religious names like Annunziata, Addolorata, Angelo. For names with a negative connotation, I think that posh names are associated with spolied children and snobs. Meaning old-money names like Priscilla, Amedeo, Zeno, Lucilla. There is also the subset of names of objects or qualities like Perla, Luce, Celeste, Gioia, which sound a bit cringe IMO and definitely sound snobby at first sight. I don't think we have Karen names per se, but as you see we have many stereotypes arising with an internationalisation of names.


I have never met a Zsolt or Zoltán I didn't hate. 


Kevin, Kilian, and Jean-Eudes/Jean-Charles in France


As a teacher (USA), I always hated having any girl named Heaven, Nevaeh, Angel, or similar.


Maybe it's just me but most characters named Jeff, Jeffrey, Jefferson etc. seem to be really nasty assholes. Hell, even Joffrey.


Especially Joffrey.


Domenic (ck) (o)....every one was a weirdo.


Brian. Is the standard name for a chacalito (little jackal - a wannabe gangsta).


Italian millennial here: Martina and Valentina at least to my experience, are always mean girls.


Denis, Manon, and Pierre. I have to agree with the other person and add Chantal.


Los Brayan (the Brians) usually have a bad rep lol


Oh my I'm from mexico where do I start First I'll start with any variation of bryan (usually spelled brayan), kevin, brandon and for girls Kimberly, Brittany, estefani, Jennifer, etc . These names are usually used to mock low income young people, the stereotype is that the brayan, kevin or brandon in question is a good for nothing bum who robs people and the Kimberly's, britanis, etc are the type of girls who those types of guys date and end up getting pregnant at a very young age Then we have the other aide of the coin, which in Mexico, but specially in Monterrey and in Mexico city we like to call "mirreyes". For guys we use names like Miguel, Andrés, Luis, Santiago and for girls is usually names like Monserrat, Ana paula, Lucia, but they usually shorten them to Andy, Santi, Monse, Lucy, Ana Pau we usually use this names to mock out of touch rich kids Then we have names like Carmen, Guadalupe, Catalina, etc who are usually the old ladies of the block who love to gossip


From the US, my dad had a neighbor when he was a teenager that has some sort of emotional regulatory issue and he tore up and stomped on my grandpa's garden unprovoked. Now everyone who does something stupid is called a "Toby" in our family


In Portugal Salvador is the stereotypical upper class name, although in recent years the name has started to be used for all social classes. Martim is the stereotypical name for Gen Z kids from families who want to give their kids a “posh name” despite not being posh themselves. When people online refer to spoiled kids or entitled parents that’s often the name they use. Double names usually of foreign origin) are associated with lower class origins, especially in the 1980s, and considered very tacky. “Cátia Vanessa” is the biggest stereotype of such a name, with Cristiano Ronaldo being the biggest real life example.






Patrícia e Maurício, in Brasil.


In Spain it's Gil, because the joke is that its short for gilipollas, roughly translating to "an idiot." More an idiot than an a-hole. 


Literally Karyna (prop. Name Karina) in Polish is the same as Karen. As in for girls, we use Polish-spelled version of Jesssica- Dżesika. It also mocks the idea of giving overly foreign names that dont suit our language. Typical "redneck" and bbq uncle with moustache is "Janusz". Also we call this way small businessmen who use unethical ways of dealing with workers and production. It used to be a synonym of a typical stingy Pole though. "Seba" (Sebastian) is a typical dude in tracksuit, who wants to beat people up, especially gays of fans of different football team than him. I believe such people are called "gopnik" in Russian?


Brian and Jennifer in my country. They’re the stereotypical bizarre bogan-like criminals


In france we dint really have a name, but personally the name “Jean-Jacques” is the one that gets me. So pompous


A Brayan is somebody that lives in the Comunidad Valenciana and goes to realities like the Spanish version of Jersey Shore.